Christian Gottlob Neefe
1779. Eight-year-old Ludwig van Beethoven, called "Louis", is already known as a musical prodigy. He learns to go his own way - much to the dismay of the people around him. Some years later, he meets Mozart during times of political upheaval. The unconventional genius and French Revolution are sparking a fire in Louis' heart; he doesn't want to serve a master - only the arts. Facing times of family tragedies and unrequited love, he almost gives up. However, Louis makes it to Vienna to study under Haydn in 1792, and the rest is history. Who was this man, whose music has since touched countless hearts and minds? At the end of his life, the master is isolated by loss of loved ones and hearing. Surely though, he was way ahead of his times.
Captain Gustav Schröder
Hamburg, Germany, 1939. Getting a passage aboard the passenger liner St. Louis seems to be the last hope of salvation for more than nine hundred German Jews who, desperate to escape the atrocious persecution to which they are subjected by the Nazi regime, intend to emigrate to Cuba.
Jens Ole Jepsen
In a small North German village a drama played out during and shortly after the Second World War about duty versus individual conscience and morality.
Hillas Vater
Hilla grows up in the 60s, her father is a worker and her mother a charwoman. But she wants a different future for herself, wants to study. After a violent incident she needs a strong shoulder. Who of her life will do?
Otto Heinrich Frank
The story of Anne Frank, the Jewish girl who went into hiding with her family in Amsterdam and became a victim of the Holocaust.
Fritz Bauer
In the young Federal Republic of Germany, which in the late 1950s in politics and justice is still interspersed with only superficially purified Nazi cliques, leads the Hessian Attorney General Fritz Bauer a lonely fight against the coverup of Nazi crimes and the restorative policy of the government Adenauer - he is firmly convinced that only in this way can the young democracy be consolidated. Not only his attitude, but also his temperament make Bauer vulnerable, again and again resistance forms from politics, intelligence services and the judiciary against the lone fighter.
Helmuth Wendt
Chaos in the Chancellery: Prime Minister Katharina Wendt loses her memory during a spontaneous trip with husband Helmuth and wakes up every morning since then with the knowledge of 1989. The therapy aims to activate her emotional center. No easy task with such a sober woman! Chancellery Minister Dieter Kahnitz must get her fit again until the end of the summer break, otherwise the euro will fail and then Europe will fail! But the minister would not mind being chancellor himself. Will the Chancellor succeed in remembering in time?
Marie is a successful designer and has a loving husband and two children. But fate offers more. When she meets the fiancée of their friend Dom, the two women fall for each other. This comes out and life gets out of control. Can there be a long-term solution?
Старик Петсон живет в небольшом красном доме. Постоянных хлопот у него достаточно: дрова порубить, порыбачить, присмотреть за домашними курами и разработать какое-нибудь изобретение. Однако временами Петсону бывает одиноко. И вот у старика появляется котик, который однажды начинает говорить. Тут-то между ними и начинается большая дружба.
Volker Trebur
Teenage Sascha has two dreams: to write a novel about her mother and to take revenge on her step-father who brutally murdered her. When she meets the newspaper editor Volker, he invites her to come to his and his son's place. A subtle love triangle begins which helps Sascha to find her personal way of growing up.
Paul Frei
Minette and Paul are married and seem to lead a happy family life. But when Paul began gradually to move away from his wife, it decides to spin and managed to watch the tryst he gave Nora, his new conquest, in a hotel room. The betrayed wife keeps to herself what she witnessed, even when it crosses the opera which was favored by her husband. Following a violent altercation between two lovers, the master mysteriously disappears. The former partner it makes contact with Minette and claims that Paul murdered Nora. To support his point, he shows Minette photo of a dead body could be that of the missing young woman ... A crossover lover-like thriller, where the characters and spectators alike struggle to discern truth from falsehood.
After a failed relationship, Alexandra Fuchs does not want to meet men anymore. But when she meets her new job in a shy businessman Gregor, she can't escape to his charm. It also has a creative hobby that eventually takes off with a knife indefinite durability for fresh food. A patent lawyer, Fiona, a former classmate should help. But Fiona plays a double game, invents his own and also has its eye on Gregor.
King Tobald
A king is married to a woman with golden hair. The queen falls ill, and realising she’s going to die she asks her husband that, if he’d ever remarry, it would be only to a woman as beautiful as her with the same golden hair. Unfortunately, the only one to fit the description is his own daughter, Princess Lotte. He decides to marry her. All she can do is flee. She dirties her face and hands with soot and escapes.
The Father (voice)
One night, a shooting star appears, whizzing through outer space towards the moon. Moon Man seizes his chance, grabs the speeding comet by the tail and hitches a ride to earth. This 'attack from outer space' sets the alarm bells ringing in the Presidential Headquarters. While escaping the President and his soldiers, Moon Man sets off on a long journey and marvels at the many wonders the earth has to offer – and he realizes how much children love and need him.
Chlodwig Pullmann
Hans Jonas
HANNAH ARENDT is a portrait of the genius that shook the world with her discovery of “the banality of evil.” After she attends the Nazi Adolf Eichmann’s trial in Jerusalem, Arendt dares to write about the Holocaust in terms no one has ever heard before. Her work instantly provokes a furious scandal, and Arendt stands strong as she is attacked by friends and foes alike. But as the German-Jewish émigré also struggles to suppress her own painful associations with the past, the film exposes her beguiling blend of arrogance and vulnerability — revealing a soul defined and derailed by exile.
Walter Fischer
Нико уже почти тридцать, он не закончил учебу в университете, его бросила подружка, отец лишает финансовой помощи, а психиатр подтверждает, что у него неустойчивая психика. В поисках выхода и хоть каких-то денег, хотя бы на чашку кофе, Нико бродит по улицам Берлина, что превращается в череду случайных встреч со знакомыми и не очень. Нико персонаж неоднозначный, чье поведение провоцирует непрекращающуюся цепь комических ситуаций…
Bruno Taschenbier
Kaspar Friedmann
История 21-летней Жозефины «Файн», начинающей актрисы. Для такой профессии героиня очень застенчива, стеснительна и неуверенна в себе. Вместе с тем, к ее большому удивлению, известный театральный режиссер Каспар Фридман предлагает ей главную роль в новой постановке. Речь идет о роли Камиллы, экстраверта, сексуально требовательной, но очень хрупкой личности. Эмоции девушки на подъеме. Она понимает, что для того, чтобы сыграть хорошо, необходимо много репетировать. В качестве «репетиций» она начинает соблазнять соседа Иоахима, одновременно все больше удаляясь от своей больной сестры, которая болезненно реагирует на это. Во время проб Файн все больше попадает под влияние Фридмана, он вызывает в ней гневные чувства, о которых героиня даже не подозревала. Эта напряженность все более нарастает, грозя разрушить внутренний мир молодой женщины.
Kai Stellmann
Victoria Stellmann, head of a traditional cruise shipping company, leads a happy but routine family life. But then she meets the charming Jacques and gets involved in an affair. The angry awakening does not leave long to wait, her lover proves to be an unscrupulous blackmailer. He threatens to publish a video of her night of love. Victoria starts to flee to the front.
Prof. Wolfgang Limberg
Anja Kling kämpft in dem ARD-Drama "Es ist nicht vorbei" gegen das Vergessen der DDR-Gräueltaten.
Wilhelm Michel
Eleven years ago, an 8-year-old girl disappeared from a small German town on the German-Czech border. Although her body was never found, nor were there any traces of blood or DNA evidence, a mentally-disabled man was coerced to confess to the crime. Even though he withdrew his admission of guilt two days later, the forced confession was enough to convince the ruling judge. The responsible investigator Altendorf was discharged so that the investigation could be sped along by another colleague.
Rudi Bockelmann
Bremen, 1891. Udo Jürgens' grandfather Heinrich strolls thoughtfully about the Christmas market. For days, the young man has suffered a momentous decision: should he emigrate to America or seek his fortune in Moscow? The touching performance of a street musician playing a Russian song on his bassoon gives him an unexpected decision-making aid. Henry sets off for Russia - and thus begins a fateful story that spans three generations and two world wars.
Dr. Arnold 'Arnie' Fischer
The ENT doctor dr. Arnold Fischer, called Arnie, always tries to please everyone. His friend and colleague Gregor is quite different: Purposeful and enterprising, he thinks especially of his own progress. Together, they want to expand the practice to a state-of-the-art tinnitus center. For this they need the neighboring apartment, but lives in the Mathilda, in which the shy Arnie is secretly in love. He does not have the heart to show Mathilda out of the apartment. And so Gregor tries with not always fine methods to get rid of the unpleasant tenant - which ends in a complete disaster ...
Max Timmermann
Oskar Moedebeck
Armin Wegner
2010 documentary film on the Armenian Genocide by the Young Turk government of the Ottoman Empire during World War I. It is based on eyewitness reports by European and American personnel stationed in the Near East at the time, Armenian survivors and other contemporary witnesses which are recited by modern German actors.
Karl IX
После смерти матери королем Наварры провозглашается Генрих, и вскоре он женится на Маргарите Валуа, известной как «королева Марго». Брак этот политический и имеет целью примирение католической и протестантской партий, которые ведут кровавую борьбу за землю и власть.Свадьбу празднуют несколько дней, которые заканчиваются жестокой расправой над протестантами — Варфоломеевской ночью. Генриху удается спастись, приняв католицизм, после чего он почти 4 года остается пленником при французском дворе. В феврале 1576, после побега на юг, Генрих возвращается к протестантству. В народной памяти Генрих IV остался как «добрый король Анри».
Günter Hartmann
Moritz von Wrede
Tabor Süden
Tabor Süden
Volker Widmer
Peter Hoffman
A successful stockbroker gets in trouble and has to escape from Hamburg to Vänersborg in Sweden with his two children.
Joachim Hellwig
Arzt 2
Helmut and Sabine Halm have always managed vacations of lazy privacy at their favorite retreat on Germany′s Lake Constance. So when the energetic, handsome Klaus Buch turns up with his beautiful girlfriend Helene, Helmut is quite ready to dismiss this dimly familiar acquaintance. But Klaus is overjoyed to recognize his old schoolmate Helmut, eager to recall every incident of their shared time, and to display every detail of this successful lifestyle as a fit sportsman and author. The precious days of privacy give way to an unwanted and awkward intimacy, as the Buchs and the Halms hike, dine and sail together. Their joint activities aggravate myriad psychological tensions among the four characters, which are all the more intensely ironic for their peaceful veneer and which must eventually erupt.
Roland Spatz
Inner chaos breaks free in two families.
Heinrich Himmler
Действие комедии разворачивается в 1944 году. Гитлер предстает в ней как физически и психически разрушенный человек, который по совету Геббельса берет в учителя актера-еврея из концлагеря для уроков красноречия, чтобы воодушевить немецкий народ на дальнейшую борьбу. Между делом фюрер играет в ванне игрушечным линкором и пытается научить овчарку Блонди, одетую в форму СС, вскидывать лапу в нацистском приветствии.
A German couple reacts to the news coverage of the tsunami catastrophe in 2004.
Lehrer Herr Manek
Herbert Pinn
Buchhändler Schwan
Родители отдают своего сына Иоганна Кристофа Фридриха Шиллера в Военную академию герцогства Вюртембергского, надеясь, что он станет военным врачом. Но все 8 лет, проведенных в учебном заведении, Фридрих посвящает литературному труду. Его пьеса «Разбойники» с успехом идет в театре Мангейма. Барон Дальберг, покровитель театра в Мангейме, узнав, что Фридрих пишет новую пьесу, предлагает переехать в этот город. Назначенный полковым лекарем Шиллер приезжает, хотя и становится дезертиром. Узнав об этом, барон отказывает ему в своем покровительстве.
Bernhard Blocksberg
Биби слишком увлеклась волшебством и совсем забыла про учебу. В наказание она проведет лето в интернате в замке Альтенберг. Директор лагеря — человек со странностями, а соседка Биби по комнате — клон Бритни Спирс — совершенно невыносима. Зато Биби подружилась с Элеа, девочкой, прикованной к инвалидной коляске. Разумеется, Биби пытается поставить подружку на ноги, хотя ведьмовской кодекс категорически запрещает вмешательство в личную жизнь людей. Таинственные синие совы, прячущиеся в пещерах Альтенберга, могут помочь вылечить Элеа. Но, к несчастью, в эту тайну посвящена одна очень неприятная особа — старая соперница Биби, злая ведьма Рабиа…
Fränki Laue
Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler
Апрель 1945 года. Советские войска сжимают кольцо вокруг столицы Третьего рейха - Берлина. Перед лицом неминуемого поражения нацистская верхушка ищет спасение в секретном бункере, не желая покидать обезумевшего фюрера. Отвергнув предложения о побеге, Гитлер утверждает, что победа близка. Он приказывает сравнять Германию с землёй и обсуждает детали своего самоубийства. Последнее убежище палачей пронизано агонией и страхом. И лишь те, кто выйдут живыми из этого бетонного ада, смогут поведать историю о последних минутах жизни и мрачном падении диктатора и его режима.
Prof. Olivari
Traumatised paramedic looks for the woman of his dreams.
Jargo is a German teen brought up in Saudi Arabia. Moving to Berlin, Jargo maintains his Arabian clothing until he encounters a similar aged German Turk Kamil and here begins his introduction into the world of juvenile cool (read delinquency). He then has to decide which girls he likes while being pressured by his father to get laid.
Bruno Taschenbier
Sams in danger, it is said, when Mr. Taschenbier's son Martin brings the Sams back into the household, which, however, is kidnapped shortly afterwards by the sports teacher because of his special skills.
Dr. Johann 'Justus' Bökh
A boy who was once a perpetual outcast finds friends in a new boarding school, united with his new peers gets involved in a heated rivalry with a group of students from a neighboring school.
Nico Ellermann
Marco and Melanie, a young married couple, are living a life of passion, chaos, and all the little frustrations of everyday existence. Their love for each other seems like a beacon on heavy seas. But career pressure, burned toast, and dirty laundry are eroding all tenderness, and they never seem to find enough time for their six-year-old son, Benny, either. Their world is about to fall apart when Melanie moves out, taking Benny with her. She files for divorce, and Marco makes a decision that is not only going to change his own life. He suddenly discovers his own unique way of being a father … I’m the Father is a modern portrait of a generation which appears to fail its own ambitions: After all, how do you combine a job, children, love and all the other challenges of everyday life – without giving yourself up in the process? And then what happens when positions become entrenched and a divorce seems inevitable?
Bernhard Blocksberg
В маленьком городке Нойштадт праздник. Начинающая волшебница Биби спасла двух маленьких детей из огня, «наколдовав дождь» и потушив пожар. Ее мама Барбара, потомственная колдунья, гордится своей дочерью. А главная волшебница Вальпургия решает раньше, чем положено по традиции, вручить Биби самую ценную награду мира колдовства и магии — «Хрустальный Шар». Теперь с помощью этого шара она сможет путешествовать в прошлое и будущее, но самое главное — станет настоящей волшебницей. Но злая ведьма Рабиа, умирающая от зависти к Биби, клянется, что «не будет знать ни сна, ни отдыха», пока не отнимет у юной волшебницы ее сокровище…
A German father's soccer-playing son is hit by a car and dies. The father donates the boy's red jacket to charity, where it ends up in war-torn Sarajevo. The boy's parents are killed, and he almost is. Some UN soldiers find him, and send him to a hospital in Germany. He escapes the hospital, is hit by a car (but unhurt). The driver reads the tag inside the jacket and "returns" the boy to the grieving father.
An east german agent is forced to infiltrate student movement of 1968 at Mexico.
Herr Taschenbier
Eugen Schafmeyer
Prof. Planitz
Oberstaatsanwalt Böck
Kurt and Lydia are planning a relaxed vacation at the Gripsholm castle in Sweden . What Lydia does not know is that for Kurt, a well-known publicist, the journey is actually a flight from encroaching fascism and a direct threat from the Nazis.
Hans von Dohnanyi
The story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German clergyman of great distinction, who actively opposed Hitler and the Nazis. His convictions cost him his life. What is a moral person to do in a time of savage immorality? That question tormented Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German clergyman of great distinction who actively opposed Hitler and the Nazis. His convictions cost him his life. The Nazis hanged him on April 9, 1945, less than a month before the end of the war. Bonhoeffer's last years, his participation in the German resistance and his moral struggle are dramatized in this film. More than just a biographical portrait, Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace sheds light on the little-known efforts of the German resistance. It brings to a wide audience the heroic rebellion of Bonhoeffer, a highly regarded Lutheran minister who could have kept his peace and saved his life on several occasions but instead paid the ultimate price for his beliefs.
Katja and Johann are two teenagers who are the best of friends. They spend most of their time in a ruined fort, fantasizing about an ideal world. Their relationship becomes threatened when Johann is taken ill with leukemia, and Katja's mother is undecided on whether to stay with her husband or leave with her lover.
Ingenieur Kohler
Benjamin Levi (Bruno Cathomas) is a Bavarian cattle dealer traveling to pre-World War II Germany on his annual trip to a remote farming village. Levi hopes to do some business and, more importantly, win the hand of the lovely Lisbeth (Caroline Ebner). But Nazi propaganda has gripped the small community and poisoned it forever. Now, Levi and Lisbeth are targets of hate in this provocative and shocking drama.
Dr. Alfred Waldvogel
A naive girl's love for Switzerland is put to the test in this satiric comedy. Irina is a woman from Russia who all her life has always been fascinated by Switzerland and longs to live there some day, though her notion of Swiss life has more to do with Heidi and old movies set in the Alps than reality.
Sven Arnhold
Harry Frommermann
Comedian Harmonists tells the story of a famous, German male sextet, five vocals and piano, the "Comedian Harmonists", from the day they meet first in 1927 to the day in 1934, when they become banned by the upcoming Nazis, because three of them are Jewish.
Arno Jürging
Josef Bertholt is head of operations of the Munich Police's drug squad. When his wife Lily is the victim of a hit by drug dealers, he becomes even more obsessed with his work.
Bernhard Kroll
Henry Stöver
Jochen Stein