Jang Hyeon-su
Рождение : 1959-10-10, Seoul, South Korea
A man laboring at a swanky restaurant works himself to the bone to ensure his son can afford to study law and become a prosecutor. He feels it gives his own life value, even if it comes at the cost of hurting his son.
The suicide of a former high-school bully puts the boy's father on a quest for answers.
Обаятельный и неотразимый Су Хён притягивает женщин как магнит. На этот раз его вниманию удостоилась роковая красотка, певица из бара Ми Ён. Расчётливая и знающая себе цену Ми Ён только что рассталась со своим парнем и с головой кинулась в объятия новой любви, позволив тому полностью завладеть её сердцем и впервые решаясь на серьёзные отношения. Но Ми Ён даже не подозревает, что в то же время Мистер Идеальный Парень встречается с её сестрой-заучкой, великовозрастной девственницей. А та в свою очередь не знает, что у её Романтического Героя роман с их старшей замужней сестрой, испытывающей кризис в семейной жизни. Кому же из трёх сестёр в итоге достанется дьявольски привлекательный Су Хён?
In order to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Korean Film Academy, 20 of the academy's former students (who are respected director's today) were invited to shoot an omnibus movie consisting of 20 short films. Overall this work was very well received by the critiques at the 17th Tokyo International Film Festival. Films include Under a Big Tree, Sutda, Twenty Millimeter Thick, Innocence, *?!#@$ Up Shoes, Twenty Questions, The Twenty's Law, To the 21st, Pass Me and Alone Together.
Hae-Gon, Joon-Hyung and Hak-Rak are everyday guys, working at a local taxi company. Men of marked individuality, many wonder how they keep company with each other. After a bulky day of work, one and only diversion they can share is drinking in a local bar with silly jokes. Discontented with their miserable life, they finally decide to do something big, which they believe this is very and last opportunity to take an abrupt turn of their life. However, their plan makes a wrong turn, just like their pathetic life.
Hae-Gon, Joon-Hyung and Hak-Rak are everyday guys, working at a local taxi company. Men of marked individuality, many wonder how they keep company with each other. After a bulky day of work, one and only diversion they can share is drinking in a local bar with silly jokes. Discontented with their miserable life, they finally decide to do something big, which they believe this is very and last opportunity to take an abrupt turn of their life. However, their plan makes a wrong turn, just like their pathetic life.
Can a childhood crush survive into adulthood?
Kil is a professional hitman, who leads a very lonely life composed of a pack of Marlboro, instant noodle, cash in the freezer, a knife, a motorcycle and Chichi, a pet monkey. But when he bumped into a beautiful call girl Suha, his life could never be the same...
Kil is a professional hitman, who leads a very lonely life composed of a pack of Marlboro, instant noodle, cash in the freezer, a knife, a motorcycle and Chichi, a pet monkey. But when he bumped into a beautiful call girl Suha, his life could never be the same...
A car wash attendant Yong-dae decides move to Seoul with his girlfriend Tae-suk for join the most dangerous gang Yu Kwangcheon. On the way to Seoul they lost entire of savings to a swindler Man-su whom the most wanted by Yu Kwangcheon.
A car wash attendant Yong-dae decides move to Seoul with his girlfriend Tae-suk for join the most dangerous gang Yu Kwangcheon. On the way to Seoul they lost entire of savings to a swindler Man-su whom the most wanted by Yu Kwangcheon.
Это рассказ о мечтах, раздорах и дружбе группы мальчиков из сельской школы до начала экономического бума в Корее в конце 50-х и 60-х годов. История начинается с того, что Хан Бён Тхэ, преподаватель института по подготовке к поступлению в колледж, вспоминает свои школьные годы, 30 лет назад. В то время отец Бён Тхэ был переведен в сельскую местность из правительственного офиса в Сеуле. Бён Тхэ начал посещать местную школу, где познакомился с Ум Сук Дэ, вожаком класса и задирой. Поначалу между двумя мальчиками возникает конфликт, но в конце концов Бён Тхэ подчиняется его притеснениям. Новый учитель Ким Чон Вон возглавляет класс и начинает исправлять все ошибки, обучая мальчиков равенству, справедливости, правде, смелости и демократии.
Two men fall in love with the same woman. One man is a thief and the other is a graduate student that wants to take her away from a tough environment.
Failing to enter the university of his choice, a young man is forced to enter a local college, but a series of disappointments causes him to give up his studies and begin a life of aimless travel.