Albert Duverger


Street Without a Name
Director of Photography
The story focuses on a street in the Parisian banlieue where Italian and French workers live. Their neighborhood will soon be demolished and a mysterious character hides himself in this street.
Золотой век
Still Photographer
Шокирующе-насмешливый видеоряд подспудных страстей, разрушающих социальные ценности и запреты.
Золотой век
Director of Photography
Шокирующе-насмешливый видеоряд подспудных страстей, разрушающих социальные ценности и запреты.
Андалузский пёс
Director of Photography
Семнадцать минут причудливых сюрреалистических образов, которые с равным успехом могут нести в себе глубочайший смысл или не значить вовсе ничего. Глаз, располосованный бритвой; человек, тычущий тростью в отрубленную руку, лежащую среди улицы; мужчина, волокущий за собой два рояля, в которых — мертвые, полуразложившиеся ослики и вполне живые священники; человеческая ладонь с дырой, из которой появляются муравьи…
A silent adaptation of the 1778 Beaumarchais play The Marriage of Figaro, with material also used from its two sequels.
Siren of the Tropics
Director of Photography
Marquis Sévéro, a rich, lazy Parisian, wants to divorce his wife so that he can marry his own goddaughter Denise. But Denise herself loves André Berval, an engineer employed by the marquis. Filled with jealousy, the marquis sends André to the Antilles, to prospect some land he has just acquired. He promises André that he can marry Denise if he is successful in the tropics, but he then writes to Alvarez, his manager at the site, asking him to prevent André from ever returning to France. The brutal Alvarez forms an instant hatred for André when the engineer breaks up Alvarez's attempt to rape Papitou, a beautiful native girl. Papitou becomes devoted to André, and protects him against Alvarez's schemes. But she faces a crisis herself when she learns that André plans to marry Denise.
Director of Photography
Romantic novelist George Sand's Mauprat as adapted by cinema visionary Jean Epstein. As a child, orphan Bernard de Mauprat was adopted by Tristan, a brigand who brought him up with his biological sons to hate, kill and pillage. Hubert de Mauprat, the elder brother of Tristan, the very incarnation of nobility, and his daughter, the beautiful and intrepid Edmée, undertake to tear wild-eyed Bernard away from his uncle. Still uncouth and rough, Bernard endeavors to wrest the love of Edmée away from her betrothed.
La dame masquée
A young woman, forced into a loveless marriage, takes a lover.
The Sultan of Love
Camera Operator
An French orientalist fairy tale starring France Dhélia, Gaston Modot, Sylvio De Pedrelli and Marcel Lévesque.