Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela

Рождение : 1918-07-18, Mvezo, Cape Province, South Africa

Смерть : 2013-12-05


Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician, and philanthropist, who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He was the country's first black chief executive, and the first elected in a fully representative democratic election. His government focused on dismantling the legacy of apartheid through tackling institutionalised racism and fostering racial reconciliation. Politically an African nationalist and democratic socialist, he served as President of the African National Congress (ANC) party from 1991 to 1997.


Nelson Mandela


Her Majesty's Prime Ministers: John Major
As a school dropout, the teenage John Major could simply never have dreamt that he would one day become a powerful political leader and get elected as Britain's Prime Minister. Major became Her Majesty's ninth Prime Minister.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Документальный фильм об истории принцессы Дианы, рассказанный исключительно на основе ранее неопубликованных архивных материалах, создающий захватывающее повествование о ее жизни и смерти. Кроме того, исследуется глубокое влияние, которое эти события оказали на отношение общества к монархии.
The Wikipedia Promise
Self - Politician (archive footage)
In 2001, Jimmy Wales published the first article on Wikipedia, a collaborative effort that began with a promise: to democratize the spreading of knowledge, monopolized by the elites for centuries. But is Wikipedia really a utopia come true?
Stop The Tour
Himself (Archive Footage)
Stop The Tour discovers the extraordinary story of how sport helped bring an end to Apartheid which paved the way towards the multi racial 2019 Springbok champions.
Africa Rising
Self - Politician (archive footage)
How African artists have spread African culture all over the world, especially music, since the harsh years of decolonization, trying to offer a nicer portrait of this amazing continent, historically known for tragic subjects, such as slavery, famine, war and political chaos.
Apotheosis Of Evil
Self (archive footage)
From the British Empire, to the French Revolution, to the Spanish Inquisition, the conquest of the Aztecs, the Protestant Reformation, the Rothschild banking dynasty, the American Revolutionary War and beyond, Apotheosis of Evil will take you, the viewer, on the most exhaustive, awe-inspiring and unbelievable journey through the history of Europe, through its many ups and downs, arriving at the present day. The full length documentary epic covering European history in its entirety, exploring previously unexplored avenues of history and dispelling many myths along the way. It's time to rethink everything you thought you knew.
The Show Must Go On: The Queen + Adam Lambert Story
Self (archive footage)
A documentary chronicling Queen and Lambert's incredible journey since they first shared the stage together on "American Idol" in 2009.
The Kennedy Who Changed The World
Self (archive footage)
Bill Clinton, Nicole Scherzinger and members of the Kennedy family reveal how JFK's sister Eunice used sport to change the lives of people with intellectual disabilities.
Mandelas Kinder
На краю демократии
Self (archive footage)
Документальный фильм рассказывает о грандиозном бразильском политическом скандале, в ходе которого первому президенту-женщине Дилме Русеф был объявлен импичмент, бывший президент Лула да Силва получил 12 лет тюрьмы, а к власти пришел местный Трамп Жаир Болсонару.
The State Against Mandela and the Others
Himself - Accused (archive footage)
South Africa, July 11th, 1963. Several members of the African National Congress, an organization declared illegal, are arrested in Rivonia, a country house near Johannesburg. The detainees, along with Nelson Mandela, imprisoned since 1962, are charged with serious crimes for their radical activism against the apartheid regime…
Self (archive footage)
Исследование жизни и творчества поп-звезды Уитни Хьюстон.
Nelson Mandela: Resistance
History never forgets its heroes, its legends and its victims. During the 20th century there is only one name that stood out and was shouted around the globe, his struggle for fairness and equality spread across the planet and left no one indifferent. Nelson Mandela is a symbol for peace and a synonym for liberty. Explore the life and legacy of a man who alone changed history. With interviews with close relatives and historical archives, this documentary will send you back in time to understand Nelson Mandela and to discover what changed in South Africa.
Shadow World
Self - Politician (archive footage)
A detailed investigation into the political and economic interests that, since the beginning of the 20th century, have pulled the strings of the arms trade, hidden in the shadows, feeding the shameful corruption of politicians and government officials and promoting a state of permanent war throughout the world, while they cynically asked for a lasting and universal peace.
Self (archive footage)
История, представляющая понятие мира, в котором все одинаково ценны, и неважно будь то человек, животное или дерево. Это мир, который не опирается на противоположности, а мир, который воспринимается только как единое целое.
Plot for Peace
Himself (archive footage)
This is the untold story behind History, a well-kept secret behind the world-wide icon: Nelson Mandela's release was a Plot for Peace. For the first time, heads of state, generals, diplomats, master spies and anti-apartheid fighters reveal how Africa's front line states helped end apartheid. Their improbable key to Mandela's prison cell was a mysterious French businessman, dubbed "Monsieur Jacques" in classified correspondence. His trade secret was trust
Огонь в крови
Archive Footage
Шокирующее разоблачение интернациональных фармацевтических корпораций, которые пользуясь патентным правом ставят преграды на пути к спасительным лекарствам.
Nelson Mandela, libre à tout prix
Mama Africa
Self (archive footage)
Miriam Makeba was one of the first African musicians who won international stardom and whose music was always anchored in her traditional South African roots. Miriam Makeba was forced into exile in 1959. She sang for John F. Kennedy, performed with Harry Belafonte and Nina Simone, was married to Hugh Masekela and also Stokely Carmichael. Her life was tumultuous. She always stood for truth and justice. She fought for the oppressed most importantly for black Africans, as a campaigner against apartheid. She died November 2008 after a concert in Italy. Mika Kaurismäki's documentary, traces fifty years of her music and her performing life. Through rare archive footage of her performances and through interviews with her contemporaries we discover the remarkable journey of Miriam Makeba.
Клуб безбашенных
«Клубом снайперов» называют четырех молодых фотографов, чьи снимки запечатлели финальные кровавые дни белого правления в Южной Африке. Это удивительная и иногда ужасающая история людей и их невероятного подвига, на который они пошли, чтобы заполучить заветные фотографии.
White House Revealed
Self (archive footage)
In this eye-opening documentary about the inner workings of the White House, the most famous residence in America opens its doors for a behind-the-scenes tour and a meet-and-greet with the staff who keep it running in tip-top shape. Highlights include bird's-eye musings from White House workers who've seen it all and an interview with former President George H.W. Bush, who shares his memories about living in Washington, D.C.
Himself (Archive footage)
"How do you start over once you have betrayed a nation's trust?" The news of Hansie Cronjé's involvement with Indian bookmakers and his resulting public confession rocked the international sporting community. An unprecedented rise to glory was followed by the most horrific fall. A tarnished hero fueled the nation's fury.
Self (archive footage)
Документальный фильм, показывающий истинное лицо корпораций от момента зарождения до нынешних дней.
Little Bird's first South African production, SOPHIATOWN has won the award for Best Documentary at the Cape Town World Cinema Festival 2003. SOPHIATOWN celebrates the great popular jazz music of the 1950's in South Africa; a rich tradition deserving international attention. Director Pascale Lamche, traces the music, uncovers the artists who created it and the unique culture in which it thrived, concentrated in Sophiatown, Johannesburg's own Harlem, which fuelled by liberation politics until its destruction by the Apartheid regime. The film features Nelson Mandela and such household names from the jazz world as Hugh Masekela, Miriam Makeba, Abdullah Ibrahim, Jonas Gwangwa and Caiphus Semenya.
Amandla! A Revolution in Four-Part Harmony
Himself (archive footage)
The struggle to eradicate apartheid in South Africa has been chronicled over time, but no one has addressed the vital role music plays in this challenge. This documentary by Lee Hirsch recounts a fascinating and little-known part of South Africa's political history through archival footage, interviews and, of course, several mesmerizing musical performances.
Naomi Conquers Africa
Naomi and her supermodel friends travel to South Africa to hold a fashion show for Nelson Mandela’s Children’s Fund charity.
A documentary that chronicles the life of South African leader Nelson Mandela. Mandela is probably best known for his 27 years of imprisonment, and for bringing an end to apartheid. But this film also sheds light on the little-known early period of Mandela's life.
Death of Apartheid
The secret history of the negotiations that led to Mandela's release from prison, the ANC becoming the government of South Africa, and the end of apartheid.
In Darkest Hollywood: Cinema and Apartheid
Self (archive footage)
A documentary overview and ideological critique of the South African film industry and cinema's historical relationship with apartheid.
Малкольм Икс
Soweto Teacher
Впечатляющая сага о чернокожем лидере Малкольме Иксе. Он начинал в Гарлеме как гангстер, погрязал в пороке, но попав в тюрьму, очистился от скверны под влиянием идей ислама. Очень детальный и достоверный показ всех перипетий жизни и борьбы Малкольма Икса с расизмом, коррупцией, беззаконием, предательством в стане единомышленников.
São Paulo Abraça Mandela
Documentary about Nelson and Winnie Mandela's visit to the city of São Paulo, recording their encounter with the black community and social movements active in the city. The film shows the official reception and the importance of their presence in the process of recognizing the role of Afro-Brazilians in the formation of the country.
Chasing Mandela's Rainbow
Nelson Mandela vision und wirklichkeit
El mismo