Eleven tales of love connected by padlocks on a gate - a journey exploring the heart behind the worldwide phenomenon that is Locks of Love.
Story Teller
The Queen's maiden visit to Australia in 1954 marked the end of one era and the dawn of another. It was post-depression, post WWII, and pre TV, and Australians came in their millions to bask in the presence of a monarch.
Eileen Bond
The story of the 1983 America's Cup challenge, where the Australian team financed by business tycoon Alan Bond, finally wrests the cup from the New York Yacht Club, after an unbroken 132 year winning streak.
Rosemary Hume
После смерти отца 18-летний Джим Крэйг покидает свою тихую ферму в горах Австралии и отправляется на заработки. Трудолюбивый и упорный, он не хочет расставаться с фермой, а для ее содержания нужны большие деньги. Джим поступает на работу к жестокому землевладельцу и торговцу скотом Харрисону и влюбляется в его дочь, красавицу Джессику. А вскоре становится втянутым в 20-летнюю вражду за право владения землей между своим боссом и его братом-близнецом Спером…
Mrs. Ellison
Scott, a poor farm boy, is given a wild pony from a wealthy ranch owner's herd to ride to and from school. Scott and his pony soon become an inseparable team, until one day the pony suddenly disappears. Soon after, the ranch owner's handicapped daughter Josie has a wild pony especially trained to pull her cart. But Scott is convinced that Josie's pony is actually his, which leads to a court battle that divides their small Australian town. One child must ultimately lose the pony when true ownership is decided.