Hugh Gray


Helen of Troy
Prince Paris of Troy, shipwrecked on a mission to the king of Sparta, meets and falls for Queen Helen before he knows who she is. Rudely received by the royal Greeks, he must flee...but fate and their mutual passions lead him to take Helen along. This gives the Greeks just the excuse they need for much-desired war.
Helen of Troy
Prince Paris of Troy, shipwrecked on a mission to the king of Sparta, meets and falls for Queen Helen before he knows who she is. Rudely received by the royal Greeks, he must flee...but fate and their mutual passions lead him to take Helen along. This gives the Greeks just the excuse they need for much-desired war.
Странствия Одиссея
Одиссей, царь Итаки, возвращается домой с Троянской войны, и его корабль терпит крушение на острове Феаки. В начале он не может вспомнить, кто он, но постепенно к нему возвращается память, и Одиссей начинает рассказ о своем долгом путешествии домой: о встрече с циклопом Полифемом, с волшебницей Цирцеей, поющими сиренами и путешествии в царство мертвых.
Loves of Three Queens
At a wedding party involving three beautiful women, a young man should choose the most charming. But a professor intervenes to prevent the verdict, remembering the troubles caused by Paris in a similar situation.
Камо грядеши?
Additional Writing
Римская империя I века н. э. Военные победы. Кровавые зрелища в амфитеатрах. Гонения на новую веру. Запретная любовь патриция к пленнице-христианке. Пожар в Вечном городе (дело рук одержимого манией величия Нерона). Приговор императору, вынесенный разгневанным народом.
Kiss the Blood Off My Hands
Additional Dialogue
Bill Saunders, a former prisoner of war living in England, whose experiences have left him unstable and violent, gets into a bar fight in which he in kills a man and then flees. He hides out with the assistance of a nurse, Jane Wharton, who believes his story that the killing was an accident.
River Gang
An orphan girl lives with apparently kind uncle who turns out to be a murderer.
The Brighton Strangler
Additional Dialogue
After suffering a head injury during the Blitz, John Loder, a theatre actor comes to believe himself to be the Brighton Strangler, the murderer he was playing onstage.
Spring Offensive
Documentary short by Humphrey Jennings. The GPO Film Unit was a subdivision of the UK General Post Office. The unit was established in 1933, taking on responsibilities of the Empire Marketing Board Film Unit. Headed by John Grierson, it was set up to produce sponsored documentary films mainly related to the activities of the GPO.
Forget Me Not
A young British woman, tricked into believing she was used during a whirlwind romance, marries a gentle widowed Italian opera star, whose songs she and her first love shared.