Dane Clark

Dane Clark

Рождение : 1912-02-26, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA

Смерть : 1998-09-11


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Dane Clark (February 26, 1912 – September 11, 1998) was an American film actor who was known for playing, as he labeled himself, "Joe Average".


Dane Clark


Последний ритуал
Don Carlo
Триллер о священнике Майкле Пейсе, которому волей случая приходится встать на защиту единственной свидетельницы убийства его старого друга, тесно связанного с мафией.
Blood Song
Sheriff Gibbons
A psychopath escapes from a mental institution and starts a murder spree, which ends in the pursuing of a young handicapped girl, who once got a blood transfusion from him.
The Woman Inside
Dr. Rozner
A Vietnam vet decides to undergo a sex change operation in the 1970's.
James Dean
James Whitmore
A dramatization of the story of legendary movie actor James Dean. The film's writer, William Bast, had roomed with Dean in the early '50s, when both were trying to break into films as actors, and was his lover for a time.
Murder on Flight 502
Ray Garwood
On a flight to London, a note is found stating that there will be murders taking place on the airliner before it lands.
Cop on the Beat
Lt. Baker
An aging street cop goes after a gang of toughs involved in several robbery-rapes on his beat in this pilot (a spin-off from "Police Story") for the 1975-76 series. The veteran cop concept also was the basis for "The Blue Knight" series at the same time — and that, too, was based on a Joseph Wambaugh creation. Also known as "The Return of Joe Forrester."
Big John Morrison
Pete Stohler
Detectives Calabrese and Jameson become emotionally involved in a robbery/homicide/rape crime spree when a friend becomes a victim.
Say Goodbye, Maggie Cole
Hank Cooper
Maggie Cole is a research scientist who, after the sudden death of her husband, takes a position as an on-call doctor in an inner-city clinic. There, she must fight a battle on two fronts: against the medical conditions endangering her patients and against sexism toward a female doctor.
The Face of Fear
A young Iowa schoolteacher, thinking she is dying of leukemia, goes to San Francisco, where she hires a mob killer to take her life. However, she soon changes her mind, and with the help of the local police, tries to find the killer before he fulfills his part of the bargain.
The McMasters
When a black Civil War veteran becomes co-owner of the southern McMasters ranch, the incensed local Confederate veterans come gunning for him and his Indian wife.
Outlaw's Son
Nate Blaine
A young boy grows to adulthood believing his father was the man responsible for a murder committed during a bank robbery.
The Man Is Armed
Johnny Morrison
Crime drama in which a man unknowingly helps a gang pull off a big heist. The gang discovers that the man is more trouble than he is worth and as a result, things don't go as smoothly as planned.
Capitán Ramón
Lawmen and their captured gunrunners take refuge at a deserted mission to fend off attacking Indians. Western.
The Toughest Man Alive
Lee Stevens
This adventurous crime drama is set in exotic Latin America and chronicles a lawman's attempt to bust up the ring of Yankee gun-smugglers who have been supplying arms to war-torn Central America. To stop them, the American agent must masquerade as a smuggler and join the gang. Meanwhile a young revolutionary is captivated by the brave words of her leader and pretends to be a singer while she looks for smugglers to sell her the weapons her group so badly needs. The agent is doing well until the smuggler he impersonates shows up and blows his cover. Fortunately, the authorities arrive before the agent is killed.
Port of Hell
Gibson 'Gibb' Pardee
The new warden of a large American harbor raises the hackles of sailors and fishermen by his strict enforcement of all the safety rules. He takes the time, though, to romance the sister of his biggest rival.
Thunder Pass
Capt. Dave Stone
A cavalry unit escorts a group of civilians through dangerous territory inhabited by Indians on the warpath.
Five Days
James Nevill
A man pays a hitman to kill him. Circumstances change and he tries to call off the hit but he has trouble getting the deal killed.
Casey Morrow
When a beautiful girl offers Casey Morrow a lot of money for a mystery job, Morrow doesn't ask too many questions. But when the girl's father is found murdered the following day and Morrow's coat is soaked with blood perhaps a little more caution should have been exercised. An intriguing story of deception, greed and immorality.
Go Man Go
Abe Saperstein
The story of Abe Saperstein and the creation of the Harlem Globetrotters.
The Gambler and the Lady
Jim Forster
A greedy but successful professional gambler wants to join the British Establishment when he falls in love with a blue-blooded lady. But first he must mend his ways and then dump his nightclub singer girl friend. She's not so easy to get rid of, neither is his past.
Fort Defiance
Johnny Tallon
It's just after the Civil War and Ben Shelby arrives looking for Johnny Tallon whom he plans to kill. Shelby was the only survivor of a battle due to the cowardice of Tallon. Thinking Tallon dead, another man who lost a brother at the same battle arrives to kill Tallon's blind brother. Tallon arrives to find Shelby and his brother fleeing. Then they are attacked by Indians and Shelby and Tallon must now fight together postponing the inevitable showdown.
Never Trust a Gambler
Steve Garry
A small-time gambler on the run from the law hides in his ex-wife's house.
Gunman in the Streets
Eddy Roback
An American is on the run in the streets and back alleys of France.
Highly Dangerous
Bill Casey
A US newsman and a British entomologist spy on germ-warfare research in a mythical country.
Le traqué
Eddy Roback
Manhunt in Paris and as far as Belgium to catch an American gangster escaped from a police van.
Bob Peters
Western remake of Jack London's The Sea Wolf. A sadistic mining camp owner "hires" scoundrels to work the mine. He just won't let them quit.
Ben Arno
When he's discharged from a military hospital, ex-GI Bob Corey goes on a search for his army buddy Steve Connolly. A reformed crook, Connolly is on the lam from a trumped-up murder rap, and Corey hopes to clear his pal. Tagging along is Army nurse Julie Benson, who has fallen for Corey.
Without Honor
Bill Bandle
Jane Bandle has recently married, but Bill, her husband's brother, tries to wreck her marriage because Jane rejected his sexual advances before her marriage.
Breakdowns of 1949
The Warner Bros. annual blooper reel for 1949.
Michael Gordon, aka Mike Angelo
An artist follows a woman from California to New York, where he boxes for her mobster husband.
Восход луны
Danny Hawkins
Дэнни Хокинс, на котором лежит тень трагичного прошлого, совершает непреднамеренное убийство, спасая девушку от рук негодяев. Оказавшись перед мучительным выбором, он пытается спастись бегством не только от полиции, но и от себя самого.
Embraceable You
Eddie Novoc
Eddie, a small-time hoodlum is forced to care for Marie he accidentally hits with his car during a crime. He is broke and hits up his very displeased mob boss for cash. To make matters worse, Eddie and Marie begin to fall for each other.
Deep Valley
Barry Burnette
A shy California farm girl falls head-over-heels in love with Barry Burnett, a fugitive from a chain gang building a road through the wilderness.
That Way with Women
Greg Wilson
A bored millionaire matches his daughter with his partner in a gas station.
Okay for Sound
This short was released in connection with the 20th anniversary of Warner Brothers' first exhibition of the Vitaphone sound-on-film process on 6 August 1926. The film highlights Thomas A. Edison and Alexander Graham Bell's efforts that contributed to sound movies and acknowledges the work of Lee De Forest. Brief excerpts from the August 1926 exhibition follow. Clips are then shown from a number of Warner Brothers features, four from the 1920s, the remainder from 1946/47.
Her Kind of Man
Don Corwin
A singer can't choose between a charismatic gangster and an honest newspaperman.
Украденная жизнь
Художница Кейт Босуорт ждет лодку, чтобы поехать на остров у побережья Новой Англии, где она должна встретить сестру и дядю. Она встречает Билла Эмерсона, с которым они едут в одной лодке домой и влюбляются друг в друга. Патрисия, являющаяся сестрой-близнецом Кейт, также испытывает чувства к Биллу и решает отбить его у сестры. Патрисии это удается, и они с Биллом вступают в брак. Однажды в результате несчастного случая во время морской прогулки на лодке Патрисия погибает, и Кейт, все еще любящая Билла, решает, что ее единственный шанс на счастье — это назваться Патрисией…
Blow-Ups of 1946
Warner Brothers bloopers of 1946
Pride of the Marines
Lee Diamond
Marine hero Al Schmid is blinded in battle and returns home to be rehabilitated. He readjusts to his civilian life with the help of his soon to be wife.
God Is My Co-Pilot
Johnny Petach
Robert L. Scott has dreamed his whole life of being a fighter pilot, but when war comes he finds himself flying transport planes over The Hump into China. In China, he persuades General Chennault to let him fly with the famed Flying Tigers, the heroic band of airmen who'd been fighting the Japanese long before Pearl Harbor. Scott gets his chance to fight, ultimately engaging in combat with the deadly Japanese pilot known as Tokyo Joe.
Голливудская лавка для войск
Sergeant Nowland
Капрал Слим Грин, влюбленный в актрису Джоан Лесли, во время отпуска после ранения попадает в изумрудную сказку под названием «Голливудская Столовая» — место, где недосягаемые Звезды Голливуда спускаются с Небес на Землю и общаются с простыми американскими солдатами. Там он встречается со своим кумиром и осуществляет заветную мечту — поцеловать Джоан. На другой день ему везет еще больше — он становится миллионным посетителем «Столовой», а приз — вечер с любой голливудской актрисой. Он, конечно же, выбирает Джоан. При этом мисс Лесли оказывается никакой не недоступной Звездой, а обычной девушкой, проникающейся симпатией к парню. Их романтические отношения сопровождаются музыкальными выступлениями в «Столовой» Звезд экрана той эпохи.
I Won't Play
Joe Fingers
In this Oscar-winning short film, a Marine, Joe Fingers, on a South Sea island during World War II, tells tales of the influence he's had on various personalities. In the words of one of his buddies, he's either the biggest liar in the world or the most important man in show business.
The Very Thought of You
Sgt. 'Fixit' Gilman
Army sergeants Dave and "Fixit" spend a three-day pass in Pasadena, where they meet Janet and Cora, two young women who work in a parachute factory.
Пункт назначения – Токио
Tin Can
В этом суровом триллере о войне шкипер американской подводной лодки тайно проникает в Токийский залив для подготовки к крупному нападению Армии Союза на Японию. За лучший сюжет Стив Фишер был номинирован на премию «Оскар» . Позже он превратил свою захватывающую военную сагу в роман, ставший бестселлером.
Over the Wall
Benny Vigo
A prison Chaplain is forced to leave his post for health reasons, but fate provides him with another chance to reform an escaped convict.
Война в Северной Атлантике
Johnnie Pulaski
Американский танкер потоплен торпедой от немецкой подлодки. Выжившие члены экипажа, проведя несколько дней в открытом море, спасены и возвращаются на берег в ожидании нового назначения. Капитан Стив Джарвис отправляется домой к жене; его помощник Джо Росси знакомится с певицей в баре и женится на ней. Оба попадают на борт корабля «Морская ведьма», следующий в Мурманск в составе конвоя союзников…..
The Rear Gunner
Documentary-style drama on training of aerial rear gunners in World War II. Private PeeWee Williams, a Kansas farm boy, transforms his home-grown shooting skills into those necessary to an aerial gunner in the tail turret of an American bomber.
Tennessee Johnson
Wirts (uncredited)
The tumultuous presidency of 19th-president Andrew Johnson is chronicled in this biopic. The story begins with Johnson's boyhood and covers his early life. During the Civil War, Johnson stays a staunch Unionist and upon Lincoln's reelection in 1864, becomes his Vice President. After Lincoln's assassination, Johnson becomes the President and became the first U.S. president ever to be impeached.
Стеклянный ключ
Henry Sloss (uncredited)
В ходе кампании за переизбрание, Пол Мэдвиг решает порвать с прошлым и отказаться от поддержки гангстеров, присоединившись к респектабельному реформисту Ральфу Генри. Вскоре сына мистера Генри находят мертвым. Между тем босс мафии использует свое влияние, чтобы вызвать у общественности подозрения в виновности Мэдвига.
Остров Уэйк
Sparks (uncredited)
Декабрь 1941. Без всякой надежды на помощь, небольшой гарнизон на островах Уилкс, Уэйк и Пил, в течение двух недель отражал яростные атаки японского флота.
Sunday Punch
Phil Grogan (uncredited)
Ma Galestrum (Connie Gilchrist) is a boardinghouse owner whose tenants are a group of aspiring boxers. When her young niece, Judy (Jean Rogers), comes to stay for a visit, college dropout Ken Burke (William Lundigan) and Swedish janitor Ole (Dan Dailey Jr.) immediately fall for her charms. Ken considers going back to college for Judy, but his fight promoter is less than thrilled with this idea. Meanwhile, Ole is determined to meet Ken in the ring to vie for Judy's heart.