Toshihiko Seki

Toshihiko Seki

Рождение : 1962-06-11, Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan


Toshihiko Seki


The Birth of Kitarou: Mystery of GeGeGe
Kitaro's father (voice)
The story focuses on Kitarou's birth and stars Kitarou's father (later Medama Oyaji) and Mizuki (Kitarou's foster parent).
Чёрный клевер: Меч короля магов
Conrad Leto (voice)
На фестивале магических битв «Триумф», который проходит в славном Королевстве Клевера раз в десять лет, Аста намерен показать себя и вновь сразиться со своим другом детства Юно. Но радость предвкушения достойной битвы была прервана появлением Конрада Лето, прошлого короля магов. Вместе с приспешниками Конрад Лето планирует уничтожить Королевство Клевера, а на его руинах построить новое, в котором все люди будут равны. Рыцарям-чародеям придётся объединить силы, чтобы спасти королевство и одолеть врага, а Асте, юноше, не владеющему магией, стать главным оружием в этой битве.
Моя геройская академия. Фильм 3: Миссия мировых героев
Eddie Soul (voice)
Существуют люди, обладающие сверхъестественными способностями — причудами. Однако не все считают это благословлением. Ведь, если верить теории Судного дня, через некоторое время наступит миг, когда уже никто не сможет контролировать эти сверхъестественные силы, а значит, всё человечество вымрет. Поэтому загадочная организация Humalize во главе с Флектом Терном решает сделать всё, чтобы остановить распространение причуд. Они создают устройство, которое заставляет людей с причудами терять контроль и умирать. Тем временем Деку учится в Отеоне у самого сильного героя, когда его обвиняют в преступлении, которого он не совершал. Парень пускается в бега вместе со своим случайным попутчиком — местным жителем Родди Соулом. Теперь Роди, Деку и его одноклассники должны уничтожить устройство, запущенное Флектом, и не допустить гибели людей с причудами.
Kamen Rider Saber + Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger: Super Hero Chronicles
Momotaros (voice) / Kamen Rider Den-O (voice)
Touma, Yuri and Mei somehow ended up in the World of Zenkaiger while four Zenkaigers, except Juran, ended up in the World of Saber. The reason for their swap is due to a man who wishes to rid the world of heroes. How does a teenage boy manga artist tie into this? And why are they sent into different stories filled with previous Kamen Riders and Super Sentai Teams?
Kamen Rider Den-O: The Birth of Pretty Den-O!
Anna, a 10-year-old girl, runs away from home after an argument with her mother and finds herself being pursued by Shocker. After managing to hop onto DenLiner, the train that crosses time, she gets off in 1989 and has a great adventure with Momotaros and others.
Истребитель демонов: Узы брата и сестры
Muzan Kibutsuji (voice)
Эпоха Тайсё. Ещё с древних времён ходят слухи, что в лесу обитают человекоподобные демоны, которые питаются людьми и выискивают по ночам новых жертв. Тандзиро Камадо — старший сын в семье, потерявший отца и взявший на себя заботу о родных. Однажды он уходит в соседний город, чтобы продать древесный уголь. Вернувшись утром, парень обнаруживает перед собой страшную картину: вся родня зверски убита, а единственная выжившая — младшая сестра Нэдзуко, обращённая в демона, но пока не потерявшая человечность. С этого момента начинается долгое и опасное путешествие Тандзиро и Нэдзуко, в котором мальчик намерен разыскать убийцу и узнать способ исцеления сестры.
Kamen Rider: Heisei Generations Forever
Momotaros / Kamen Rider Den-O Sword Form (voice)
A young Kamen Rider fan is granted his wish of seeing Riders in person, initiating the ultimate Japanese superhero crossover meta film. The third and final installment of the Heisei Generations series finds Kamen Rider Zi-O and Kamen Rider Build joining forces with all of the other Heisei Generation Riders to reverse the damages of an evil Time Jacker named Tid, and save their legacy. Are Kamen Riders real? Will you believe?
Мадзингер Зэд
Tetsuya Tsurugi (voice)
Однажды человечество оказалось на грани гибели из-за злого учёного Докора Хелла и его подпольной империи. Кодзи Кабуто, его суперробот Мадзингер Зэд и их друзья из лаборатории фотонной энергии положили конец разрушительным амбициям Доктора и вернули человечеству мир. Прошло 10 лет. Кодзи пошёл по стопам своего отца и дедушки и стал учёным. В процессе работы он сталкивается с неизвестной доселе формой жизни, захороненной глубоко под горой Фудзи. Новая встреча, новая угроза и новая судьба ждут человечество, будущее которого вновь доверено Мадзингеру Зэд.
Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Ultra Super Hero Wars
Momotaros - Kamen Rider Den-O Sword Form (voice)
The Game World launches an attack on the real world. In front of Kamen Rider Ex-Aid and the Uchu Sentai Kyuranger appears the "Arena of Death" where the destruction of the Earth will be decided. Trapped in this inescapable dimension, generations of Super Sentai and Kamen Riders must engage in a battle royale, an unprecedented battlefield of many puzzles connecting the real and game worlds. And then, "Those Heroes" revive... Everything is scaled up, all rules are broken! And when it seems like the real world will fall into a disaster, imagination brings forth unimaginable new heroes!
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin II - Artesia's Sorrow
Char Aznable (voice)
In the year UC 0071, three years after escaping the Zabi faction on an Ocean Cargo ship, Artesia and Casval are living happily in Andalusia, Spain, Earth under the identities of Sayla Mass and Éduoard Mass, respectively; masquerading as the children of Don Teabolo Mass, a long time friend of their father Zeon Zum Deikun.
Hunter x Hunter: The Last Mission
Wing (voice)
Isaac Netero is the chairman of the Hunter Association. Decades ago he sealed away Jed, a Hunter who had mastered the use of On, the dark "shadow" of Nen. Now On users have reappeared at the Heaven's Arena "Battle Olympia" tournament. For Netero, this is the last mission: to protect the Association and the world from a threat driven by hatred and the thirst for revenge. And he's going to need all the help he can get in order to succeed.
Наруто 9: Путь ниндзя
Iruka Umino (voice)
Человек в маске, представленный зрителю как Учиха Мадара, решает завладеть силой девятихвостого, для чего проникает в Коноху, где сталкивается с Наруто и Сакурой. С помощью силы глаз использует технику «Цукиёми», которая погружает героев в параллельную реальность, где всё наоборот, родители Наруто живы, Сакура дочь героев деревни, Саске никуда не уходил, Акацки защищают Коноху, и всё кажется идеально. Вот только тот ли это мир, который хочет защитить Наруто, его ли это жизнь? Вместе с Сакурой, Наруто должен найти ответ на эти вопросы и разобраться с человеком в маске, который смог заполучить в союзники таинственного парня в маске из альтернативной реальности.
Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Wars
Momotaros - Kamen Rider Den-O Sword Form (voice)
The Kamen Rider Club discovers that the Dai-Zangyack fleet is moving towards Earth, led by Captain Marvelous as their Great Emperor. With many revived Super Sentai villains under his command, Captain Marvelous plans to obtain the Great Power of the Kamen Riders which is said to be "Ultimate Treasure in the Universe". Meanwhile, Tsukasa Kadoya becomes the Great Leader of Dai-Shocker once again and recruits past enemies of the Kamen Riders to take down the Super Sentai teams.
Black Jack: Final
Choe Tae-Byeon
Contains 2 separate stories. In Part 1, Black Jack's latest patient holds a link to Pinoko's past. Pinoko begins experiencing heart attack-like pain periodically, and detailed medical examinations fail to find any abnormalities. During this time, Black Jack receives an urgent request from a past patient whose identity shocks him: Yurie SAIONJI, whose Teratogenous Cystoma was constructed into Pinoko by Black Jack 10 years ago. In Part 2, Black Jack is kidnapped by the government of a war-torn country.
Детектив Конан 15: Четверть тишины
Hikawa Shogo(voice)
Неизвестный злоумышленник покушается на губернатора Токио во время предвыборной компании на открытии новой линии метрополитена. Варианты кому мог бы насолить удачливый градоначальник оказываются не так велики. "След" преступника ведет в неприметную деревеньку рядом с дамбой, а в расследование оказываются втянуты давние школьные друзья. В этот раз дело осложняется тем, что преступление не одно, и коварные планы истинного преступника в очередной раз могут "зацепить" близких людей Эдогавы Конан-куна.
OOO, Den-O, All Riders: Let's Go Kamen Riders
Momotaros - Kamen Rider Den-O Sword Form (voice)
Eiji and Ankh team up with Kotarou and Momotaros as they travel back in time to 1971 aboard the Den-Liner to stop three Mole Imagin. But Ankh’s desire to obtain Core Medals while in the past sets off a chain of events that alters the 40-year history of the Kamen Riders by allowing Shocker to take over the world. It’s up to OOO and New Den-O to restore the timeline!
Nintama Rantarou Movie: Ninjutsu Gakuen Zenin Shutsudou! no Dan
Hansuke Doi (voice)
A young boy named Rentaro and other ninja apprentices attend Ninjutsu Gakuen - a top ninja academy. Rentaro is determined to become an elite ninja!
OOO, Den-O, All Riders: Let's Go Kamen Riders: ~Let's Look! Only Your 48 Riders~
Momotaros (voice)
A series of net movies to promote the Kamen Ride movie "OOO, Den-O, All Riders: Let's Go Kamen Riders". 48 shorts were released with each webisode focusing on a Kamen Rider that matches a specific Zodiac sign and a blood type.The webisodes are alternatively hosted by Sieg, Momotaros, Kivat and Urataros. After each segment, the host explains the featured Kamen Rider's horoscope, determining which other Rider he is most compatible with and which one he is not, as well as which Riders are compatible with women of the webisode's specific Zodiac sign and blood type.
Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider The Movie Cho-Den-O Trilogy Movie Released Memorial Special Stage: Imagin Super Climax Tour 2010
Super Kamen Rider Den-O Trilogy - Episode Yellow: Treasure de End Pirates
Momotaros (voice)
Tracking a mysterious man leaping through the night air of Tokyo, Ryotaro and the Imagins find themselves in November 2008, where the DenLiner is stolen by none other than Kaitou Daiki, Kamen Rider Diend! As Daiki tracks his past self, he faces off with Time Police officer Reiji Kurosaki, aka Kamen Rider G Den-O! Just what is the connection these two men share and who will prevail when the trigger is pulled?!
Super Kamen Rider Den-O Trilogy - Episode Blue: The Dispatched Imagin is Newtral
Momotaros (voice)
When Ryotaro and Momotaros are injured in a fight with an Imagin, Kotaro, Kamen Rider New Den-O, and his Imagin partner Teddy return to help solve the case of a stolen ticket and the mystery of a young woman’s doppelganger! But Owner shatters their partnership when he creates a new contract with Teddy, as the Mantis Imagin rampages! Can Kotaro overcome his loss and discover the truth behind the two Mikus?
Super Kamen Rider Den-O Trilogy - Episode Red: ZeronoStar Twinkle
Momotaros (voice)
With the older Sakurai having sacrificed himself to ensure Airi’s future, Yuuto struggles with his own role in their story. Despite being told that he is no longer bound to his future, Yuuto finds himself continually drawn to Airi, and when another man contracts with an Imagin to woo her, Ryotaro and the Imgain are pulled into the situation, all while the DenLiner runs out of control through time!
Kamen Rider Decade: Final Stage
Momotaros / Kamen Rider Den-O (Sword Form)
The final stage show and musical for Kamen Rider Decade. It features Kuuga and a Shocker grunt who become friends and push each other to become stronger. It (allegedly) takes place before Kamen Rider Decade episode 30.
Super Kamen Rider Den-O & Decade NEO Generations: The Onigashima Warship
Momotaros (voice)
Under the impression that they saved the World of Den-O, Tsukasa Kadoya (Kamen Rider Decade) and company begin their journey to the World of Kabuto when they are halted by Sieg who presents them a manuscript that detailed the legendary Oni Conquest with Momotaros' image on it. As this occurred, the Tarōs mysteriously vanish from the DenLiner as they are about to help Kotaro Nogami (Kamen Rider New Den‑O) out with the true threat to their world.
Farewell Kamen Rider Den-O: Final Countdown
Momotaros (voice)
When the Imagin and Kohana take a trip to visit Ryotaro and Airi, they are attacked by the legendary Ghost Train, and onboard are two Imagin and the evil Kamen Rider Yuuki, who is none other than Ryotaro! But when all hope seems lost, a blue DenLiner appears, delivering someone claiming to be Kamen Rider New Den-O! Just who is he, and can he help everyone save Ryotaro and save time once again?
Kamen Rider Den-O: Final Trilogy Special Edition
Momotaros (voice)
When Kai begins a multi-tier attack in order to eliminate Airi, both Ryotaro and Yuuto try to stop him, with a Imagin deciding to help in trying to make sure that the past and future is protected... Special director's cut edition of episodes 47-49 of Kamen Rider Den-O.
Kamen Rider Den-O & Kiva: Climax Deka
Theme Song Performance
With Kai’s defeat, Ryotaro and the rest of the DenLiner crew resume their time-traveling adventures by founding a detective agency to keep any other surviving Imagin in check. But when a rogue Imagin swipes Owner’s spare Den-O Pass, it’s up to the DenLiner Police and rookie detective Kazuya, along with a little help from another Rider, to stop the evil Imagin and save the past, present, and future!
Kamen Rider Den-O & Kiva: Climax Deka
Momotaros (voice)
With Kai’s defeat, Ryotaro and the rest of the DenLiner crew resume their time-traveling adventures by founding a detective agency to keep any other surviving Imagin in check. But when a rogue Imagin swipes Owner’s spare Den-O Pass, it’s up to the DenLiner Police and rookie detective Kazuya, along with a little help from another Rider, to stop the evil Imagin and save the past, present, and future!
Kamen Rider Den-O: Final Stage
DVD release of the final talk show from sci-fi live action series Kamen Rider Den-O includes footage from the January 26 and 27, 2008 shows at Nakano Sun Plaza.
Kamen Rider Den-O: Singing, Dancing, Great Training!!
Momotaros (voice)
Ryotaro Nogami, Kohana, Momotaros, Urataros, Kintaros, Ryutaros, Deneb, and Sieg join in on a series of exercises to get Ryotaro into shape so he can fight. Unfortunately, the Spider Imagin, the Wolf Imagin, and the Anthopper Imagin interrupt the exercises, Ryotaro becomes Kamen Rider Den-O Liner Form to use his training against the evil Imagin!
Kamen Rider Den-O The Movie: I’m Born!
Momotaros (voice)
With Gaoh having stolen the DenLiner and trapping the Imagins onboard, Ryotaro and Hana find themselves trapped in the year 2000 where they meet Ryotaro’s younger self, but Ryotaro is slowly forgetting everything having to do with Den-O! As Gaoh gets closer to his target, the only hope lies with Yuuto’s complex plans and a little bit of luck, or else time itself could fall victim to Gaoh’s evil desires!
Crayon Shin-chan Midsummer Night: I Have Arrived! The Storm is Called Den-O vs. Shin-O! 60 Minute Special!!
Momotaros (voice)
A sixty minute special of the Crayon Shin-chan anime featuring a crossover between Shin-chan and the live action tokusatsu series Kamen Rider Den-O, as well as three normal summer-themed episodes. The Den-O characters are drawn in the style of Shin-chan's regular characters. Another thing of note, inbetween commercial breaks, clips of a live action Shin-Chan onboard the Den-Liner or with characters from the Kamen Rider Den-O Series were shown. In most of these scenes it involves the Owner giving Shin a speech of sorts or making Shin feel uncomfortable.
Gensomaden Saiyuki: A Sin of Hope
Genjo Sanzo (voice)
A mysterious light falls from the Heavens. It's the Pearl Jade. It can grant any wish. Dr. Ni tells Gyokumen Koushu about it. Lirin overhears and tells Kougaiji. Then Kanzeon Bosatsu (The Merciful Goddess) requests (orders) Sanzo and company to go and find and seal it before it falls into the wrong hands.
Animation Store Manager
Ryuu Raiba (voice)
This is the Animation Store Manager!! Anime Tenchou is a CM character for Animate, one of Japan's biggest retailer of anime, games, and manga. The character series was created by Shimamoto Kazuhiko for publicity purposes. Later adapted into a manga, a weekly radio drama and this OVA animated by GAINAX and directed by Anno Hideaki. Anizawa Meito is the blazing store manager. He is a fireball who loves animation merchandise at heart. He takes over the dying wish of the former store manager, though still alive, who was attacked by the rival store and becomes a “store manager” of newly opened animation goods specialty store, Animate. The scarlet, “store manager visor” is his trademark.
Саюки: Реквием
Genjo Sanzo (voice)
Еще одна история о том, что спасение девушек до добра не доводит... Монах Санзо спасает девушку от монстра и она, в качестве благодарности, приглашает его со спутниками переночевать в особняке, где она живет вместе с наставником. Но за радушным приемом кроется смертельная ловушка, истоки которой лежат в далеком прошлом Санзо...
Reign: The Conqueror Movie
Prince Alexander, son of King Philip, and heir to the Macedonian empire, must fend off political saboteurs, assassins, and the jealousy of his own father to ascend to the position of king. Once there, he begins his quest to conquer all nations and become known as the Great King, though an ancient prophecy foretells that he will be the destroyer of the world and forever remembered as the Devil King.
D: Жажда крови
Grove (voice)
Далёкое будущее. Когда-то вампиры правили миром и сейчас, почти на грани истребления, они все ещё наводят на людей ужас. Состоятельная семья похищенной вампиром девушки нанимает полувампира по имени Ди, чтобы тот вернул её живой или убил, если спасти будет слишком поздно. Чтобы увеличить шансы на спасение, они также наняли до зубов вооружённую группу охотников на вампиров.
Baby Felix & Friends
Felix The Cat
A young Felix the Cat and his baby pals find fun and mischief along their travels.
Мобильный ГАНДАМ Дубль-вэ: Бесконечный Вальс - Фильм
Duo Maxwell (voice)
Год 196 после Колонизации. Год назад закончилась война между Землей и ее колониями. Хиро, Дуо, Трова и Кватро сказали последнее «прощай» своим Гандамам и отправили их прямиком к Солнцу. Релена Дарлиан же стала министром Объединенных Наций Земной Сферы. Но нарушает идиллию ее похищение Маримеа Хушренадой — дочерью покойного диктатора Трейза Хушренады и наследницей Barton Foundation. Все становится еще сложнее когда к ней присоединяется пилот Гандам Натаку — Вуфей. Наши вышедшие в отставку пилоты Гандамов должны вернуть свои доспехи, и еще раз вступить в бой, прежде чем злодеи достигнут своей цели.
Сумерки Повелителя Тьмы
Shijo Tsunami
С начала времён чудовищные Демоны и благородные Стражи сражались за Землю — величественный дар Матери, создательницы всего живого. Поскольку Стражи защищают человечество и весь мир от уничтожения Демонами, они сильно ненавидят друг друга. С началом новой эры люди, позабыв о Демонах и Стражах, стали управлять Землей. Но в это же время в городе Синдзюку продолжается бесконечное сражение. Глубоко в преступных недрах города один выживший Верховный Демон составляет заговор, чтобы поработить людей. Теперь судьба человечества решится в ходе этой финальной битвы!
Chimera: Angel of Death
Her name is Rei, the Chimera, Angel of Death. The dark wasteland of the underworld is her home. She's an expert marksman, a silent assassin, and more woman than meets the eye. The mafia boss who killed her parents, John Roy, also took the pleasure of raping their son. John Roy now rules the Hong Kong underground, and Rei works for him.
Икс (фильм)
1999-й год. Рубеж тысячелетий. Две группы людей, обладающих сверхчеловеческими способностями, сошлись в смертельной битве за судьбу мира. Шестеро из них называют себя Драконами Земли, и их цель - очистить планету от людей, по вине которых природа находится на грани гибели. Но их противники - Драконы Неба - верят в то, что человечество научится жить в гармонии с природой, нужно лишь дать ему немного времени. А пока - любой ценой защитить семь магических барьеров, расположенных в Токио. Шестнадцатилетний Камуи Широу возвращается в Токио, выполняя предсмертную волю матери. Он не знает о том, что Судьба выбрала его на роль главного действующего лица в грядущей схватке Драконов. Ибо пророчество гласит: "Обладающий силой Бога держит в руках судьбу Земли". Имя "Камуи" означает "сила Бога". Но чью сторону выберет юноша, и можно ли изменить предначертанное Судьбой?..
Yawara! Atlanta Special
Yawara Inokuma competes for Japan in the Atlanta Olympic Games as she meets with several familiar faces throughout the tournament.
Violinist of Hamelin: The Movie
Raiel (voice)
While on their quest to stop the Demon King, the violinist Hamel, the pianist Raiel, the magess Flute and the female warrior Sizer stop in a small kingdom and destroy a rampaging monster. While giving the four a heroes' welcome, the king and queen explain that their daughter has been kidnapped by a monster living in a nearby castle. They agree to go and rescue the hostage princess and defeat the monster. However, the enemy's castle is heavily guarded...
The End of the Century Darling
Todorokki Kouhei
Ogata, a nice and hardworking man, has only one problem... His love for Takasugi, another man. But by telling Takasugi about his feelings, the problem should be gone. Yet another problem arises: Takasugi believes their feelings are too alike and that they therefore can't be together. But who knows what can happen when two men in love go away on a vacation together—both determined to win the seducing game.
Странный вирус атакует человеческий геном и трансформирует людей в ужасных и отвратительных монстров, при этом наделяя их демоническими способностями.Двое профессоров из университета, Комада и Кошигая, занимаются изучением и истреблением вируса везде, где с ним сталкиваются. Комада заражён, но благодаря нечеловечески развитой иммунной системе способен контролировать свою трансформацию. Кошигая же на пороге открытия вакцины от вируса. И имя эти талантливым учёным — био-охотники.Тем временем, один из монстров шастает по улицам ночного Токио, зверски убивая молодых и красивых девушек и пожирая части их органов. Команда наших био-охотников берётся за дело и начинает поиски этого психопата, попутно встречаясь ещё с большей грудой неприятностей.
Wild 7: Biker Knights
Dairoku Hiba
An elite police crime fighting team is formed using convicted criminals. Using their first hand knowledge of the criminal mindset, the Wild 7 are first sent after a gang of Bank robbers. Then in Wild Biker Knights they are sent after a huge crime syndicate that has many high powered government officials in its deep pockets.
I'm Not an Angel!
Bunta Kouno
Midori is a high school student of a brand new school. Elected as a member of the first student body government, Midori and the rest of the officers decide to put together a gakuen-sai--a school festival. Midori likes Akira, who happened to help her out during the election speech (she fell on stage, with some more embarrassment). She's excited about working for the festival, especially since she gets to work with Akira. She tries to be a match-maker for Mamiya-san (Mami-ryn) and Sudoh-kun during the process too.
Love Wedge #2
Riki (voice)
Second OVA-Adaption of the japanese novel written by Rieko Yoshihara. Riki returns to Iason Mink to live as his "pet". But Riki's friend Guy tries to take him back.
As the nations of the world begin to merge, world peace is threatened by the private armies of individual corporations. The Kuryu Group has just discovered a weapon that will tip world power in their favor. The Genocyber: a nightmarish combination of cybernetics and psychic potential. Many desire to control this monstrosity, but can its hatred be contained... Battle erupts, and the cyberpunk world of the future is about to explode with violence.
Please Save My Earth
Mikuro Yakushimaru (voice)
Alice is a Japanese schoolgirl who has never thought much about the past... that is, until her classmates, Jinpachi and Issei, tell her that they've been sharing the same vivid dreams ever since they were in junior high school. In the dreams, Jinpachi and Issei, plus five other scientists, are on some sort of base or research station on the moon. The seven of them are involved in some kind of work observing the Earth, collecting data. Alice doesn't think anything of it... until she has the same dream.
Эпоха демонов Суйкодэн
Недалекое постапокалиптическое будущее. Токио лежит в руинах после крупного землетрясения. Банды, контролируемые преступными синдикатами, властвуют над улицами, где выживает только сильнейший. В городе царит анархия. Главный герой Такатэру Суга узнает, что его сестра похищена мощной преступной группировкой. Герою предстоит спасти сестренку, попутно уничтожив бандитское логово. И чтобы повысить шансы на успех, Суга вступает в союз с двумя бывшими наемниками, трансвеститом и монахиней. Но впереди команду ждут не только обычные бандиты — заклятый враг Такатэру из прошлого жаждет мщения.
Kiss Me On The Apple Of My Eye
Naoto (voice)
Ibuki Morisato's dream of kissing a prince turned into reality when her dream prince appeared as the new transfer student?!
Манускрипт ниндзя
В провинции Ямасиро неожиданно начинается эпидемия чумы. Все жители бегут оттуда, а глава одного из соседних самурайских кланов, клана Мотидзукэ, отправляет на разведку в эти места подчиняющиеся ему остатки клана ниндзя Кога. Однако какие-то странные существа, наделенные невероятной силой, мгновенно расправляются с незваными гостями, и спастись удается только девушке-ниндзя Кагэро, потому что ей помог бродячий ниндзя-самурай Дзюбэй. Но Дзюбэй и не догадывается, что убил не просто демона, а одного из Восьми демонов Кимона — группы воинов с поразительными нечеловеческими возможностями, и для оставшейся семерки он теперь — смертельный враг.
Здесь слышен океан
Yutaka Matsuno (voice)
Старшеклассники Таку и его друг Мацуо полны раздумий над своей будущей жизнью, когда красавица Рикако переводится в их провинциальную школу из Токио. Рикако - смышлёная, очаровательная и утончённая девушка, вынужденная поменять привычную ей столицу на тихий приморский городок. Возникает неизбежный любовный треугольник.
Download: Devil's Circuit
Sid (voice)
An exciting cyberpunk romp directed by Rintaro with veteran animator Kanada Yoshinori about a genius hacker and a gang of hot-rodders.
Кошачий музыкант Оруоране
The Cellist
Однажды под рождество в связи с роспуском оркестра, молодой человек лишился работы. Подумывая о том, чтобы спустить последние деньги на выпивку, в переулке он натыкается на загадочного кота, и его не менее загадочного владельца. © wikipedia
Love Wedge #1
Riki (voice)
First OVA-Adaption of the japanese novel written by Rieko Yoshihara. On the planet Amoi the society is divided into different classes. The two main protagonist's are Iason Mink from the highest-class and Riki his slave.
Princess Army: Wedding Combat
Hashiba Yuuya
The story is about Aida Nonoka who is rescued from a drunken attacker by a judoist. She then resolves to become as good as her savior, hoping that one day to recognize him by the scar on his back. She then transferred into a new high school where she meets two older boys who could possibly the person to whom she owes her life and to give her heart. (Source: AniDB)
Yawara! Go Get 'Em, Wimpy Kids!!
Yawara helps a group of timid grade school kids overcome their fears and compete in a judo competition.
Calico Cat Holmes and the Lord of the Haunted Castle
Yoshitaro Katayama (voice)
Based on Akagawa Jirou's popular book series about hapless detective Katayama Yoshitaro who lives with his sister Harumi and their cat Holmes, which has a sixth sense when it comes to solve mysteries. In this stand alone OVA the aftershow party of Harumi's acting troupe becomes the showplace of murder and tragedy. Luckily Yoshitaro brought Holmes along.
Разрушение континента
Три путешественника — воин, волшебник и девушка — пересекают земли, опустошенные столетиями экологических катастроф. В своем странствии герои сталкиваются с охотниками за сокровищами, а потом попадают в Азек Систра, легендарный Город Мертвых. Проклятие, наложенное на город, грозит гибелью каждому, кто потревожит покой духов. Еще никто не смог найти дорогу из Города Мертвых, но это не останавливает бандитов из пустыни, которые стремятся ограбить мертвецов и готовы уничтожить каждого, кто встанет у них на пути.
Spirit Warrior: Revival of Evil
A young mystic without a past, Kujaku was born under a dark omen possessed of incredible supernatural powers. Raised by priests, he has learned to use these powers for good. But the evil Siegfried von Mittgard seeks to steal his birthright, and rule the world as the Regent of Darkness. He has dispatched bloodthirsty minions to destroy Kujaku before he can awaken to his destiny. Now, Kujaku must unravel the riddle of his past, before the power within consumes him.
Moonlight Pierce
Hiroshi Takama (voice)
Because of a mysterious earring, Yumemi, a young japanese student, becomes involved in a mysterious story. She must go to Germany, where she learns that the spirit of an evil prince is haunting her earring...
Inferious Interplanetary War Chronicle - Condition Green
Soo Laform (voice)
Keith, George, Edward, Yang and Shaw are Platoon #801, the five-man team formed to protect their homeworld in the Inferious galaxy from alien invasion. Gazaria's evil emperor Vince conquers the neighbor worlds of Kal and Granad, and suddenly only Platoon #801, also known as Condition Green, stands between him and the conquest of Emerald Earth.
Ранма 1/2: Больший переполох в Нэконроне, Китай
Mousse (voice)
Посреди бела дня на додзё сваливается слон. А затем и его владелица, Личи, явившейся лишь с одной целью — отомстить старику Хаппосаю — и разглагольствующая о каком-то старинном свитке. Дальше — больше. Внезапно, перед героями предстает огромный летающий корабль и его владелец Кирин, некий князек из Китая, который без долгих приветствий со своей свитой похищает Аканэ. Всему виной тот самый свиток Личи, который в суматохе оказался у Аканэ в руках. Как оказывается, обладателям частей свитка, по легенде народа Кирина, суждено поженится. Ранма с друзьями сразу же бросается в погоню. А с ними и Личи, страстно желающая занять место Аканэ подле Кирина.
Handsome Girl
Ichiya Kumagai (voice)
This is the story of young fifteen-year-old actress and model Mio Hagiwara, her school and friends, and over all, her relationship with Ichiya Kumagai, a cool young director of her age with which Mio falls in love with.
Yuukan Club
St. President school is one of the most wealthy schools around. Everybody in that school respects the Yukan club, the most popular and richest group in the school. This includes Shouchikubai Miroku, Kenbishi Yuuri, Kikumasamune Seishirou, Hakushika Noriko and Kizakura Karen. They go through dangerous adventures to save their school, and of course, just to kill their spare time.
Eguchi's Hisashi's Kotobuki Goro Show
Piston Akagi (voice)
Based on the gag manga by Hisashi Eguchi. Originally released as a feature part of Studio Pierrot's video magazine show Anime V Comic Rentaman (アニメ・V・コミック レンタマン) along with Abashiri Ikka, Yumemakura Baku Twilight Gekijou and Akai Hayate.
Midoriyama Koukou Koushien Hen (Gekijouban)
Milky Passion: Dougenzaka - The Castle of Love
Ootsuki (voice)
An attractive owner of a love hotel falls in love with her handsome manager.
Ко всем чертям!
Hans Schultz
Основано на манге о гоночных машинах, адаптирован в Big Comic Superior с 1988 по 1990 год. Команда гонок Seiyo входит во всемирно известное ралли Safari, возглавляемое японским героем и его американским навигатором.
Heart-Coloured Killer Ticket
Chuta Misora (voice)
Seiko, while suspended from school goes to Nagasaki, where she finds herself involved in a murder mystery.
Ryokunohara Labyrinth - Sparkling Phantom
Hiroki Imashi
Hiroki and Kanata have been together since they were children. One day Hiroki is caught up in an accident while trying to save a little girl. The next thing he knows, he is looking down on his own body. Seperated from his body, Kanata, and everything else, he tries to figure out just what is going on. Why is he outside his body which is living on as if nothing has changed, how can he convince Kanata that he is there, and who is the strange girl, Fhalei, who keeps appearing for him?
Demon Hunter Makaryūdo
Shou Kurogane (voice)
Forgiven of her crime of looking into the past life of the one she loved, Yama Rikudou is a powerful being from the underworld sent to the human realm to hunt demons. She must eliminate the overflowing evil here in order to provide some balance to this world.
Angel Cop
Tachihara (voice)
In the late twentieth century, the Secret Security Force was formed to stop the actions of the communist terrorist group known as the Red May. Angel, a beautiful, yet cold woman, has recently joined the small anti-terrorist group. But her first mission will be a true test of skill, for members of the Red May are being found dead, murdered by gruesome methods. Who is causing these murders? And why? Written by Chuck "Dark-Side" Williamson
Heaven Wars Shurato
Cinderella Express
Yuji Shimano
Everyday salary man Shimano Yuji meets and beds a pretty young girl at his bachelor party. Meeting her again at his wedding, he realizes that he has just began an affair with his sister-in-law.
Peacock King: Spirit Warrior - Castle of Illusion
The story starts out at a dig in lake Biwa where archaeologist may have discovered something hidden by the 6th king of evil. The evil king is resurrected and is trying to resurrect an evil demon. Kujaku a priest/monk and friends he meets along the way must discover his own true hidden talents in order to stop the 6th king of evil from making Hell on Earth literally
Hades Project: Zeorymer Extinction
Masaki Kihara (voice)
Parts 3 & 4. When high school student Masato discovers that his parents aren't really his parents and that he's been selected to pilot the giant robot Zeorymer, he decides he must fight the evil corporation that built it. Unfortunately, the bad guys have already launched the mysterious Hades Project, and their giant robots outnumber Masato 7-to-1 in this Japanese animé series.
Hades Project: Zeorymer Extinction
Masato Akitsu (voice)
Parts 3 & 4. When high school student Masato discovers that his parents aren't really his parents and that he's been selected to pilot the giant robot Zeorymer, he decides he must fight the evil corporation that built it. Unfortunately, the bad guys have already launched the mysterious Hades Project, and their giant robots outnumber Masato 7-to-1 in this Japanese animé series.
Dragon Century
Carmine (voice)
Hokkaido, 1991, a series of murders take place and dragons suddenly begin appearing in the skies. The Japanese SDF begins shooting the dragons out of the sky, holding them responsible for the murders. A troubled young girl is suddenly entrusted with the care of a hatchling dragon, hoping to raise him for destruction. Everyone will soon learn who the true culprits are and why the dragons have appeared.
Sunlight All Around! Ka - su - mi: You Were in My Dreams
Reporter B (voice)
The movie starts out with Katsuhiko going to the US, with Kasumi and Yusaku seeing him off at Narita. Two years later, Katsuhiko is a professional racer, and comes back to Japan to race (and to marry Kasumi). Yusaku`s hobby is photography.
Zillion: Burning Night
J.J. (voice)
In the 24th century, on the war-torn planet Maris the conniving Queen Adama abducts Apple, a member of an heroic trio known as the White Knights, and imprisons her in the infamous Zone. Even though no one has ever returned alive from the Zone — and despite the low ammo at their disposal — the other knights follow their companion. What they find there, however, is an enigmatic figure with a mind-bending revelation...
Balthus: Tia's Radiance
Eud (voice)
The inhabitants of the peaceful village Le-jeute are lured to the factory city with the promise of pleasure. A small group of workers prepare to revolt against the evil factory owner, Morlock. The worker Eud escapes, ending up in the arms of the beautiful Tia. When Morlock captures them both, Eud is thrown in the dungeon, and Tia is subjected to Morlock's sexual appetite.
Hades Project: Zeorymer Separation
Masaki Kihara (voice)
Parts 1 & 2. When high school student Masato discovers that his parents aren't really his parents and that he's been selected to pilot the giant robot Zeorymer, he decides he must fight the evil corporation that built it. Unfortunately, the bad guys have already launched the mysterious Hades Project, and their giant robots outnumber Masato 7-to-1 in this Japanese animé series.
Hades Project: Zeorymer Separation
Masato Akitsu (voice)
Parts 1 & 2. When high school student Masato discovers that his parents aren't really his parents and that he's been selected to pilot the giant robot Zeorymer, he decides he must fight the evil corporation that built it. Unfortunately, the bad guys have already launched the mysterious Hades Project, and their giant robots outnumber Masato 7-to-1 in this Japanese animé series.
The Samurai
Takeshi Chimatsuri
Sixteen-year-old high school student Takeshi Chimatsuri has devoted his life to being a master samurai like his father was. Then one day, the Toki twins, two ninja sisters he's known since childhood, transfer to his school and issue him a challenge to take back their family dagger from him. Unfortunately for him, they have discovered his one weakness: the fear of the naked female body. Now, Takeshi must undergo special training from his classmates Atsuko and Torai, and his teacher Miss Ayatsugi to resist the combined brute strength of Akari and the temptation of her sex-crazed twin Kagiri. Class will never be in order with these three constantly fighting each other.
GASP is a popular alternative band. Conflict arises when the lead singer To-Y is offered a pop idol contract that stipulates he leave the rest of the band behind.
Maryuu Senki
Once upon a time, there was a certain family having strong influence on the rule of the Imperial Court. They had their own might called “Kidou,” and yet got hated because of the might itself. At last, the patriarch of the family was entrapped to his death, and all the family was doomed to ruin... The present day — the survived descendants of this family, now calling themselves “Kidousyuu,” schemed to resurrect their murdered patriarch once again, and the ferocious evil spell went into action.
Campus Special Investigator Hikaruon
Hikaru Shihodo (voice)
Hikaru Shihoudo is Hikaruon, a metal super hero fighting the forces of the evil organization known as Urael. Disguised as a transfer student, he must investigate a series of strange suicides in town.
Небесный замок Лапута
Additional Voices (voice)
Альтернативная реальность, соответствующая началу XX века. В руках девочки по имени Сита находится Летающий Камень. За ним охотятся агенты правительства и пираты, потому что Камень представляет огромную ценность. Пытаясь скрыться от преследователей, Сита встречает Падзу, своего ровесника, работающего в шахтерском городке. Вместе дети выясняют, что Камень — ключ к таинственному летающему острову Лапута.
Call Me Tonight
Hayata (voice)
Rumi's met a lot of guys through her job, and it's probably fair to assume that most of them could be said to have some sort of problem, but a man who literally turns into a beast when he gets turned on may be outside of this perky call girl's field of expertise. Still, a little challenge every now and again stimulates the mind and makes life so much more interesting, so she's willing to give it a shot.
Legend of the Rolling Wheels
Miyuki ichinose sees something remarkable - a kid on a 50cc moped beat a 750cc bike - and being the daughter of a motorcycle team chief, she does something about it and invites Gun onto the team. Gun finds it hard to fit in at first, and the rivalry between him and successful rider Hideyoshi makes things even harder.