Luther Reed

Рождение : 1888-07-14, Berlin, Wisconsin, USA

Смерть : 1961-11-16


Convention Girl
A cabaret hostess is broken-hearted because she loves a gambler who does not love her.
The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi
A campus flirt who has been "pinned" by most of the boys of Sigma Chi fraternity falls for a no-nonsense athlete who doesn't have time for such diversions as women.
A circus performer falls in love with the son of a plantation owner in antebellum New Orleans. When the young man's stepmother objects to the wedding, the couple break apart and go their separate ways for a time. Also in the mix are two circus comics who feud over the heart of another Southern belle.
A circus performer falls in love with the son of a plantation owner in antebellum New Orleans. When the young man's stepmother objects to the wedding, the couple break apart and go their separate ways for a time. Also in the mix are two circus comics who feud over the heart of another Southern belle.
Hit the Deck
A sailor finds himself the object of a cafe owner's affections.
Hit the Deck
A sailor finds himself the object of a cafe owner's affections.
Rio Rita
Capt. James Stewart pursues the bandit "The Kinkajou" over the Mexican border and falls in love with Rita. He suspects, that her brother is the bandit.
Rio Rita
Capt. James Stewart pursues the bandit "The Kinkajou" over the Mexican border and falls in love with Rita. He suspects, that her brother is the bandit.
Street Girl
Associate Producer
A homeless and destitute violinist joins a combo to bring it success, but has problems with her love life.
The Sawdust Paradise
She dances- The Dance of Death. She Sings- The song of Life. Scintillating, Fascinating, Desirable, Swifty She Weaves the Web of Destruction and then Regeneration. A Drama of Lights and Shadows.
Honeymoon Hate
Shanghai Bound
Landing at a Chinese port, tough sea captain Bucklin and his passengers are threatened by a marauding war lord, who intends to kill the captain and hold the others hostage as part of his campaign of destruction against all white men.
The World At Her Feet
Film was released in 1927
Evening Clothes
Attracted by his wealth, avaricious Germaine marries D'Artois, then leaves him for a more sophisticated man. D'Artois retaliates by moving to the city and learning the proper social graces. His new life style proves to be too expensive for him, and at the end he is left with nothing but one suit of evening clothes and his now contrite wife.
New York
A product of the Bowery, Trent Regan grows up to become a powerful gangster. Regan's girlfriend Angie Miller, hearing that her childhood sweetheart (and Regan's lifelong pal) Mike Cassidy is about to marry Marjorie Church, pays a visit to Mike to offer congratulations. Convinced that Angie is fooling around behind his back, Regan accidentally kills her.
The Ace of Cads
An officer in the British Guards takes to drink when a friend and fellow officer convinces the woman they both love that he has another woman.
Малыш Бутс
Однажды после вечеринки Том Стерлинг обнаруживает себя женатым на хористке Кармен Мендосе. Он спешит расторгнуть этот брак и в ожидании развода неожиданно получает 3 миллиона долларов в наследство. Кармен требует половину суммы в качестве отступных. Адвокат советует Тому нанять своего случайного знакомого, помощника портного по прозвищу Малыш Бутс, которому Том недавно помог отбиться от рассерженного клиента, чтобы тот в свою очередь помог ему без потерь избавиться от Кармен.
Say It Again
Bob Howard, a WWI wounded soldier in a army hospital, meets and falls in love with Princess Elena. When the Armistice is signed, he is quickly shipped back home to America. Returning to Europe, he is mistaken as a Crown Prince traveling to be married to a Princess from another country. The Princess-bride, intended for another man, is his Elena.
Bill Dana, a New York City playboy, can't resist the flaming flappers and red-hot mamas along the Great White Way, so he decides to head out west to his uncle's ranch in Wind River, Texas. But the gold-diggers and their relatives follow him.
Lovers in Quarantine
Lovers in Quarantine is an extant 1925 silent film comedy starring Bebe Daniels and directed by Frank Tuttle. It was produced by Famous Players-Lasky and distributed by Paramount Pictures. the film is based on a 1924 Broadway play Quarantine by F. Tennyson Jesse. It is preserved at the Library of Congress.
The Shock Punch
Dan Savage prepares his son, Randall to fight in the business world by having him trained as a pugilist. Randall shows a flare for fisticuffs, so he is taken to the Ironworkers Ball to try out his infamous "shock punch."
The backdrop is fifteenth century France, and Charles, Duke of Burgundy has promised his daughter, Princess Mary, that she can marry the man she loves, Prince Maximilian of Styria. But when the Swiss threaten war, the duke is compelled to take back his word and he arranges for Mary to wed the half-witted dauphin of France's King Louis XI .
The Great White Way
The Great White Way
The Purple Highway
Theatre Play
Two inmates and a cleaning girl at a home for struggling artists achieve success and fame when they pool their talents and produce a smash hit Broadway musical. Edgar ( Monte Blue ), the playwright, is in love with April ( Madge Kennedy ), the ex- leading lady, but she doesn't discover that she loves him until it's almost too late.
Little Old New York
An Irish girl comes to America disguised as a boy to claim a fortune left to her brother who has died.
Adam and Eva
An extravagant girl reforms when her father goes bust.
When Knighthood Was in Flower
Mary Tudor falls in love with a new arrival to court, Charles Brandon. She convinces her brother King Henry VIII to make him his Captain of the Guard. Meanwhile, Henry is determined to marry her off to the aging King Louis XII of France as part of a peace agreement.
The Young Diana
Mr. May wants his daughter Diana to marry into society. The man he wishes her to wed is a scientist, Dr. Dimitrius, but Diana is in love with an officer, Commander Cleeve.
Beauty's Worth
Scenario Writer
Prudence Cole is an unsophisticated Quaker girl being raised by her two aunts. Prudence is flirted with by snobbish Henry Garrison, who actually disdains the girl for her lack of worldliness and savoir faire. When Henry and his friends try to embarrass her at a posh resort, Prudence turns the tables on them.
Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford
Two confidence men pose as investors to fleece the denizens of a small town. They build a carpet-tack factory with the funds, but some stockholders are suspicious. Eventually, someone tries to take over the business by buying it from them. The film is presumed lost.
The frothy experiences of a vain little flapper. Her father induces an actor friend to become a gentlemanly cave man and the film becomes another variation of the 'Taming of the Shrew' theme.
Beau Revel
Lawrence Revel, celebrated in society circles for his success with women, is devoted to his son Dick and objects to his marrying Nellie, a cabaret dancer. To prove her unworthiness, Beau asks his son not to see her for 2 weeks. Unwittingly, Beau falls in love with the girl, but his attentions are refused.
Below the Surface
A widely respected deep-sea diver is approached by a ring of con artists who want him to be the front man for a phony scheme to recover gold from sunken ships. When he refuses, they send a sexy young woman to seduce his son, and then blackmail the father into going along with their scheme.
Behind the Door
Oscar Krug is looked upon with suspicion by his neighbors because of his German name. When the US is drawn into the war with Germany, he enlists and travels the seas with his wife, Alice Morse. During a submarine attack Alice is snatched from Krug's side by a German officer. Krug now lives to have his revenge, and when the opportunity presents itself, he will have it.
The Light
Theda Bara does her usual vamp turn in this picture, but this time she's a vamp who turns out to have a heart of gold. Her character, Blanchette DuMonde, is known as "the wickedest woman in Paris," and because of this sordid reputation, she is not allowed to serve as a nurse during World War I. So she becomes an Apache dancer instead.
Our Mrs. McChesney
Mrs. Emma McChesney is a determined and successful traveling saleswoman for T. A. Buck's Featherbloom Petticoat Company. When Buck dies and his son, T. A. Buck, Jr., takes charge, the company suffers and Emma nearly accepts a job offer from Buck's rival, Abel Fromkin.
A Pair of Cupids
Henry Burgess favors a match between his ward, Virginia Parke, and his nephew, Peter Warburton, but she is only interested in her poodle, Frou Frou, and Peter devotes all of his attention to his business. To bring them together, Uncle Henry rents twin babies of the laundrywoman, Bridget McGroghan, placing one on Peter's doorstep and the other on Virginia's. Each discovering that the other has a baby, Peter and Virginia soon begin to share their views on child rearing and matrimony, and are about to become engaged when the babies disappear. Michael McGroghan, the twins' father, hires a pair of crooks to kidnap the babies so that he may collect the $25,000 bond that has been put up by Henry for their safe return. Peter, however, tracks down the kidnappers, and after the infants are returned to their grateful mother, he and Virginia look forward to having their own babies. (from the AFI)