Harvey Clark

Harvey Clark

Рождение : 1885-10-04, Chelsea, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Смерть : 1938-07-19


Harvey Clark


The Lady Objects
Mr. Franklin
A former college football hero and his college sweetheart get married. Marital turmoil ensues as her criminal law practice soars while he cannot get his career as an architect off the ground. They separate, and the man begins making extra money by singing in a nightclub. When he is unjustly accused of murder, it is up to his estranged wife to defend him in court.
The Chaser
Roller Rink Manager
A sleazy lawyer gains clients by showing up at terrible accidents. His boss, determined to stop him, hires a pretty girl to cozy up and coerce the truth out of the ambulance-chaser. Unfortunately, the boss doesn't count on the romance factor and sure enough, love blossoms between the girl and the shyster.
Mother Carey's Chickens
Clarence Fuller
A financially-strapped mother and her children relocate from the city to a small rural town.
Борцы с бандитизмом
Merchant (uncredited)
A trucker with a pregnant wife fights a New York mobster's protection racket.
One Wild Night
Henderson (uncredited)
Frenzied comedy starring June Lang as a reporter investigating the mysterious disappearances of four men who had all withdrawn large sums of money from the local bank in Stockton, Ohio.
Torchy Blane in Panama
Higgins, Royal Tomcat (uncredited)
Torchy, Steve, and Gahagan are on the trail of a bank robber aboard an ocean liner traveling from New York to L.A. via the Panama Canal.
Арсен Люпен возвращается
Hotel Assistant Manager (uncredited)
A woman and a man vying for a woman's affection: the usual love trio? Not quite so since the belle in question is Lorraine de Grissac, a very wealthy and alluring society woman, while one of the two rivals is none other than Arsène Lupin, the notorious jewel thief everybody thought dead, now living under the assumed name of René Farrand. As for the other suitor he is an American, a former F.B.I. sleuth turned private eye by the name of Steve Emerson. Steve not only suspects Farrand of being Lupin but when someone attempts to steal a precious emerald necklace from Lorraine's uncle, Count de Brissac, he is persuaded Lupin is the culprit. Is Emerson right or wrong? Which of the two men will win over Lorraine's heart?
Clark (Uncredited)
Пароходный магнат Джон Хеннесси теряет голову при виде Джесси - жены своего знакомого бездельника Эдди Миллера. Тот, оценив ситуацию, разрабатывает хитроумный план: Джесси разводится с ним, выходит замуж за магната, потом разводится и с ним и вновь, уже богатая, выходит замуж за Эдди. Сработала только часть плана: Джесси на самом деле выходит замуж за Хеннесси, но, вопреки планам, влюбляется в него...
Partners of the Plains
Baldy Morton
Lorna Drake has inherited a ranch. Hoppy teaches her a bit about ranching and handles Scar Lewis, the bad guy, in the process.
Boss of Lonely Valley
Jim Lynch
A rancher attempts to find the villain behind a land-stealing operation.
Law for Tombstone
Doc Holliday
A stagecoach line hires an agent to stop a string of robberies of gold shipments.
It's Love I'm After
Mr. Babson
An infatuated debutante renews a Shakespearean actor's running feud with his leading lady.
Мадам Икс
Жаклин Флорио, жена дипломата закрутила роман и по этой причине вынуждена оставить мужа и сына. После этого она погружается в пучину разврата, в проституцию, шантаж и, в конечном итоге, становится подозреваемой в убийстве. Её сын Рэймонд, к тому времени уже взрослый мужчина и известный адвокат, призван быть её защитником. Он не знает, что женщина, которую он защищает, — его давно потерянная мать, а Жаклин пытается скрыть своё прошлое от успешного сына.
Dance Charlie Dance
Richard Milton
A stage-struck small-towner is tricked in backing a bad straight play, but it turns out to be a unintentional comedy hit. Problems arise, when he is sued for plagiarism.
Dangerous Holiday
A young violin prodigy is assumed kidnapped after he runs away from home.
Women of Glamour
A girl with a reputation falls for a wealthy playboy.
History Is Made at Night
A romantic headwaiter fights to save a woman from her possessive ex-husband.
Devil's Playground
Real Estate Man
A remake of Frank Capra's Submarine (1928), Devil's Playground is a snappy Columbia "B plus" picture starring Richard Dix and Chester Morris. Submarine officers Dorgan (Dix) and Mason (Morris) battle on land for the affections of dance-hall girl Carmen (Dolores del Rio). She marries Dorgan but makes a play for Mason when her husband is on duty. The romantic rivalry is forgotten when Dorgan must rescue Mason and his crew from a sunken sub.
Empty Saddles
Swaps Boone
Buck runs into trouble when he buys a deserted cattle ranch that he turns into a dude ranch.
The Boss Rider of Gun Creek
Pop Greer
A man impersonates his double to clear himself of a murder conviction.
Mayor Pippen (uncredited)
По рассказу "Правило толпы" Нормана Красны. Фильм основан на реальных событиях, происшедших в окрестностях Сан-Франциско в 1930-е годы. Спровоцированная толпа обывателей провинциального городка осаждает и поджигает тюрьму, где заключен подозреваемый в похищении детей совершенно невиновный человек.
One Rainy Afternoon
Jeweler (Uncredited)
Suave French actor Philippe Martin provokes a scandal when, in a darkened theater, he mistakes young Monique for his mistress, Yvonne, and tries to kiss her. Charged with assault, the quick-thinking Philippe claims it's French tradition to do as he did, and is let go. To his surprise, Philippe learns that Monique has paid his fine. As the tabloids exploit the situation, Monique dates Philippe, until a photo appears of him kissing Yvonne.
Three Godfathers
Marcus Treen
In a town called New Jerusalem, three bandits hold up a bank. After a gun battle with the townspeople, the three robbers retreat into the scorching Arizona desert. There, they happen upon an ill woman stranded with her child. As the mother dies, she begs the men to take care of her infant. The fugitives want to save the baby -- but to do so, they'll have to travel back to New Jerusalem, where they are wanted men.
Paddy O'Day
Ship's Doctor
A wealthy, eccentric collector of stuffed birds (Pinky Tomlin) and a beautiful Russian singer (Rita Hayworth) provide refuge to an orphaned Irish child (Jane Withers) who has arrived illegally in New York. Director Lewis Seiler's 1936 comedy, with numerous songs, also features Jane Darwell, George Givot, Robert Dudley, Vera Lewis, Louise Carter, Francis Ford, Russell Simpson and Clarence Wilson.
Mad Love
Station Master (Uncredited)
An insane surgeon's obsession with an actress leads him to replace her wounded pianist husband's hands with the hands of a knife murderer--hands which still have the urge to throw knives.
The Bands Plays On
A judge hands four wayward boys to a college football coach who turns them into backfield stars.
Peck's Bad Boy
Young boy Bill Peck adores his father and tries to be good, but the arrival of Bill's cousin Horace upsets Bill's plans. Horace's brattish ways result in Bill rather than Horace getting in trouble.
The Spectacle Maker
The Grand Duke
A parable about magic glasses involving on the nature of beauty, truth, good, and evil set in 17th Century Germany with music and Glorious Technicolor.
Храбрость Чарли Чена
Prof. Gamble
Чарли нанимают, чтобы доставить жемчужное ожерелье миллионеру на его ранчо. Когда в дело вмешивается убийство, он маскируется под китайского слугу и начинает расследование.
Back Page
A former New York reporter (Peggy Shannon) is hired as editor of a failing, small town newspaper in California.
Picture Brides
'Doc' Rogers
Four "Picture Brides", from New Orleans, arrive in the Brazilian jungle on a riverboat, brought there to marry workers at Lottagrasso, a remote mining site of the Standard Diamond Mines. Also on the boat with the four "mail-order" brides (Americans Mame Smith, Flo Lane, and Gwen from England and Lena from Europe) is Mary Lee, a frightened and innocent girl, who has come to see the mine's brutal supervisor, Von Luden, about a job.
No Greater Glory
Customer in Tailor Shop
A frail boy fights to win acceptance from the leader of a street gang.
The Countess of Monte Cristo
Newpaper Editor
A distraught movie extra flees a movie set with a fancy costume and car. Circumstances lead her to begin impersonating a Countess, while a fellow extra takes on the role of her servant.
Грех Норы Моран
Mr. Moran
Нора Моран, молодая женщина с трудным и трагическим прошлым, осуждена на смерть за убийство, которое она не совершала. Она легко могла бы раскрыть правду и спасти свою жизнь, если только это не повредит жизни, карьере и репутации тех, кого она любит...
A Shriek in the Night
Rival newspaper reporters Pat Morgan and Ted Rand find themselves unraveling the mystery behind the death of a millionaire philanthropist who fell from his penthouse balcony. When it is discovered that the plunge was not an accident, the building's residents come under suspicion. Soon, the body count begins to mount as three more murders occur by strangulation.
I Love That Man
Fred J. Harper
Innocent Nancy Carroll falls in love with con man Edmund Lowe and the pair swindle their way across the country until they decide to settle down in a small town and give up their life of crime. He goes into business and all seems to be going well until some ex-partners he double crossed show up in town demanding the money he cheated them out of.
Strictly Personal
Biddleberry (uncredited)
Soapy Gibson (Edward Ellis) and his wife Annie (Marjorie Rambeau) run a lonely hearts club in a small town. Even during the Depression years these were often "clip joints" - places where people with money but no mate got taken by someone offering the promise of companionship. However, Soapy and Annie are strictly on the level - and they have more than one reason to want to stay on the level. You see Soapy escaped from the law years ago, had some plastic surgery and changed his name, and has been living on the lam with his wife ever since.
West of Singapore
Tropical "heat" drives a man into the arms of a disreputable tramp, making things tough for the woman who really loves him.
The All-American
Gresham McCormick
The story of the rise and fall of an All-American football player.
Those We Love
Mr. Hart
Director Robert Florey's 1932 melodrama about a woman who suspects her husband of infidelity stars Mary Astor, Kenneth MacKenna, Tommy Conlon, Lilyan Tashman, Hale Hamilton, Cecil Cunningham and Virginia Sale.
Red-Headed Woman
Uncle Fred
Lil works for the Legendre Company and causes Bill to divorce Irene and marry her. She has an affair with businessman Gaerste and uses him to force society to pay attention to her.
The Big Shot
Mr. Hartman
A young man runs into trouble when he buys an auto court, only to find out that its located next to a swamp that drives away all potential customers.
Young as You Feel
Colorado Hotel Manager
Lemuel Morehouse, the owner of a profitable meatpacking company in Chicago, bemoans the fact that neither of his two sons have the time nor inclination to eat with him. Billy is obsessed with culture, while Tom is a physical fitness nut. At the office, Lemuel is exasperated when Billy arrives for work at four in the afternoon and cannot stay because of a party he is giving that night to unveil a statue he bought for $20,000. Lemuel then finds Tom meeting with his golf committee rather than working. When the boys argue that business is only a means to an end, and that happiness and enjoyment of life are desired goals, Lemuel counters their contentions by declaring that what they really need are wives and tells them that Dorothy and Rose Gregson, the daughters of an old friend, will soon be visiting.
Человек из высшего общества
Joe - American Tourist
Четыре года назад, Майкл Тревор был многообещающим журналистом по имени Джимми Пауэре, но из-за скандального инцидента, он вынужден был покинуть Соединенные Штаты и перебраться в Париж, где стал издателем бульварной газетенки. Его бизнес процветает за счет скандальных статеек о ночной жизни богатых людей, а, кроме того, он частенько берет деньги с согрешивших в ночном Париже приезжих добропорядочных американцев, за то чтобы статьи об их приключениях не увидели свет. Последней жертвой джентльмена - рэкетира стал Гарри Тэйлор, толстый угольный король из Штата Пенсильвания. Выдавая себя за американского романиста, Майкл приходит в гостиничный номер с еще неопубликованной статьей из бульварной газетенки и оказывает «дружескую поддержку» Тэйлору, заявляя, что он подаст в суд на редактора скандальной газетки, который собирается напечатать заметку о любовном свидании миллионера и некой блондинки.
Elmer Hawksworth (uncredited)
After a tumultuous first marriage, Millie Blake learns to love her newfound independence and drags her feet on the possibility of remarriage. The years pass, and now Millie's daughter garners the attentions of men-- Men who once devoted their time to her mother.
Going Wild
Herndon Reamer
Rollo and Lane just happen to be tossed off the train at White Beach where Robert Story -Air ace and writer- is supposed to stop. It is a case of mistaken identity as no one knows what Story looks like. So they get free room and meals at the Palm Inn and everything is going well until they want Story to fly in the race on Saturday. Rollo has never even be up in a plane, never mind fly one, so he must figure a way out. But the girls have everything bet on his winning the race. Written by Tony Fontana
Вверх по реке
Nash (uncredited)
Двое осужденных Сент Луис и Дэннимора Дэн помогают другому осужденному по имени Стив, который влюбился в осужденную из женской части тюрьмы Джуди. В конце концов, и Стив, и Джуди освобождены из тюрьмы. Они женятся и уезжают в родной город Стива, где никто не догадывается о его преступном прошлом. Не долго, однако, пара наслаждалась счастливой и мирной жизнью, поскольку их семейное счастье оказалось в руках шантажиста и нечестного продавца Фросби, который знал раньше Джуди…
Angel Gabriel
A carousel barker falls in love with a young woman. Both are fired from their jobs, and when the young woman becomes pregnant, the carousel barker tries to help pull off a robbery, which goes wrong. Because of the robbery, he dies, and after spending time in hell, is sent back to earth for one day to try to make amends.
Anybody's Woman
Mr. Tanner
A lawyer, left by his wife gets drunk and marries a chorus girl, or so he learns the morning after.
What a Man
Mr. Kilbourne
Wade Rawlings, a former Captain in the Gold Stream Guards, has lost his fortune and has become a wanderer in the United States. He is hired as the Kilbourne-family chauffeur after Mrs. Kilbourne, whose hobby is reforming tramps, takes note of his skill as an auto-mechanic. The rest of the family objects strongly, especially 22-year-old Eileen who takes an immediate dislike to him, but Mr. Kilbourne allows him to stay on. Shortly afterward, Mr. Kilbourne is surprised to learn that Eileen has eloped and he has a new son-in-law, and even more surprised to learn this his son-in-law is the family chauffeur.
Seven Keys to Baldpate
Elijah Quimby
A writer rents what he believes is a deserted lodge in order to complete his novel. But then six other people show up one-by-one, each for reasons of their own.
Half Marriage
Justice of the Peace
A young couple marries in secret. Judy's afraid her parents won't approve of Dick and she'll lose her generous allowance. Her parents bring her home from the city where she's been studying art and encourage the attentions of Tom, a persistent suitor. Judy and her jealous husband have an argument that leads her back to the city, a drunken, amorous Tom and a tragedy.
His Lucky Day
Jerome Weaver (as Harvey Clarke)
When a young man acts foolish, he's either insane, in debt or in love, and there's not much difference! Real estate agent Charles Blaydon is in love and in order to get the father of his sweetheart Kay Weaver to purchase a nearby property he is must fill the vacant house next door. So he does something foolish when he offers a few months rent free to the first group of prospective buyer he finds. However in his eagerness he doesn't suspect that this peculiar group isn't a family looking for a home but actually a gang of robbers on the lam!
The Floating College
The Dean
College Life - Love - and the big things of life under the light-heartedness of youth.
The Toilers
The Toilers (1928)
The Night Bird
A boxer falls in love with a girl he meets in the park.
The Head Man
Because he refuses to be a tool for a political mob, Watts, an ex-senator, is relegated to the public wastebasket. When he opposes a rival politician in a mayoral campaign, Watts evokes the public's sympathy and is elected to the mayor's chair, again becoming a power in local politics.
Ladies' Night in a Turkish Bath
Mr. Spivens
Ma and Pa Slocum sell up their thriving packed-lunch business (based on Ma's home cooking, Pa's packaging design, and pretty daughter Helen's salesmanship), and move 'uptown' to live the life of the idle rich on the proceeds.
The Tragedy of Youth
Father (as Harvey Clarke)
Neglected by shallow husband Dick, young bride Paula Wayne seeks male companionship outside the marital nest. She soon finds it in the form of mature lover Frank Gordon. Lost film.
Получите вашего мужчину
Marquis de Valens
Молодая американка Нэнси, будучи первый раз в Париже, влюбляется в молодого и красивого сына французского герцога. Однако он, согласно древнему семейному обычаю, уже с детских лет обручён с дочерью маркиза. Нэнси задумывает преодолеть это препятствие и получить желаемого мужчину.
Надеть штаны на Филиппа
К дяде приезжает племянник из Шотландии. Носящего килт юношу немедленно везут к портному за подходящими брюками.
In Old Kentucky
Dan Lowry
Young Brierly struggles to save his father, Major Brierly, from the clutches of alcohol after the Great War. At the same time, he prepares Major Brierly's horse, which served bravely with the Major at the front, for the Kentucky Derby.
Rose of the Golden West
Thomas Larkin
Juan is about to elope with the convent-bred Elena, when he is chosen to assassinate the governor who is about to hand California over to the Russians. Since the governor also happens to be Elena's father, this puts him in quite a fix.
The Magic Flame
The Aide
The Magic Flame (1927) is a feature film directed by Henry King, produced by Samuel Goldwyn, and based on the play Konig Harlekin by Rudolph Lothar. George Barnes was nominated at the 1st Academy Awards for Best Cinematography. The film promoted itself as the Romeo and Juliet of the circus upon its release.
The Baaron
Based on the 1852 novel and play La Dame aux Camélias by Alexandre Dumas, fils.
The Understanding Heart
Uncle Charlie
Two men in love with the same girl are trapped with her in a forest fire.
Midnight Lovers
During World War I, a young woman marries a famous flying ace. After the honeymoon, he is called back into service and leaves for the battlefield. Not long afterwards she discovers evidence that her new husband has been cheating on her.
Tell 'Em Nothing
Charlie is the great divorce attorney, in demand by all women wishing to shed their husbands. While explaining to one woman how to obtain a divorce by getting photos in a compromising situation...
The Flying Horseman
Happy Joe
Mark Winton is a wanderer who takes up the cause of a band of ragamuffin's bullied by nasty loan shark Bert Ridley. In between buying the youngsters Boy Scout uniforms, the irrepressible Winton comes to the aid of lovely rancher June Savary , whose father is in financial trouble because of Ridley.
The Frontier Trail
Sgt. O'Shea
A 1926 silent Western.
Black Paradise
In San Francisco, Sylvia Douglas and her fiancée, James Callahan, a reformed crook, make their getaway after Jim, disgusted with his inability to find a job, un-reforms and steals a diamond necklace. Graham, a detective, gives chase to a desolate island in the South Pacific where a rum-running gangster, Murdock, holds him captive. Callahan becomes infatuated with a native girl, Leona, and Sylvia turns to Graham for protection against the offensive Murdock. A volcano eruption causes problems for all.
The Cowboy and the Countess
Edwin Irving Mansfield
A carefree range devil rescues visiting Countess Justina of Belgravia (Helena D'Algy) from a car wreck.
Blue Blood
Tim Reilly
Blue Blood is an extant 1925 American silent comedy drama film
Marriage in Transit
A gang of crooks led by Holden steals a government code, and Cyril Gordon, a Secret Service agent who bears a strong resemblance to the gang leader, is assigned to recover the stolen documents.
As No Man Has Loved
Also known as The Man Without a Country
The Roughneck
Fight Manager
Beautiful Felicity Arden, is forced by a storm to take refuge in Mad Marrat's dwelling on the South Sea Isle.
The Man Who Came Back
Charles Reisling
Henry Potter is the irresponsible playboy son of a New York millionaire. Fearing he will disgrace the family name if he stays in New York, the father sends him to San Francisco to work in the family shipyards and, to make a man out of him, he is told he will have to start at the bottom and work his way up. Henry decides this is not a good idea and resents it to the point he will indeed start at the bottom but will work his way down from there, and disgrace the family name in San Francisco.
Second Hand Love
Scratch, the Detective
Andy Hanks is an itinerant fix-it man who comes to town with his horse and dog as his only pals. He falls in love with Angela Trent, a young woman with an air of mystery about her.
The Man Who Won
Sunny Oaks
Bill is a gambler, whose friend Scipio goes in search of his wife Jessie. Jessie, fed up with her life of poverty, has run off with the wealthy and villainous James. She has left behind her two children on James' promise that she can send for them later. Scipio leaves the tots with Bill when he goes on his search..
Mixed Faces
William Haskins
Shattered Idols
Col. Chichester
This exotic adventure drama was based on the novel, The Daughter of Brahma, and went through at least one title change before reaching the screen as Shattered Idols. Jean Hurst, the widow of a British Army officer in India, hates her crippled son David because she thinks he is a coward and a weakling. She sends him away to England for his education. When he returns to India, he falls in love with native girl Sarasvati, who he saves from being burned on a funeral pyre.
Sam Sibley
1860 ushers in the era of iron ships, Richard Sibley, a builder of wooden ships, stubbornly resists the change, which leads him to forbid the marriage of his daughter Rose to John Rhead, a proponent of the new method. This injustice outrages John's sister Gertrude so much that she breaks off her engagement to Sibley's son Sam. Meanwhile, John and Rose elope.
An Arabian Knight
George Darwin (as Harvey Clarke)
Japanese actor Sessue Hayakawa is cast as an ancient Egyptian donkey boy in An Arabian Knight. The humble Hayakawa rescues high-born Lillian Hall from lascivious pasha Fred Jones. All this brouhaha is actually a dream experienced by Hall.
Six Feet Four
Two-Hand Billy Comstock
A cowboy matches the description of the man who robbed the local hotel--both are 6'4". When a young woman is robbed, suspicion falls on the cowboy again. However, he discovers that the actual culprits are a local gang headed by the sheriff. He sets out to capture the robbers and clear his name.
Prudence on Broadway
John Melbourne
Prudence's ( Olive Thomas ) parents send her from their Pennsylvania Quaker colony to a fashionable girls seminary, hoping she can learn about the devil's tricks, instead she engages in girlish pranks, but uses her pure appearance to escape blame. Later, Prudence visits her New York aunt, a society matron, and soon attracts an array of male admirers. She falls in love with wealthy Grayson Mills, but John Melbourne, who lives off of his wife's wealth, plots to seduce her. After Melbourne loans Prudence $200 to pay a gambling debt, he forces her to go to a roadhouse by threatening to show her stern father her canceled check. At dinner, Prudence produces a love letter which Melbourne had earlier written to an actress, and says that if she is not back by midnight, her hotel clerk will show Melbourne's wife his nineteen other love letters. After Melbourne hurries her back, he discovers that she only had the one letter. Prudence now becomes engaged to Grayson.
A Sporting Chance
Aaron Witt
John Stonehouse (William Russell) checks into a hotel, intending to commit suicide. But instead he winds up helping a girl, Gilberte Bonheur (Fritzi Brunette), out of a jam. He finds her bending over a man who she has apparently killed, and since he's about to kill himself anyway, he offers to assume the blame. Throw a valuable emerald into the works, and the fact that the dead man suddenly comes back to life, and Stonehouse -- not to mention the audience -- becomes thoroughly befuddled by it all. Everything clears up, however, when Gilberte gives him a theater ticket -- it turns out that everything he went through was the plot to a stage play, enacted in real life by the actors. The critics roasted the play, saying it wasn't true to life, and this was their proof that the situations really could happen. Gilberte retires from acting when Stonehouse proposes.
Love's Prisoner
Lord Cleveland
A young lady, who "hates the law" rises from the tenements to society. Financial reverses lead her to commit a series of burglaries as "The Bird". She becomes involved with the detective investigating the burglaries. After she confesses and pays for her crimes, they marry.
Shifting Sands
Henry holt - Rent collector
Marcia Grey is wrongly convicted on trumped-up evidence of a German. After serving her term, she rebuilds her life and marries well.
Marked Cards
'Poker' LeMoyne
Ellen Shannon, the daughter of self-made Irish politician Pat Shannon, is engaged to Ted Breslin, but because Pat began his career as a menial laborer, Ted's mother, Mrs. J. De Barth Breslin, refuses to sanction the marriage. Heartbroken, Ted takes up drinking and gambling with "Poker" LeMoyne and Don Jackson, while Ellen attends a finishing school hoping to improve herself. While trying to elude her chaperone, Ellen unwittingly dashes into a man's hotel room, and from the window, she witnesses Don and "Poker" playing cards, while Ted lies unconscious from too much drink. When the two gamblers quarrel, Don kills "Poker," but Ted is accused of the crime.
Powers That Prey
Burton Grant
Publisher Burton exposes politician Jarvis as a crook and is run out of town. He asks his daughter Sylvia to turn the newspaper over to his editor Frank. Instead, Sylvia fires Frank and takes the publisher’s duties herself.
The Gentle Intruder
Mr. Baxter (as Harvey Clarke)
Mary Miles Minter is Sylvia, the niece of a man who leaves her a fortune. The money is in the hands of his lawyer, Baxter, who uses it to support his ambitious wife and daughter. Sylvia comes to Baxter's home and it's obvious she's not wanted there. Arnold, Baxter's son, is wasting his life away with drinking and nightclubbing, but Sylvia sweetly influences him to straighten up.
The Innocence of Lizette
Henry Fauer
Lizette (Mary Miles Minter) is an orphan girl who is known to be very innocent. One day, the wealthy Henry Fauer (Eugene Forde) adopts her after seeing her selling news papers. She is now raised in his enormous mansion and is introduced to the posh life. Lizette, however, doesn't know how to deal with it and has no idea about acting like a real society woman.
Land O' Lizards
Ward Curtis
Eastern capitalists hire a stranger to head out to Arizona to investigate property near the Bar C Ranch, which contains gold. The Bar C is run by Buck Moran, and he and his cowboys are a lawless bunch. They don't know about the gold, but Dave Moore does, and so does his daughter Bobbie, whom he dresses up like a boy. Her true gender is eventually sussed out by the stranger.
Honor Thy Name
Uncle Tobey
The pride of his aristocratic Southern family, a young man shatters his family's hopes by marrying a Broadway vamp known as "The Moth." The young man's father then plots to rescue his unwitting son from "The Moth's" clutches, but at great sacrifice.
The Three Musketeers
Duke of Buckingham
D'Artagnan leaves home travelling to Paris to join the Musketeers of the Guard. Although D'Artagnan is not able to join this elite corps immediately, he befriends the three most formidable musketeers of the age: Athos, Porthos and Aramis and gets involved in affairs of the state and court.
Over Secret Wires
Ralph Bell
Amos Dyer receives word from Washington that there are wireless messages being transmitted from a point in Oregon to foreign battleships off the Pacific Coast. Dyer, the Secret Service representative on the Coast, sets out with his assistant, Calhoun. He arrives, assumes the disguise of an invalid being wheeled about in a chair by his assistant and interviews the regular wireless operator at that point. The suspicions of the Secret Service Department are verified.
The Arizona Romeo
To spite her domineering father, Eastern girl Lucy Fox pursues an unsuitable suitor to a small Western hamlet where she obtains a job as a manicurist. A local rancher (Buck Jones), who has fallen for the girl, does his best to persuade her not too marry the bounder.