What is the common thread among the only four U.S. Presidents who have been assassinated - Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy? They were also the only four presidents to ever to take away money-issuing control from the private banks and turn it over to the U.S. Treasury. Within less than a year of each president doing so, they were murdered. And within months of their vice president successors assuming their offices, they returned the money issuing power back to the private banks. 4 PRESIDENTS provides the first-ever in depth analysis of this very likely - and very frightening - historic conspiracy.
What is the common thread among the only four U.S. Presidents who have been assassinated - Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy? They were also the only four presidents to ever to take away money-issuing control from the private banks and turn it over to the U.S. Treasury. Within less than a year of each president doing so, they were murdered. And within months of their vice president successors assuming their offices, they returned the money issuing power back to the private banks. 4 PRESIDENTS provides the first-ever in depth analysis of this very likely - and very frightening - historic conspiracy.
When three young, pregnant women are held against their will, a jury must examine just how far they would go to save a life.
Дэниэл знает, что его картины хороши. Но общество отворачивается от художника, предпочтя ему посредственность. Это ранит самолюбие и вызывает раздражение. В порыве ярости художник пишет картину в манере модного художника. Картину мгновенно покупают. За первой картиной следует вторая, третья… Но однажды обман раскрывается, и жизнь художника повисает на волоске.
At Occidental College in 1981, a loner snorts cocaine and smokes marijuana, secretly hoping to one day become someone important. His dream - and much more - comes true when Satan appears, promising the world. There is one caveat, though, as a deal with the Devil requires consideration. In this case, not just the delivery of the young man's soul, but millions more... With an agreement procured, Satan and his new protégé plot, plan and scheme a long term agenda that ultimately ends with the United States presidency, transforming the Earth's greatest democracy into a communist fiefdom, ruled by a ruthless dictator.
At Occidental College in 1981, a loner snorts cocaine and smokes marijuana, secretly hoping to one day become someone important. His dream - and much more - comes true when Satan appears, promising the world. There is one caveat, though, as a deal with the Devil requires consideration. In this case, not just the delivery of the young man's soul, but millions more... With an agreement procured, Satan and his new protégé plot, plan and scheme a long term agenda that ultimately ends with the United States presidency, transforming the Earth's greatest democracy into a communist fiefdom, ruled by a ruthless dictator.