El Ajolote
Мексиканский журналист возвращается на родину и осмысляет свои с ней отношения.
Nicaragua, today. Eleven-year-old María lives with her mother Lilibeth on the edge of an immense rubbish dump. Their future depends on selling a litter of purebred puppies to a local gang member. When the deal falls through, Lilibeth has to move to the outskirts of the city and leave María to work at a recycling factory. The days go by with no sign of her mother's return. María feels abandoned, confused and angry. One night she meets Tadeo, a kind and romantic boy determined to help her find her mother.
Noé receives a call announcing that they have found a woman who is most likely his daughter who disappeared 15 years ago.
A devastating earthquake hits Oaxaca and causes hundreds to fall victims to its effects. The drastic physical effects are felt in Mexico while across the globe its emotional effects are felt in Finland. This seismic movement has caused an emotional tremor in the lives of the Muxes.
Associate Producer
Действие происходит во время празднеств в честь святого покровителя миштекской деревни Сан-Матео в мексиканском штате Охако. Мария хоронит мать, отец ее отвергает, от горя и отчаяния она предлагает Пьедад, которую любит с детства, уйти вместе с ней. После трехлетнего отсутствия возвращается Эстебан и узнает, что его жена Чабела живет с другим мужчиной. В ярости он требует, чтобы жители деревни осудили ее на общем сходе. Тона вспоминает свои обиды, пытаясь защитить дочь от жестокого обращения в семье. Три истории сплетаются в один узел в деревне, где соблюдают местные обычаи и традиции.
Действие происходит во время празднеств в честь святого покровителя миштекской деревни Сан-Матео в мексиканском штате Охако. Мария хоронит мать, отец ее отвергает, от горя и отчаяния она предлагает Пьедад, которую любит с детства, уйти вместе с ней. После трехлетнего отсутствия возвращается Эстебан и узнает, что его жена Чабела живет с другим мужчиной. В ярости он требует, чтобы жители деревни осудили ее на общем сходе. Тона вспоминает свои обиды, пытаясь защитить дочь от жестокого обращения в семье. Три истории сплетаются в один узел в деревне, где соблюдают местные обычаи и традиции.
A Mexican biologist living in New York returns to his hometown, nestled in the majestic butterfly forests of Michoacán. The journey forces him to confront past traumas and reflect on his hybrid identity, sparking a personal metamorphosis.
Frank rents rooms in Nadine’s building to commit crimes. During the latest one, things take a turn for the worse when a guy he killed a couple of days before, disappears.
Graciela receives a letter informing her that her husband Fidel has been released after six years in prison. She has waited for him all that time. They finally meet again.
Holed up in Tijuana on a path to self-destruction, an Iraq veteran seeks deliverance by helping a young Mexican woman navigate the underworld in a quest for her long-lost brother.
Marisol (Alejandra Herrera) is caught between her possessive and aggressive cousin, Mauro (Eduardo Mendizábal), and passionate but inert lover, Mundo (Noé Hernández). Violence is a constant presence in their rural Mexican town, with gangs and guerilla fighters a steady presence. When Mundo has to flee, their connection turns from physical to digital even when Marisol is held captive by her cousin. Their communication via text, voicemail, and video is sporadic and frustrating, but is nevertheless a source of comfort, and their longing remains intense despite the distance. When Mundo returns, the stakes for Marisol are even higher, and it's no longer a question of whether things will come to a head, but how and when. Might their desire and desperation ultimately play to her advantage?
Единственному честному полицейскому в городе приходится работать с ленивым и коррумпированным напарником. Их цель - искоренить преступную группировку наркоторговцев.
Pedro's mom has just died, reason that makes him go to Luvina in search of Tanilo, who recites the dead peolpe's messages in verse. “Hierba mala”, wild to the death, wants his powerful partner and murderer to be avenged, risking the child's life, who, between whispers and bullets, only wishes to acomplish his mother's last will.
Oaxaca, October 29th, 2006. The Federal Police advances to take the city that has been in the hands of the popular insurgency for four months. Kresta and Anaclara, young supporters of the revolt, have been asked to pick up a radio transmitter that will supply the flimsy radio station of the movement.
María is a lonely independent girl who lives with Saúl, her single father, who is always hung-up by the lack of money. Both live in a small Mexican town threatened by organized crime. On a common afternoon, a stroke of luck will take them to embark a road trip in search of the American dream.
Mock porn trailer directed by Yann Gonzalez for Knife+Heart (2019).
Aurelio and Citlali meet each other in a small hotel of Mexico City during the darkest days of theirs lives. He just buried his son, murdered in broad daylight. She had to abandon her daughter with her violent father. Aurelio wants the police to do their job and capture his son’s murderers. Citlali needs a legal document to fight for her daughter’s custody.
A couple arrives to an apartment complex where santeria and witchcraft are common practice.
Comandante Alfredo
В центре сюжета оперная дива Роксана Косс, которая прибывает в Южную Америку, где должна будет выступить на приеме по случаю дня рождения дочери японского магната. Во время празднования террористы захватывают особняк и требуют освободить заключенных повстанцев. Теперь единственный выход в данной ситуации — найти общий язык с захватчиками…
Soledad, a traditional healer, lives with her grandson Jose in an Indigenous Village. Soledad's daughter, Adela, moved to Mexico City many years ago and now wants Jose to join her, but Soledad believes the boy is better off in the village.
Знаменитая продюсер гей-порно Анна оказывается лицом к лицу со своей темной стороной, когда от нее уходит ее любимый человек — Лоис. Анна решает вернуть Лоис съемками самого амбициозного фильма в своей карьере, однако женщина лишь оказывается в ловушке в то время, как серийный убийца загадочным образом начинает устранять всех ее актеров.
Felix (56) a criminal boss in the south of Mexico, has always wanted to go to San Francisco so see how drawbridges rise for ships to go through. Misela (23), whose romantic partners die if they make her cry, seeks comfort in her mother and wants to know where she is buried. They are father and daughter, and one must betray the other in order to go on living.
Archangel is a fifty year old peasant facing accelerating vision loss. Before total darkness overtakes him, he needs to find a nursing home for Patrocinia, an elderly woman from his community that is totally dependant on him.
Paul, an American composer, arrives in the desert town of Real de Catorce where his father recently died. For the past ten years, Paul has been consumed with the task of composing an ending for the masterpiece of an early twentieth century musician. Being isolated from the world, he sees an opportunity to finish the symphony. However, Paul is caught up in a new mystery, the disappearance thirty years ago of a woman named Marianne.
Мексика. 1854 год. В небольшой хижине, на границе с Аризоной, золотоискатель и его жена становятся жертвами таинственной демонической сущности.
The space will be witness of dreams, hopes, disappointments and dramatic destinies of its residents, delivering an intimate human history of Mexico through the decades. La Habitación will reunite eight directors that will expose the reality of each historical period resulting in a profound and inspiring portrait of modern Mexico.
A shy and feeble architect is victim of a violent and abusing surrounding. The pressure builds up until he is pushed to the limit of his own humanity.
A family gathers and sells waste. One day, the mother finds a cylinder in an abandoned hospital and takes it home. The family situation becomes worse when, without them realizing it, the cylinder begins to change them from within.
Adan lives day-to-day helping his father, Hilario, to collect garbage. An unexpected visit to the school will reconfigure Adan's whole universe.
Oficial Vaca
Humberto works as a night watchman at a remote and desolate construction site. One night he becomes, unwittingly, the sole witness to a cover up. Afraid of being retaliated against lest he come forth, he decides to keep quiet. Gradually and without him being aware of it, Humberto ends up inflicting on his family the same violence from which he´s running away.
At 7:19 a.m., on September 19th of 1985, the most destructive earthquake hit Mexico City. Inside what's left of a building, a group of survivors fight for their lives waiting for rescue.
When Sonia receives the news that her husband’s cancer has progressed to a critical stage, she races to secure the insurance company’s approval for the care that can help him.
Брат и сестра оказываются в плену сумасшедшего садиста. Он их силой втягивает в тошнотворную карусель из секса и разврата: инцест, некрофилия, каннибализм и насилие. Затейливый фильм, искажённая версия Бытия смешанного с Эволюцией, намёками, пародиями и довольно зло и антихристиански, плюс уничтожение евреев нацистами не забыли, что очень странно для Мексики, концовка не обычная, правда она ставит под сомнение всё предыдущее, плюс всё смешано в кучу, чисто по-мексикански, и реальное и нереальное. Не шедевр конечно, но явный эпатаж чисто по-мексикански. В 2016 году стал фильмом-открытием испанского фестиваля фантастических фильмов в г. Сиджес.
Однажды, при попытке арестовать подозреваемого, полицейский (Тим Рот) волею случая становится сам пленником у юного преступника (Кристиан Феррер). Тот, будучи новичком в своем криминальном деле, везет связанного полицейского через границу в Мексику, не особо задумываясь над тем, что делать дальше. Это один из основных моментов в фильме. Кому -то он покажется затянутым, а кто-то правильно поймет, что жизнь нам дается не только затем, чтобы прожить ближайшие часы, но и чтобы держать отчет в дальнейшем, возможно, и перед Вечностью. В поездке, паренек проникается диалогами с полицейским, и постепенно, симпатии вчерашнего мальчишки, обречённого изначально жить как попало и где попало, перестраиваются на сочувствие и уважение к солидному стражу порядка. В результате хитросплетений сюжета, паренёк должен сделать нелёгкий выбор - спасти своего пленника или остаться в криминальном деле...
Tells the story of the most prominent bank robber in the history of Mexico, his crimes, his different personalities, his career as a charro with a mariachi band, his getaways and the strange relationship he had with the one who finally came to stop him. Based on the true story of Alfredo Ríos Galeana.
Officer José Reynoso Gavilán
Mercedes’ fantasy turns into a nightmare. Juan’s greatest fear takes the shape of a strange man entering his house. The city has fallen into chaos and anarchy, so it's going to be difficult to get some ice for the drinks; but tonight, Mercedes is an object of desire to men, so nothing else matters.
Jefe de seguridad
TV MX, the most powerful Mexican Television Corporation, discloses a scandalous story involving Governor Carmelo Vargas in serious crimes and illicit business. Governor Vargas worried about his political future, decides to clean his image and negotiates a billionaire secret agreement with the owners of the TV Corporation. Carlos Rojo, an ambitious young news producer, and Ricardo Diaz, TV network star reporter, are responsible for making a dirty campaign to change the image the public has of the corrupt Governor and make him, at any cost, a political star and a great presidential candidate. Mexican Television believes that democracy is a farce and has already placed one President... Will they do it again?
It is laid out as a realistic film, with a screenplay based on the stories of hundreds of women that are forced to choose between their children and their mate in order to sustain their families. This is the story of Cheba and Serafina who, by abandoning their children get sick with tirisia, a perpetual sadness.
Domingo is in love with his classmate, Fatima. To conquer her, he is determined to buy a mp3 player; a difficult task in the middle of Mexico´s Zapotec mountain side. On his quest he meets 'Charal', an alcoholic homeless man that decides to help him.
A young woman returns to her rural Mexican village after a few years away to find out if her first love can be revived.
Benito Juarez
On May 5th, 1862, a few thousand Mexican soldiers put their lives on the line against the world's largest and most powerful army in one legendary battle for freedom and for Mexico.
Alan’s daily life as a driver and assistant to a federal deputy entails enduring the anger and arrogance of his superior; sufering the contempt of the deputy’s bodyguards and, above all, cleaning up all traces of his boss’ misbehaviour. Today, however, Alan has decided that things will be different.
Andrea, a young executive is trapped through the weekend on the rooftop of her office alongside Gualberto, the janitor. Truly lost in an asphalt and glass sea, both characters think over their lives and values.
Two brothers wasting the night away break into an empty house.
The tiricia is an illness of the soul when the heart is saddened. A story of three generations afflicted with being tiricientas: Ita, Justa and Alicia – grandmother, mother and daughter – who have at different times suffered, tolerated and allowed abuse, dragging on the disease. Alicia decides to break the cycle, eradicating it for future generations.
It's 1994 in Mexico, the nation was witnessing a turbulent year since its beginnings. An indigenous rebellion shakes the country. Three months later, the ruling party's presidential candidate is brutally murdered during a rally in Tijuana. The country is concerned. Nobody knows who's behind this event, it all points to a conspiracy. Andrés Vázquez, an intelligence expert, is commissioned to lead a secret investigation parallel to the official government issued one. But another expert agent, el Seco, has received orders to wipe out all witnesses and get rid of the evidence surrounding the candidate's murder. As Andrés begins putting the pieces of this intricate puzzle together and comes closer to the truth, he realizes he's also putting his life and that of his loved ones in peril.
Lino Valdez
Это история 23-летней Лауры Герреро из приграничного штата Тихуана, девушки из простой семьи, которая очень хочет принять участие в конкурсе красоты. Случайно став свидетельницей перестрелки в ночном клубе, она попадает в лапы бандитов из самого влиятельного в городе наркокартеля. В постоянном страхе за свою жизнь и жизнь своих родных Лауре приходится выполнять задания главаря банды — Лино.
Hombre 2
Ana is running away from her hometown while Mar, an old acquaintance of hers, is coming back after a long absence. They find each other in the middle of the road and through the night, they make a journey amongst their fears to find out that still waters run deep.
Голод — не тетка? Как бы не так! Семья юного Альфредо голодает, потому как главный добытчик, отец семейства, неожиданно скончался. И на мальчишку сваливается тяжелая ответственность: теперь он должен прокормить свою мать и еще двух детей. Ах да, фишка в том, что все они — каннибалы…
El Sardo
Бенджамин «Бенни» Гарсия, прожив 20 лет в США, депортирован в свою родную деревню на севере Мексики. Возратившись в дом, он видит картину опустошения. Все — от священника до мэра города связаны с наркоторговлей. Ему предлагают заняться тем же. Сначала он сопротивляется, но не найдя нормально оплачиваемую работу, в итоге Бенни получает «классную работу», а заодно деньги, веселье и девочек. Но вскоре Бенни понимает, что криминальная жизнь это совсем не веселье.
Alejandro Gerber Bicecci's "Vaho" (Becloud) tells the story of three childhood friends, Andres, Felipe, and Jose, and their lives in a dusty, run down corner of Mexico City. The boys were inseparable until they witnessed a tragedy that haunts them to the present day. The tragedy shaped each boy differently, and had a profound effect on their lives.
One city. Three days, three social classes, three love songs, human beings who coexist without touching one another, joined by mirages and hopes. Their struggles to survive are individual and secret; there are no winners or losers. The seeming order is maintained and a weekend begins.
Уроженка Гондураса Сайра воссоединяется со своим отцом, чтобы осуществить свою мечту о жизни в США. Переезд же в Мексику является первым шагом в важном путешествии, полном неожиданных событий…
The discovery of a diary, written in 1848 in Texas, Mexican territory, triggers Miranda Sámano's decision to travel, illegally to that land, in search of her roots and her origin and to unravel the mysteries written by Amalia Sámano in that diary. The love affair that Miranda has with Matt in Texas seems to be the continuation of the one that Doña Amalia and the Houston army colonel Robert Crossman had almost 160 years ago; and it definitely resembles the relationship that Mexico and the United States have had throughout history and whose tragic outcome we can avoid if we do an exercise of our memory.
A Paralytic woman with telepathy powers enter in the body of her caregiver for take revenge against everyone who hurt her.