В тот злополучный день, когда в Далласе был убит президент Кеннеди, Фрэнк Хорриган находился среди охраны. Воспоминания о невыполненной миссии уже много лет не дают ему спать спокойно. Спустя 30 лет маньяк-психопат, угрожающий убить президента, выбирает Фрэнка мишенью для преследования. И в этой опасной игре только сила воли решит, кто останется в живых…
A new kid moves into school, making enemies with the affluent societies and joining the beleaguered Science Club. But when an old potion is discovered to confer telekinetic power he gets the chance to get his own back, as well as having a bit of fun on the side.
A new kid moves into school, making enemies with the affluent societies and joining the beleaguered Science Club. But when an old potion is discovered to confer telekinetic power he gets the chance to get his own back, as well as having a bit of fun on the side.
Легкая комедия о старшекласснике, увлекающемся научными опытами. Он случайно наделил себя телекинетическими способностями, когда его стукнуло по голове после взрыва в лаборатории. Новые возможности круто меняют его жизнь…
Легкая комедия о старшекласснике, увлекающемся научными опытами. Он случайно наделил себя телекинетическими способностями, когда его стукнуло по голове после взрыва в лаборатории. Новые возможности круто меняют его жизнь…
Day or night, it's a hot and wild summer at Malibu Beach. When the sun is high, it's Dina's (Kim Lankford) job to patrol the area. Being the hot new lifeguard on duty isn't as easy as you'd think -- there's the older, muscle-bound beach idiot Dugan continually lusting after her, while jerk kids fake drowning just to get her to save them. And who can forget that pesky bikini-stealing dog?!?
Day or night, it's a hot and wild summer at Malibu Beach. When the sun is high, it's Dina's (Kim Lankford) job to patrol the area. Being the hot new lifeguard on duty isn't as easy as you'd think -- there's the older, muscle-bound beach idiot Dugan continually lusting after her, while jerk kids fake drowning just to get her to save them. And who can forget that pesky bikini-stealing dog?!?
Bobby blows all his college savings on a van and tries to get the girl of his dreams. It's a wild time with Bobby and his friends.
Second Unit Director
A football player at Rosedale High School is amorous of one of the cheerleaders, who is going with another guy. Another player can't decide which of two cheerleaders he wants to be with. Meanwhile, the Big Game with Hardin High School is approaching, and a prank war is in full swing.
A football player at Rosedale High School is amorous of one of the cheerleaders, who is going with another guy. Another player can't decide which of two cheerleaders he wants to be with. Meanwhile, the Big Game with Hardin High School is approaching, and a prank war is in full swing.
Assistant Director
Robert and Edward are brothers involved in a web of adultery and deceit. They share Edward's wife and his mistress and a mission to deliver a package of jewels across the Canadian border, but the mission turns out to be deadly.
Production Supervisor
A young woman who learns that one of her ancestors had been burned at the stake as a witch decides to exact her revenge on the descendants of the people who had her killed.
Production Controller
На северном полюсе телевизионщики берут интервью у веселого старого эльфа в самый канун Рождества. Не удивляйтесь, но эту телепередачу смотрят дети на Марсе! Их родители Кимар и Монар озабочены поведением детей, которые стали невнимательными, непослушными, неспокойными, начали страдать бессонницей и пристрастились смотреть передачи с Земли. Вскоре Кимар и Монар узнают, что аналогичные симптомы проявляются у всех марсианских детей.