Thomas Pope


Sweet Land
Set in 1920, Inge travels from Germany to rural Minnesota in order to meet the man destined to be her husband.
Cold Dog Soup
Randy Quaid as the taxi driver drives Zen parables (Is time money - Is time the root of all evil?) into his passenger/protegee in a high-speed, idiosyncratic tour of their city's ethnic coteries. All the boy wants is to dispose of his date's dead dog Jasper and get back to the babe who's so hot she mutters darkly about being a Pressure Cooker: his conventional efforts are continually thwarted. Quaid is respected by the peculiar groups he interests in the dog's corpse and effects, and our one-gloved heroine is much keener on him than on her rather lackluster date.
Cold Dog Soup
Randy Quaid as the taxi driver drives Zen parables (Is time money - Is time the root of all evil?) into his passenger/protegee in a high-speed, idiosyncratic tour of their city's ethnic coteries. All the boy wants is to dispose of his date's dead dog Jasper and get back to the babe who's so hot she mutters darkly about being a Pressure Cooker: his conventional efforts are continually thwarted. Quaid is respected by the peculiar groups he interests in the dog's corpse and effects, and our one-gloved heroine is much keener on him than on her rather lackluster date.
The Lords of Discipline
Will arrives for his last year at Military Academy, in the Deep South USA, in the 1960's. A black student, Pearce, has been accepted, for the first time and Will is asked to keep an eye out for the inevitable racism. The racists come in the form of The Ten, a secret group of the elite students. They want Pearce to leave on his own free will, but are prepared to torture him to make it 'his free will'. Will is forced to help Pearce and he is prepared to risk his own career to do so.
Дэшил Хэммет в 1928 году в Сан-Франциско подрабатывал как частный сыщик в агентстве Пинкертон, расследуя таинственное дело об исчезновении молодой китаянки по имени Кристал Лин.
Женщина обращается к врачам с просьбой о помощи: на ее спине стремительно растет странное опухолевидное образование, которое оказывается... человеческим зародышем. По ходу дела выясняется, что телом нашей героини решил воспользоваться для своего очередного возрождения некий древний и могущественный индейский шаман.