Sid Raymond
Рождение : 1909-01-21, New York City, New York, USA
Смерть : 2006-12-01
Sid Raymond was born on January 21, 1909 in New York City, New York, USA as Raymond Silverstein. He was an actor, known for Two Much (1996), The Baby Huey Show (1994) and The Funhouse (1981). He was married to Dorothy Naftel. He died on December 1, 2006 in Aventura, Florida, USA.
Is best known as the voice of "Baby Huey" and "Katnip"
Retiree #2
Таинственный чемодан, набитый чем-то ценным, привлекает внимание совершенно разных людей, кардинально меняя жизни разведенного мужчины, влюбленной парочки, нескольких мошенников, парочки наемных убийц, двух агентов ФБР и еще нескольких человек, которые решили рискнуть своими жизнями ради того, чтобы сорвать куш.
The Lincoln Brigade
У Арта Доджа полоса неудач: кругом долги и, похоже, придется жениться на богатой. Но нравится-то ему сестра невесты — Лиз! И Арт решает, что есть только один способ завоевать ее сердце — стать другим человеком! Совсем другим, например, собственным братом-близнецом Бартом! Проблема только в том, что сестры живут в одном доме….
Retired Attorney
Джон Олдрич и представить не мог, что его матушке придет в голову заболеть. На кого же оставить мужа, у которого к тому же давно и крепко поехала крыша? За несколько дней старый Гарри устроит потрясающий кавардак. Спалит дом. Доведет соседей до белого каления. Устроит мордобой в магазине…
Роман между андроидом Улиссисом и «консультантом по имиджу» Фрэнки Стоун. Её мир — это Мелроуз Авеню в стиле Майами, где она занимается публицистской. Короче, все поселились в одном месте — андроид и его создатель доктор Джефф Питерс, чтобы решить, как бы повыгодней продать свое изобретение Американскому народу, пока его не послали в космос. Она учит андроида читать, социальным манерам, но в конце верх берут эмоции.
Strip Show MC
Четверо подростков и один маленький мальчик Джои решают провести ночь в карнавальном поезде — призраке на ярмарке. Они даже не подозревали, что обезображенный сын оператора карусели впал в ярость из — за отказа гадалки вернуть ему деньги и убил ее. Подростки стали невольными свидетелями убийства и вскоре с ужасом поняли, что жить им осталось совсем немного…
Baby Huey
The well-meaning but bumbling Baby Huey decides to give his father a wonderful Father's Day he won't forget, and does just that. His well-intentioned plans lead to one disaster after another and his father ends up in bandages in the hospital. And then has a relapse when Huey says he is planning another wonderful day on his birthday.
Katnip teaches his little nephew Kitnip how to catch a mouse. Kitnip goes into Herman's mousehole and gets stuck under a pipe. Herman rescues Kitnip. Instead of being a supposed enemy, Kitnip becomes Herman's friend instead!
A baseball team in desperate need for a star player drafts a horse.
Dopey Clerk
A compilation of spot gags about tourists from earlier cartoons.
Second Man (uncredited)
Booze, pills and loneliness mark a young actress' rise to stardom.
Baby Huey (voice)
A hungry fox disguises himself as Santa Claus, and arms himself with deadly gifts, hoping to make a duck dinner out of Baby Huey.
The mice are having a great time playing on a train in a department store's toy department until night watchman Katnip comes along.
Horse Race Announcer (voice)
The last Tommy tortoise/Moe hare cartoon. In this cartoon shows a different design frecuently used by the animation unit headed by Al Eugster, released in 1957 the credits and mpaa certificate are the correct
Unaware that Katnip is the night watchman, Herman takes his three nephews to Paramount Pictures Studios on a sightseeing trip. They sneak in and find fake alligators and a fake King Kong, but a real live Katnip. Herman promises to make Katnip a movie star if he will let them go.
Baby Huey (voice)
1957 Baby Huey is a big duck enrolled in kindergarten. Despite being big and clumsy, he attempts to fit in, causing havoc and getting expelled by the teacher. His mother then hires a private tutor, who is also tortured by Baby Huey's good intentioned efforts. The tutor winds up in the ocean but Huey saves his life from sharks and gets his diploma as a reward.
Cab driver
The moving story of four young men struggling against overwhelming odds to remain honest. When their crooked employer shorts their earnings; they turn to crime, their first theft ending in tragedy.
A woman believes herself to be the reincarnated spirit of an ancient prince's lover. Meanwhile, a murderer turns out to be the reincarnated spirit of the prince himself.
Bully Boy / Neighborhood Kid (voice) (uncredited)
Even dead kids can be a bad influence. Take what happens to Billy for example. Casper the "friendly" ghost takes the slightly awkward little boy under his wing, and before long the two of them are cheating in a local football game.
Subway Guard (uncredited)
Отец юного Рокки Барабелла был известным боксером-любителем, поэтому мальчик с детства хорошо усвоил, что с помощью кулаков можно быстрее достичь желаемого. Оказавшись в тюрьме, Рокки продолжает выяснять отношения кулаками. Его замечает менеджер Ирвинг Коэн. Выйдя на свободу, Рокки, взяв фамилию Грациано, под руководством Коэна начинает выигрывать бои. Но серьезный успех приходит к нему только после того, как он встречает Норму, которая становится его женой.
Policeman, Plane Passenger
After startling a stork who drops his package, Casper the Friendly Ghost delivers a baby penguin to its parents at the South Pole.
Herman and Katnip in an art school.
Through the use of a Time Machine, Casper the Friendly Ghost gets transported back in time, In the stone-age, Casper frightens cave-men and women. Robert Fulton's steamboat makes a successful first trip when Casper's ghostly form frightens it into action. Casper assists Paul Revere on his famous ride when Revere's horse, frightened by Casper, ceases to balk and breaks into a gallop. George Washington, crossing the Delaware River, is sped up by Casper's appearance, and Casper becomes a hero by besting the British Redcoats.
From Press Kit: Katnip's serenading of a girl cat is interrupted by a tough cat that runs him off and takes over.The love-lorn Katnip is determined to best the muscle-bound cat and enlists the aid of Herman. Herman, with bad-intentions, puts Katnip through a muscle-building course which consists of weight-lifting, bar-chinning and equipment rigged with high explosives.
Baby Huey
The over-sized Baby Huey wants to join the little ducks in their cowboy game but they don't want him. A fox comes along and the ducklings flee and leave Huey to fight the enemy. The fox uses an exploding-cigar, a shotgun and dynamite against him but Huey is too tough and the fox winds up being the pursued.
Jerry Lewis (voice) (uncredited)
Popeye is being honored for his 20 years of films, in a dinner hosted by 'Bob Hope' (several other celebrities are present, like Jimmy Durante, Bing Crosby, 'Jerry Lewis' and 'Dean Martin').
Zero the Dog, already a failure as a bloodhound or a retriever, is just as bad as a watchdog, and is frightened when a burglar appears. Casper the Friendly Ghost, unknown to Zero, comes to his aid and frightens the burglar away. Zero thinks he did it on his own, and gains back all of his lost self-respect.
Baby Huey
Hubert Duck is forced by his wife to take his son, Baby Huey, on his fishing trip. Huey causes all kinds of trouble and ends up catching a whale.
Hippo Eating Soup
Singalong about wacky inventions.
Katnip is trying to catch a really big fish, but is having no success.
Baby Huey
The birth of Baby Huey! The headlines in "Barnyard Eggstra" read: "Duck Lays Huge Egg. Mother Eggcited. Egg To Be Named Huey." A fox steals the giant egg and escapes with it. When he uses a hammer to crack the egg, Baby Huey is hatched. The fox tries to cook the king-size duckling. Huey mistakes the fox for his mommy and thinks that he's just trying to give him a bath. He chases the fox, thinking that the fox is his mother and trying to escape him. In tears, his mother shows up with a milk bottle. Baby Huey is overjoyed: "I'm the luckiest duck in the world, I've got two mothers."
Baby Huey (voice)
Baby Huey, the man-sized duckling, wants to play circus with the regular-size ducks, and they trick him into a barrel which almost goes over a cliff. It doesn't but it puts him into the hands of a hungry fox, who tries all manner of tricks to make Baby Huey palatable. They all fail and Baby Huey winds up as the circus ringmaster, putting the defeated fox through all kinds of tricks.
Tour Guide / Cavemen
The cavemen go to the Paramountain Theater.
Balloon Vendor / Judge
Singalong with spot gags about an animal fair.
Baby Huey
Baby Huey dreams of becoming a Cub Scout, but the patrol out on a camping trip considers him to be too big and stupid to join. When a wolf shows up all the other ducks run away but Huey mistakes him for the scout master, and asks for his help. The wolf gives him several tasks to perform, all designed with Huey ending up on the wolf's dinner table, but dumb Huey turns the situations and the wolf is rendered harmless. The scouts make Huey an honorary member, and the battered wolf is used as a patrol flag.
Various Fruits and Vegetables
A singalong with spot gags about vegetables.
Baby Huey
In this outing, Huey goes to a birthday party, causes his usual havoc and the baby ducks blindfold Huey and send him away playing pin the tail on the donkey.
Native Americans / Miner / Man on Phone
Singalong about the discovery of gold in California.
Gambling Boat
Singalong with spot gags about the Mississippi River as it runs from Minneapolis/St. Paul through Davenport and St. Louis down to New Orleans.
Baby Huey
Dumb and overgrown Baby Huey finds himself left to the untender mercies of a fox disguised as a baby sitter. Hue also turns out to be one tough duck when he discovers his new baby sitter likes to play rough. So does Huey, who proceeds to beat the stuffing out of the fox.
Screen Song with spot gags about newsreels (including Paramount's own newsreel division).
A Paramount Noveltoon (production number P10-1) that has a farmer fattening up a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner, but when he starts to sharpen his axe, the turkey gets wise and manages to escape with the aid of a ghostly disguise.
Bear Sailor / Elephant Sailor
The captain of a ship's crew, a mouse, goes to the bar to pick up his men. After forcing the initially reluctant sailors onboard, they set sail and hit the (literal) high seas. Spots gags abound such as a cook dumping the garbage overboard into a clam's mouth, the clam getting his revenge by climbing onboard and spraying the garbage back at the cook, and a running gag involving a bear who is splashed by his bucket of water each time he throws it overboard. Finally, we are invited to sing along to the old sea tune, "Strike Up the Band".
Baby Huey (voice) (uncredited)
His Mama is the only one who love Baby Huey, an overgrown clumsy ugly duckling. The other Mamas and their broods shun him like the plague and make his little life miserable. But when a ferocious fox attacks the barnyard, Huey comes to the rescue of one and all. Huey is a hero basking in his new-found popularity.
Looey the Lion (voice)
A very tired lion comes to the rest farm operated by Mrs. Jones, a duck, badly in need of a long rest. (No, he doesn't eat Mrs. Jones.) First, Mrs. Duck Jones' goats eat his suitcase, followed by her rest-disturbing mishaps, and then he learns that the old dilapidated building he is in is inhabited by the ghosts of various animals. He departs the premises in a hurry.
Little John (voice) (uncredited)
Popeye is Robin Hood; he's got a sidekick, Little John. Bluto is the tax collector, and Olive is the owner/barmaid at the local pub. Bluto comes to the pub to collect taxes and falls for Olive.
"Little Brown Jug" is a short cartoon about various woodland creatures...
ll the animals come out to watch in this singalong about an opening-day baseball game at the zoo between the Jungle Jumbos and the Forest...
Lion Orchestra Conductor (voice)
A Terrytoons cartoon released 22 October 1947.
Katnip (voice)
Herman, the city-slicker mouse (looking like a cross between James Cagney and Lee Tracy) visits his barn-mice cousins in the country.
Wall Street Man (uncredited)
A humorous tour of Manhattan concludes with 3 bouncing-ball songs.