Mark Haber


Chasing the Devil
The mysterious suicide of a man's sister prompts him to enlist paranormal investigators to look into her death.
Border Patrol
Even the dead need policemen. Meet the Border Patrol, which is to ensure that the law is enforced in the territory of the dead. These hard supernatural guards are responsible for sinners to face their destiny and that good are the creator. To Numan, a character who makes the laws are enforced in the gloomy abyss between the two worlds, the present case appears to be the most tremendous of his career, both his past life in New York, as now become the Patrullero Spooky Frontera . When chasing a serial murderer, Dr. Helms, Numan is forced to break the rules of Purgatory and ask for help to the police in Miami Chavez, a mortal. The union of these incredible allies soon becomes clear that Helms, a strange supernatural being generic, has the power to open the door to other territories, threatening the existence of Life and Death as we know it.
Корабль пришельцев
Во времена, когда межпланетные путешествия стали привычным явлением, экипаж грузового транспортера совершает обычный коммерческий рейс на Марс. Работая посменно, двое членов команды заступают на вахту, в то время как остальные погружаются в анабиоз… Очнувшись на десять месяцев позже положенного срока, двое астронавтов обнаруживают, что корабль сильно поврежден, сбился с курса, а их сменщики мертвы…
The Princess Stallion
Following the death of her mother, Sarah, a Californian teenager, is sent to live with her father in the Scottish Highlands. After a riding accident she is befriended by a fascinating old hermit named Fergus, who has spent his life living in the mountains and whose home is a haven for wounded animals. Through her friendship with Fergus, Sarah discovers the beautiful legendary Princess Stallion and embarks upon the adventure of a lifetime.
Daisies in December
A seaside hotel for senior citizens is the setting for late-season love as costars Jean Simmons and Joss Ackland meet and make a match in this romantic human drama. Gerald's a stuffy ex-stockbroker who's been placed in the facility for his own best interest. Katherine's a warm and friendly resident with a soaring spirit and a zest for life. Their union is a transforming one, and also timely, as Katherine stands on the threshhold of a painful and very frightening battle with cancer. Poignant storytelling with a winning pair of costars.