Milutin Milošević

Milutin Milošević

Рождение : 1981-12-28, Cacak, Serbia


Muilutin Milošević is a Serbian actor.


Milutin Milošević


Black Wedding
Tužilac Borko Mitrović
After a horrible massacre in a village where twelve people lost their lives, the killer shoots himself in the head, but with a strange combination of circumstances, he still remains alive. Petar, a BIA operative, is trying to figure out what actually happened because the killer, before he shot himself, uttered the word "katabaza", the same one that his late son said before he committed suicide. The psychologist Natasha helps him in that, who, unlike Petra, rationalizes the whole case, and does not think that there is anything mysterious in it.
Bad Blood
Isa Surdučki
The film follows the story of Hadzi Trifun, a prominent Serbian merchant, who tries to keep the peace with the Turkish authorities, but also maintains his reputation and influence in Vranje, an important Turkish town near the border with liberated Serbia. While Trifun is preparing his two sons to succeed him as the leaders of the Serbian people, he is suffering not only from powerful Turkish beys, but also from his family. Trifun makes difficult decisions that will later affect his descendants, the heroes of the novel Impure Blood by Serbian writer Bora Stankovic.
4 Roses
The film is taking place in Belgrade for 24 hours. Follows a few stories and speaks about young urban characters, their lives, their ideals and feelings, and raises the question of whether they still have them.
Aleksandra falls in love with her mother's lover. Romance develops in two parallel directions. The focus is instability of one's identity, which serves as a metaphor of contemporary age.
On Life and Death
Mladić koji radi kao mikser na televiziji
The story is set on the day of bombing of RTS (Serbian national TV) in 1999, which follows five characters whose paths intertwine on the fateful night.
Scenario Writer
Охотники на ведьм
Йован, мальчик с частичным церебральным параличом, становится другом Милицы. Эта девочка считает, что злая ведьма околдовала ее отца.
Нуреев. Белый ворон
Osipenko's lover
Драматичная и многогранная история становления и восхождения на мировую театральную сцену легендарного танцовщика Рудольфа Нуреева, прославившего отечественную балетную школу на весь мир. Исключительный человек и выдающийся артист, на долю которого выпало немало испытаний, доказал, что целеустремленность, страсть к искусству и стремление к свободе способны изменить судьбу.
The Final Adventure of Kaktus Kid
Veljko Kockar
Aleksandar Zograf, a renowned cartoonist discovers an unusual comic book from World War II. The comic’s hero is Kaktus Kid – a small cactus trapped in his pot. Intrigued, Zograf investigates into the life of Kaktus Kid’s creator – little known artist Veljko Kockar. He soon discovers that Kockar was arrested just after the liberation of Belgrade in 1944. He was charged for being a Gestapo agent and executed. Zograf’s investigation reveals a far more complex story: Kockar’s identity and artistic works were stolen, he possibly has an affair with the girlfriend of a guerilla soldier and he drew anti-communist propaganda for the Nazis. As he explores the story and pieces together the scraps of evidence 70 years after it happened Zograf is faced with his own personal and artistic dilemmas: why do these little drawings have such power to give consolation but also lead to violence?
A Serbian-born actress who lives in Berlin comes to Belgrade to play role in the project called "State". The encounter with her girl friend who deals with her family's past, encourages her to discover the past of her own family as well, which leads her to unlikely findings.
The Golden Boy
Seventeen year old Milan is one of the world's top young soccer players. Trying to protect him from preying agents will unite his divorced parents.
После того, как ошибка агента-новичка уносит жизни целой команды, он вынужден пуститься в бега и собирать картину произошедшего по частям, вспоминая злополучное задание при помощи единственной аудиозаписи.
Человек ноября
Serbian Hacker
Экс-агент ЦРУ, невольно вернувшись в дело, оказывается в эпицентре международной интриги, затеянной главами разведывательного управления. В их планах - внедрение во внутреннюю политику стран Восточной Европы через кандидата в президенты РФ с помощью шантажа грязным прошлым. На его совести - вторая вспышка войны на Северном Кавказе, жертвы, насилие. Но Питер Дэверо разгадывает тайны нечестной игры...
Запретная Зона
Ukrainian Thug
Шестеро молодых туристов-экстремалов прибыли на каникулы в Украину. Узнав о том, что в Зону отчуждения устраиваются экскурсии, они нанимают гида и отправляются за незабываемыми впечатлениями. И таковые не заставляют их долго ждать. Казалось, радиоактивный город пуст и заброшен. Там не осталось ничего живого. Но как только солнце прячется за горизонт, Припять оживает. Нечеловеческие крики сотрясают ночной воздух. Незадачливых путешественников охватывают ужас и паника. Они понимают, что не одни в этом мёртвом городе.
Narcissus and Echo
A professor takes a group of students on a trip to an abandoned stage in a park, with the intention of finding a scenic setting for the production of the opera "Narcissus and Echo" by Anja Djordjevic. Boris, one of the students, thinks it would be a better idea a to make a film that uses existing recordings of the opera, but with a new story based on the ancient Greek myth about a young man in love with his own reflection in the lake. The relations between the students involved in the project and the surrounding events meld with the plot of this potential film, accentuating the various narcissism and the overall inability to suppress vanity and find real human contact.
Uber Life: An Interactive Movie
Chosen One
An experimental project in hybrid form that combines the elements of dramatic feature film and video game, in which the player - viewer, actually - participates and influences the narrative with his own choice of plot.
The Belgrade Phantom
Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1979; a mysterious "Phantom" occupies the attention and hearts of Belgrade. Every night, he exhibits spectacular driving maneuvers using a stolen white Porsche car through the city streets.
St. George Shoots the Dragon
Love triangle story between the village gendarme Đorđe, his wife Katarina and the young disabled war veteran Gavrilo during the time between First Balkan War and World War I.
Almost Totally Ordinary Story
A look at the romantic relationship of a young couple that is shook when his old flame shows up.
The Cordon
Yugoslavian filmmaker Goran Markovic directs the psychological drama The Cordon. Set in Belgrade over Easter weekend in 1997, the film involves a group of policemen who respond to the city's political turmoil. Due to the overthrow of Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic, violence and protests have erupted all over the city. Patrolling the streets in a bus driven by Uros (Ratko Tankosic), the unit consists of Crni (Dragan Petrovic), Dule (Nikola Duricko), Kole (Nebojsa Milovanovic), and Seljak (Nenad Jezdic). They are led by commanding officer Dragon (Marko Nikolic), who isn't entirely sure what to do himself. Throughout their weekend-long shift, each man battles with his own personal problems as the political tension escalates. The Cordon won the top prize at the 2003 Montreal World Film Festival.