Frankie Thomas

Frankie Thomas

Рождение : 1921-04-09, New York, New York, USA

Смерть : 2006-05-11


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Frank Marion Thomas Jr. (April 9, 1921 – May 11, 2006), credited as Frankie Thomas, was an American actor, author and bridge-strategy expert who played both lead and supporting roles on Broadway, in films, in post-World War II radio, and in early television. He was best known for his starring role in Tom Corbett, Space Cadet. He was only 11 when he accompanied his mother to a casting office, where he stood in the background while his mother asked about possible openings in new Broadway shows. The agent replied, "I have nothing that suits you, Mona, but I can use the boy." Thomas wound up in a small part in Carry Nation (1932), where Jimmy Stewart was cast as a constable. Thomas appeared in six other Broadway plays between 1932 and 1936, including Little Ol' Boy with Burgess Meredith, Thunder on the Left, Wednesday's Child, The First Legion, Remember the Day, in which he appeared with his father, and Seen But Not Heard. In Wednesday's Child he played the role of Bobby Phillips, the longest stage part ever written for a child performer. Thomas also developed a lifelong fascination with the character of Sherlock Holmes during this period, when he saw William Gillette perform the part during his farewell tour. Thomas's last "A" film was Boys' Town (1938) with Spencer Tracy and Mickey Rooney. Thomas was Freddy Fuller, Boys' Town's mayor, and was not asked to appear in the sequel, Men of Boys' Town (1941). He then appeared in a string of "B" films such as Little Tough Guys in Society and Nancy Drew... Detective (both 1938), Nancy Drew... Reporter, Code of the Streets, Nancy Drew… Trouble Shooter, The Angels Wash Their Faces, Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase, On Dress Parade and Invisible Stripes (all 1939). In 1941 Thomas had small parts in Flying Cadets and One Foot in Heaven. His last film roles were small roles in Always in My Heart and The Major and the Minor (1942), where he played a military school cadet who flirted with Ginger Rogers' character. After World War II, Thomas moved into television. In the fall of 1950 he became the idol of millions of children when he played the starring role in Tom Corbett, Space Cadet, beginning on CBS and transferring to ABC in January 1951. Thomas had beaten out Jack Lemmon for the part.


Frankie Thomas
Frankie Thomas
Frankie Thomas


Майор и малютка
Cadet Osborne
Сюзан Эпплгэйт, устав от года проведенного в Нью-Йорке и безуспешного поиска работы, возвращается домой в Айову. К несчастью, у нее не хватает денег на билет, и она вынуждена выдать себя за 12-летнюю девочку, чтобы купить билет за полцены. В поезде, вычисленная контролерами, она прячется в купе майора Филипа Кирби, который близорук и верит ей. Влюбившись в майора Сюзан следует за ним в военную школу, однако, дальнейшее осложняется появлением его невесты и тем, что близорукий майор все еще считает Сюзан - 12-летней «Сю-Сю»...
Always in My Heart
Martin Scott
A man is pardoned from prison and returns to Santa Rita, CA to be with his family, but discovers his children have been told he's dead and his wife is in love with another man.
Одной ногой в раю
Hartzell Spence
Уильям Спенс, студент-медик из Канады, собирается вскоре начать работу врачом. Однажды он, проходя мимо церкви, заходит внутрь, слышит проповедь и ощущает призвание стать священником. Хоуп, его невеста, от всего сердца поддерживает любимого, невзирая на негодование её родителей. В Канаде вакансий не находится, поэтому когда Уильям проходит подготовку, он и Хоуп, ставшая его женой, отправляются в маленький городок в Айове, который встречает их бедностью и бытовой неустроенностью. Так начинается долгое, со своими трудностями и радостями, странствие священника и его семьи от одного прихода к другому...
Flying Cadets
Newton R. Adams / Ames
Story of test pilots at a school that trains new flyers.
Невидимые полосы
Клифф и Чак вместе выходят из тюрьмы. Клифф хочет покончить со своим криминальным прошлым, устраивается на работу, но работодатели не хотят держать условно-досрочно освобожденного. Поэтому он вынужден пойти к Чаку в поисках заработка. После неудачного ограбления Чак со своей бандой прячется в гараже, принадлежащем брату Клиффа, Тиму, который соглашается «прикрыть» их, поскольку думает, что в ограблении участвовал Клифф…
On Dress Parade
Cadet Lt. Murphy
The final feature in the "Dead End Kids" film series finds a youth trying to adjust to life at a military school.
Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase
Ted Nickerson
Nancy helps two aging spinsters fulfill the byzantine provisions of their father's will, but the murder of their chauffeur complicates matters.
Angels Wash Their Faces
Gabe Ryan
A young man just released from a reformatory moves to a new neighborhood with his sister, intending to start a new life. However, he gets mixed up with the local mob boss and corrupt politicians and soon finds himself being framed for an arson and murder he didn't commit.
Nancy Drew... Trouble Shooter
Ted Nickerson
Nancy Drew clears her Uncle Matt of murder charges when she exposes the real murderers. She and Ted find themselves in many dangerous positions such as trying to fly an airplane after the pilot parachuted out and being face-to-face with the murderer.
Code of the Streets
Bob Lewis
Frankie Thomas plays Bob Lewis, leader of a gang consisting of Sailor (Harris Berger), Murph (Hally Chester), Monk (Charles Duncan), Trouble (Billy Benedict) and Yap (David Gorcey). The son of disgraced police officer Lt. Lewis (Harry Carey), Bob vows to clear his dad's name, and also to prove that accused murderer Tommy Shay (Paul Fix) is innocent.
Nancy Drew... Reporter
Ted Nickerson
While participating in a contest at a local newspaper in which school children are asked to submit a news story, local attorney Carson Drew's daughter Nancy intercepts a real story assignment. She "covers" the inquest of the death of a woman who was poisoned. Nancy doesn't think the young woman accused of the crime is guilty and corrals her neighbor Ted into searching for a vital piece of evidence and stumbles onto the identity of the real killer.
Nancy Drew: Detective
Theodore 'Ted' Nickerson
Nancy Drew and Ted Nickerson solve a kidnapping case of a wealthy elderly lady. Ted has to disguise himself as a nurse while Nancy becomes a "widow" in order to locate the lady they are rescuing.
Little Tough Guys in Society
A society matron invites the gang to her estate as playmates for her spoiled brat son.
Город мальчиков
Freddie Fuller
Фильм представляет собой биографическую драму о жизни пастора Эдварда Дж. Флэнэгэна, который основал приют для обездоленных и трудных подростков, назвал его «Город мальчиков» и посвятил свою жизнь служению этому великому делу. Отец Флэнэгэн считает, что не существует такой вещи, как «плохой мальчик» и проводит свою жизнь, пытаясь это доказать. Он борется с безразличием правовой системы и общества, а зачастую и самих мальчиков, чтобы построить святилище, в котором ребята имеют свое собственное правительство, создают свои собственные правила и сами решают, какое нарушение какого заслуживает наказания. Хотя история во многом вымышлена, она рассказывает о реальном человеке и реальном месте, которое располагалось в штате Небраска.
Tim Tyler's Luck
Tim Tyler
A 12-episode serial in which Tim Tyler goes to Africa in search of his father in gorilla country. He meets up with Laura, who is after Spider Webb who has framed her brother. Webb causes the death of Tim's father, but is eventually tracked down.
A Dog of Flanders
Nello Daas
Adaptation of Ouida's sentimental classic about a poor Flemish boy (Frankie Thomas) whose ambition is to become a painter.
Wednesday's Child
Bobby Phillips
A 10-year-old's happy life is shattered when his parents are divorced.