Park Jun-gyu

Park Jun-gyu

Рождение : 1964-06-27, South Korea


Park Jun-gyu (born June 27, 1964) is a South Korean actor. The son of acclaimed veteran actor Park No-sik, Park is best known for playing the role of Ssangkal in Rustic Period.


Park Jun-gyu


My only love
This movie stands out from the crowd of a glimmer of hope in this tough world. Four heartwarming episodes make your tears well up unconsciously.
Счастливого Нового года!
President of Jongmyo-sang
Трогательная и романтическая мелодрама о гостях и сотрудниках, работающих в гостинице «Эмрос» в преддверии новогодних праздников.
Беглецы от времени
Real Estate Man
Двое мужчин из разных времён начинают видеть друг друга во сне. Школьный учитель из 1983 года встречается со своей любимой, полицейский из 2015 года знакомится с девушкой — точной копией возлюбленной учителя. Мужчины видят повседневную жизнь и окружение друг друга, а в одном из снов девушка становится жертвой убийства.
Sweet Fish
Korean indie movie about a flooding and its victims
Bravo, My Life!
Park Seung-jae
This film is an adaptation based on the 1988 Japanese film Kaisha monogatari: Memories of You, written and directed by Jun Ichikawa. This film follows the story of "Chief" Cho Min-hyuk (Baek), a middle-aged corporate manager nearing his retirement after working for 30 years in the same company. Cho and other colleagues in the office secretly have held dreams of being rock musicians but they suppressed those ambitions in order to get stable office jobs and support their families. During the film Cho and others resume their interest in playing musical instruments and form a band together. However Cho struggles to deal with office politics that result from his upcoming retirement as well as the anxiety for his and his family's future post-retirement.
Сексуальная учительница
Moлoдaя, кpacивaя и coблaзнитeльнaя Йo-Ян пpиxoдит в шкoлy для мaльчикoв в кaчecтвe yчитeльницы-пpaктикaнтки. Eй дaют зaдaниe пoдгoтoвить выcтyплeниe нa цepкoвный фecтивaль, кoтopый пpoвoдитcя в шкoлe кaждый гoд. Oнa нaчинaeт тpeниpoвки c тpeмя cвoими пoдoпeчными, a вcя шкoлa дeлaeт cтaвки, ктo жe cмoжeт зaтaщить кpacoткy в пocтeль. 3a пpoиcxoдящим тщaтeльнo нaблюдaeт зaвeдyющий пo диcциплинe, гoтoвый в любoй мoмeнт вывecти нoвyю yчитeльницy нa чиcтyю вoдy и выдвopить paзвpaтницy из шкoлы.
The Fox Family
The Kumiho family circus in town -- and with it, apparently, a mysterious murderer. The members of motherless family aren’t helping their case with their strange remarks about humans and their initial performances, cavalcades of dismemberment and torrents of blood which terrify the local kids. Pretty soon, a dour, downbeat cop is on the tail of the plucky, bumbling Kumihos. Or rather, tails -- “kumiho” is the word for the fox spirits of Korean mythology, and this clan from Nam Mountain near Seoul, temporarily disguised as people thanks to a magic spell, must eat human livers during a brief, once-in-a-millennium lunar eclipse to shed their foxy nature and assume permanent human form. When the sleazy reprobate on the run from mobsters stumbles into their eerie household, he soon finds himself a little too enthusiastically involved in their scheming after human flesh—and involved with the sexy elder-sister fox spirit as well!
Oh! My God
Hwang Kye-Jang
Eun-joo falls for playboy Jung-hwan after he rescues her from drowning, and vows to make him her man. One thing leads to another, and they had a one night stand. Several years later, Jung-hwan is still living the high life while Eun-joo is working as a prosecutor. When they eventually cross paths, she reveals that he's the father of her twins, and tries to make him grow up and take responsibility.
Искусство обольщения
CEO Bong
Яркая, сексуальная и энергичная девушка по имени Хан Чжи Ван имеет репутацию лучшего работника большой компании. Но на ее место претендует усердный, ловкий и красивый Со Мин Чжун, слывущий мужчиной способным обвести женщину вокруг пальца. И однажды они встречаются друг с другом.
Моя жена-гангстер 2
Yun Jae-cheol
Она не стирает и не готовит. Крутые парни называют ее «босс». Даже самые кровожадные бандиты трепещут, услышав ее имя, ведь эта хрупкая и, с виду, безобидная девушка — босс самой мощной мафиозной группировки. Не щадя врагов, она расправляется с ними с помощью мощных кулаков и метких выстрелов, любой ценой защищая свою территорию и свою честь!
4 Toes
Gak Granger
The story involves four friends who become gangsters. As the film progresses they gain power and eventually find their way to Seoul. Being well-known as tough guys, Audie, Haetae, Lecaf and Gak Granger are high school classmates who took a pledge of brotherhood. Lecaf who is good at studying goes to Seoul right after the high school graduation, while his "brothers" gradually build up their power in the gang and get a chance to go to Seoul.
Мой Босс Мой герой
Cho Bong-pal
Когда молодой лидер группировки, оказывается немного глупее, чем нужно. Он смущает соратников своей безграмотностью...... Тогда главарь мафии отправляет молодого босса обратно в школу. Там, под видом 20 летнего парнишки, он должен получить диплом........ Вскоре молодому боссу становится ясно, что школа ещё более развратная и грязная нежели мафия. Останется босс прилежным учеником или даст волю гневу?...
Du San
A heist movie about three groups of thieves who independently plan to rob the same bank on the same day, which causes no end of pandemonium and confusion, or does it?
Jo Yang-eun was a leading mob boss in Korea in the 1970's leading the Yang-eun family. He was eventually arrested and charged under an internal security act and served 15 years in prison. This film, based on truth, is the story of his life in and outside of jail.
검은 모자
Do As You Please
Oh Jun-young