Jane Murfin

Jane Murfin

Рождение : 1884-10-27, Quincy, Michigan, USA

Смерть : 1955-08-10


From Wikipedia Jane Murfin (October 27, 1884 – August 10, 1955) was an American playwright and screenwriter. The author of several successful plays, she wrote some of them with actress Jane Cowl—most notably Smilin' Through (1919), a sentimental fantasy that was adapted three times for motion pictures. In Hollywood Murfin became a popular screenwriter whose credits include What Price Hollywood? (1932), for which she received an Academy Award nomination. In the 1920s she wrote and produced films for her dog Strongheart, the first major canine star.


Jane Murfin


Cовременная версия одноименного фильма 1939 года. В центре истории — обеспеченная женщина, неподозревающая об интрижке своего мужа с какой-то продавщицей, плюс еще куча персонажей вроде любовниц, подруг и бывших. Со стороны казалось, что у Мэри Хайнс есть все основания считать себя счастливой и состоявшейся женщиной: у нее дом в Коннектикуте, милая 12-летняя дочь, муж — успешный бизнесмен с Wall Street — и карьера дизайнера в фирме отца. Ее лучшая подруга, Сильвия Фоулер, тоже была устроена в жизни — главный редактор журнала «Каше», шкаф, полный одежды с подиумов, статус «арбитра стиля и вкуса» в Нью-Йорке и агрессивная позиция холостячки, которая ее полностью устраивала. Или ей так казалось.
Потомство дракона
Линг Тань и его семья живут на процветающей ферме в сельских районах Южного Китая и еще не ощутили влияния японского вторжения на Север. Два старших сына Таня, Лао Та Тань и Лао Эр Тань - женатые и трудолюбивые, в то время как младший сын Лао Сан Тань растёт беззаботным. Единственная дочь Линг Таня замужем за местным торговцем, получающем прибыль от продажи японских товаров. Когда волна японского вторжения доходит до деревни Линг Таня, местные жители предпочитают мирно относиться к своим завоевателям. Но независимая и отличающаяся прогрессивными взглядами невестка Линг Таня Джейд решает сплотить односельчан для сопротивления японцам...
Flight for Freedom
A fictionalized biopic about aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart. A female pilot breaks the Los Angeles to New York record and attracts the interest of the U.S. Navy, who want to send her on a spy mission.
Smilin' Through
Theatre Play
John Carteret has long been depressed and lonely, because, at his wedding years ago, his bride, Moonyean, was murdered. He accepts into his house Kathleen, the 5 year old orphaned niece of Moonyean, and she quickly grows up to look just like her aunt. Kathleen meets and falls in love with a mysterious stranger from America, Kenneth Wayne. When John hears of this he is furious, and we learn that it was Kenneth's father, Jeremy, who had killed Moonyean years before. John carries his grudge against Jeremy to the new generation, and threatens to ruin his niece's happiness, but he softens in the end.
Andy Hardy's Private Secretary
All set to graduate from high school , Andy Hardy flunks his English exam -- in spite of the fact that Aunt Milly is his teacher, and that the Judge has gone to all the trouble of getting him his very own private secretary.
Гордость и предубеждение
Миссис Беннет, дорожащая своим положением в обществе и неохотно помогающий ей муж ищут подходящих – и, желательно, богатых – женихов для своих пяти дочерей. Эта и без того непростая задача усложняется еще больше, когда Элизабет, самая упрямая дочь миссис Беннет, решает добиться богатого и красивого, но циничного и грубого мистера Дарси. Но мистер Дарси нужен Элизабет только на ее условиях – и лишь после того, как она отомстит ему за его изначальное равнодушие к ее особе. Это – история о любви, остроумии и хороших манерах.
Богачка Мэри Хейнс не подозревает, что у её мужа роман с продавщицей Кристал Аллен. Сильвия Фаулер, подруга Мэри, узнаёт об интрижке от своей маникюрши и сообщает Эдит Поттер, другой своей подруге. Они пускают сплетню, однако не могут сообщить обо всём самой Мэри, которая узнаёт о неверности мужа после посещения того же салона красоты. Миссис Хейнс оказывается перед дилеммой — потребовать от мужа объяснений или выждать время, пока интерес мужа к новой пассии не затухнет сам собой. Под давлением Сильвии Мэри идёт по первому пути, и вскоре они с мужем решают развестись
Stand Up and Fight
A southern aristocrat clashes with a driver transporting stolen slaves to freedom.
The Shining Hour
A nightclub dancer shakes the foundations of a wealthy farming family after she marries into it.
I'll Take Romance
Theater manager James Guthrie's (Melvyn Douglas) career depends on famed soprano Elsa Terry (Grace Moore) singing in his Buenos Aires opera house, however, Elsa breaks the contract in favor of a more lucrative deal in Paris. Desperate, James begins showering her with flowers and candy in an attempt to woo her to the Argentinian opera house. When Elsa overhears James confess to his friend Pancho that he'd be willing to resort to kidnapping to get Elsa to Argentina, she mistakenly believes his motives to be solely romantic.
Иди и бери
Преуспевающий владелец лесопилок собирается жениться на дочери богача, чтобы стать его партнёром и приумножить свой капитал. Ему приходится расстаться с влюблённой в него девушкой.
Элис Адамс
Это рассказ о молоденькой девушке из небольшого городка штата Индиана, которая выросла в небогатой семье, но пытается шагнуть на более высокую социальную ступень. Единственное средство, которое поможет ей обрести вожделенный статус, брак с богатым человеком.
Break of Hearts
Constance, a poor but aspiring composer, meets the great conductor, Franz, through their old music teacher. They fall in love, despite Constance knowing about Franz's weakness for pretty women.
Александр Петрович Москович Войда - русский эмигрант и владелец парижского кафе «Русс» решил удивить своих посетителей пригласив из Америки джаз бэнд. И не простой, а «индейский», как он думал - это будет оркестр краснокожих индейцев в перьях. К сожалению, русского подвело знание языка - и вместо индейцев он выписал бледнолицый диксиленд из штата Индиана «Индианцы из Обыша». Обругав артистов во главе с солистом Хаком Хэйнсом ресторатор, расторгнув контракт, скрылся восвояси. Ребята, решив не сдаваться, поселились у тетушки Джона Кента, звезды американского футбола, который отправился вместе с ними в гастрольный тур. Тетушкой оказывается Монни, которая является владельцем одного из самых престижных ателье женского платья под вывеской «Роберта». Именно в этом ателье произойдут судьбоносные встречи главных героев, которые, пройдя через все испытания и курьёзные ситуации, смогут найти любовь и обрести счастье...
Romance in Manhattan
Karel Novak is an incredibly naive Czech immigrant who is taken under the wing of streetwise New York chorus girl Sylvia. With the help of lovable cop-on-the-beat Murphy, Sylvia hides Karel from the immigration authorities and ultimately falls in love with him. In addition to Karel's illegal-alien status, the plot is complicated by a crooked lawyer and a group of well-meaning welfare workers who endeavor to place Sylvia's kid brother Frank in a foster home.
The Little Minister
The stoic, proper Rev. Gavin Dishart, newly assigned to a church in the small Scottish village of Thrums, finds himself unexpectedly falling for one of his parishioners, the hot-blooded Gypsy girl Babbie. A village-wide scandal soon erupts over the minister's relationship with this feisty, passionate young woman, who holds a secret about the village's nobleman, Lord Milford Rintoul, and his role in an increasingly fractious labor dispute.
The Fountain
Set during the first World War in neutral, but pro-German, Holland, Lewis Allison, an interned British officer, is paroled to the castle of Baron Von Leyden and finds living there, but now married to German officer Rupert Von Narwitz, his childhood sweetheart Julie. Long discussions between Julie and Allison, centering on family conflicts that kept them apart, take place before the severely wounded Von Narwitz returns to the castle and more long discussions ensue.
The Life of Vergie Winters
A small town politician, kept from marrying the love of his life, eventually marries another woman and his career ascends, but he secretly continues the relationship with his true love.
This Man Is Mine
The seemingly happy relationship between Tony and Jim is threatened when his manipulative, drama-queen ex-wife visits.
The Crime Doctor
When he finds out that his wife is having an affair, a criminologist commits the perfect murder--and pins the crime on his wife's boyfriend so well that the man is convicted of the murder.
Dirt-poor mountain girl Trigger Hicks is a loner. Her faith-healing is mistaken for witchcraft by the community. She falls for an engineer building a dam, who protects her.
After Tonight
When war is declared in 1914, glamorous Russian Carla Vanirska manages to get to Vienna from Luxembourg, with the help of Captain Rudolph Ritter of the Austrian army. Meanwhile, Ritter is assigned to detect the identity of a spy.
After Tonight
When war is declared in 1914, glamorous Russian Carla Vanirska manages to get to Vienna from Luxembourg, with the help of Captain Rudolph Ritter of the Austrian army. Meanwhile, Ritter is assigned to detect the identity of a spy.
Ann Vickers
After a love affair ending in an abortion, a young prison reformer submerges herself in her work. She then falls for a controversial and married judge and scandal looms again.
Главная героиня считает брак деловой сделкой, женским бизнесом. Годы уходят, и в жертву назначен закоренелый холостяк и богатый плейбой. Обманом вынудив его вступить в брак, она постепенно понимает, что всё не так просто, как ей представлялось. Когда все отношения, как ей кажется, заходят в тупик, неожиданно вмешивается её младшая легкомысленная сестра и дело приобретает неожиданный поворот.
The Silver Cord
A domineering matriarch is less than happy when her son brings home his new bride. She immediately sets to work at sabotaging their marriage as well as the engagement of her younger and weaker son.
Our Betters
Although the British upper class may be thought our betters in society, they are certainly not our betters, and perhaps are our equals, in morality.
A Broadway actress with a problematic past falls hard for the author of her new play.
Нежная улыбка
Theatre Play
Экранизация пьесы Джейн Коул и Джейн Мерфин. Джон живет один в течение 30 лет после смерти своей невесты Мунин. Однако его близкий друг Оуэн убеждает Джона позаботиться о своей племяннице Катлин, чьи родители пропали в море. Катлин на тот момент всего пять лет, однако время идет, она становится молодой девушкой, которая удивительно похожа на Мунин...
Сколько стоит Голливуд?
Официантка престижного ресторана, который часто посещают работники кино, Мэри Эванс мечтает стать актрисой. Однажды вечером, обслуживая подвыпившего знаменитого режиссера Макса Кэрри, она его очаровывает и он приглашает ее на премьеру своего фильма в китайский кинотеатр Граумон. Купив за 50 долларов «драндулет», он с эпатажем подъезжает к кинотеатру и отдает его в качестве «чаевых» парковщику стоянки, а Мэри представляет зрителям графиней. Прокутив всю ночь, он ничего не помнит на следующее утро. Доставившая его домой Мэри напоминает ему, что он обещал ей пробные съемки. Первое экранное испытание показывает, что девушка имеет гораздо больше амбиций, чем таланта и ей готовы отказать, но Мэри кроме амбиций еще и упорна…
Young Bride
Additional Dialogue
A newlywed discovers her husband is a cheating phony.
Дорога домой
Сет Паркер приютил у себя Робби Тёрнера и защищает его от его жестокого отца, Руби. Когда тот исчезает, Сет намеревается воспитать Робби как собственного сына. Мстительный отец нападает на Мэри Люси, дочь соседского фермера, которая так же приняла участие в судьбе Робби. Дэвиду, приятелю Мэри, удаётся спасти её, а Руби сбегает вместе со своим сыном. Но ненадолго…
Дорога домой
Сет Паркер приютил у себя Робби Тёрнера и защищает его от его жестокого отца, Руби. Когда тот исчезает, Сет намеревается воспитать Робби как собственного сына. Мстительный отец нападает на Мэри Люси, дочь соседского фермера, которая так же приняла участие в судьбе Робби. Дэвиду, приятелю Мэри, удаётся спасти её, а Руби сбегает вместе со своим сыном. Но ненадолго…
Friends and Lovers
British Army captain Geoff Roberts carries on an affair with Alva, the wife of the cruel Victor Sangrito. Sangrito, however, is well aware of the affair, as he uses his beautiful wife to lure men into romance with her, then blackmailing them to save their careers.
Too Many Cooks
A young couple, soon to wed, begin building their dreamhouse, but their interfering relatives cause no end of trouble. Comedy.
White Shoulders
In this drama, an impoverished young woman meets a millionaire who marries her on the spot and then begins pampering her with jewels and furs. When not attending to her every need, the business magnate works his mines so he can buy her some more. While he is gone, a gigolo makes advances upon her.
White Shoulders
In this drama, an impoverished young woman meets a millionaire who marries her on the spot and then begins pampering her with jewels and furs. When not attending to her every need, the business magnate works his mines so he can buy her some more. While he is gone, a gigolo makes advances upon her.
The Pay-Off
A thug robs a young engaged couple of their last few dollars. When the thug's gang boss hears of the robbery, he gives them back their money and takes them under his wing. The thug, resentful of the couple, plans to organize a mutiny against the gang's boss, but when he is killed in a botched robbery, the police focus their attention on the young couple.
Lawful Larceny
When Marion Corsey's husband, Andrew, is conned out of a small fortune by Vivian Hepburn, she dedicates herself to recovering the money.
The Runaway Bride
Mary Gray elopes to Atlantic City, NJ, but begins having second thoughts about the marriage. Then she becomes inexplicably locked in her hotel room, and a series of cops, robbers and kidnappers passes through. Desperate, Mary trusts the shifty chambermaid Clara who whisks her away to the mansion of wealthy George Blaine. There, Mary must pretend to be a lowly cook, but that seems better than sticking with the guy she was engaged to.
The Runaway Bride
Mary Gray elopes to Atlantic City, NJ, but begins having second thoughts about the marriage. Then she becomes inexplicably locked in her hotel room, and a series of cops, robbers and kidnappers passes through. Desperate, Mary trusts the shifty chambermaid Clara who whisks her away to the mansion of wealthy George Blaine. There, Mary must pretend to be a lowly cook, but that seems better than sticking with the guy she was engaged to.
Seven Keys to Baldpate
A writer rents what he believes is a deserted lodge in order to complete his novel. But then six other people show up one-by-one, each for reasons of their own.
Dance Hall
A dance trophy winning young couple is temporarily split up when a playboy aviator leads the girl to believe he's in love with her.
Half Marriage
A young couple marries in secret. Judy's afraid her parents won't approve of Dick and she'll lose her generous allowance. Her parents bring her home from the city where she's been studying art and encourage the attentions of Tom, a persistent suitor. Judy and her jealous husband have an argument that leads her back to the city, a drunken, amorous Tom and a tragedy.
Side Street
Three New York Irish brothers cross paths as policeman, doctor and bootlegger.
Street Girl
A homeless and destitute violinist joins a combo to bring it success, but has problems with her love life.
Lilac Time
Theatre Play
In France during World War I, a charming farm girl keeps a squadron of English pilots in good spirits as best as she can. She falls for a handsome newcomer who is already engaged.
The Prince of Headwaiters
Pierre, the maitre d' at the swanky Ritz Hotel in Paris, discovers that he has a son from his former marriage, which was broken up by his wealthy wife's upper-class relatives. His son, now a young man and unaware that Pierre is is father, is in danger of becoming the victim of blackmailer Mae Morin. Pierre sets out to save him from the notorious Mae.
The Prince of Headwaiters
Pierre, the maitre d' at the swanky Ritz Hotel in Paris, discovers that he has a son from his former marriage, which was broken up by his wealthy wife's upper-class relatives. His son, now a young man and unaware that Pierre is is father, is in danger of becoming the victim of blackmailer Mae Morin. Pierre sets out to save him from the notorious Mae.
The Notorious Lady
A man kills a man he finds alone with his wife. Although she is innocent of any wrong doing the wife claims to be guilty of having an affair to save her husband from a death sentence. Unfortunately, the husband also believes her guilt and so he runs off to Africa to forget and assumes a new identity.
The Notorious Lady
A man kills a man he finds alone with his wife. Although she is innocent of any wrong doing the wife claims to be guilty of having an affair to save her husband from a death sentence. Unfortunately, the husband also believes her guilt and so he runs off to Africa to forget and assumes a new identity.
The Savage
Rivalry between two behavioral scientists gets out of hand...
A Slave of Fashion
Katherine Emerson, an Iowa girl hungry for the good things in life, leaves her small hometown and sets out for New York. En route, she is involved in a train wreck in which another woman is killed. Katherine finds the woman's purse and, among its contents, discovers an invitation for the woman to spend 6 months in an unoccupied luxury apartment in Manhattan. Katherine seizes this opportunity and sets up housekeeping in the elegant suite, living well and dressing in the newest fashions.
White Fang
Silent version of the classic Jack London tale.
White Fang
Silent version of the classic Jack London tale.
Flapper Wives
Flapper Wives
Flapper Wives
Theatre Play
The Love Master
David thinks he has killed a man during a fight over his dog, Strongheart, so he escapes to a small town far up north. The only girl living up there is an orphan, Sally, and David falls in love with her. Strongheart decides to search for love himself and lures Lady Jule, a female shepherd, away from a pack of timber wolves.
Brawn of the North
Brawn, played by Strongheart, rescues a young woman from a snowstorm and a human killer.
Brawn of the North
Brawn, played by Strongheart, rescues a young woman from a snowstorm and a human killer.
Brawn of the North
Brawn, played by Strongheart, rescues a young woman from a snowstorm and a human killer.
Smilin' Through
Theatre Play
The story is essentially the same as the popular Jane Cowl play, with Talmadge in the dual role of Kathleen and Moonyean. Kathleen, a young Irish woman, is in love with Kenneth Wayne but is prevented from marrying him by her guardian John Carteret. John is haunted by memories of his thwarted love for Kathleen's aunt, Moonyean.
The Silent Call
A wolfdog is wrongly accused of sheep killing. Based on the novel by Hal G. Evarts.
The Silent Call
A wolfdog is wrongly accused of sheep killing. Based on the novel by Hal G. Evarts.
Playthings of Destiny
The Amateur Wife
Her education in a French convent school completed, plain Justine Spencer returns to New York. There she is shocked to discover that her mother Dodo is a flamboyant musical comedy actress with many male admirers.
The Right To Lie
Carlotta has been brought up in an Italian convent, unaware that she is the illegitimate child of American architect J. Winthrop Drake. When her mother, an Italian opera singer, dies, Drake finally learns of Carlotta's existence and brings her back to New York with him without revealing the truth of their relationship.
A Temperamental Wife
Theatre Play
Marie, Ltd.
When Drina Hilliard (Alice Brady) finishes college, she heads home to New York, where her mother Marie (Mrs. Gertrude Hillman) runs a millinery shop. On the way, she meets the handsome Blair Carson (Leslie Austen), but the budding love affair gets sidetracked as Drina begins working for her mother. Marie has been running a petty scam -- when a man buys a hat for his wife or sweetheart, she overcharges him and splits the difference with the woman. The Archives Du Film Du CNC holds a complete copy.
Theatre Play