Vincent Scotto

Рождение : 1874-04-21, Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône, France

Смерть : 1952-11-15


Le congrès des belles-mères
The Parish Priest of Saint-Amour
Music Director
The Marquise de Saint-Ange wants to marry her niece Nicole, but the young girl, put off by the chosen suitor, flees with her friend Jacques.
The Strange Madame X
Original Music Composer
Irène is the unhappy wife of a wealthy publisher, Jacques Voisin-Larive, who cares about her no more than a beautiful piece of furniture. Her meeting with Étienne, a young cabinetmaker with whom she falls in love, turns her dismal existence upside down. Not wanting to reveal her condition to her lover, she pretends to be a modest maid, employed by the Voisin-Larive. At the end of a weekend spent with her lover, Irène discovers that she is pregnant. The fragile balance of their existence is suddenly broken. Taking the initiative, she reveals her affair to Jacques and tells him about her desire to divorce. But her husband has no intention of giving her back her freedom...
The Ways of Love
Anthology film by three directors, "A Day in the Country", "Jofroi" and "The Miracle".
Original Music Composer
Minne is a very imaginative young lady. She pretends to have had lovers and can't think of anything better to do other than... to tell Antoine, her husband, the day she marries him. Bad beginning for the couple... As the marriage is not consummated for years, Minne feels frustrated and tries to find elsewhere the carnal knowledge she does not find at home. But Antoine is a kind-hearted man and on the occasion of a trip, a sexual balance is at last found between the two partners.
Au p'tit zouave
Au p'tit Zouave, a café, sees a colorful clientele from working-class Paris. An assassin will shake up the daily life of the regulars.
Le diamant de cent sous
For fun and to dazzle his wife, the novelist Morgan steals a ring and gets rid of it in the costume jewelry section of a supermarket. Sophie buys the diamond, which forces the novelist to embark on crazy adventures to recover the jewel.
L'homme traqué
Original Music Composer
A Parisian baker boy, tired of his monotonous and hopeless life, kills the owner of a hotel to rob him. A woman of questionable morals noticed his absence. To buy his silence, he makes her his friend. Rivaled by their secret and not really loving each other, they indulge in imprudences which throw them into the hands of the police.
Le cabaret du grand large
Original Music Composer
Superintendent Thomas is investigating a cabaret owner with suspicious actions.
Les Cadets de l'océan
In the harbor of Toulon, on the “Ocean” training ship, the apprenticeship of the cabin boys and experts of the Navy is punctuated by permissions in town, friendships, bullying, and loves.
L'aventure est au coin de la rue
A rich young man, Pierre Trévoux, has a desire for adventure and boasts of his courage. While he is staying with friends in the countryside, his hosts, to play a trick on him, organize a fake burglary, but he discovers the hoax. When he returns home, he finds his house broken into. Convinced that the game continues, he does not understand that he is dealing with real gangsters. His recklessness allows him to rout the criminals.
Domino has only a wooden statuette, a typical piece of African art, to show for his trip. Arriving in Paris, Domino phones the famous Heller galleries to try to sell his statuette. He gets Heller’s wife, who uses him to deflect the suspicions of her jealous husband: she had an affair before their marriage. Domino gets carried away and persuades the young woman to go away with him.
Strange Suzy
To prevent her husband from starting a divorce procedure, a wife simulates madness.
The Tale of the Fox
Original Music Composer
In the kingdom of animals, Master Fox is used to trick and fool everyone. So the King, the Lion, receives more and more complaints about him. He orders that Master Fox is arrested and brought to him.
A young man is hired by an industrialist, while a secret hangs over his birth. His boss's wife turns out to be his mother, who hides the truth from him.
Prince de mon cœur
Original Music Composer
One of the subjects of the Prince of Slopoldavia, followed him to Paris, not out of love but to take revenge for the monarch's betrayal of one of his friends. Involuntary architect of a plot, she forces the prince to return to the throne and agrees to share the burdens of power with him.
La vie des artistes
Everything you wanted to know about your favorite circus, radio and movie stars. They tell you about their lives and likes and dislikes.
Жена пекаря
Original Music Composer
О жизни Анабеля Кастанье, пекаря средних лет из прованской деревни. Когда его молодая жена Аурелия бросает его ради симпатичного пастуха, парень перестает печь хлеб, и жизнь в деревне замирает. Все деревенские жители, испокон веков испытывающие друг к другу неприязнь, вынуждены объединиться, чтобы вернуть пекарю его жену.
Si tu reviens
Claire and Jean are lovers, but Claire's father opposes this union, because Jean is the son of a woman he once knew. Jean becomes a great singer, but doesn't forget Claire.
Original Music Composer
Алжир — это место, где жаркая пустыня встречается со Средиземным морем, и современная Европа сталкивается с древней Африкой. В нескольких шагах от нового города находится старинный район Касбах, который возвышается крепостью над морем. Его населяют люди самых различных племен и рас — скитальцы и изгои со всего мира, а также преступники, которые укрываются там от длинной руки закона. Главенствует там один человек — Пепе ле Мокко, которого давно разыскивает французская полиция. Жизнь в изгнании претит Пепе, им овладевает тоска по веселому Парижу и тем дням и даже близость с безумно любящей его восточной красавицей Инее не приносит счастья. Хитроумный детектив Слиман подстерегает момент, когда разыскиваемый решит покинуть Касбах, чтобы взять его. Габи красивая, праздная и уверенная в себе туристка из Парижа, знакомится с Пепе и между ними вспыхивает искра страсти, которая разожжёт пламя любовного романа и доведет его до фатального завершения…
Naples Under the Kiss of Fire
Mario Esposito, who sings in a Neapolitan restaurant, is in love with Assunta, the niece of Teresa, the owner of the place. He shares his apartment with Michel, his best friend. This one has fallen under the spell of Lolita, a gorgeous adventuress he met at the cathedral where he officiates as the organist. But things go awry as, while Michel intercedes with Aunt Teresa for Assunta's hand in his favor, Mario in turn falls in love with Lolita. On the very day of his wedding with Assunta, Mario runs away with Lolita, thus betraying both his love and his friend. But it does not take long before the young singer realizes the big mistake he has made.
Пепе ле Моко
Original Music Composer
Главарь большой и опытной банды по имени Пепе ле Моко умен, хитер и очень авторитетен среди своих подельников. Но таким людям, как ни странно, надоедает однообразие типа: украл — выпил — в тюрьму. Да еще эта дура Инесс, с которой ужасно надоело жить. Наплевав на опасность и забыв об элементарных правилах нормального вора, Пепе находит себе новую зазнобу — очень стильную и красивую Габи Голд. И нам становится понятно, что этот парень долго не протянет — на «хвосте» у Пепе обнаруживается его старый заклятый «друг» — инспектор полиции Шлиман…
Albert Durandal is unable to keep a job for more than a few days. The reason: he hums while working, which invariably irritates his superiors. He is not hired as a singer for all that, as no music producer is prepared to bet on him. At the moment he is as free as a (singing) bird and accepts to take care of Josette, the little daughter of Jeanne, his neighbor, who is sick and has to go to a sanitarium. One day, while walking down the street, he helps an old man who has an attack. The latter happens to be an influential millionaire. And with a heart of gold into the bargain : he helps Albert to make it in the singing career. And as Jeanne has recovered, he can marry her and adopt Josette.
Tino is a painter and occasionally a singer. When he has an opportunity to replace an absent singer, he becomes a sucess as a masqued singer, "Le chanteur masqué". Lisa is a typist who becomes a successful singer, also as a masqued singer, "La chanteuse masquée". Tino the painter falls in love for Lisa the typist, not knowing about her "masqued" activities. On the stage they are rivals.
Les gaîtés de la finance
Music Director
The banker Marivol looks like a tailor, Lambinet. Gangsters threaten the first, who hires the second as a double. The latter accepts ignoring everything. When he learns that he will be the target of killers, the unfortunate man begins to live in terror.
"Merlusse" is French schoolboy slang for codfish, and M. Blanchard, a professor at a certain lycée, was known to his victims by that name. On Christmas eve, when some twenty of the students—orphans, foreigners or just plain "unwanteds"—had to remain in the boarding school, Merlusse is placed in charge. His glass eye glares at them stonily, his good one with no less severity. He sets them to tasks, marches like a proctor up and down the aisles, exacts to the utmost the last measure of discipline. But when the youngsters awake in the morning, there are toys by each bed in the dormitory and M. Blanchard, no longer to be called Merlusse, is exposed for the softhearted fraud he is.
A short documentary about the Marseille harbor produced by Marcel Pagnol.
Zou Zou tries to help her childhood friend prove his innocence after he's accused of murder.
Angèle is a 1934 French drama film directed, produced and written by Marcel Pagnol. It stars Orane Demazis as a naive young woman who is seduced and abandoned. It is based on the novel Un de Baumugnes by Jean Giono.
A Night of Madness
Jacqueline took one of her friends to a place where tourists, informants, girls, pimps and Apaches rub shoulders. Her husband, who watches over her, after having corrected Julot and Frize, is considered an ace at the Bal des Terreurs. He thus finds the love of his wife.
Ways of Love
Jofroi sells his orchard to Alphonse. Alphonse wants to use the land for crops, so he starts to cut down the trees. Jofroi is furious: how can someone cut down those trees? He threatens to commit suicide so that the small town will blame Alphonse and Alphonse’s life will be miserable. Alphonse, the curate, the teacher, and some of the townsfolk spend the rest of the movie trying to keep Jofroi from committing suicide…
L'agonie des aigles
Original Music Composer
Under the regime of Louis XVIII. Years after Waterloo, Napoleon's loyal officers live in retirement on half-pay. Useless and idle, they have lost their prestige and keep meeting in the hope of the Emperor’s return. When Napoleon dies, they decide to plot the rise to power of Napoleon II.
Весенний ливень
Original Music Composer
В фильме рассказана история девушки-крестьянки, родившей внебрачного ребёнка и из-за своего позора вынужденной бежать из деревни в город. Там её, не имеющую средств к существованию, берут в публичный дом, и девицы из этого заведения обращаются с ней более гуманно, чем зажиточные крестьяне из её родного села.
Picking up moments after the end of Marius, this film follows Fanny’s grief after Marius’s departure—and her realization that she’s pregnant. Panisse continues courting her and embraces the baby’s impending arrival as a gift, so long as its paternity remains a secret. Fanny and Panisse wed, but after her baby’s birth, Marius returns unexpectedly and demands what he believes is still his.
Под крышами Парижа
Original Music Composer
Уличный певец Альбер и Пола любят друг друга, хотя Пола любит пофлиртовать и с его лучшим другом Луи. Когда Альбер оказывается в тюрьме за преступление, которого он не совершал, уже ничто не мешает Поле и Луи отдаться взаимному влечению. Альбера освобождают, он приходит в ярость, узнав о романе Полы и его лучшего друга. То, до чего вся троица, в конечном счете, договаривается — совершенная неожиданность для зрителя.