Bert Geurkink


Bert Geurkink is een Nederlands acteur. Geurkink studeerde aan de Toneelschool Arnhem. Hij speelde tot 2010 de rol van Gerben Koudijs in de VARA-serie Deadline. Hij had gastrollen in diverse televisieseries, waaronder Baantjer,Flikken Maastricht en Toen was geluk heel gewoon. Geurkink speelde bij een aantal theatergezelschappen en geeft gastlessen aan de Toneelacademies in Arnhem en Maastricht en aan de toneelschool te Utrecht.


No. 10
A stubborn stage actor navigates single fatherhood, a strenuous theatre project, an adulterous love affair, and the confounding dreams awakened by a puzzling street encounter with a mysterious stranger.
The Fury
Albert has always looked up to his aunt Tiny: this beautiful woman from Brabant can make any man’s heart skip a beat. Through Albert’s eyes Tiny’s life seems quite exciting. But why is she so furious at everyone and everything? It takes him half a lifetime to discover that his beloved aunt’s existence is a lot more complex than he had ever thought.
Опасная банда
Gerard Kramer
Йоханна хочет порвать с преступным прошлым, которое ее окружает. Но когда ее муж освободился из тюрьмы, все возвращается на круги своя. Йоханне все труднее и труднее уйти от зверств, совершаемых бандой Oss, и чем дальше, тем глубже она погружаются в обман, проституцию и убийства.
The First Cut
Short fiction film about a decisive moment in the life and career of a young female surgeon. The operating theatre is ready, the lamps shine bright and the patient’s belly has been shaved and is ready to be operated on. The surgeon hesitates; the knife hovers above the skin. The moment brings back key scenes from her childhood that tell everything about her choice of profession and her hesitation to cut the patient’s skin.
Sonny Boy
Father RIka
Waldemar Nods, a young man from Suriname, meets the older Dutch woman Rika van der Lans and they fall in love. In pre-WWII Netherlands they could not be more different. The one black, the other white, 17 years between them and on top of that Rika already has four children with another man. They love each other, but then Rika appears to be pregnant.
Lover of Loser
Local Resident
When teen Eva falls for a stranger who then helps abduct her, it's up to her mild-mannered sweetheart, Mees, to find and rescue her.
Bookkeeper Jacob newest client is the talented and flamboyant actress Anne. They first meet each other on her houseboat, the morning after the premiere of Anne's new theatrical play. Anne has made a mess of her personal finances and she has a lot of debt. So much so that she may even have to sell her houseboat. Jacob does what he can to help her.
Blood Brothers
Two wealthy young brothers living on a plush estate give refuge to a petty criminal who is on the run from the police. Neither the boys' parents or their staff know about the fugitive's presence, which leads them open to exploitation. Sure enough, they soon discover the fugitive has no intention of leaving.
Birthday Boy
It is Sjoerd's birthday and his mother has spared no trouble or expense to make this day a pleasurable one. Helped by the au pair, she takes the eleven-year-old kid on a search, where an unfortunate coincidence puts them in the middle of a raid. The criminals take the complete party bunch hostage and then it is a matter of surviving for the birthday boy.
A family film, based on a well-known Dutch story from the Middle Ages. Mariken tells the compelling and poetic story of spirited young girl named Mariken. The orphan Mariken lives in a secluded forest with an eccentric old hermit. One day, she decides to leave her surroundings and sets off for town to buy a new goat. On her adventurous journey into the 'real' world, she finds out about the good and bad sides of people.
Маленький Крамб, потеряв женщину, которую всю жизнь считал своей мамой, узнает, что его мать давно уехала, поручив заботы о нем доброй соседке, а его отец еще до его рождения перебрался в Америку. И тогда он решает найти отца, потому что жить в детдоме не хочет ни под каким видом, а мать считает предательницей, которая его бросила. Но тут оказывается, что билет в Америку стоит очень дорого, а заработать на него не так то и просто, когда тебе всего десять лет. Тем более что у малыша начинаются большие нелады с полицией — очень уж хулиганистый. К счастью, ему помогает добрый человек, который неожиданно оказывается старым другом его отца..
October 1997. Paul Winters (35) is deputy public prosecutor in Arnhem and is working on his first major case: an investigation in to the allegations of a Bosnian girl that she was raped by three soldiers in the Dutch UN contingent and whose brother is alleged to have been killed by them. Winters suspects that the girl is telling the truth, but he can't prove it and the case is adjourned. Then one of the men gives a revealing statement that throws a different light on the case. Winters argues in favour of reopening the case, but faces opposition from an unexpected quarter.
Hanneke is a twelve year old girl, who's adopted. She's ashamed of her frizzy hair and tries anything to straighten it, so she can arrive at school with a different hairdo.