Barbara Lasater


It's in the Water
Lily Talbott
When hordes of gays and lesbians come out "of the closet" in the fictional town of Azalea Springs, Texas, intolerant residents go into a panic about the water supply.
Two Mothers for Zachary
Pat Kinchloe
A grandmother sues her daughter for custody of her grandson, because she believes that her daughter's homosexuality renders her unfit for motherhood.
Trial: The Price of Passion
Cathy Lewis
Down-on-his-luck lawyer Warren Blackburn defends wealthy Texan Johnnie Faye Boudreau, who is accused of murdering her husband.
Yellow Rose Bartender
Двое секретных полицейских агентов заводят знакомства среди подпольного мира наркоторговцев, их задача: поймать с поличным крупного гангстера, которого давно ищет ФБР.