Book-ending the year 1975 with two big budget TV Specials, Ann -Margret also earned her second Oscar nomination that year, for Tommy. In January, "Ann-Margret Olssen" premiered and was titled with the star's maiden name. This second special premiered late in the year and was titled with the star's married name. Her husband Roger Smith also appears in the opening sequences. Presented by the Bell System's Family Theatre, the program was filmed at the ATV Studios at BBC Elstree Centre, Borehamwood, England.
Ann-Margret's television special taped in front of a live audience at the Las Vegas Hilton.
A motorcycle rebel rescues a woman from his gang and fights an outlaw guru for supremacy.
A motorcycle rebel rescues a woman from his gang and fights an outlaw guru for supremacy.
A motorcycle rebel rescues a woman from his gang and fights an outlaw guru for supremacy.
Ann-Margret starts her journey to Hollywood from the countryside, traversing the Freeway until she gets to Hollywood.
With the coming of summer, three high school buddies--Kenny Leeds, Mike Decker, and Tommy Kingsley--anticipate their initiation into the pleasures of manhood. But Kenny is separated from his friends and sent to stay with his grandparents in Buffalo while his father, a widowed salesman, leaves on a business trip with his secretary-fiancée. Bored and alone in a strange city, Kenny writes his two friends letters about his adventures at "Rosie's," a fictitious brothel across the Canadian border in Niagara Falls. His lie quickly backfires.
With the coming of summer, three high school buddies--Kenny Leeds, Mike Decker, and Tommy Kingsley--anticipate their initiation into the pleasures of manhood. But Kenny is separated from his friends and sent to stay with his grandparents in Buffalo while his father, a widowed salesman, leaves on a business trip with his secretary-fiancée. Bored and alone in a strange city, Kenny writes his two friends letters about his adventures at "Rosie's," a fictitious brothel across the Canadian border in Niagara Falls. His lie quickly backfires.
Un giocatore
A renowned author, college professor and criminologist is given a year off in order to write his latest book. His arrival in Buenos Aires gives him the opportunity to work on his true project, planning and pulling off the perfect crime.
John Rogue
A private eye gets in trouble when he tries to help a woman in distress.
Detective Smitty (uncredited)
A wealthy young man tries to woo a university student, while her two uncles work to popularize a local club.
Dan Cabot
Director Charles Lederer's 1959 musical stars James Cagney as an unscrupulous longshoreman who'll resort to every dirty trick in the book to win his union's presidency.
Patrick Dennis - Older
Эксцентричная, яркая Мэйм Деннис усыновляет мальчика-сироту, обрушивая на него все манеры и стиль экстравагантных и чудаковатых персонажей 20-х и 30-х годов... Очень необычная и забавная работа художников и костюмеров 50-х годов. Голливуду пришлось признать, что актерский ансамбль Бродвея улучшить невозможно: то, как Расселл говорит, ее ритмика, акценты и паузы не могут быть другими, настолько все это безупречно.
John Smithback
Airplane passengers prepare for a crash landing in the ocean.
Creighton Chaney (at 21)
История жизни знаменитого актера Лона Чейни, родители которого были глухонемыми, и ему пришлось с детства овладеть мимикой. Это сильно пригодилось Чейни в жизни и карьере. Не окончив школу, он пошел работать в театр вместе с братом. Женившись на певице Клеве, Чейни путешествовал с ее театральной труппой по стране. А когда ревность женщины зашла слишком далеко, актер развелся с ней. Чейни был вынужден покинуть театральные подмостки и «заделаться» в киноактеры. Начав свою карьеру с эпизодических ролей, очень скоро он стал известен благодаря быстрому умению гримироваться. За Лоном Чейни закрепилось прозвище «человек с тысячью лиц» после съемок в картине «Собор Парижском богоматери».
Bob Miller
A melodrama about young adults growing up and facing the pressures of life.
Cpl. Berryman
История из жизни армейского госпиталя США разворачивается в освобожденной Франции вскоре после окончания Второй мировой войны. Рядовой медицинской службы Хоган устраивает вечеринку для солдат под носом у злобного и недалекого командира.