Charles Miller

Рождение : 1878-06-07, Saginaw, Michigan, USA

Смерть : 1952-11-25


Charles Miller (born Charles Fish Miller, June 6, 1878 – November 25, 1952) was an American film actor. Miller made his film debut in Little Women as a minister and starred in many films thereafter. One of his first biggest roles was starring alongside Keye Luke in Phantom of Chinatown. He was also one of the founding members of the Screen Actors Guild. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Звонить Нортсайд 777
Parole Board Member (uncredited)
Сюжет фильма основан на реальных событиях, имевших место в Чикаго в 1932 году. Джозеф Мазек был обвинен в убийстве полицейского и получил пожизненный срок.
The Judge Steps Out
Superior Court Judge (uncredited)
A judge flees the pressures of professional and family life for a job as a short-order cook.
Coachman (uncredited)
A boy haunted by nightmares about the night his entire family was murdered is brought up by a neighboring family in the 1880s. He falls for his lovely adoptive sister but his nasty adoptive brother and mysterious uncle want him dead.
Gunman's Code
Sam Burton
Wells Fargo agents Jack Douglas (Kirby Grant) and Bosco O'Toole (Fuzzy Knight) are sent after a gang of stage robbers. Danny Burton (Bernard Thomas, brother of Laura Burton (Jane Adams, is implicated before Jack is able to prove that saloon owner Lee Fain (Danny Morton) is the man behind the outlaw gang.
Rustler's Round-up
Judge Wayne
A cowboy sets out to break up a gang of rustlers.
River Gang
An orphan girl lives with apparently kind uncle who turns out to be a murderer.
Дом Франкенштейна
Toberman (uncredited)
Учёный Густав Ниманн восхищён трудами своего коллеги Виктора Франкенштейна и обещает сокамернику — горбуну Дэниэлу — новое здоровое тело, если им удастся покинуть застенки и найти рукописи Франкенштейна. Воспользовавшись случаем, они совершают побег и тут же убивают проезжавшего мимо некоего Лампини, колесящего по округе со своей передвижной «Комнатой ужасов». Ослеплённый жаждой мести, Ниманн направляется в город, где некогда его приговорили к тюремному сроку, чтобы не только совершить возмездие, но и возродить к жизни Человека-оборотня и чудовище Франкенштейна, похороненных под руинами лаборатории...
Senator Bromfield
Сюжет вращается вокруг политической карьеры Вудро Вильсона, начиная с его решения покинуть пост в Принстоне, чтобы стать губернатором в Нью-Джерси, и заканчивая последующим повышением до поста президента США.
Hidden Valley Outlaws
Daniel Clark
Lawyer Leland is using land rights to kick the ranchers off their land. When Wild Bill and Gabby arrive to help the ranchers, he has actor Percel frame them for murder and then incites the townsmen to lynch them.
Beneath Western Skies
Lem Toller
To combat the lawlessness in her town, school teacher Carrie Stokes writes to her former students in search of a lawman. Johnny Revere arrives and starts to clean up the town. But things go bad when he is hit on the head and loses his memory.
Pride of the Plains
Grant Bradford
Hurley wants to sell wild horses and is trying to get the Wild Game Laws that protect them changed. To get his petition signed, his henchman paints his trained horse to look like the wild horse leader and has it kill a man. Johnny Revere finds traces of paint on a horse and tries to arrest Hurley and his men. But he is captured by the gang and is now slated to be the next victim of the trained horse.
Raiders of Sunset Pass
Dad Matthews
World War II is raging and the manpower shortage has hit the range since every able-bodied cowboy of military age is off fighting for Uncle Sam. Dad Mathews, a rancher with a huge government contract order for beef, has trouble with the cattle rustlers, led by Henry Judson and Lefty Lewis, who are taking advantage of the situation to steal his herds. John Paul Revere, Special State Investigator, arrives, and upon meeting Mathews' daughter, Betty, gets the idea of recruiting the hard-riding daughters of the district into the WAPS, an organization which will be to the cattle country what the WACS and WAVES are to the Army and Navy. He trains them in military procedure and provides them with radio sending-and-receiving sets. Johnny's sidekick, Frog Millhouse, finds himself the possessor of a "walkie-talkie" which he considers just a "doo-dad" at first, but which is instrumental in the end, in helping Johnny and the WAPS trap the gang of rustlers in their hideout.
Beyond the Last Frontier
Major Cook
Beyond the Last Frontier was the first entry in Republic's "John Paul Revere" western series. Journeyman actor Eddie Dew stars as Revere, a Texas Ranger who goes undercover to smash an outlaw gang. Meanwhile, the villains install an informer amongst the Rangers, meaning that Revere will have to take care of this guy before he can complete his assignment. While Eddie Dew was OK in the lead, his thunder was stolen by the young actor cast as "Trigger Dolan"-future superstar Robert Mitchum. The plot was a bit too complicated for a film of this nature, thus future John Paul Revere installments were a bit easier to follow.
Wagon Tracks West
Brown Bear
Cowboys side with an Indian doctor against crooks and bad water.
Black Hills Express
Raymond Harper
A man framed for a series of Wells' Fargo stage robberies and a comical sheriff's deputy join forces to uncover the real robbers, unaware that a U.S. Marshal assigned to the case and the Mayor of the town which is at the center of the robberies, are the leaders of the gang.
Daredevils of the West
A gang of land-grabbers tries to prevent safe passage of the Foster Stage Company through frontier territory.
Days of Old Cheyenne
John Carlyle
Clint Ross's skill at fisticuffs earns him the town marshal's job in Cheyenne. Thanks to the string-pulling of political boss Big Bill Harmon, Ross makes it all the way up to the governor's office. But when Ross figures out that Big Bill is a big crook, it's showdown time.
The Blocked Trail
Frank Nolan
A horse called Brilliant is the only one who knows the location of a gold mine. When Brilliant's owner is killed, the trio known as the Three Mesquiteers (Bob Steele, Tom Tyler and Jimmie Dodd) are mistakenly arrested for the murder.
Thundering Trails
Captain Sam Brooke
In this western, the Three Mesquiteers team up with a Texas Ranger to round up the outlaws who forced the ranger's younger brother into becoming a criminal.
The Phantom Plainsmen
Cap Marvin
In 1937 the life in out West has not changed much. The boys are working at the Wyoming ranch of Captain Marvin herding horses which he sells to Kurt Redman. Marvin will not sell any horses to any army, but the boys find out that Redman is a German agent shipping the horses directly to the Third Reich. When Marvin tries to stop Redman, his son Tad, who is studying medicine in Germany, is arrested and held hostage. Marvin must fire the boys as the sneaky German agents take over the ranch, but the boys will not give up their attempt to stop them.
Raiders of the Range
John Travers
Daggett is out to stop the completion of an oil well. He cheats Foster at poker and then forces him to delay the drilling. But the Mesquiteers are on the job with Lulaby posing as a cleaning lady to get evidence.
South of Santa Fe
John McMahon
To get the three needed business men to visit the Stevens mine, Roy stages a ride with the Vacaros and has them as honored guests. Seeing a chance to make a lot of money, gangster Harmon joins the ride and then has his men kidnap the three. Having filmed a fake holdup earlier, he uses the film to convince the Sheriff that Roy and the boys were the Kidnapers.
Dick Tracy vs. Crime Inc.
Cmdr. Haees
Dick Tracy goes up against a villain known as The Ghost, who can turn himself invisible.
Double Cross
Mayor John Frawley
A lawman infiltrates a gang of racketeers.
The Spider Returns
Mr. Van Sloan
The evil and masked "Gargoyle" is sabotaging all of America's industrial plants. It is up to the Spider to save the country.
Caught in the Act
Leonard G. Brandon
On the day of his daughter's wedding, a good-natured construction worker (Henry Armetta) is suspected by his wife of being involved with another woman, wrongly implicates his company's boss as a racketeer, and is arrested by police for running a shakedown operation. Comedy.
Китти Фойль
Doctor (uncredited)
Живущие в Филадельфии Вин Страффорд, большой босс, и Китти Фойль, его служащая, любят друг друга. Китти ждет предложения. Но не все так просто... Встреча в Нью-Йорке с романтичным, но бедным доктором Марком Айзеном. Предложение руки и сердца Страффорда. Свадьба вдали от родных. Их неприятие невестки. Социальное неравенство секретарши и дельца из высшего общества. Развод, подчиненный обстоятельствам. Второй брак Страффорда. Предложение доктора Айзена. К чему же это все приведет?
The Green Hornet Strikes Again!
George K. Otterson
Second serial featuring The Green Hornet and Kato.
Phantom of Chinatown
Dr. John Benton / Cyrus Benton in Newspaper (as Charles Miller)
In the middle of a pictorial lecture on his recent expedition to the Mongolian Desert, Dr. John Benton,the famous explorer, drinks from the water bottle on his lecture table, collapses and dies. His last words "Eternal Fire" are the only clue Chinese detective Jimmy Wong and Captain Street of the police department have to work on.
American Portrait
Mr. Wilkes
This movie's preamble explains the importance of salesmanship after the great depression The industrial revolution has created a life of modern convenience for America, and there are more products available than most people can fathom. David, one of the main characters in this drama, is a life insurance salesman. His livelihood and profession rely on people willing to take out new policies. Throughout the beginning of the film, a narrator points out modern inventions like telephones, electric toasters, and other conveniences, and explains the significance of these items.
The Man with Nine Lives
Doctor Spectator Explaining Procedure (uncredited)
Dr. Leon Kravaal develops a potential cure for cancer, which involves freezing the patient. But an experiment goes awry when authorities believe Kravaal has killed a patient. Kravaal freezes the officials, along with himself. Years later, they are discovered and revived in hopes that Kravaal can indeed complete his cure. But human greed and weakness compound to disrupt the project.
Terry and the Pirates
Dr. Herbert Lee, an archaeologist seeking to decipher ancient Mara inscriptions, is aided by his son Terry, Terry's pal Pat Ryan, and Normandie Drake. Jungle pirate and warlord Fang (Dick Curtis) plots to kill The Dragon Lady, Queen of the Temple of Mara, and seize the treasures of her ancestors. Both Fang and The Dragon Lady have sworn death for any foreign intruders.
Башня смерти
Вольная экранизация шекспировского «Ричарда III», увидевшая свет аккурат перед началом Второй мировой, относится к категории «трофейного» кино. В 15 веке герцог Ричард Глостерский при помощи своего косолапого палача Морда устраняет все препятствия, мешающие ему взойти на трон. Смерть короля Эдуарда IV приводит к тому, что Ричард осуществляет свою мечту, и ему остается только одолеть изгнанного Генри Тюдора, чтобы сохранить власть. Инфернальные звезды классических хорроров Карлофф и Прайс возглавляют блестящий актерский ансамбль, разыгрывающий необычную и в чем-то даже спорную интерпретацию шекспировской трагедии.
The Man They Could Not Hang
Dr. Avery - Juror (uncredited)
Dr. Henryk Savaard is a scientist working on experiments to restore life to the dead. When he is unjustly hanged for murder, he is brought back to life by his trusted assistant. Re-animated he turns decidedly nasty and sets about murdering the jury that convicted him.
The Sawdust Ring
Janet sets out to find her circus ringleader father, who her mother abandoned believing him to be unfaithful. Along the way, Janet and her friend Peter join Colonel Simmonds's circus, she as a trick horse rider and he as a clown, but Janet cannot help but wonder why she finds Simmonds so familiar.