Hideo Nakano

Hideo Nakano


Hideo Nakano


Welcome to the Occult Forest: The Movie
Hiroshima Soten
A washed up horror film director named Kôji Kuroishi and his assistant director named Miho Ichikawa visit a house deep in wooded mountains to film a movie. Once arrived, they meet a mentally deranged woman named Maria Miyoshi who proclaims she's a fan of Kuroishi's works. The woman pleads that she's experienced the same things as documented in Kuroishi's works. Unexplainable phenomena quickly begin to happen, so Kuroishi sets out to document these experiences and turn them into a film, together with the help of a 'super volunteer' named Shôhei Uno and a handsome psychic medium named Nanashi.
Bad City
Kensuke Sonomura directs the legendary Hitoshi Ozawa in this ultimate V-Cinema actioner. Kaiko City is plagued with poverty and crime. When a corrupt businessman decides to run for mayor and starts eliminating opponents from the rival mafia, a former police captain serving time for murder is secretly released and put in charge of a special task force to arrest him.
Mio came to Tokyo with her sights on becoming a singer/songwriter, but that dream was dashed by a scandal without her ever becoming successful. She returns heartbroken to her hometown of Shimokawa where connecting with her parents, her former classmates, and the rich natural surroundings help her emotionally recover.
Namonaihi: A Day with No Name
A human drama about the strange fate of the three brothers, played by Masatoshi Nagase, Joe Odagiri, and Nobuaki Kaneko, set in Nagoya.
Osaka Loan Shark
Haruo Sugimura is fresh from serving a two-year stint in prison for assaulting someone when he is recruited by a loan shark named Sakai to help collect money for a company called Minami Hachi Ban Kogyo, baesd in Osaka. Their rates are ruthless: 10% interest is added every 10 days. Their customers are desperate: a hostess who owes money to other loan sharks, a man made suicidal because his family don’t love him anymore. Haruo learns about the art of the loan shark as well as the dark side of peoples personalities.
A crime film depicting the fall of a man who is entangled in a criminal organization and accustomed to violence and the vicious cycle of violence.
CONFLICT ~The Greatest Conflict~ Chapter 4 Counterattack
Chondohoe, which was disbanded after the death of the 6th president Washio, due to the attack of Akinari Myojin, whom the Panwanghoe had looked after. Three years later, Date, the director of the Chondohoe, became a member of the rival organization, Panwanghoe, and when its biggest rival, the Chondohoe, was disbanded, the Panwanghoe was making huge profits by successfully attracting casinos.
Conflict III
Washio now reigns as boss of Tendokai, but a deal over casino operating rights ignites a fierce war with a hostile faction in the Kansai region.
Всего лишь игра
Сиромии живёт в Осаке вместе со своей пятилетней дочерью Ёёко. Вскоре ему исполнится 40, но он сидит без работы. У Ёёко есть некая тайна. Однажды в их жизни появляется Мати, подруга детства Сиромии. Сейчас Мати работает в полиции, и Ёёко вызывает у неё подозрения.
4th entry in the Conflict Series
Gokudo Tenka Fubu Act Three
This is the third masterpiece by the all star cast. In this one, the Orikikumumi, who aimed to unify Owari, had a feud for the dispute between the eldest son Nobunaga (Hitoshi Ozawa) and his second son, Nobuyuki (Masaki nishinomori). Under such circumstances, the Imanishi Gumi of Suruga started to invade Owari in full scale due to the brutality of Nobuyuki...
The Wild Ones:  The Osaka Yakuza War
Sakamoto Toshiya (Kawahara Hideyuki), a young assistant head of the Yamashinkai, is imprisoned himself after his partner is killed in a feud with the Takahara family. When Sakamoto was released from prison eight years later and returned to the Yamashinkai, the organization was already under the control of the Takahara family and was involved in the sale of shabu, which was a taboo practice. Sakamoto tries to rebuild the organization with Yamahashi and his subordinate, Asada, but the Takahara family spots him and the chairman, Hirano, excommunicates him.
The Wild Ones: Charismatic Yakuza
Tatsumi, the third head of the Togo clan, recalls Wanibuchi Ichizo (Motomiya Yasufu), the young head of the Makikawa clan, who was known as the "bare handed" Emperor. Wanibuchi attracted many young people with his overwhelming charisma and the strength of his fighting skills. Mr. Makikawa wanted to give such young people a cup and expand his power. One day, however, Wanibuchi defeats the members of the Yamato clan, Japan's largest organization, with his bare knuckles, and the Makigawa clan is in danger of survival.
Shinjuku Swan II
Akira Tasaka
Tatsuhiko Shiratori works as a scout, recruiting girls to work in the adult entertainment business. He movies to Yokohama from Shinjuku, Tokyo. He comes into conflict with Masaki Taki who is the CEO of a scout company.
Yutaka Eda
Молодая сотрудница рекламного агентства Маки не умеет толком готовить и общаться с мужчинами. Однажды в её жизни появляется сильный и напористый парень по имени Нагиса. Он — учитель рисования и прекрасный повар. Маки и Нагиса начинают жить вместе и девушка понимает, что впервые в жизни влюблена. Но вот досада: её новый сосед по квартире — веган и гей.
Conflict II
When Tendokai's headquarters are attacked, underboss Washio Kazuma orders his trusted lieutenant to investigate a possible mole inside the family.
Tendokai's Washio Kazuma, the underboss of Japan's largest crime syndicate, goes on the warpath when his blood brother and family turn up dead.
Преисподняя мёртвых
10 лет назад в результате криминальных разборок из группировки Хирои Мунакаты остались только трое, и один из них, Такаси, отправился в тюрьму. Теперь якудза вышел и выясняет, что его дочь-старшеклассница вместе с подругой сбежала на небольшой остров. А там девушки практически сразу сталкиваются с эпидемией зомби — член той самой победившей группировки якудза смешал лекарство от простуды с наркотиками из украденной партии, умер, воскрес и превратился в плотоядное чудовище. Такаси с бывшей женой и старыми подельниками отправляется на поиски дочери, но на тот же остров бывшие конкуренты по криминальному бизнесу посылают своих боевиков убить предателя и вернуть украденное.
実録 新選組
Yamanami Keisuke
Клан Токио
Veteran Police Officer
Ночь. Неоновый свет заливает улицы Токио и превращает их в страстный и порочный мир... Уличные банды, разборки... Секс и насилие - всё это нам подают под сочный Хип-Хоповый саунд! Город разделён на сферы влияния и кое-кто очень недоволен сложившейся ситуацией. Ведь денег и власти никогда не бывает достаточно!
Shot Gun
A gangster action movie about a battle between Japanese yakuza and South Korean mobsters, set in Tokyo and Seoul.
強奪 6億円.....
The Apology King
Ierou Komura
Ryoro Kurojima (Sadao Abe) is the director of a Tokyo apology center. His job is to teach others how to apologize. Ryoro Kurojima solves problems by using his apology techniques on anything from simple arbitration to a national crisis.
The Clan's Heir is a Shemale
The head of the Tatsumi family falls ill and dies after telling his son(Bell), who disappeared 15 years ago, to take over. The Tatsumi family, including the young head Ryu, decides to search for his son's whereabouts in order to keep his will. They finally found his son and learn he is actually a shemale. Meanwhile, the hostile Honjoukai are plotting to steal the Tatsumi family's territory.
Полный беспредел
Криминальная семья Санно выросла в огромную организацию, чья власть распространилась на политику и крупный легальный бизнес. Амбициозный детектив Катаока при помощи тайных заговоров и грязных трюков провоцирует конфликт Между Санно и их давними врагами Ханабиши, надеясь, что они окончательно уничтожат друг друга. Но козырем в руках Катаоки может стать тот факт, что из тюрьмы готовится выйти Отомо, босс семьи, когда-то раздавленной Санно, которого многие считали мертвым. Неожиданное возвращение Отомо сеет еще больше лжи и предательства между семьям. Невозможно угадать, кто одержит верх в этой свирепой схватке за власть.
Kono Otoko-tachi, Kyoubou Ni Te
The cruelty of the yakuza that emerges under incandescent light
The Face of Minami
Shortly after his release, Katsurakawa begins working under Yamanaka, who is known as a businessman. Yamanaka, who did not make a backing, continued to be relentlessly harassed from all sides, but Katsurakawa managed to surpass it. However, aiming for a stronger organization, he receives a cup from the giant organization Yagami-gumi, forms the "Asahikai", and decides to follow the path.
В безжалостной борьбе за власть несколько кланов якудза оспаривают расположение Крестного отца. Главари поднимаются по иерархической лестнице в организации, не пренебрегая заговорами и лживыми клятвами верности. Опытный якудза Отомо наблюдает за развитием карьеры своих товарищей: оставив позади замысловатые татуировки и отрубленные пальцы, они штурмуют мир финансов. В мире коррупции, где царят предательство и месть, ни на минуту не прекращается борьба за достижение вершины или просто за выживание. Это — мир, где героев не существует…
Зебрамен 2: Атака на Зебра-Сити
Школьный учитель Итикава, известный как Человек-зебра, просыпается 15 лет спустя, в 2025 году. Городом Токио переименованым в «Зебра Сити», управляют злобный мэр и его не менее злобная дочь. Они ввели новый закон под названием «Зебра-тайм», позволяющий полиции уничтожать всех подряд в определённое время суток. И вот как раз под это действие и попадает Человек-зебра, который ко всему прочему потерял память и не может вспомнить свое прошлое...
Yakuza Legacy
Matsuba Group was dominant in Gumma but an emerging group begins to mess around their territory. Designated as the leader of a branch, Makino swipes the rival group... but can he take on a horde of rival assassins?
Женщина с разрезанным ртом 2
Shohei Nemoto
История появления демона в маске и с ножницами в руках. Жизнь обычной школьницы меняется, когда ее обливают кислотой. Лицо ужасно обезображено, а душа искалечено. На свет появляется ужасный демон-мститель.
Only You Can Hear Me
Tetsushi Aihara
Shy, quiet, and unsure of herself, Ryo Aihara doesn't quite fit in anywhere. Though she wants to make friends, she has trouble speaking up and holding a normal conversation like everyone else. It seems that whenever she talks, the words just don't come out correctly. Gradually, Ryo has gotten used to living life in silence as a lonely and introverted student. With no one to talk to, Ryo also has no need for a cell phone. Longing for friends to talk to, she creates a cell phone in her mind for imaginary phone conversations, and much to her surprise, one day Shinya picks up on the other side. For the first time in her life, Ryo has found someone she can talk to.
Rug Cop: The Biggest Overhead Battle
Detective Zura sequel
Drift Falcon IV
Yakuza Don 3
Final of the trilogy of yakuza don
Yakuza Don
Kazuki moves to Tokyo, aspiring to rise to the top in his Yakuza group. Working directly under his group's kumicho (the Yakuza don) and surviving the group in-fightings, he learns what it really takes to be Yakuza.
Detective Zura
Keisuke Mendo
A nonsense criminal action presented by a combination of Shuntaro Kanai and Minoru Kawasaki, who are familiar with "The Calamari Wrestler" and "Koala Kacho". With Fuyuki Moto as the lead, he depicts the activities of a unique detective who uses a wig as a weapon to kill the criminals.
Yakuza Don 2
Sequel of Yakuza Don
The Rug Cop
A spot-on, hilarious spoof of 1970s Japanese TV cop shows, THE RUG COP follows chrome-domed officer Genda as he transfers to a new precinct just as a group of radical terrorists hijack a shipment of uranium and deliver a ransom demand of five billion yen. Genda and his crack team of detectives must solve the case using their peculiar abilities: champion eater Detective Fatty, abnormally endowed Detective Big Dick, speedy weightlifter Detective Shorty, and ladies man Mr. Handsome. But most dangerous of all is the Rug Cop, whose projectile toupee proves lethal to wrongdoers! Kawasaki s unique comic genius and his love of vintage cop shows combine to produce a silly masterpiece that will have viewers truly believing in Rug Power!
実録・名古屋やくざ戦争 統一への道
Yakuza War: Chalice of Shura
In this gritty Yakuza drama about the struggles between the Kanto Yakuza forces and Tohoku forces, a newcomer of the Kishimori Group takes on the dangerous task of launching a new office in rival territory.
Hiroshima Yakuza War
After World War II, in Hiroshima, the Yakuza clans start a war for control of the city.
Hiroshima Yakuza War 2
A new yakuza war erupts in Hiroshima
Shura's Barbarian King
Fumihiko Saizonoji , a man who lost everything in the plot of a bank and a general contractor when he was a child . Now , as Fumihiko Kanzaki , a man with two faces , a bank clerk and a fraudster , he goes on a revenge path for Shura alone against a huge organization !
Shura ga Yuku 12
The King of Minami 14
Direct to video crime film.
Shura ga Yuku 3
The third hit series of a gangster movie that depicts a fateful confrontation between a man stigmatized for killing a gangster and confronting an enemy who has fitted himself. The stage will be moved to Kyushu, and the escalated battle between yakuza will unfold.
Bad Guy Beach
A private detective called "Kiss Shiro", One day, he is shocked to see a rape video brought by his younger brother.
Psychic: Traveler to the Unknown
Hikaru, an ordinary man, discovers a way to unleash the supernatural powers hidden inside his soul, allowing him to cure others with his newfound “ki” healing power.
Three elite salarymen find themselves in a bar fight with a group of threatening but mysterious men. When the mystery men come looking for revenge, the salarymen find themselves embroiled in a deadly game...
Promise Ring-The Kashima Antlers Story
A story of dreams, efforts and passion based on the true stories of the people who supported Kashima Antlers, who won the J-League for the first time.