Lorenzo Balducci

Lorenzo Balducci

Рождение : 1982-09-04, Rome, Lazio, Italy


Lorenzo Balducci


Margherita delle stelle
Girolamno Fracastoro
The life of astrophysics Margherita Hack, from curious child to unconventional girl at the direction of the Trieste Astronomical Observatory.
Solitude, It's That
A docu-fiction focusing on writer Pier Vittorio Tondelli who died in 1991 at the age of 36, due to AIDS. Tondelli is known not only for being one of Europe’s greatest storytellers but also for being one of the sharpest voices of his time. He was the writer of Other Libertines, his first work and a cult novel among young people of the 80s, subject to seizure in L’Aquila for obscenity and outrage against the public morals of the time. Yet, Tondelli’s novel was not only a transgressive writing but also a literary project that allowed the linguistic mixing of registers, sectors and even dialectisms. The film sets out in search of the places where the writer had the opportunity to live, starting from Correggio, where he was born, up to Bologna, the aforementioned L’Aquila, and then Orvieto, on which his second novel focuses, to continue with Rome, Milan, and Berlin.
Bitter Years
Giulio Mieli
A drama film based on the life of Mario Mieli, a leading figure in the Italian gay movement of the 1970s.
In Search of Fellini
Lucy, a small-town girl from Ohio, discovers the delightfully bizarre films of legendary filmmaker Federico Fellini and sets off on a journey across Italy to find him.
Non si ruba a casa dei ladri
Падающая звезда
Alfredo, assistant to the King
Историческая драма о недолгом, но ярком времени правления Амадея Савойского, известного под именем короля Амадея. В разрываемой междоусобицами Испании взошедший на трон бывший герцог д`Аоста пытается обезопасить себя, уединившись за стенами королевского дворца. Страдая от скуки и вынужденного безделья, король и его свита все больше погружаются в увеселительные амурные интриги — но реальность мира за пределами королевского двора то и дело дает о себе знать.
31 Days
Adam di Melo
31 Dias (31 Days) is the story of Eva (Irán Castillo), a young and beautiful psychologist and author of a series of self-help books about modern women and their love relationships. For her next bestseller she has decided to prove her most daring theory: After the first 30 days together love ends, so the only way to have a meaningful relationship in this new millennium is when the couple part ways after the first month. At a magazine's photo session Eva meets Adam (Lorenzo Balducci), an attractive Italian photographer, and she decides he's perfect as her study subject. She will live a very intense relationship with Adam during 31 days, in order to prove her theory is right. However, what she is not aware of is that Adam is using her own advice from her books in order to make her fall in love with him and teach her a lesson. What neither of them suspects is that they'll come to learn that love has no rules.
История печально известного разбойника Вараввы, который был помилован вместо Иисуса Христа. Чем обернулось ему это помилование?
Good As You
Eight characters meet during New Year 's Eve , inexorably crossing their lives. Four men and four women, gay , lesbian and bisexual , dealing with everyday life, sentimental and working problems, jealousy and betrayals. "Good As You", acrostic of the word " gay ", was the slogan used by the homosexual movement in the sixties of the twentieth century , during the protest marches.
Bloody Sin: Abonimations of the Third Reich
A team of researchers investigates a European castle that was used for sadistic tortures during the inquisition, as well as horrifying and abominable Nazi experiments on innocent people. Riddled with history, the demonically possessed castle overtakes the crew turning their nightmares into a terrifying reality.
Due vite per caso
Matteo Carli
Ce n'è per tutti
I, Don Giovanni
Lorenzo Da Ponte
A drama based on the life of 18th century Italian lyricist Lorenzo da Ponte, who collaborated with Mozart on his "Don Giovanni" opera.
Black Sun
After learning the identity of the man who killed her husband, a young widow struggles with whether to forgive the killer or avenge her husband's death
Last Minute Marocco
Moved by the spirit of adventure and the desire to escape, a group of boys decided to leave secretly to Morocco.
The Witnesses
Manu arrives in Paris, in the early days of AIDS, at the beginning of the 1980s. He strikes up a friendship with Adrien, a wealthy doctor in his early fifties, who introduces him to Sarah and Mehdi, a young couple.
Братство камня
Inspecteur Frank Neves
Усыновившая монгольского мальчика французская ученая, попадает вместе с ним в аварию, после чего ребенок впадает в кому. По совету таинственного немецкого доктора, который заявляет, что может вывести ее сына из комы с помощью нетрадиционных методов, она отправляется в Монголию, чтобы разузнать все о прошлом мальчика… Экранизация романа Жана-Кристофа Гранже "Братство камня".
Ma l'amore... sì!
Carmelo Jorio
Grandfather Alcide is given a surprise party by his many relatives. He, however, dies of a heart attack. The dearly departed turns out to have been a hardened saver and leaves an astonishing amount of money to his two sons, Alfredo and Nunzio, who suddenly find themselves dealing with a large sum of money. On the advice of Nunzio, the younger brother, Alfredo decides to move to Rome to open a restaurant serving typical Calabrian cuisine, Il Piparedduzzo.
Concorso di Colpa
Stefano De Bernardi
Six youngsters aged between 20 and 30 years old, stranded within the restricted values of a provincial city, constrained to live in an emotional void, lacking dreams and acknowledged values, brought together by their rage and feeling that they have nothing left to lose. Luca finds happiness with his ex-girlfriend's outgoing brother Riccardo. When a gay-bashing leaves Riccardo dead, Luca lures the perps to an abandoned factory basement, where he pretends to join in on their sadistic torture of a passerby before he turns the tables.
Three Steps Over Heaven
A bad boy and a socialite girl hook-up.
Rome, 1929. The Pope's tailor sends his only son, 35-year-old virgin Nello, to more liberal Bologna hoping he will find a wife. His head full of ideas on romantic love instilled by classical poetry, Nello hopelessly falls for Angela, a beautiful blind woman who indulges him only to win back her fiancé.
Ma che colpa abbiamo noi
Seven people in a therapy group are forced to find new ways of coping with their problems when their therapist dies in the middle of a session.
Битва за Эль-Аламейн
23 октября 1942 года близ железнодорожной станции Эль-Аламейн (Египет) произошло сражение между итало-германскими силами и британской 8-й армией под командованием генерала Монтгомери. Исход битвы был настолько очевиден (британцы имели двукратный перевес в артиллерии, танках и авиации), что немецкие войска ретировались практически немедленно (через три дня Роммель был уже в Берлине). Совсем другая участь ждала итальянцев: плохо экипированные и вооруженные, но верные приказу, они дрались практически голыми руками против хорошо организованной британской военной машины и погибали тысячами. Когда наконец британцы убедили итальянцев прекратить бессмысленное сопротивление, то в знак уважения перед героизмом противника им позволили сдаться с оружием в руках.
Stregati dalla luna
Dario and Carlo are the owners of a small restaurant organizing a wedding. Everything goes awry after Miria confesses a fling to her fiance.
Рыцари крестового похода
1271 год. Несколько «рыцарей» различных сословий объединились в поездке в Грецию, чтобы вернуть Священный Саван Христа (Туринская плащаница) и передать его и в руки короля Франции.