Шесть мужчин, подвергавшихся в детстве насилию со стороны католических священников, становятся друг для друга семьей и обретают силу, создавая фильмы о пережитой травме.
An enlightening, complex look at one of the greatest figures in 20th century classical music whose passion and creativity guided him well beyond the concert hall.
An enlightening, complex look at one of the greatest figures in 20th century classical music whose passion and creativity guided him well beyond the concert hall.
Douglas Tirola’s latest documentary traces the evolution of feminism through the lives of two exceptional women, Noel and Selma, who came of age in the ’50s when women were relegated to the roles of wives and mothers. During the height of the women’s movement, Noel, a former teen model and Playboy bunny, meets and falls in love with Selma, a tough, outspoken radical feminist. Both women choose to leave their comfortable, yet unsatisfying marriages and children to come out as lesbians. The two share a love of cooking and gardening and, in the ’70s, open Bloodroot, the first vegetarian collective restaurant and bookstore in Bridgeport, Connecticut. By interspersing archival footage and clips from The Stepford Wives, Tirola affectionately chronicles the cultural shifts of the last 40 years as Noel and Selma attempt to keep Bloodroot open as an indispensable gathering spot for progressive women.
It’s 2017 in Bisbee, Arizona, an old copper-mining town just miles from the Mexican border. The town’s close-knit community prepares to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Bisbee’s darkest hour: the infamous Bisbee Deportation of 1917, during which 1,200 striking miners were violently taken from their homes, banished to the middle of the desert, and left to die. Townspeople confront this violent, misunderstood past by staging dramatic recreations of the escalating strike. These dramatized scenes are based on subjective versions of the story and “directed,” in a sense, by residents with conflicting views of the event. Deeply personal segments torn from family history build toward a massive restaging of the deportation itself on the exact day of its 100th anniversary.
Douglas Tirola details the rise of craft beer's popularity and follows two enthusiasts chasing their American brewing dreams.
Follow actress Kate Lyn Sheil as she prepares for her next role: playing Christine Chubbuck, a Florida newscaster who committed suicide live on-air in 1974. As Kate investigates Chubbuck’s story, uncovering new clues and information, she becomes increasingly obsessed with her subject.
Фильм рассказывает историю американского комедийного издания National Lampoon от его начала в 1970-х годах и до 2010 года.
Two bartenders try to achieve their dreams through bartending. An injured Marine turns his goals to becoming a principal bartender at the best cocktail bar in the world. A young man leaves his white collar job to buy the corner bar in his hometown, and years later he struggles to keep it afloat. Featuring the world's most renowned bartenders and access to the most exclusive bars in New York, this is the story of the comeback of the cocktail and the rebirth of the bartender.
Dive head-first into the world of independent pro wrestling as we follow a group in Lincolnton, North Carolina over the week leading up to a big show.
A documentary focusing on why one of America's oldest games has had a renaissance in the past few years and why, for so many, poker is the way to chase the American Dream.
A documentary focusing on why one of America's oldest games has had a renaissance in the past few years and why, for so many, poker is the way to chase the American Dream.
.An incarcerated gang member sneaks a video camera into prison in order to document the use of excessive force and corruption among the institution's guards.
.An incarcerated gang member sneaks a video camera into prison in order to document the use of excessive force and corruption among the institution's guards.
Executive Producer
Three Candidates, Two blind Politicians, One Race. Anytown USA follows a tightly run race in the small town of Bogota, New Jersey and resonates as an all-too-familiar look at partisan politics in our increasingly polarized nation.
Production Manager
Владелец цветочного магазина Луис, потерявший в свое время беременную жену, влюбляется в Лизу, которую он случайно увидел плачущей в окне. Он посылает ей цветы, и она целый день не может понять, кто бы это мог сделать, а потом находит его. Удивленная этим несовременным поступком, деловая, вечно занятая женщина уступает осаде — он буквально завалил ее квартиру розами — и они стали любовниками. Между ними завязалась настоящая любовь, и дело пошло к свадьбе. Но у Лизы было тяжелое детство — она была сиротой, мачеха умерла рано, а отчим пил, бил и насиловал ее. Она не могла поверить, что все могло складываться так хорошо, не верила в прекрасного принца, боялась счастья, что чуть не разбило их любовь.
Sorority gal Charlotte's innocence is lost after she is raped during a frat party. Confused, terrified and shunned by her peers, she finds solace and the courage to confront her attacker after she is befriended by the leader of a campus women's group.
Sorority gal Charlotte's innocence is lost after she is raped during a frat party. Confused, terrified and shunned by her peers, she finds solace and the courage to confront her attacker after she is befriended by the leader of a campus women's group.
Location Manager
Самая большая неудача в жизни полицейского Чарли Лэнга — это его жена, которая с утра до вечера может говорить и думать только о деньгах. У него самого их не хватает даже на чаевые очаровательной официантке. В кармане — только лотерейный билет, купленный по совету мудрой супруги. Не задумываясь, Чарли обещает девушке половину своего выигрыша. И вот четыре миллиона долларов сваливаются ему на голову. Первую половину суммы уже успешно тратит его жена, окончательно поглупевшая от такого счастья. Теперь Чарли богат, но он не забыл, что еще должен заплатить чаевые… в два миллиона долларов.