Erkan Can

Erkan Can

Рождение : 1958-11-01, Bursa


Erkan Can
Erkan Can
Erkan Can


Sadık Ahmet
Grigoris Lambrakis
Dr. Sadik Ahmet fights for the democratic rights of the Western Thrace Turkish minority living in Greece. After graduating from Athens University Faculty of Medicine, Ahmet started working as a doctor in Komotini. Ahmet entered the political struggle to defend the rights of the Western Thrace Turkish minority. He became the founding chairman of the Western Thrace Turkish Minority Advisory Board (BTTDK), which was established in 1989. Ahmet was also known internationally for his work on minority rights in Greece. Ahmet, who died in 1995, became a symbol for the Turkish minority in Western Thrace.
Cenazemize Hoş Geldiniz
İrem and Ozan, who have been lovers for 4 years, wake up in their house where they live together on the morning of their engagement day. Irem is nervous about this engagement because every member of her family is crazy about each other and is ready to cause problems.
Kendi Yolumda
It follows a man as he gets an epiphany in a repair shop and ends up becoming a mechanic's apprentice.
The Garage
Two brothers Yılmaz and Müjdat, who have grown up in an orphanage, are inherited a car body repair shop from Nuri and İsmet who were like fathers to them. One night they take an old grumpy man's car to couple of streets away. In the middle of the night, when they are hotwiring the car, the old man's heart can't take it. Thus, their short journey now leads them to somewhere unknown. One thing leads to another, now Yılmaz and Müjdat have to put the old man's dead body into a thinner solvent tank. The duo keeps painting the cars in their shop but they realize that the thinner they take from the tank with the dead body is giving amazing results. That "a couple of streets away" now leads to something really odd.
Праздник влюбленных
Спустя 25 лет известный в своем регионе отец, доживающий последние дни жизни, хочет еще раз увидеться со своим сыном Юсуфом. Однако Юсуф зол и обижен на отца, который никогда не интересовался им. Но когда он видит страдания своего отца, больную и грязную одежду, его сердце не может выдержать этого. Его отец, больной раком, обращается к нему с последней просьбой – провести вместе День влюбленных в Карсе... Чтобы исполнить желание своего отца, он отправляется в путешествие из Диярбакыра в Карс. История воссоединения отца и сына спустя годы. Любовь, которая скрывается внутри, но не может выйти наружу...
Şahane Hayaller
Love Likes Coincidences 2
An unforgettable love that overcomes all obstacles, even time, distance and falling apart.
Bed Bug
Idris, who has made a habit of coming home late, comes home early that day. He sees his wife trying to wipe the lipstick off of her lips, and at the same time, the window of the house is open in a cloudy sky. The feeling of doubt has already begun to gnaw through Idris like a bed bug.
The Smell of Money
A cab driver, a teahouse owner and an out-of-work journalist live in a down-at-heel suburb of Ankara. When the driver tells his friends tales of the murky and unlawful dealings of his passengers, they install a camera to record the passengers.
Все смешалось
Determined to wed his girlfriend, an earnest boyfriend goes off the beaten path to seek the blessing of her father, who has been missing for years.
Ты — смысл моей жизни
A meatball seller gets into trouble so flees Istanbul to find a new life on a beautiful island.
Kan Parasi
Kan Parasi is a Turkish movie
Bebek Geliyorum Demez
Limoncu Ali
Мюслюм Акбаш родился в бедной семье и еще мальчиком стал свидетелем того, как отец убил его мать и маленькую сестру. В конце 60-х он начал петь и взял себе псевдоним Гюрсес, что значит «зычный голос», а через десять лет попал в автомобильную аварию, в которой едва не погиб, частично потерял слух и приобрел трудности с жестикуляцией и речью, впоследствии ставшие неотъемлемой частью его эксцентричного образа. Уже будучи известным исполнителем, Мюслюм влюбился в актрису и певицу Мухтерем Нур, которая была старше его на 21 год. Гюрсес проживал свои травмы через песни, которые трогали сердца людей и заставляли идти за ним. Люди называли его Баба, то есть «отец», и он стал настоящим отцом и вдохновителем целого поколения людей из разных социальных слоев.
Sevgili Komşum
Babamın Ceketi
Poyraz Karayel: Küresel Sermaye
The three-season series Poyraz Karayel will face fans of this film after the impressive finale. Osman Tasçi undertakes the directorship of the film "Poyraz Karayel: Global Capital", where Celil Nalçakan, Emel Çölgeçen, Musa Uzunlar and Cem Cücenoglu are among the most popular directors of the series.
The Nested Game
An unfair game filled with lies and tricks played around a table covetously by big brothers of the neighbourhood... The nested game...
Ve perde!
A film on Haldun Taner, a respectable, democratic intellectual and a brilliant author of political essays, various genres and kinds of literary texts and especially theatre plays all of which have been a masterpiece in Turkey art history.
En Güzeli
Mazlum Kuzey
Tut Sözünü
Boss Wants a Happy Ending
Sinan is sent to Capadocia by his boss, Isfendiyar to write a screenplay. As he waits for inspiration, Sinan finds himself running first into Eylul, the daughter of Izzet, who owns the hotel where he's booked to stay, and then into soap opera star Faruk, his former good friend and present enemy. It isn't long before cabdriver Lokman, who declares himself Sinan's 'chauffeur' and Arif, a local farmer and horse breeder, are part of both Sinan's life and his screenplay. Although plentiful adventures among the magical fairy chimneys, colorful balloons and at the annual grape festival become like a movie for all involved, the happy ending awaited by the boss, Isfendiyar never happens. But the boss insists on his happy ending. And Sinan has to write that ending!
Koğuş Akademisi
Komiser Yavuz
F Tipi Film
Nine stories of resistance against solitary confinement of political prisoners in Turkey.
Toprağın Çocukları
Kaledeki Yalnızlık
Драма о бесстрашии молодого человека, готового ради любимой на любые поступки, даже те, которые переходят черту закона.
Black and White
A painter with a turbulent history, fiercely committed to his ideals and still averse to settling down despite his 70 years; a lawyer who packed in his job after suffering a heart attack and now pursues a quiet life looking after his pet snail; a doctor already disenchanted with his profession and now discarded by his wife; a career woman braving life on her own, who has made loneliness a life style. These characters are all patrons of Black & White, an Ankara bar that has been around for 25 years, and in a sense the bar is their last haven. The owner, meanwhile, is the irritable, easily offended but utterly lovable Faruk... Black & White is a film about the awareness of growing old, friendship, sensitivity and the finer details of life.
Black Dogs Barking
Restless and young, best buddies Selim and Çaça live a meager existence on the outskirts of Istanbul. By day they breed pigeons on the roof, by night they roam the streets with their entourage in their pimped-up car, "My Orange Angel". Their neighborhood's view of the city's gigantic business towers accelerates their ambitions. The two buddies want to open their own parking-lot business near a gigantic mall, and they just might get lucky, since they're supported by the local mafia boss.
Taxi Driver
A middle class young man rebels against his father’s brutish authority and seeks a rough romance with a woman of ethnic minority. Yuce’s moral tale draws from the example of today’s Turkish youth and the timeless shadow of fathers over sons.
7 Husbands for Hurmuz
Hızır Kaptan
Remake of a well-known Turkish musical comedy loved by generations, the film is about the adventures of flirtatious Hurmuz in late 1800's Istanbul. Hurmuz who lives in Taskasap, Istanbul has six husbands in a plot to solve her economic problems. She arranges to meet each of her husbands one day of the week. However, suddenly, she falls in love with the town's doctor whom she meets at her husband's barber shop. The doctor falls in love with her too... But, one night all six husbands come home at the same time, and Hurmuz and Safinaz - Hurmuz's "go-between/accomplice/friend" - find themselves in a series of very awkward yet funny situations.
На краю рая
Cousin Ufuk
Германия и Турция. Рассказ о судьбах шести человек, находящихся в поисках прощения и примирения. Пенсионер и вдовец Али спасается от одиночества в гамбургских борделях, пока именно там он не встречает Йетар. За те же деньги, что она зарабатывает в борделе, он приглашает её жить с ним. Неджат, образованный сын Али, преподающий германистику в гамбургском университете очень удивлён странным выбором своего упрямого отца. Только когда он узнаёт, что Йетар посылает большую часть денег своей дочери Айтан в Стамбул, чтобы профинансировать её учёбу, он начинает уважать её. Когда Йетар трагически погибает, Неджат отправляется на поиски Айтан. Но будучи политической активисткой, та уже давно сбежала из Турции и нашла приют у Лотты и её матери Сюзанны в Германии… Понадобится не одно путешествие, чтобы герои нашли друг друга… хоть и неожиданным образом.
Фильм показывает жизнь одной из стамбульских суфийских общин изнутри и повествует о благочестивом человеке, мусульманине, члене религиозного ордена, который сталкивается, вероятно, впервые в своей жизни, с властью и деньгами. Мухаррем — скромный дервиш, ведущий жизнь смирения и послушания, работает в лавке, где продают хозяйственные сумки. Он регулярно посещает зикр и встречи дервишей в одном из стамбульских медресе. Однажды Шейх, глава ордена, приближает его к себе и возлагает на него тяжелейшую мирскую задачу — работу с финансами. Главный герой, по сути, становится мытарем — сборщиком податей, и мир вокруг него меняется. Его наивная добродушность сталкивается с другой реальностью, которая была постоянно рядом, но от которой он был абстрагирован. Человека заставили взглянуть на вещи с другой стороны, изменили его мир и он… не выдержал. Крах моральных ценностей привёл к краху личности, которая не смогла подстроиться к внезапной, непонятной и нежеланной «успешности».
Это не просто история любви, это история человеческого безволия и слепой покорности судьбе, от которой, мол, никуда не денешься. Эти безволие и покорность влекут героев фильма все дальше вниз, они забывают о долге перед близкими, утрачивают достоинство...
Pamuk Prenses 2
A twisted look at childhood fairy tales with a snatch opeartion underway against a drug dealer.
He's Convict Now
Sadık Kazım
Sequel of He's in Army Now. The film has received four awards at the Antalya Golden Orange.
Расскажи, Стамбул!
Фильм состоит из пяти отдельных историй. В каждой истории участвуют сказочные персонажи. Особенность этих персонажей заключается в том, что их образы и действия очень сильно напоминают героев сегодняшнего времени. Персонажи все делают так, как мы это делаем сегодня. Кроме того, эти абсолютно разные истории, которые переплетаются между собой. В общем, проще посмотреть.
Two soldiers return home from their military service in southeastern Turkey with disabilities.
Mela Hüseyin
The story takes place in a small town (called Hakkari) in Turkey at the beginning of the 70's. The time has come to bring technology into that small town. The first Television (or called Visiontele by the citizens) arrives and the chaos begins.
Thirtysomething Suat still lives with his parents and works at his father's store when not practicing as goalie for the local football team, Esnaf Spor. The neighborhood's greatest wish is for Esnaf Spor to win the amateur league championship.
A Madonna in Laleli
Pimps want to expand and conquer the world, by abiding the greats and oppressing the losers, but they lose their prostitute to some sailors.
On Board
Sailors want to remain in their small world, which is warm and cozy and full of lies, but their routine life turns upside down when one of them gets mugged and badly beaten.
Bana Old and Wise'ı Çal
A man named Onur, connects to a Radio programme presented by Oguz and requests the song Old and Wise from The Alan Parsons Project. A day later Eda, for whom Onur requested the song, calls in to tell it was a special song for Eda and Oğuz but there is something myterious going on...
The Man in the Street
The film tells the tale of a man who gets involved in smuggling. Hasan works as a steward on a ship. During their trip to Marseilles, he makes a deal with an Armenian man to smuggle goods into İstanbul. He brings the goods with his friend Yakup to İstanbul without being caught at customs. Several times, he calls furrier Nubar who is to receive the goods, yet he cannot reach him. This worries Hasan and Yakup who want to deliver the goods without being caught. Unable to contact Nubar, Hasan goes to the shop of the other partner, Leon. He learns that Nubar has been arrested after a tip off was made. Leon is also afraid and tells Hasan to take the goods back. Wanting to get the job done, Hasan will make the deal he wants with Leon. (Meltem İşler Sevindi)