A film about love, also a memoir, about the trip made in the 1970s to Morocco by Jarda Ícone, an artist, sexologist, and octogenarian rocker, as she defines herself, and Lírio Terron, a human rights activist. In fact, a journey that is not over in their lives. Jarda Icon teaches classes on how women can obtain their own orgasm. With her group of disciples and friends Ana Brasil, Sheyla Fernanda, Caroline Sylvie and Lakshmi she develops self-sustainable feminist and artistic projects. The film is political, but not at all politicized in the traditional sense. It is an ode to the underground and counterculture movements, it is a hymn to freedom, and its title is also a tribute to Oswald d Andrade, one of the main names in Brazilian modernism.
После убийства дочери спецагент Мигель объявляет войну погрязшим в коррупции политикам. Он обрушивает всю свою ярость на политическую элиту страны в самый разгар президентских выборов. Мигель не подозревает, в какую опасную игру ввязался и чем это для него может обернуться. Но останавливаться на достигнутом он не собирается, даже если придется поставить на кон свою жизнь.
Garçom Luiz
A film in which dream and reality intertwine, A Moça do Calendário tells the story of inácio, 40, married, without a permanent job. Ex-street sweeper, he works as a mechanic at Barato da Pesada, where he dreams of the calendar girl.
15 directors telling 15 tales about São Paulo.
Mario Kubo is a quiet man. For many, he seems lost. Disconnected from the world around him, he is not doing well. On the days where we follow his life, he seems to undergo a fundamental transformation. Mario receives a letter from Japan with undecipherable content, since he doesn’t speak Japanese. Alone, he begins a journey after something that he is not quite sure what it is.
Зе-из-Гроба — человек, возомнивший себя (а может быть и действительно являющийся) сверхчеловеком. Он отрицает и бога, и дьявола, и человеческую мораль. Он идет через мир людей, как нож сквозь масло, и единственная его цель — обеспечить собственное бессмертие через зачатие совершенного сына.
Querô is an orphan teenager, living alone near the docks in Santos, Brazil. Her mother, a prostitute, died when he was a baby, and he was raised in the bordello where she worked. Believing he rules his own destiny, he refuses to compromise with anyone else, the corrupt policemen always chasing him, the oppressive discipline in the juvenile institution Febem, or the drug dealers who try to lure him. But this independence has a price.