Rui Rezende

Rui Rezende

Рождение : 1937-11-18, Araguari, Minas Gerais, Brazil


Rui Rezende


Eu Não Sou Daqui
O Segredo dos Diamantes
Ângelo arrives at his grandmother's house in Minas Gerais. There, a small chest full of coins and an enigma were discovered, supposedly left by a priest who, 200 years earlier, would have hidden a handful of diamonds.
García has managed to accomplish his wedding promise to his wife, Amalia: buy her a wretched farm outside the city, which is far from his wife's dream. But life turns unexpectedly as he arrives home and finds Amalia missing.
Реинкарнация демона
Bruno (as Rui Rezende)
Зе-из-Гроба — человек, возомнивший себя (а может быть и действительно являющийся) сверхчеловеком. Он отрицает и бога, и дьявола, и человеческую мораль. Он идет через мир людей, как нож сквозь масло, и единственная его цель — обеспечить собственное бессмертие через зачатие совершенного сына.
Noel: The Samba Poet
Pai de Noel
The biopic of Noel Rosa, one of Brazil's best poets and composers.
The Man Who Challenged the Devil
After being forced into a marriage and enduring a humiliating work routine in the hands of his father-in-law, Zé Araújo becomes the mythical Ojuara, an unconventional hero devoted to debauchery.
A Grande Família: O Filme
For forty years, the public functionary and family man Lineu and his beloved wife Nenê celebrate their first date going to the same ball where Lineu borrowed the jacket his competitor Carlinhos. In the present days, Lineu feels uncomfortable when his colleague Pacheco dies and goes to the doctor for health examination. When the result of his tomography arrives, his doctor says that he had seen some blur in his lungs and with that report he would give the correct diagnosis. Lineu steals the document afraid of having a tumor, but he believes he will die sooner. Meanwhile, Nenê meets Carlinhos in the supermarket where he is the manager and invites him to have dinner with her family. Lineu hides his concerns to Nenê, and his attitudes in the dinner misguide Nenê, and she believes Lineu has a lover and does not love him anymore
Недобрый час
В небольшом колумбийском городке начинают происходить непонятные вещи: каждую ночь в определенный час на стенах домов появляются различные карикатуры, изобличающие секреты местных жителей. Сначала все считают это неудачной шуткой и опровергают слухи. Однако, когда один мужчина, прочитав о неверности жены на стене, убивает предполагаемого любовника, мэр города объявляет чрезвычайное положение. Вооруженные солдаты начинают патрулировать улицы в поисках злоумышленников...
O amigo Dunor
"In the 1970s, Brazil - and much of the rest of Latin America - was ruled by military dictatorships. O amigo Dunor (the friend from the North) is not only set during these 'years of lead', it looks as if the film comes directly from that, as if the cans of film have only recently been found in someone's cellar. ... Marcel, a young French writer, comes to Brazil to fulfill his childhood dream: to get to know exotic Brazil, go to the Amazon and write a book about his experiences. After his arrival in Rio de Janeiro, he quickly makes friends with a group of people working on a crime thriller. Stan is the director of this film, his wife Carla and her daughter Melissa act in it. Julio, an Argentine refugee, is the scriptwriter. This film in the film is about the blind Louis and the handicapped Marta, a married couple with many problems in their relationship and with money … inter-cut with the world of Marcel and his new friends..” - IFFR
The Storytellers
A small poor community called Javé is under threat of being flooded by a new dam that is being built, and the only way to prevent this is to prove the town's historical value. As most of the inhabitants are illiterate, they have no choice but to ask for the help of Antônio Biá, a man who has been ostracized ever since it was discovered that he had sent out letters with lies about their reputations as a way to keep his job in Javé's seldom-used post office. He now has the task of documenting people's memories of how the city was founded, yet each inhabitant has his or her own version of what happened.
The story of one of the most important Brazilian heroes, Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, known as Tiradentes. He was the leader of a group who tried to proclaim Brazil's Independence from Portugal in 1789. But he was betrayed by one of his comrades and hanged.
Love and Co.
Godofredo suffers a terrible blow when he comes back home earlier than usual and finds his wife in the arms of his partner. He sends his wife away to a coast town and dares his rival to a duel. But he begins to miss his wife and the company of his friend.
The Nutty Boy 2
In this new adventure, Maluquinho is spending the holidays at the home of his grandfather Tônico (Stênio Garcia), an inventor who lives in a small community in the interior of Minas Gerais. His friends Junim (Samuel Brandão), Lucio (Cauã Bernard Souza), Bocão (João Romeu Filho) and Nina (Fernanda Guimarães) are coming to the city to help Maluquinho organize the circus for the centenary of the city. On this trip, they meet Tatá-Mirim, a small flame that ends up making the city believe that they are being invaded by the Capeta. So they end up living many adventures.
Antares Incident
Menandro Olinda
Film adaptation of the TV Show in 1994, based on the novel of the same name by Érico Veríssimo. During a general strike in the city of Antares, gravediggers refuse to carry out burials, to increase pressure on employers. During the night, however, the dead claim the right to be buried.
Fable of the Beautiful Pigeon-Fancier
Orestes, a rich factory owner, falls for the beautiful Fulvia. They communicate using pigeons, to avoid being discovered by her husband.
This epic Brazilian film was based on the equally epic novel by Antonio Callado. Set between 1954 and 1964, the film's focus is the saga of Jesuit priest Nando. Fed up with civilization, he ventures deep into Amazon country to live with and work among the Xingu Indians.
Луна над Парадором
Man on the Beach
Среднестатистический нью-йоркский актер Джек Ноа волею судеб оказывается в диктаторском государстве Парадор, где ему предстоит сыграть самую главную роль в актерской карьере — партию самого президента и диктатора Альфонса Симмса. Ведь когда тот внезапно покидает сей бренный мир прямо накануне выборов, начальнику тайной полиции, хитроумному и властолюбивому Роберто Страусманну, ничего не остается, как режиссировать спектакль общенационального масштаба, в приказном порядке назначив на главную роль Джека! Но Роберто даже предположить не мог, что неожиданно для себя, Джек обнаружит в себе истинного лидера народа!
Si tu vas à Rio... tu meurs
Inspector 1
Twin brothers arrive in Rio during the Carnival. One is a priest and is going to work in a parish; the other, a drug-dealer, in a business trip to sell cocaine. They’re not aware of each other’s presence. People expecting them always get in touch with the wrong guy.
A Difícil Viagem
Evandro Souza is an engineer and travels for the first time to the interior of the country, in the village of Barreira Pequé, on the banks of the Araguaia River. He begins to make friends with the natives of the region, like Marão, but what he did not expect was to be involved in a murder. Evandro was the only witness to the crime committed by Marão, however, when questioned, he does not know what to say. Until there is a meeting between Evandro, Marão and the local corporal.
A three-episode anthology film based on short stories by Brazilian writer Graciliano Ramos.
A Gostosa da Gafieira
O Desconhecido
O Escolhido de Iemanjá
Delegado Malta
Fish in a Barrel
Young robber, son of a prostitute who had killed herself, gets involved with two police informers, who force him to share the loot he gets.
Дона Флор и два её мужа
Соня Брага играет прекрасную женщину, чей муж, игрок и бабник, умирает после того, как провеселился всю ночь напролет на карнавале. Решив снова выйти замуж, вдова выбирает скучного аптекаря средних лет, который любовью занимается раз в год по обещанию. Как-то ночью, когда она лежала в постели рядом со своим спящим мужем, появился призрак ее первого супруга. Она пытается от него избавиться, но он отказывается исчезать. В конце концов она уступает и ложится с ним в постель, а второй муж тем временем продолжает мирно посапывать.
O Pistoleiro
O Jogo da Vida e da Morte
Brazilian adaptation of Hamlet, set in the outskirts of São Paulo City. A teenager hears through a medium the voice of his father, who accuses his brother of murdering him. He confirms his suspicions of his uncle, and decides to retaliate, but kills the wrong man, triggering a terrible game of life and death.