Vince Lozano

Vince Lozano


Vince Lozano


Девушка, подающая надежды
Красивая, невероятно умная и подающая большие надежды студентка престижного университета – казалось ее будущее предопределено. Но одно трагическое событие меняет все. Теперь она ведет двойную жизнь и уверена, что нет ничего соблазнительнее, чем месть.
Intensive Care
A woman on the brink of a breakdown kidnaps an abused boy, and they embark on a life-changing adventure together – as the cops and their families search for them.
Trauma Therapy
A group of broken souls attend a self-help seminar at a remote wooded retreat with a famous guru. In search of better lives, they must confront their deepest demons in the midst of their fellow wayward strangers. As they get pushed further and further by the program, they begin to confront their personal problems. But as their group therapy sessions become increasingly volatile - including lie detectors, fire arms, and experimental drugs - they begin to question the methods in spite of the results. What is their guru's real goal, and will his reckless pursuit of life change moments end up saving them...or destroying them?
Акты отчаяния
Несколько судеб связываются в одну нить: полицейского на грани нервного срыва от измены жены, любовницы его жены, вежливого грабителя банков и двух бездельников, мечтающих о легких деньгах. Как сложатся их жизни, когда они узнают, как тесен мир?
Акты отчаяния
Несколько судеб связываются в одну нить: полицейского на грани нервного срыва от измены жены, любовницы его жены, вежливого грабителя банков и двух бездельников, мечтающих о легких деньгах. Как сложатся их жизни, когда они узнают, как тесен мир?
История рождественского убийства
Ограбление магазина ведёт к разрушительным последствиям, в которых замешаны разные люди, не связанные между собой. Все они сходятся в одном месте, в канун Рождества, где их судьбы решает сам дьявол...
Fear, Love, and Agoraphobia
White Eagle
An agoraphobic man and a female Marine become emotionally entangled as they struggle to escape from their personal prisons.
Halfway to Hell
Protests erupt when a halfway house for ex-cons opens in a middle-class neighborhood. As neighborhood protests intensify outside the house, the heat and tension escalate inside until they explode.
Nomad the Beginning
On a desperate quest to find her missing brother, Marianna reluctantly picks up a mysterious stranger with no memory, John. Together they must get to a rendezvous point on the west coast where a shadowy figure awaits them. Unbeknownst to them a black-ops splinter cell team is tracking John. They send in special agent Thomas Dockins, a highly trained and brainwashed military assassin, to kill John and the woman he is traveling with. As they struggle for their lives, John and Marianna discover that they are caught in the middle of a sinister extra-terrestrial plot.
5th & Alameda
Sara, a pregnant woman, is the innocent bystander in a robbery, committed by reluctant criminal, Derek. After being accidentally shot in the robbery, Sara loses her child. Returning home, she is shocked to find Derek there with a gun, but things are not as they seem. Determined to do penance for a lifetime of bad choices, Derek places himself in Sara's power, and Sara, who has been viciously abused by men in the past, takes the opportunity for vengeance. As they grow to know each other, they both will form a lifesaving bond or kill each other first!
Black Russian
Crime - Nick writes a scathing biography of feared Russian mobster Ivan the Terrible that threatens to destroy the hit man's world, leading to an all-out war between the two men that culminates in torture and murder. - Danny Naten, Jerry Katz, Lloyd Sherr
The Longest Yard Sale
The Dead One
Trapped between the living and the dead, Diego de la Muerte fights to rescue his soul from the evil god of death that controls him. But a bigger battle awaits him when the Aztec god demands the soul of Maria, the girlfriend Diego left behind.
Mary Elizabeth goes to bed alone one night, still a twenty one year old virgin, and wakes up the next morning pregnant. Possessed by the demon fetus growing within her womb, Mary Elizabeth obeys her homicidal cravings to kill, for the sake of her unborn spawn. Mary Elizabeth's dark transformation is controlled by her unborn demon child's deadly evil cravings.
Пираты Карибского моря: Проклятие Чёрной жемчужины
Жизнь харизматичного авантюриста, капитана Джека «Воробья», полная увлекательных приключений, резко меняется, когда его заклятый враг — капитан Барбосса — похищает корабль Джека, «Чёрную жемчужину», а затем нападает на Порт Ройал и крадёт прекрасную дочь губернатора, Элизабет Свонн. Друг детства Элизабет, Уилл Тернер, вместе с Джеком возглавляет спасательную экспедицию на самом быстром корабле Британии, в попытке вызволить девушку из плена и заодно отобрать у злодея «Чёрную жемчужину». Вслед за этой парочкой отправляется амбициозный коммодор Норрингтон, который к тому же числится женихом Элизабет. Однако Уилл не знает, что над Барбоссой висит вечное проклятие, при лунном свете превращающее его с командой в живых скелетов. Проклятье будет снято лишь тогда, когда украденное золото Ацтеков будет возвращено пиратами на старое место.
Lessons for an Assassin
Criminal Gavin Matthews finds himself an unwilling recruit, who's identity and past has been erased by "The Corporation," a secret underground organization that acts as a rogue "Justice Department," righting the wrongs the courts cannot. Now, held with other "recruits" at The Corporation's training and reeducation facility, Matthews and the others will become useful and professional assassins...or they will be eliminated. As his training is completed, Matthews and his trainer discover The Corporation's true purpose and learn they are to be eliminated when their assignment is complete. Now they must execute their own form of justice before it's too late.
Olé - Um Movie Cabra da Peste
Enter the Blood Ring
For the first time ever in filmmaking... look deep into the shocking world of the Los Angeles under-ground martial arts scene. Just wait until you ENTER THE BLOOD RING... where every fight can only end one way... with one man standing.