Magnus Jarlbo


Original Music Composer
Until We Fall
Original Music Composer
Louise loved Adam. Adam loved Louise. That is how it used to be. But a child has disappeared. Their child. The police said it was a drowning accident. Yet the truth is that their little boy’s body was never found. Lucas, ten years old. How easy it all would have been if the ocean had taken the trouble to throw up a little-swollen child’s corpse onto the beach. Or if a local with alcohol in his blood and blood on his hands had ploughed him down at full speed. An indescribable pain. No more living, no more happiness, but at least no unanswered questions. Unfortunately, that is not how it is for Adam and Louise.
One Last Try
Iris, a single mother is rushing home from the night shift at the hospital to get the kids off to school. She's caught speeding, and gets fined with a considerable amount of money she absolutely doesn't have.
Man with a pram
This is a 750 km long road movie about the meaning of life. It's also a different film about the English, understanding why Brexit happened and about a dad and his 2 year old daughter in a pram, walking from Manchester to London.
Letters to a Serialkiller
Original Music Composer
A thriller documentary where the director seek answers on why her brother was shot by the Swedish serial killer Peter Mangs.
In Dependence
In Dependence is a documentary film about a middle aged couple trying to balance their lives in the riptide of alcoholism and co-dependency.
Убийство у моря
Живописный рыбацкий городок Фьелльбакка на побережье Атлантики выглядит как ожившая туристическая открытка. Именно сюда возвращается автор детективов Эрика, мечтая предаться счастливой семейной жизни и творчеству. Но тихая провинциальная жизнь таит немало секретов. И однажды вековой покой Фьелльбакки взрывается новостью о жестоком убийстве…
По ту сторону
Original Music Composer
Социально-психологическая драма, передающая в подробностях переживания ребенка родителей-алкоголиков и те душевные травмы, которые с годами никуда не уходят.
Nasty Old People
Member of a neo-Nazi gang, her day job is to take care of four crazy old people that all are just waiting to die. Her life becomes a journey into a burlesque fairytale, where the rules of the game are created by Mette herself. Mette is indifferent about her way of life, until she one night assaults a man, kicking him senseless. Waking up the day after, she realizes that something is wrong.
To Love Someone
Lena lives a safe and happy life with her husband Alf and together they run a fish shop. No one who sees her can imagine what kind of hell she has gone through with her former husband Hannes. One day, her life turns upside down as a random meeting with Hannes leads to an emotional chaos for her. She thinks he has changed, but no one else wants to believe that Hannes is a new and better person. At the same time, Alf can only look at how his beloved Lena is drawn to Hannes who's been hurting her so much before.
A Soap
Original Music Composer
32-year-old Charlotte could have it all, but she doesn't want any of it. When she moves away from her boyfriend, she happens to become the upstairs neighbour of a trans woman Veronica. Veronica prefers to keep to herself with her little dog and a romantic soap show on TV, while Charlotte gets through the nights with one-night stands. An assault, a new bed and some white curtains bring the two of them together.
О Саре
Original Music Composer
Когда мы знакомимся с Сарой, ей около двадцати. С этого момента на протяжении 10 лет мы неотрывно наблюдаем за ее жизнью, насыщенной жизнью человека в поисках ответов на свои вопросы. Наблюдаем за ее поиском работы с перспективами карьерного роста. За поиском надежного человека для создания семьи и прочих крайне важных для любой женщины жизненных составляющих. Найти все это оказывается не так просто, как Сара себе представляла.
Percy, Buffalo Bill and I
Ulf think this is going to be an ordinary summer. Going to his grand parents and swim in the lake and tease his brother. But that's not the case, because this summer he will fall in love with Pia.
Собачий Отель
Таинственная история в духе Агптаы Кристи героями которой являются собаки, рассказывает о том как пес Стури и его друг увлекающийся романтик, художник Пикассо, отправляются в путешествовие на автомобиле целью которого является, Париж - город любви. По дороге они останавливаются на ночлег в гостинице для собак: «Розовый бутон». В этом весьма необычном отеле с ними происходит ряд загадочных событий. Познакомившись с писательницей детективных романов мисс Мопс, они вместе пытаются разгадать, что может связывать молодого байкера Баскервиля с пропажей их автомобиля. От чего так привязан нервный управляющий отеля к часам с маятником. Какую тайну скрывает странный постоялец, доктор Дункельшпиль, за его намерением продать богатому американцу каменное изваяние египетского бога Анубиса. И на что способна магия китайского мастера, Кэ Пина.
Tag ditt liv
The photographer Göran finds his friend Stig F Dahlman's dead in the basement. The police consider the case as an accident, but Göran suspects murder.
Original Music Composer
A forty something man, Bosse, perpetually down on his luck but always optimistic, hopes to impress his new girlfriend by accepting a job as headwaiter at a remote boardinghouse.