Sound Mixer
Недремлющее Зло вновь вырывается из своего потустороннего плена и начинает настоящую бойню. И, как это частенько водится, на всей планете есть только один человек, который в состоянии противостоять темной адской воле этого исчадия — милая и очаровательная тележурналистка Джоуи.
Director of Photography
A team of Vietnam vets, who now work as mercenaries, faces off against their former wartime comrade turned warlord, who's kidnapped the wife of a US diplomat and is holding her in his base of operations somewhere in the jungles of Laos.
Additional Soundtrack
Documentary portrait of Andy Warhol.
2020 год, человечество использовало и уничтожило большую часть ресурсов земли. Люди строят экспериментальные жилые комплексы и лаборатории на самых недоступных ранее глубинах, даже не догадываясь, что тут, на океанском дне, уже есть свои хозяева — повелители глубин, и они совсем не рады непрошеным гостям.
Sound Recordist
In the future, a warrior nun on roller skates must rescue a seer, who is to be sacrificed by a band of mutants.
Director of Photography
A student-teacher relationship goes way beyond the classroom, including pre-historic times.
Special Effects
An ordinary sex-starved teenager and his friends start secretly video recording high school girls and their activity irks the community, as well as their principal.
An ordinary sex-starved teenager and his friends start secretly video recording high school girls and their activity irks the community, as well as their principal.
Director of Photography
Космический корабль находится в свободном поиске в космосе. На одной из планет галактики астронавты находят звездолёт, вероятно принадлежавший древней цивилизации. Люди хотят разобраться в причинах случившейся катастрофы и выяснить кому же принадлежал звездолёт. Всё кажется очень странным и опасным — и планета, на которую приземляются астронавты, и обнаруженный звездолёт, внешне похожий на пирамиду. К тому же оказывается, что на планете присутствует враждебная людям фауна — ужасные монстры. Один из монстров проникает на космический корабль и становится вечным кошмаром и источником опасности для всего экипажа звездолёта.
Director of Photography
Miller is an early morning disc jockey in the Southern United States. After his motorcycle is stolen and used in a drug deal, Miller finds himself mixed up with a variety of thugs and criminals.
Director of Photography
A woman living in a boarding house is kidnapped by a small-time criminal. Soon others in the gang try to take her away from him so they can get the ransom.
Director of Photography
A group of three criminals on the run from the law, go about terrorizing the local townsfolk of a small community, before descending on an isolated farm which is home to a young girl named Lisa and her paralyzed grandfather. After being sexually assaulted by two of the gangsters, she retaliates using an axe and a razor blade.
Director of Photography
Бойкая мамаша и её дочки-красотки у себя на ферме гонят самогон и нелегально продают его в городской ресторан. У на хвосте у них сидит местный шериф, желающий прикрыть этот нелегальный поток. Но девчонок, гоняющих с самогонкой на красной спортивной тачке, догнать очень сложно.
Director of Photography
In the late 1800's, Boris Karloff has discovered a way to use nuclear power. He creates a beam weapon and blows up a big rock. Outer space aliens are scared and one alien who looks a lot like James Cameron with a big fake nose only this one isn't fake lands and brings other aliens who take over the bodies of Karloff and his assistant. The assistant is a Jack the Ripper style killer who has done a few nasty murders which have riled the townsfolk. The body-snatched bodies become radioactive and start killing flowers and other stuff (but don't die themselves) and some stuff happens and in the end Karloff destroys the beam weapon equipment (and his lab and house), then the aliens leave and warn us that if anyone ever does it again there will be trouble.
Director of Photography
The inhabitants of a small, remote island have been practicing voodoo rites and worshipping an evil priest named Damballah for years, but the local law officials generally turn a blind eye to this death cult's bizarre activities. Captain Labesch arrives from the mainland, determined to crack down on the island's lawlessness and clean up the ineffectual, hard-drinking police force. He appeals for assistance from wealthy plantation tycoon Carl Van Molder, who owns nearly half of the island and wields a great deal of influence over the population. Van Molder has made the study of parapsychology his life's work and believes in the secret powers of the mind. He warns Labesch not to interfere with this forgotten island's ancient ways. Also visiting is Van Molder's niece, Annabella, a temperance crusader who wants her uncle to help fund the International Anti-Saloon League. She falls in love with handsome police lieutenant Andrew Wilhelm
Director of Photography
An actress gets the lead in a movie, not aware that the director specializes in nudies and intends to use drugs on her during the filming.
Shot in four days during the 1968 National Rodeo Finals in Oklahoma City, this lyrical documentary takes you inside the arena atop a 2800 lb bull. Watch Freckles Brown, a legendary cowboy, conferring with a young Larry Mahan, the previous year's champion and see crowd favorite Myrtis Dightman trying to hold his own in a dramatic ride. "Rodeo" shows the classic struggle of man against beast, a matter of life and death. Dick Rosmini's hypnotizing folk-fusion soundtrack and an intricate sound mix add to the climatic result.
Director of Photography
Rick Bowman, a drag racing street punk, comes to the attention of crafty businessman Grant Willard. Willard bails him out of jail and offers him sponsorship as a stock car driver. Bowman accepts and enters the demolition derby-adjacent world of "figure eight" racing. As Bowman moves up in the ranks, his regard for his friends slips-- giving way to outright obsession with becoming the best.
Director of Photography
A sick-o physician is obsessively dedicated to sexually ravishing every girl who crosses his twisted path. The press book promises "drugs for sex, fetishism, violence, lesbianism, voodooism, exhibitionism and raw hippie love... climaxing in a suspenseful surprise ending." The trailer shows lots of naked chicks and, to really get your engine running, actual birth-of-a-baby footage.
Ученый доктор Карл Мантелл фиксирует странные колебания внутри потухшего вулкана. Его помощники отправляются в экспедицию и обнаруживает в глубине вулкана живой камень. Подсоединив камень к компьютерам, они выясняют, что для того, чтобы жить, камень потребляет человеческие гормоны, выделяемые людьми в состоянии сильного страха. Чтобы поддерживать камень в живом состоянии для изучения, доктор Мантелл и его ассистенты похищают молоденьких девушек и выкачивают у них гормоны страха.
Director of Photography
John Carradine narrates five horror tales, each with a comically predictable surprise ending. In the first, "The Witches Clock," the Farrells have purchased an old mansion in Salem Massachusetts and are warned by the town doctor of the history of witches in the community. The second story, "King of the Vampires," deals with a slight-figured killer called the King of the Vampires by Scotland Yard. The third, "Monster Raid," is about a man turned zombie when he ODs on his experimental drug. "Spark of Life" deals with a doctor Mendell obsessed with the experiments of a thrown-out professor named Erich von Frankenstein. "Count Alucard" is a variation on the Dracula story, with the Count acquiring the deed to Carfax Abbey from Harker as vampiresses and dead bodies start turning up.
Hunky businessman Cliff and his sweet wife Mindy move from Grand Rapids, Michigan to Los Angeles, California. They take up residence in an apartment complex where several lovely young ladies also live.
Director of Photography
A group of teenage girls spends the night in an old dark mansion as an initiation into a college sorority. What they don't know is that the building is actually the headquarters for a mad scientist and his hunchbacked assistant, who are experimenting with turning humans into gorillas.
Director of Photography
In 1974, four astronauts, silver shoe-clad Dorothy, overweight Doc, goofy Charlie, and wooden Steve, crash land on Mars when taking readings, with only four days of supplies. They must try to survive on the surface, which is barren except for some canals with huge maggots with fins. After embarking through a golden igneous cavern, braving a storm and finding an unmanned Earth vessel, they discover a golden road which leads them to the unchanging ruins of what was once a beautiful Martian city. The Martians are modeled on the Flatheads of Oz, and their collective consciousness, the "Wizard," forbids them to leave until they perform a very small task...
Three psychotic murderers escape from a mental institution and stalk women in Los Angeles.
Director of Photography
A woman seeks revenge on her former lover, who owns a skydiving business.
Assistant Director
A refugee Soviet scientist arrives at a desert airport carrying secret documents, but is attacked by a pair of KGB assassins and escapes into the desert, where he comes in range of an American nuclear test and is transformed into a mindless killing beast.
Production Supervisor
A refugee Soviet scientist arrives at a desert airport carrying secret documents, but is attacked by a pair of KGB assassins and escapes into the desert, where he comes in range of an American nuclear test and is transformed into a mindless killing beast.
A refugee Soviet scientist arrives at a desert airport carrying secret documents, but is attacked by a pair of KGB assassins and escapes into the desert, where he comes in range of an American nuclear test and is transformed into a mindless killing beast.
Short film documenting fraternity life at UCLA in the early 50's.