Peter Bolhuis

Peter Bolhuis

Рождение : 1954-01-14,


Peter Bolhuis


Заботливый Якоб увольняется с работы и переезжает к своей престарелой матери, чтобы обеспечить её максимальную биобезопасность во время пандемии коронавируса. В отчем доме ему предстоит столкнуться с непониманием сестры, обвинениями бывшего начальника, многочисленными опасностями и странными теориями заговора, одна из которых просто сведёт его с ума.
Verdwenen Dagen
In a virtual reality simu­la­tion that allows people to relive precious moments, a young woman is unin­ten­tion­ally confronted with deeply suppressed memo­ries of her first true but lost love.
Безумный кемпинг
Ронни, в прошлом звездного ребенка, преследуют двое сумасшедших. Чтобы спрятаться, он устраивается на работу к одинокому владельцу кемпинга. Отдыхающие сходят с ума, обнаружив в здесь звезду. Начинается полное безумие.
Boy Meets Gun
When the bored out philosopher Maarten Moreau gets caught up in a robbery, he accidentally gets hold of the weapon. Seized by a renewed appetite for life, Maarten decides to keep the gun. A true romance blossoms between the boy and the gun, not without consequences.
Пороки Амстердама
Police Chief
Детектив полиции Юрре де Кок поступает на службу в полицейский участок Амстердама. В первые же дни работы он сталкивается с заговором против голландской королевской семьи.
Love Over Distance
A successful, city-based construction manager finds herself reconsidering her cosmopolitan life choices when her employer relocates her to a folksy seaside town.
Herman Schulte
Два брата пытаются спасти свой издательский дом от банкротства, выставив необразованную, но привлекательную девушку за автора никому неизвестного шедевра.
The Return of the Honey Buzzard
With his familial bookshop on the verge of bankruptcy, Simon finds himself retreating more and more to his cabin in the woods. After witnessing the suicide of a stranger, a childhood trauma involving his bullied best friend resurfaces and he withdraws even further into the past, estranging himself from his wife and his responsibilities. The only glimmer of hope is a young girl who needs help with her book review. But there is more to the girl than there seems to be.
In My Father's Garden
The story of a loving man and father who falls under the influence of an extremely orthodox Protestant sect. He sacrifices everything and everyone to this faith, including his business and the respect of his younger son. However, he never loses the love of his wife.
De Prinses Op De Erwt: Een Modern Sprookje
koning Balthazar
Кровавый Санта
Waterpolitieman 1
Святой Николас (прообраз Санта Клауса и Деда Мороза) — вовсе не добросердечный друг детей, как думают люди. На самом деле это кровожадный убийца, который открывает охоту на детей при свете луны в ночь на 5 декабря.
Pez blanco
Jack Scholten
In August 1996, bus drivers Marcel Van Loock and Wim Moreels are apprehended by the Moroccan Customs for drug trafficking. Inside their bus, hidden behind a false compartment, they have discovered 700 pounds of hashish. Although the owner of the bus company is arrested as well and makes a full confession clearly indicating that both drivers were unaware of the hidden drugs, the Moroccan judge sentences both men to 5 years in the Moroccan prison of Tangiers. Nothing could have prepared the two men for life inside a Moroccan prison. Without food, clothes or medical care, they must learn how to take care of themselves to survive their stay in prison. Corrupt guards, corrupt lawyers and judges, a consul who doesn't care and frequent beatings are only part of the terrible prison. Meanwhile their families at home are left without any information, any help or any hope - finding out that their own government doesn't care for Belgian people in prisons abroad.
Winky's Horse
Vader Sofie
There is only one thing Winky wants: a horse, a real horse to ride. But horses are expensive. Fortunately it is the season of Sinterklaas; Winky just asks Sinterklaas for a horse. Than everything will work out alright. Or will it?
Snackbar Owner
Fifteen-year-old Sammy has recently become aware of desires she awakens in men but one man to whom she is herself attracted is her older brother Jacob. With an institutionalized father and a mother neither sibling has seen for years, Jacob provides for the household through his trade in meat declared unfit for human consumption. This situation has sufficed for years but the dedication with which Jacob watches over his little sister leaves her no room to mature as a woman...
The Indecent Woman
Brig. Vermeulen
A woman with a steady marriage and a little daughter, goes bezerk and enters a seducing game.
After seven months of pregnancy a husband and wife learn that their unborn child won't survive for long.
Thomas en Senior op het Spoor van Brute Berend
Als Senior op een dag wat doelloos door de stad slentert, wordt zijn aandacht getrokken door slopers die een oud pand neerhalen. Tussen het puin ontdekt Senior een oud scheepsmodelletje. Hij neemt het mee naar huis en begint met het bestuderen van oude scheepsjournalen en zeekaarten. Thomas toont ook belangstelling en voordat hij het weet belandt hij samen met zijn vrienden en Senior in een nieuw avontuur.
The Answer?
De Oplossing? is a movie about the dangers of racism and fascism. A group of Dutch young people is influenced by an ultra right political party.
Fatal Error
Detectives Grijpstra and De Gier are sent to investigate the case of a man who apparently hanged himself in a center for oriental meditation. It is ruled as suicide and the case seems to be closed, but the same night there is an attempted break in. The investigation hits a dead end and everyone involved is a suspect. Based on the book "The Corpse in the Haarlemmer Houttuinen” by Jan-Willem van de Wetering.
Sweet Rabbit
Jeanet, an insecure middle-aged woman, discovers one day that rabbit ears are growing out of her head. Shocked and confused, she rushes to the doctor to get rid of her ailment. But the doctor turns out to be a poor listener. Jeanets relatives seem to have attention for her. Jeanet thinks she is on her own until she knocks on her husband's door.