Haing S. Ngor

Haing S. Ngor

Рождение : 1940-03-22, Samrong Young, Cambodia

Смерть : 1996-02-25


​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Dr. Haing Somnang Ngor (March 22, 1940 – February 25, 1996) was a Cambodian American physician, actor and author who is best known for winning the 1985 Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his debut performance in the movie The Killing Fields, in which he portrayed Cambodian journalist and refugee Dith Pran. His mother was Khmer and his father was of Chinese descent. Ngor and Harold Russell are the only two non-professional actors to win an Academy Award in an acting category. As of 2010, Ngor remains the only Asian to win an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. Description above from the Wikipedia article Haing S. Ngor, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Haing S. Ngor
Haing S. Ngor


The Killing Fields of Dr. Haing S. Ngor
Self (archive footage)
When Dr. Haing S. Ngor was forced into labor camps by the Khmer Rouge, little did he know he would escape years of torture and recreate his experiences in a film that would win him an Academy Award®. "The Killing Fields of Dr. Haing S. Ngor" tells the dramatic story about arguably the most recognizable survivor of the Cambodian genocide, a man who became a worldwide ambassador for justice in his homeland, only to be murdered in a Los Angeles Chinatown alley - a case still muddled with conspiracy theories. Through an inspired blend of original animation and rare archival material - anchored by Ngor's richly layered autobiography - the years encapsulating the Khmer Rouge's tyrannical rule over Cambodia are experienced though a politically charged transnational journey of loss and reconciliation.
Hit Me
Billy Tungpet
A bellhop living with his mentally impaired brother becomes involved with an unbalanced woman and a scheme to steal guests' valuables.
The Dragon Gate
Enter The Dragon Gate and prepare for a pulse pounding journey into the nether regions of the mind and soul. When his girlfriend is kidnapped, a sword wielding warrior, Ken, willingly thrusts himself into an alternate dimension to rescue her. The action is fast and furious as our hero battles legions of blood-thirsty assassins. Seduced by an evil temptress, redeemed by the Sword Goddess of the lake. Ken can escape only if he can answer the riddle of 23 questions!
Fortunes of War
Khoy Thuon
When Canadian diplomat Carl Pimmler sends his friend Peter Kernan and his wife Johanna to deliver medicine to the deep jungles of Cambodia, but Peter gets more than he bargained for when the journey ends in a fight for survival. Peter must use his experience and knowledge of South East Asia to get them out of this dangerous mess.
Vanishing Son IV
The General
After the death of his brother Wago, Jian-wa Chang now roams America's countryside while looking for his place in the world. He is hit by a van of two college students. Jian is taken in and nursed by Megan, a secluded artist. Jian is also befriended by the ghost of brother Wago. Wago must act as an angel to Jian-wa to gain acceptance into heaven. Meanwhile, the students from the hit and run plan to kill Jian-wa so he doesn't talk to the police.
Vanishing Son III
The General
The saga picks up in Washington, DC where Jian-wa is competing in a classical music competition. Back in LA, Jian-wa's brother Wago is wanted by the F.B.I. and manage to pull Jian-wa back to L.A. for questioning. They also want him to infiltrate his brother's gang in order to save his Wago. Can Jian-wa get Wago to see the truth about things before it's too late?
Vanishing Son II
The General
The continuing saga of the Chang brothers: Jian-Wa and Wago. Picking up where it left off, Jian-Wa has left L.A. after a gangfight which involved his brother Wago. Jian-wa travels to the south and finds that hatred comes in all forms as a group of racist whites feud with harmless Vietnamese fishermen. Jian-wa decides to side with the Vietnamese and help them defend themselves. Back in Los Angeles, Wago is enjoying his new life as a gangster.
Vanishing Son
The General
Two students in the Peoples Republic of China are forced to flee out of China after having taken part in a protest action for freedom. They come to America, and try to build up a new life. After a while, one of the brothers pursues a musical career while the other gets entangled in a criminal organization.
Небо и земля
Драматическая история вьетнамской женщины на протяжении 30 лет — три разных периода ее жизни. Когда-то ее жизнь была безмятежной и прекрасной… Но ее мир рухнул, когда началась Вьетнамская война. Ее судьба — это судьба женщины, оказавшейся на родной земле между двух огней — Севера и Юга. Ее пытали защитники старого режима, коммунисты изнасиловали. Работая в богатом доме в Сайгоне, она «прижила» ребенка от хозяина. Лишь выйдя замуж за американского сержанта Стива Батлера, героиня фильма узнала, что такое любовь и уважение. Вскоре она уезжает с мужем в Америку, где ее ждут новые испытания.
Моя жизнь
Mr. Ho
Полный надежд и одержимый работой молодой мужчина Боб Джонс узнаёт, что у него рак почек и жить осталось недолго. Его жена Гейл ожидает ребёнка, но Боб, возможно, не доживёт до счастливого момента. Он начинает снимать себя на видеокамеру для своего будущего сына или дочери.
Earth and the American Dream
A beautiful and disturbing film recounts America’s story from the environment’s point of view. From the arrival of Columbus to the simple wilderness living of the 16th and 17th centuries, through the agrarian lifestyle of the 18th century, the changes from the Industrial Revolution, to the 20th century when most of the planet’s resources have been depleted — this film examines the North American landscape and all the wildlife destruction, deforestation, soil depletion and pollution that have been wrought to make the American Dream come true.
Mitchell Osgood dreams of being a famous writer, but the book he has written constantly is rejected by the editors. When the psychopathic killer Albert Merrik is released from prison after 15 years, Osgood believes that writing down the history of his crimes could be his breakthrough. Although he refuses to talk to him at first, Osgood follows him around and offers him a job in his book shop. To get the right impressions for his book, he feels that he has to experience Merrik psychopathic again.
Last Flight Out
Pham Van Minh
Fact based story set in Saigon in April, 1975 shortly after the US combat troops have withdrawn and immediately before the Communist forces over run the city. American citizens try to help South Vietnamese refugees escape on the last commercial flight that will be permitted to leave the city.
Vietnam Texas
A priest (Robert Ginty) learns that he fathered a child during his tour of duty in Vietnam and that the mother and child has relocated to Houston, Texas in the Little Saigon quarters. Searching for them, he also finds massive prejudice against the Vietnamese people, particularly among the fishing community in which they are trying to work. Setting out to right the wrongs, the priest tends to use more fisticuffs than friendly, priestly persuasion.
The Iron Triangle
Col. Tuong, NVA
Based on the diary of an unknown Viet Cong soldier, this film provides a sympathetic look at a Viet Cong soldier who protected a captured American soldier whom he believed did not kill him when the American had the opportunity. Written by John Sacksteder
Восточные кондоры
Yeung Lung
Когда американцы покидали Вьетнам, был оставлен секретный запас ракет и стратегического оружия, который не обнаружила вьетнамская армия. В 1976 году полковник армии США Лам получает задание уничтожить склад, прежде чем ракеты попадут в руки врага. Он набирает команду из китайских и вьетнамских заключенных. Всем, кто уцелеет, обещана свобода. После десантирования на территории Вьетнама, весь их путь по вражеской территории сопровождается постоянными стычками с вьетнамскими регулярными войсками во главе с безумным генералом…
In Love and War
Major Bui
This movie is an account of US Navy Commander James Stockdale's 8 year imprisonment in North Vietnam. During his confinement in such camps as the infamous "Hanoi Hilton", Stockdale, among other senior officers, led a resistance group against the North Vietnamese, facing torture, isolation, and starvation in attempts to break their wills. Back in the US, Stockdale's wife, Sybil, begins working with other POW wives to try to get information on their husbands and to inform the world on their treatment.
Семейные бомбы
Кинмен был до 1949 г мирной территорией, пока Чан Кайши не превратил остров в оборонительный укрепрайон против коммунистов, вытеснивших его национальную армию с материка. Его изначальным планом было организовать на острове лечение раненых солдат и подготовиться к наступлению на позиции Мао Цзе Дуна, однако всё случилось иначе. На острове было объявлено военное положение, и он превратился в последнюю горячую точку гражданской войны. Кинмен подвергался массированному артобстрелу с материка в течение 1950-х и 60-х гг. В частности, 23 августа 1958 г коммунисты устроили сильнейший артиллерийский обстрел Кинмена. Всё полыхали огнём, имелись большие жертвы. Фильм рассказывает о 823 артиллерийской батарее под командованием полковника Килианга Чена и событиях того времени.
Поля смерти
Dith Pran
Корреспондент «Нью-Йорк Таймс» Сидней Шенберг пишет репортажи о гражданской войне между «красными кхмерами» и правительством. Его незаменимый помощник и друг — добрый, умный и интеллигентный Дит Пран. Как переводчику и проводнику ему нет равных. Когда «красные кхмеры» побеждают, американцы эвакуируются из Камбоджи. Дит Пран отправляет с ними семью, но сам остается с Сиднеем, чтобы помочь ему написать о перевороте. Иностранному журналисту Шенбергу удастся выбраться из страны, но положение Прана совсем иное: он местный и совершенно беззащитен перед революционным террором «красных кхмеров»