Minoru Nishida


A Girl Meets a Boy and a Robot
Art Direction
Having lost her memory, The Girl wanders alone in a desert of ruins. She encounters The Robot, who has also seemed to lose its memory, and The Boy seeking the Crystal of Time.
Sinbad - Night at High Noon and the Wonder Gate
Art Direction
The search for Sana’s comrades continues. Sara who opens up her heart to Sinbad reveals her horrible story of how her father’s apprentice Galip destroyed the peaceful kingdom and her family by using the wizardly power. Suddenly the Magic Lamp shows the passage “to the Wonder Gate to the land of ancestors that appears in the Night at High Noon,” but Galip’s solders block their path.
Medusa's Revenge
Art Direction
Medusa and Palutena's rivalry stretches back many years before Pit, and continues to the present. Learn their past history and see how Pit goes up against her with Palutena's help.
Jungle Emperor: Courage Changes the Future
Supervising Art Director
Because of non-stop environmental destruction, the United Nations commission a private company, "Eternal Earth", to create an artificial jungle to be a nature preserve and to protect animals. Leo, son of Panja, is born in this artificial world. The story starts when Leo and Kenichi, the son of the Eternal Earth company's CEO, meet. Kenichi has the ability to understand and talk to the animals.
Гениальная вечеринка: За гранью
Art Direction
Сборник из пяти короткометражек разных авторов.
Kiku and the Wolf
Art Direction
Kiku-chan to Ookami is, like most of the Sensou Douwa specials, based on a short story by Nosaka Akiyuki. It is set in the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo (the Chinese province of Manchuria) during the closing days of Word War II. Life for the Japanese colonists is tranquil, with none of the hazards and shortages occurring in the Japanese homeland. Then, on August 9, 1945, the Soviet Union, fulfilling its obligations to the Western Allies, declares war and invades. The local Kwantung Army folds up like a house of cards, leaving the Japanese colonists exposed to the invading Russians and Chinese.
The Cake Tree in the Ruins
Art Direction
War drama based on a short story by Akiyuki Nosaka.
The Tale of the Ginormous Whale That Fell in Love with a Little Submarine
Art Direction
The third film in Shin-Ei's series of annual WWII themed anime television movies for children "Sensou Douwa"
The Mother Who Became a Kite
Art Direction
The second film in Shin-Ei's series of annual WWII themed anime television movies for children "Sensou Douwa".
The Boy and the Sea Turtle
Art Direction
The first film in Shin-Ei's series of annual WWII themed anime television movies for children "Sensou Douwa"
Принцесса Аритэ
Art Direction
Запертая отцом-королём до замужества в высокой башне замка, принцесса Аритэ коротает дни, созерцая мир, открывающийся из окна. Иногда она украдкой ускользает из дворца, чтобы понаблюдать простой люд в его обыденных трудах. Рыцари королевства соперничают за право жениться на ней и править подвластными землями, пытаясь добыть для неё самые ценные сокровища магии, созданные в прошлом давно вымершей расой волшебников. Но принцессе ничего этого не нужно. Она жаждет обычной жизни среди простых людей, ей хочется посетить экзотические страны, которые видела лишь в спрятанных под кроватью книгах. Такие «неподобающие принцессе» взгляды смущают всех во дворце. Однажды во дворец прилетает на фантастической летательной машине последний выживший волшебник Боукс с предложением взять Аритэ в жёны и сделать из неё настоящую принцессу в своём далёком замке.
My Father's Dragon
Background Designer
Elmer is told by a traveling cat about a baby dragon who is being held captive and mistreated on the scary Wild Island. Elmer decides to investigate and battles tigers, crocodiles and gorillas in order to rescue the little dragon.
The Twelve Days of Christmas
Animation Director
Narrated by a partridge, this charming animated tale explains the lengthy and confusing Christmas carol of the same name. The bold and brave Sir Carolboomer loves the melancholy Princess Silverbell. In order to win her heart he steals what he thinks is her Christmas list but what turns out to be the answers to the King's crossword puzzle. He mistakingly enlists his servant Hollyberry to find every item on her bizarre list, including a partridge in a pear tree, eight maids a milking, four calling birds...you get the basic idea. After twelve days of this gift giving, the Princess falls in love not with Carolboomer, but with the one who actually did the work, the noble Hollyberry.
The Twelve Days of Christmas
Art Direction
Narrated by a partridge, this charming animated tale explains the lengthy and confusing Christmas carol of the same name. The bold and brave Sir Carolboomer loves the melancholy Princess Silverbell. In order to win her heart he steals what he thinks is her Christmas list but what turns out to be the answers to the King's crossword puzzle. He mistakingly enlists his servant Hollyberry to find every item on her bizarre list, including a partridge in a pear tree, eight maids a milking, four calling birds...you get the basic idea. After twelve days of this gift giving, the Princess falls in love not with Carolboomer, but with the one who actually did the work, the noble Hollyberry.
Peppermint Rose
Animation Director
Rose Richards is a bright and fun loving teenager until she is transported into the magical land of Peppermint Rose where she is thrust into a search for the lost beauty and magic of Peppermint Rose by a tiny wizard named Dimi. On her perilous journey to find the mysterious reason for the lost beauty, she confronts greedy monsters, treacherous mountains and rivers until she must confront the evil Queen Beeteelya. With the help of her new best friends, Daisy, Lily and Violet she saves the beloved flowers from destruction and is enshrined into protecting the enchanted flowers which bears her name.
Peppermint Rose
Art Direction
Rose Richards is a bright and fun loving teenager until she is transported into the magical land of Peppermint Rose where she is thrust into a search for the lost beauty and magic of Peppermint Rose by a tiny wizard named Dimi. On her perilous journey to find the mysterious reason for the lost beauty, she confronts greedy monsters, treacherous mountains and rivers until she must confront the evil Queen Beeteelya. With the help of her new best friends, Daisy, Lily and Violet she saves the beloved flowers from destruction and is enshrined into protecting the enchanted flowers which bears her name.
Макросс: Помнишь ли нашу любовь?
Color Designer
Человечество создаёт огромный корабль, Макросс, летающую крепость со своей личной эскадрильей космических пилотов. Одним из этих пилотов является главный герой - Хикару, молодой, но талантливый солдат, по уши влюбленный в песни знаменитой на Макроссе пивицы - Лин Минмэй. Однако, не все так хорошо. Макросс затянут в войну между двумя различными расами Мельтранами и Зентради. И однажды, когда летающая отбивала очередную атаку, Лин Минмэй чуть не погибла - из-за трансформаций Макросса в боевого робота она падает в один из механических отсеков. Но Хикару, вопреки приказам своего командира спасает её ценой поломки своего истребителя.
Последний единорог
Background Designer
В далекой волшебной стране в сиреневой роще жил юный прекрасный единорог, знающий секреты магии. Однажды он узнал, что все его сородичи исчезли с лица земли, и он может стать последним единорогом на свете. И тогда единорог покинул свою рощу и отправился в долгое и опасное путешествие, чтобы разыскать и спасти своих сородичей. Много приключении пришлось ему пережить и многих опасных врагов довелось повстречать-свиноподобную ведьму Матушку Фортуну, шайку разбойников капитана Калли, злобного и жадного короля Хэггарда. Но с помощью верных друзей - волшебника-недоучки Шмендрика, девушки Молли и прекрасного принца Лира -единорогу удалось одолеть огромного и страшного Красного Быка и освободить своих собратьев-единорогов.
Back to the Forest
Art Designer
Peter the fairy, who is head of Placid forest, loves to play with his animal friends. One day "Man" threatens to destroy their homes by cutting down the trees. They decide to peacefully protest but the humans won't listen. With their lives at stake, the animals and Peter carry out their final operation.
Frosty's Winter Wonderland
Background Designer
Years have passed since Frosty left for the North Pole, but his promise is kept when he hears news of the first snowfall of the season, and decides to return.