Kristyan Ferrer

Kristyan Ferrer

Рождение : 1995-02-14, Mexico City, Mexico


Kristyan Ferrer
Kristyan Ferrer


"Lluvia" showcases six stories and different characters as they navigate the streets of Mexico City, pursued by intermittent rain. Each one faces a strange, luminous, or absurd event that reveals who they are, if only for a moment.
A group of lottery employees plan the biggest fraud in Mexican history using a powerful weapon: the magic of television.
Iguana Like the Sun
In a humble coastal tropical compound, amidst a total eclipse of the sun, an unexpected guest arouses the broken dreams of a family that has lost its guardian figure, overshadowed by the cosmic loneliness where they were left to their faith.
Святым тут не место
Молчаливый наемный убийца по прозвищу Иезуит после выхода из тюрьмы жестоко мстит за смерть жены и похищение сына.
The Black Minutes
El Macetón
In the late 1970s, a group of young cops lead by ex-musician turned detective Vicente Rangel will face the darkest minutes of their lives while attempting to catch a serial killer of young girls in a corrupt oil town in the Gulf of Mexico.
Todo lo que fui(mos)
Sebastián, a shy young man, buys a bus ticket without knowing that once he is on board, he'll enter a different reality from everything he knows.
By the End of the Night
Javier and Andrés get involved in a crime; together they'll face the doubts that will take them into making a decision that will change their lives forever.
The bodies of two young men are found in a small town in Northern Mexico, along with a AR15 weapon, which as we will follow back in time will see where it came from, the USA.
A psychotic US marine becomes an agent of chaos in a village in southern Mexico during a social uprising. On his journey towards Death, he discovers the truth behind a local tragedy involving a mysterious pregnant girl, and decides to do something about it... but gets it all wrong.
The Future
A mother and her son look for the possibly dead body of a relative while everyone else seems more interested in a soccer tournament.
It's a cloudy day and two young men enter a photo booth. They're friends, co-workers at a construction site; both take advantage of a spare moment and the small space to smoke, talk and portray an extraordinary moment.
Guilt Free
Twenty-one-year-old Juan gets some terrible news from his doctor: he has aggressive lung cancer. His whole life turns upside down as the disease evolves.
Tales of Mexico
Young Hilario
The space will be witness of dreams, hopes, disappointments and dramatic destinies of its residents, delivering an intimate human history of Mexico through the decades. La Habitación will reunite eight directors that will expose the reality of each historical period resulting in a profound and inspiring portrait of modern Mexico.
Strange But True
The love story of Jonathan and Yesi, two garbage collectors working under the despotic and violent Master Clean's command. He is always followed closely by Mum, a longtime collector who silently and ghostly cleans the streets of the city. One night, while doing their work, they find the corpse of a man with money. Master Clean takes a terrible decision. Jonathan and Yesi plan their escape. A tragedy looms.
El ocaso de Juan
"The decline of Juan" - Juan, a young farmer, is forced to do a "special job" for his boss.
600 миль
Arnulfo Rubio
Однажды, при попытке арестовать подозреваемого, полицейский (Тим Рот) волею случая становится сам пленником у юного преступника (Кристиан Феррер). Тот, будучи новичком в своем криминальном деле, везет связанного полицейского через границу в Мексику, не особо задумываясь над тем, что делать дальше. Это один из основных моментов в фильме. Кому -то он покажется затянутым, а кто-то правильно поймет, что жизнь нам дается не только затем, чтобы прожить ближайшие часы, но и чтобы держать отчет в дальнейшем, возможно, и перед Вечностью. В поездке, паренек проникается диалогами с полицейским, и постепенно, симпатии вчерашнего мальчишки, обречённого изначально жить как попало и где попало, перестраиваются на сочувствие и уважение к солидному стражу порядка. В результате хитросплетений сюжета, паренёк должен сделать нелёгкий выбор - спасти своего пленника или остаться в криминальном деле...
Manuela Jankovic's War
Manuela (40) is the cook in a restaurant when the Balkan conflict breaks out on the other side of the world. The madness of war permeates her surroundings, invades her intimacy and unleashes its own warlike escalade.
Eddie Reynolds y los Ángeles de Acero
Lalo Joven
They are not wild and crazy anymore, or at least they think so. Now, thanks to an offer nobody can't refuse, they will try to recapture that old rock and roll magic and give themselves a second chance.
Sugar Kisses
Nacho, a 13 year old boy, crosses the threshold of adolescence trying to find his place in life in all the wrong places: a dysfunctional family and a social setting that is corrupt and violent. Can the purity of first love survive the darkest aspects of our society?
The Empty Hours
On the desolate coast of Veracruz, young Sebastián, 17, has to run his uncle's motel single-handed, renting rooms by the hour. That's how he meets Miranda, a regular customer who goes there to wait for a lover who often arrives late, sparking a fleeting game of seduction between the two.
Good Day, Ramon
After five failed attempts to go to the United States, 18-year-old Ramón decides to look for a friend’s aunt in Germany, but never finds her. With no papers or money, and without knowing the language, he barely survives living on the street until he meets Ruth, an old retired nurse who doesn’t speak Spanish. Beyond language barriers and prejudices, they discover that solidarity and humanity make life bearable.
Manu, a 15-year-old teenager, has refused to become a criminal despite the fact that this is the only way to grow up in his neighborhood. But one day, invited by Camera, his best friend, he begins to flirt with crime by robbing a passenger truck, but the unexpected attack by a passenger causes Camera's death and a break in Manu's behavior.
Two brothers wasting the night away break into an empty house.
Days of Grace
Iguana / Doroteo
Mexico City. 2002, 2006, 2010. A cop. A hostage. A wife. Corruption, violence, vengeance. Three destinies, during 30 days, during three Soccer World Cups. Three ways to fight in order to survive.
El Sobrino
Бенджамин «Бенни» Гарсия, прожив 20 лет в США, депортирован в свою родную деревню на севере Мексики. Возратившись в дом, он видит картину опустошения. Все — от священника до мэра города связаны с наркоторговлей. Ему предлагают заняться тем же. Сначала он сопротивляется, но не найдя нормально оплачиваемую работу, в итоге Бенни получает «классную работу», а заодно деньги, веселье и девочек. Но вскоре Бенни понимает, что криминальная жизнь это совсем не веселье.
Без имени
El Smiley
Уроженка Гондураса Сайра воссоединяется со своим отцом, чтобы осуществить свою мечту о жизни в США. Переезд же в Мексику является первым шагом в важном путешествии, полном неожиданных событий…
Особь 4: Пробуждение
Mexican Boy #1
Университетский преподаватель Миранда Холландер ненадолго теряет сознание, а приходит в себя посреди кровавого побоища и массы трупов. За ответом она спешит к своему дяде. Когда он доводит до ее сознания шокирующую правду, а именно, что Миранда является лишь на половину человеком, т. е. клоном от гибрида человека и пришельца, им приходится вылететь в Мексику, чтобы разыскать ученого, который её создал. Они вынуждены обороняться от целых орд яростных, неудержимых гибридов и пытаться выиграть время, которое неумолимо бежит, заставляя Миранду полностью и навечно поддаться киллерскому инстинкту, который все боле нарастает внутри ее существа.
The Eclipse
El Eclipse shows the frustration and hopelessness of a family who has lost its father. Located in the south-coast of México during a total sun eclipse, the drama narrates the conflict of a family during an unexpected visit; a man rents a room in the house of the family that is conditioned as a restaurant for the few clients who visit the beach on Sundays.
Franco and Roberto, both photojournalists with different perspectives, witnes the violent repression of a young man in a political event. Franco photographs the incident but elements of the candidate's security discover him. Roberto will have the possibility of saving his friend's life risking his own safety.