When poverty-stricken Korean-Japanese (Zainichi) discover there is valuable iron ore in the rubble of a destroyed shantytown they plan to haul it out for profit. Amidst this plan there is discrimination, war and an infatuation between a man and a woman, but like everything around them there and owing to the forces around them, there is as much chance that these may burn to ashes and be destroyed or be the beginning of something new.
Moribe family matriarch
В последней части трилогии о черепахе-мутанте Гамере школьница Яана находит в пещере гигантское яйцо, в котором по легенде скрываются демоны. Из яйца вылупляется маленький монстрик, девочка решает его приручить.
Candy Seller
It has been two years since unsuccessful cartoonist Tsube started to live with Kuniko casually in a small apartment.
Masako Ido
Based on the comic by Tatsu Kariya.
Featuring journalist Shiro Yamaoka who works for Touzai Shimbun. He is a cynical food critic who is tasked by the newspaper's owner, along with the young Yuko Kurita, to provide recipes for the "ultimate menu".
Approached by a friend about a matchmaking arrangement, Su-san goes to Hama-chan's home seeking help. Hama-chan is away on a business trip, but Michiko entertains Su-san late into the night. When he gets drunk and ends up spending the night, Hama-chan, begins to question his boss's relationship with Michiko.
Old Fireball / Oroku (voice)
Современная Япония, западные окраины Токио. Люди застраивают леса и холмы, которые раньше принадлежали тануки — енотовидным собакам. Тануки начинают героическую, но обреченную войну за выживание. Для этого они возрождают древнее искусство превращения. С его помощью они могут превращаться даже в людей…
The son of a besieged Shogun in war-torn 17th century Japan travels to Spain to buy weaponry from the king.
Gen Nomura
Hunting master Ginzo kills a man-eating bear. When he finds out the bear had a cub, Ginzo decides to raise the cub, but the bear later becomes a troublemaker.
Действие происходит в XIX столетии в японской деревушке, пораженной голодом. Чтобы не умирать голодной смертью, жители ввели ритуал умерщвления бесполезных членов сообщества: новорожденных мальчиков просто убивали, а пожилых людей их собственные дети относили на вершину горы Нараяма и оставляли умирать. Орин - женщина 69 лет должна умереть. Ее сын не хочет выполнить ритуал, но того требует мать, верная традиции. Найдя жен своим детям, она начинает последний подъем на вершину, привязанной к спине сына.
Yasu's mother
Главный герой фильма актёр второго плана Ясу. Он снимается вместе со своим другом Гинсиро, очень известным и популярным актёром.
Однажды Гинсиро приходит к Ясу домой вместе с актрисой Конацу, которая беременна от Гинсиро, и, чтобы избежать скандала, они просят Ясу жениться на Конацу и стать отцом её ребёнка. Конацу тяжело переносит беременность, и её каждый день навещает Ясу. В это время, чтобы заработать больше денег, он соглашается на опасную роль с трюками. Когда Конацу выходит из больницы, она начинает открывать для себя настоящего Ясу и решает выйти за него замуж. Как-то раз появляется Гинсиро и жалуется на то, что у него наступила чёрная полоса в жизни и Ясу, чтобы поддержать друга соглашается, снятся в одном с ним фильме со сложным трюком. В день съёмок между друзьями происходит неожиданная ссора. Конацу очень переживает за Ясу, и в момент трюка она теряет сознание, но когда приходит в себя, она видит Ясу обнимающего их дочку.
A 19-year-old newspaper delivery boy begins collecting information on the households in his neighborhood and keeping a journal of why he doesn't like them. Declaring himself a 'right-winger' and calling in bomb threats against the neighbors he doesn't like, the 19-year-old begins a war of psychological terror against the families in his neighborhood.
Hisano Asano
Семьдесят восемь дней смертельного веселья безжалостного человека — история о воре, убийце, мошеннике и сердцееде Ивао Энокидзу.
Taro Kuroki, 42, is a stuntman with a samurai's heart. He loves adventures, plays pranks with the police, tries to cure a cat lady by reversing her trauma, and finally, rescues his niece who is about to be lured into prostitution.
The final chapter of the Hibotan Bakuto series. Oryu the Red Peony visits an old dying Boss of an ally family and promised her that she would help guide the new Boss. Meanwhile a turf war breaks out. When the family is betrayed from within and the rival family becomes violent, Oryu takes things into her own hands…
Interesting fights between the "Capone Group" and "Jumbo Group".
Kagura no Taka
In a strange outfit and full of youthful energy, the explosive Boss Kumatora raises hell like there's no tomorrow. The first movie of a new series starring Wakayama Tomisaburo as everybody's favorite character Boss Kumatora from the Red Peony Gambler series. Having made a fortune in the Russo-Japanese War, the Kumatora Family migrates to Kyushu to take on a military-related job. There they encounter the evil and malicious interference of the Chindai family of Kumamoto, and Boss Kumatora boldly fights back with the help of O'Ryu the Red Peony. A super entertaining film with non-stop comedy and action directed by Suzuki Norifumi.
Minako Shimamura
Shimamura & Mineko return to Kamagasaki in Osaka. In their return Shimamura quickly finds himself defending a lady in distress. During the skirmish he bumps into his old buddies who turns him on to the "new" goings on in town, Shimamura is angered to discover a Chinese triad organization has overthrown their gang, a situation they must reverse. Now he and the old gang finds themselves putting their lives on the line defending the honor of the "Yakuza Way", the locals of Osaka, even Japan!!
An uptight young man comes to suspect that his factory worker girlfriend has a secret involving his boorish older brother.
Sumi Muraoka
Sumi Muraoka, nicknamed "Sumi Banten", due to the fact that her back is decorated with a tattoo of the goddess Banten, the woman who heads the Banten Yakuza family. She comes into confrontation with a powerful of Yakuza group Mutsumi-kai, seeking to capture all power in their hands.
A tale of wannabe yakuza youths. When not cooking up scams with his buddies, Zenkichi develops a crush on Taro's disgusted sister, Miki. But soon the young hoods run afoul of their underworld idols when they rob the wrong gang, led by brutal boss Konno. When Zenkichi's pals start to bite the dust, he hooks up with a more traditional yakuza, Tetsugoro, to retaliate.
The industrual revolution comes to Japan with the introduction of the railroad system. This led to clashes between boatmen, who livihoods are threatened, and the railroad construction workers. Oryu the Red Peony returns to her home in Kumamoto to accept her position as second generation leader of the Yano Family. But the ceremony is interrupted by fighting between local boatmen and railroad works. And it seems a rival family is pulling the strings behind the clashes.
An Osaka gangster Shimamura just got married. His new bride, Mineko is also involved in drug trafficking. When she goes to China to make a deal, things get botched pretty badly. Shimamura must travel to save her and recoup his employers’ losses.
The third chapter of the ‘Red Peony Gambler’ saga depicts the happiness and sadness of Red Peony Oryu’s life as she seals her femininity with a red peony tattoo and lives in world of chivalry and honor of the yakuza. This story takes place in the middle of the Meiji era in Nagoya. Oryu is wandering the country, training herself to reinstate her family name. With a written recommendation from Kumatora, she appears at the door of the Nishinomaru family. At the same time, the family is preparing for the gambling competition at the Netsuda Shrine Festival, which they have been hosting for generations. Meanwhile, the crooked Kinbara family is plotting to take over the competition. And now Oryu is forced to get involved in the struggle…
Forth film in the Gokudo series with Tomisaburô Wakayama
Это история Рюко Сэндзо, которая с ранних лет, после смерти матери, воспитывалась отцом, игроком по имени Сэндзо Яно в Кумамото. В год, когда Рюко исполнилось 18 лет, её отец был убит и ограблен. Убийца так и не был найден, но на месте преступления был обнаружен кошелёк, который он случайно обронил во время нападения. Одержимая местью, Рюко покидает свой клан и отправляется в странствие по стране в надежде отыскать убийцу отца. Проходят годы. Рюко становится известной под именем игрок Орю и за татуировку цветка на плече, получает прозвище «Красный Пион». Странствия приводят её в Осаку...
Second film of the Gokudo series starring Tomisaburô Wakayama
Shimamura is a violent street thug who joins the yakuza & is merciless & unscrupulous on his rise, lacking any sense of either duty or chivalry. When imprisoned, he is repeatedly transferred from one prison to another, because no one can handle him.
It had been a year and four months since Mitsuo was last on a movie set. Welcomed back by director Ishizaki and his film crew, Mitsuo is excited to star as the lead in "My Sweetheart". One day, half way through production, he meets his friends from a popular rock group, "The Spiders". Through their discussion regarding the climax scene, they criticize that the script is too grim. In a notion to protect their friend's career, they decide to pay the scriptwriter a little visit.
Fierce war breaks out when Shujiro’s rival clan attempts to sabotage his lucrative construction business.
The son of a prominent member of a fishing community returns home after a stint with the yakuza to find his father has died under orders of a local gang leader. He sets out to avenge his father, keeping his plans secret from his mother who is cold to him since his perceived abandonment of the family. This wonderful, if little-seen, Fulasaku gem deals with family, community and what it means to do right by both.
Second movie in the yoidore hakase serie
Tokijiro has the unfortunate duty according to the code of the gamblers to join in the fighting when afforded a night’s stay and meals at the home of a town boss. Though he dislikes killing, the strength of his swordsmanship will be tested time and time again in the bloody tale.
Life of a bachelor gynecologist in a hospital for women.
Гоити Аикава — лучший ученик в классе. Он отдаёт всего себя учёбе, но обнищавшая самурайская семья не может обеспечить парню хорошее образование. И Гоити вынужден пойти учеником в магазин текстильных товаров.
На обрывистых северных берегах провинции Этиго возле станции Оясирадзу в деревне живет Томэкити с женой Осин. Летом они трудятся в поле, а зимой Томэкити отправляется в Киото, чтобы подработать на винокурне. С ним вместе работает односельчанин Гонскэ. В декабре Гонскэ получает телеграмму о том, что его мать при смерти. Он отправляется в деревню и это событие разрушает жизнь всех троих.
Tomi Kubo
On a small island, inhabited by only fourteen hundred people, a young fisherman's son, Shinji falls in love with Hatsue, the daughter of the richest and most difficult man on the island. Despite their differences in class, they begin to meet and rumors spread of them having an illicit affair. Soon after, Shinji jumps into a stormy sea to help a ship in distress. The vessel turns out to be owned by Hatsue's arrogant father, who now becomes an understanding and sympathetic parent and allows the two lovers to marry.
Japanese comedy film.
A Tokyo student transfers to a rural school and finds it difficult to adjust himself to its customs and traditions. One of the customs is the wearing of an old school cap by a senior. It is a symbol of courage and bravery and is handed down to a new senior each year.
A princess seeks adventure and true love, with help from her loyal servant.
Ryujin Misaki, located at the edge of the Genkai Sea, is known as an isolation ward for leprosy patients. When Saotome, a sword master and guard of the Shogun, hears news of a doctor gone missing, he begins to suspect that things are not what they seem at Ryujin Misaki. Intent on discovering the truth, Saotome launches a private investigation.
Tetsunosuke, an eccentric doctor and an owner of a fencing school, takes aim against corrupt authorities.
Kimie, a traveling guitarist, performs at various inns at help out her sickly mother. One night while out with her mother, Otoshi, Kimie unexpectedly sees her father, who had abandoned the family 20 years ago. Her hopes for a happy reunion are quickly dashed as her father, having married into a wealthy family, wants nothing to do with her. Will Kimie be able to regain her father’s love?
Трагическая история любви, продолжающаяся 17 лет, начинается в последние годы войны. Безнадежно больной Сюсаку Кавамото ищет пристанища в глухой деревушке. Его страдания трогают сердце юной Синко, она спасает его жизнь, но все больше привязывается к нему душой. Ей непонятно, почему избежавший смерти её возлюбленный мечтает о самоубийстве. Она готова бороться до конца, но жизнь готовит ей новые испытания.
As descendent of famed fishmonger Isshin Tasuke, young feisty Ishii Tasuke uses his talent to flourish his employer’s food business.
Ishihama is planning a casino robbery with his wife and mother-in-law. They meet a man named Tsuneda who is planning the same robbery and agree to work together.
Родители Кэйко и Саэко всю жизнь занимались тяжелым трудом, но так и не выбились из бедности. После войны в Японии наступили времена процветания и комфортной жизни. Никто теперь не хочет ютиться в лачугах и жить без холодильника и стиральной машины. Старшей сестре подошло время найти себе мужа. Кто им будет, простой симпатичный рабочий или состоятельный человек, который обеспечит её будущее и будущее её родителей?
Hanjiro is a struggling painter that shares a tiny apartment in the back streets of Ginza with his jazz pianist friend who works at a bar. When he and his sweet heart, Hisako decide to get married, Hanjiro is faced with a tough decision. Needing to buy a ticket back home to tell his mother the good news, he compromises his creative principles for love and sells his portrait of Hisako. Hisako heads to the station to see him off, but gets hit by a car...
A group of men living a low life in Edo help each other to make the best out of their lives.
1962 Japanese movie
Sugimoto Gonkuro is travelling along from Tosa to Edo. On his journey he will meet both good and bad people.
The story of two young men whose ambition is to become the personal bodyguards to the Shogun's uncle, Lord Mito Komon. Portrayed by a pair of up and coming stars, Sasaki Sukesaburo (Matsukata), the son of a widower and Atsumi Kakunoshin (Kitaoji), whose mother is a widow find themselves constantly in trouble and are forced to become two of the most powerful fighters in all Japan. The stories about Mito Komon and his travels througout Japan are many, but this is one that had yet to be told. The struggles of Suke-san and Kaku-san faced in order to join the Elder in his quest to fight against injustice and corruption during the samurai era.
A gang of bank robbers plan a big robbery, but they all plot to betray each other after the heist for different reasons.
A promising dancer asks her professor to write a libretto for a Nō play. He then introduces her to a student of classical literature, but also a classical theatre student in the hope that the latter will marry Senya..
Japanese comedy film.
A family is brutally murdered in their own home and the official government's sake dealer is framed as a rebel by a corrupt member of the Shogun's Council of Elders. Young Lord decides to take on the Shogun's vile chief attendant.
Popular geisha Koharu suspects that Yusaku, a handsome stranger she falls in love with, is involved in a robbery of precious diamond.
Young geisha Kohana scrambles to realize her dream of bringing back her grandmother’s restaurant business.
An adaptation of the popular Sazae-San comic strip.
Kiyoko Takeda
Koharu, a young geisha, is in love with Kenichi, an apprentice carpenter to her father Masagoro. Their love life comes to a sudden halt after an argument between their two fathers. Can their love survive in spite of the bitterness between their two families?
The story tells of Tsuchiya, a university professor and a widower who is in love with a widow who runs a small restaurant, and his son is in love with a runaway girl who turns out to be the leader of a religious sect. Kusano is the henpecked proprietor of a rice biscuit shop who dreams of owning a bird and dog shop and his daughter is in love with a boarder, employed by the private detective agency searching for the runaway girl. The agency head has his own dream of arranging thirty marriages and has already accomplished twenty-seven. Tatsumi is a newspaper reporter who dreams of a big scoop to enable him to marry a girl TV producer and his friend a mountain climbing enthusiast who dreams of joining a Himalayan expedition but is opposed by his wife. His love of the mountains is shared by a boarder in their home and by a fishmonger's son.
Takuya's mother
Город Аидзувакамацу был последним оплотом сословия самураев перед революцией Мэйдзи. Местные жители чтут подвиг 19 мальчишек, которые покончили с собой, узнав о падении замка сюзерена. Послевоенное поколение мальчишек живёт совсем другой жизнью. Через несколько лет после окончания школы парни встречаются вновь. Но теперь ими управляют нищета, политические идеи, нелепые традиции, жажда наживы и безжалостная любовь.
Japanese family drama.
Yasu Shima
Горо Ёда закончил университет и знает про всё на свете. К тому же, он такой добрый, что не может отказать никому, если к нему обращаются с просьбой. Правда, он пока не женился, но все женщины от него без ума. Такому человеку непременно должна улыбнуться удача.
The Undefeated Woman
An adaptation of the popular Sazae-San comic strip. The first entry in the series shot in TohoScope.
Live-action adaptation of Yoshiro Kato’s manga.
Otaki the Candy-Seller
Экранизация пьесы М. Горького. Действие из царской России перенесено в Эдо — старый Токио эпохи позднего феодализма. На первый план поставлена любовная драма Пепла.
Действие происходит в небольшой деревушке вблизи Токио в середине XX века. До сих пор живут в маленькой общине нерушимые законы и обычаи, установленные в давние времена и передаваемые из поколения в поколение. Невыполнение этих обычаев строго наказуется. Всё решает в общине староста и два—три близких ему богача. Бедный крестьянин Тэцудзи нарушил обычай, решив пожаловаться в полицию на произвол старосты. За это от него отвернулись все, и даже, когда умерла дочь, никто не пришёл на её похороны. Одинокий, всеми покинутый Тэцудзи всё же верит — люди поймут, что он прав, и придут к нему.
Kayo Izumi
Melodrama about a young factory girl who "chooses riches over chastity".
After killing the deceiver, the Masa gambler comes to Ina. There is a horse market in Ina, and the landowner Tamegoro, plans to steal the proceeds from the sale. Tamegoro steals money and blames the Masa for this crime. Masa has to go on the run, because now he is wanted for a crime that he did not commit...
По мотивам китайского сказания «Легенда о Белой Змее» (Pai-she Chuan) и романа Фусао Хаяси «Заклятие Белой Госпожи». В эпоху Сун в Ханчжоу бедный Сюй-сянь встречает прекрасную и знатную Бай-нян. Их союз кажется невозможным, но Бай-нян готова разрушить все преграды на пути к своей любви.
Katsuko, Hiroko's Aunt
A young girl moves to Tokyo and endures the rivalries between other high school girls of varying cultural and economic backgrounds.
Miyo (Mother)
Japanese film.
Japanese film.
Rikitaro and Osayo are popular entertainers who throw knives. They are sweethearts. At one day They help Ocho, who is a beautiful pickpocket when she is attacked by Ronin. in Asakusa, However, they come to be surrounded by doubtful Ronin after that. Moreover, Rikitaro is called to stop by Kajima of Edo-Karo of Nihonmatsu-Han. He calls him a young lord and treats Rikitaro as one, because his young lord, Tetsunojo is missing. Kuni-Garo makes a plan to carry out. Kikumaru, the younger brother of the mother difference in him instead of Tetsunojo, Since Rikitaro is just like Tetsunojo, then, they are convinced that it is Tetsunojo of Rikitaro. Rikitaro and Osayo decide to help Kajima and Tetsunojo. Finally they success to crush Kikumarsu's group.
Mrs. Yamada
Adaptation of the novel by Bunroku Shishi.
Based on the original work of Akutagawa Prize-winning writer Ashihei Hino, the film depicts the love of the proud geisha Nobukichi Hakata in the early Taisho era.
Keita, after his death, was taken to the court of heaven as Defendant No. 1361, where his past was projected. He was formerly a favorite of the Meriken Circus troupe, yet he sinned by exposing a certain woman. During the screening, he realizes what he has done, and fate gives him a chance to redeem his sins.
В 1928 году в сельской школе на острове Сёдо начинает работу учительница Хисако Оиси. Ее подопечные — двенадцать ребятишек из начального класса. Хисако проводит уроки на природе, вместо шаблонных гимнов разучивает с детьми народные песни. Из-за шалости одного из ребят она получает травму, и ее переводят в другую школу. Но именно там она вновь встретится со своими повзрослевшими учениками, которых — вопреки нагнетанию военного кризиса — будет учить здравому смыслу, состраданию, надежде.
A tanuki-themed musical.
The story of a ghostly thief in Edo who calls himself the fireball guy.
Kingoro Yanagiya's 100th film.
Toda no Tsubone
A comedic retelling of the legend of the loyal 47 ronin.
Based on the comic by Machiko Hasegawa
Following the Second World War, the lives of various people in a poverty-stricken area of Tokyo are entertwined. Pachinko parlor girls, shoeshine boys, a maker of costume jewelry, and a streetcorner artist all struggle to make their livings and to find happiness in difficult surroundings.
Buntaro, the president of a food trading company got tired of the day-to-day routine of life. The new secretary, Nobuko, suggested her "shacho-san" (the president) run away from the job. Nobuko took Buntaro to her home and introduced him to her own family as friend, "Sachio-san"...
Japanese comedy film.
Japanese comedy film.
A bar girl tries to pass her three children, each from a different father, to rural relatives.
Melodrama by Kiyoshi Saeki
Margaret Nakata
Сугимото пытается вести праздный образ жизни, хотя в послевоенной Японии устранили все привилегии знатных семей, и фамильный герб больше никого не защищает. Поэтому жители в глаза называют этого пьяницу именем Сёсукэ Охара.
Japanese comedy film.
На землях замка Набэсима происходят странные вещи: люди напуганы криками страшной кошки, неизвестно откуда появляется доска для игры в го, которая становится причной раздоров и ссор, люди бесследно исчезают. Кто во всем этом повинен, призраки из иного мира или реальные злоумышленники, которые специально сеют панику и раздор?
In a village subsisting on it herring fishery, a one-eyed criminal named Jakoman terrorizes the inhabitants. One of them, the son of the head of one of the fish companies by the name of Tetsu, decides to overthrow Jakoman and his cohorts.
Female President Ms. Komura
Near the end of the Taisho era (1912-1926), Enokichi, a popular figure in the world of boxing entangled in the Yakuza business.
A film dealing with the comings and goings of individuals in the immediate postwar period.
Postwar! Baseball! Comedy! Enoken plays a superfan of the Yomiuri Giants – the real Tokyo team, with many of its star players "acting" as themselves – who, despite his utter lack of athletic abilities, becomes embroiled in their successes, and their personal lives. Will Enoken help the Giants take the pennant?
This film focuses on Koreans living in Japan. The filmmaker’s humanism comes across in the portrayal of a girl living in a shabby tenement, the warmth of a Korean girl she meets, and the friendliness of this Korean girl’s family.
Jurobei, a kaisen tonya (wholesaler in port) in Awa, was wronged and killed on the day of the Dance Festival by the evil merchant & the chamberlin. His brother (Kazuo Hasegawa) vowed vengeance on the day of his brother's death. So every year the villains are worried during the Awa Dance Festival (which is part of the Obon festival), but nothing has ever happened, until seven years later...
Feature film.
This film depicts a troupe of wandering kabuki players traveling through rural Japan.
The only son of a sushi chef hates sushi and decides to leave home to search for a job and make his own way.
A Kajirô Yamamoto directed comedy starring Roppa Furukawa.
Song of the White Orchid was a co-production of Toho and Mantetsu, the railway that served the colonial region of Manchuria, and the first film in the Kazuo Hasegawa/Shirley Yamaguchi (Ri Koran) “Continental Trilogy.” Handsome Hasegawa (representing Japan) runs up against an impertinent Yamaguchi (representing the continent); not surprisingly, in the course of the film the woman comes around and realizes the benevolent intentions of the Japanese. In Song of the White Orchid Yamaguchi leaves Hasegawa, who plays an expatriate working for the railway, because of a misunderstanding. She joins a communist guerilla group plotting to blow up the Manchurian railway. Learning of the subterfuge that led to the misunderstanding, she renews her faith in Hasegawa—and by extension Japan—and tries to undermine the plot.
The Old Man of the Propeller can be seen as a comedic amalgam of “King Lear” and “Christmas Carol”. A neighborhood loan shark is hounded by his relatives expecting big inheritance. But he is not giving any favor to anyone. His only joy of life is to go on junk hunt in the neighborhood, collecting garbages and scraps and selling them to junkmen to make profit.
Japanese film based on the life of writer Ichiyo Higuchi (1872-1896).
My Daughter's Only Wish tells the story of a poorly paid and clumsy office clerk, played with much comedic talent by Atsushi Watanabe. His biggest problem: His daughter Hideko is too clever and is expected by her teachers to enter the school for higher girls after graduating from primary school. But how is our poor clerk supposed to pay the school fees? How does poor Hideko feel about the situation? How can they cope with the envious colleagues who have less brighter daughters? And - an important question for Hideko's mother - what will the neighbours think? What's the point about getting a good education for girls anyway?
The Mother
An episodic film about life in and around a rural police station and the people it serves.
This is the only surviving “Mito Komon Manyu-ki” film. This release also known as "Adrift Tour Memoir" or literally "Mito Komon's Pleasure Trip" is an 80-minute compilation of the first (東海道の巻 or "Tokaido no maki") and second (日本晴れの巻 or "Japan's Fine Weather Reel") parts (147 minutes), which were re-edited and screened at a time when presentable films were dried up immediately after the defeat of the war.
13-летняя Масако живет в бедном районе на окраине Токио. Её перспективы, как и у остальной семьи, не очень радужны. Однако учитель отмечает её способности и побуждает её продолжать учиться, чтобы иметь возможность пройти дополнительное обучение и повысить свои шансы в жизни. Семья Масако еле-еле находит средства на пропитание, мать даже от безысходности подумывает продать дочку в дом гейш, все эти невесёлые перспективы угрожают дальнейшему образованию девочки.
Последний фильм режиссера Итами был вдохновлен романом Виктора Гюго «Отверженные». События перенесены во времена юго-западной войны 1877 года в Японии, которая была последней гражданской войной в стране.
Part 2 of a 2-part romance (fist part - Kafuku zempen) based on a story by noted author Kikuchi Kan. In the second half, we discover that Toyomi is pregnant -- and while Shintaro and Yurie are on their extended honeymoon, she bears his child, a girl named Kiyoko. She is supported in adversity by Michiko -- and gets considerable moral support from not only her own mother but also from Shintaro's mother and siblings. Even more surprisingly, Yurie strikes up a friendship of sorts with her. When Yurie learns that the child is Shintaro's, she convinces Toyomi that it would be best to let Shintaro (and her) raise Kiyoko, so Toyomi can get on with making a proper life for herself. Tearfully, Toyomi agrees. Sometime later, Michiko goes to visit Toyomi -- and sees her at work, as a kindergarten teacher.
Hide-chan (Hideko Takamine) and her family are on a trip to Tokyo. While visiting a fairground, a pickpocket (Kamatari Furukawa) steals the father's wallet. While everyone is trying to hunt down the thief, Hide-chan decides to make the most of it and enjoy her stay, while the thief and his main pursuer (Akira Kishii) play hide-and-seek among the funfair's spectacles and freakshows
Story of a bandit king.
Hikoroku Laughs a lot
As suggested by the title, this film takes up the theme of the city, beginning with a series of traveling shots from Chiyo's point o view on a bus leaving the countryside and entering the metropolitan cityscape. After some fruitless job hunting in downtown Tokyo, Chiyo accepts a job as a bar hostess in Shiba ward. Well away from glamorous Asakusa and Ginza, this is a neighborhood bar where the women are dirt poor, each having only one kimono to their name....
1936 P.C.L. adaptation of Natsume's novel.
The first in a series of films featuring the comedy duo Entatsu-Achako, providing them with a background story to do their popular manzai-routines on film. Here, Entatsu and Achako start out as rivals for the affection of a young woman but ultimately pair up to face a bigger rival. Entatsu chooses to become a boxer to get his chance at punching the rival out of the way.
The main focus is on the 5 member band of a small circus as it runs into problems while touring rural Japan. It also pays lots of attention to the two daughters of the aging and irascible ringmaster-circus owner. The high points are the sound (and score) and cinematography featuring a lot of vertiginous panning (appropriate - as high wire trapeze artists are also an important element in the film). A fascinating side-light on 30s Japan.
Экранизация комиксов Ютаки Асоу. Комедия о злоключениях среднестатистического обычного японца Тадано, об испытаниях на его жизненном пути.