The film tells the story of Zhang Hao, a martial arts stuntman who has stellar skills but has no talent. His family life is not going well. He returns to the house and leaks when he finds out that he has cancer. Recognizing the FBI, he was involved in an operation to annihilate the Golden Triangle drug lord by mistake, and all kinds of ironic stories happened in the process. With the appearance of different characters, Brother Hao's various "death by tricks" plans were frequently interrupted, and many jokes were made, but he also slowly realized the true meaning of life...
В 1988 году трое моцзинов (расхитителей гробниц) - Ху Баи, Ван Кайсюань и Ширли Ян - бросают заниматься грабежами могил и переезжают в Нью-Йорк. Хотя Баи и Ширли связывают романтические отношения, Ван чувствует, что великие моцзины заслуживают лучшего финансового положения и, приняв предложение корпорации найти захоронение одной богини, возвращается на родину. Пытаясь спасти друга от неприятностей, Баи и Ширли отправляются следом за ним.
Ling Ai and He Jiang are young, ambitious, and in pursuit of careers imported from the West, but romantic longings and career ambitions are inevitably shaped by larger social forces.
A visit to the photographer’s returns the physical looks of a 70-year-old grandmother back to her 20s. Things get even stranger when his grandson asks her to join his band, and his best friend begins to fall for her.