Polde Bibič

Polde Bibič

Рождение : 1933-02-03, Maribor, Slovenia, Yugoslavia [now Slovenia]

Смерть : 2012-07-13


Polde Bibič


Beef Trout
It puts in front the character of the actor Andrej Nahtigal and a section of his life, shot in real time and among real people who can play their roles by heart, since they live them in real environment.
Thanks for Sunderland
The film takes place in Slovenia today. Johan (44), is a factory worker, who dreams of a dignified life for himself and his family. His best friend Janez introduces him to Zlatko, who doesn’t take bluetouth away from his ear, and he offers him a quick profit, better job and a raise. Accepting the offer Johan robs his wife's mother, who cheers for Manchester United, and his life after that moves downhill.
Ljubljana the Beloved
Martin Krpan
Oton, a young boy, is growing up while his hometown Ljubljana changes, from 1934, when King Alexander of Yugoslavia is killed in France, through first the Italian and then the German occupations of the city, until the arrival of Communism.
Triptych of Agata Schwarzkobler
Domači župnik
A world between the dreams and reality, between commonsense pragmatism and madness, between earthly gendarmes, priests, fair organizers on one hand, and children of God, to whom all our smartness is crazy, on the other.
The Jailers
A story about old people, the members of the secret society called Goethe, who feed on the energy of young men whose corpses are hidden in their laboratory. Even though police is on their trail, Goethe members manage to trick Pavle, the inspector-in-charge. However all of this energetic vampirism is busted when Kristina, one of the members, falls in love with the inspector.
Oscar runs away from prison only five days before release. He droves off with his girlfriend to Split in a red car, so they could go to Italy and then to America. They meet photographer Jan, and thus their final destination seems every so closer. As police is on their trail, Oscar starts to suspect Jan...
My Dad, the Socialist Kulak
Jože Malek, ata
Year 1945. The second World War is over and the soldiers from the disbanded army are returning home. Yet there is still no sign of Joze Malek.
Primož Trubar
The life of the author of the first-ever book written in the Slovene language, Primož Trubar, in the years 1562 to 1565, during his return to Ljubljana.
The Merry Wedding
stric Marko
In 1920s Ljubljana, a student of theology decides to leave his studies and dedicate to music.
Tomaž Vrhunc
"Heritage" - This three-part historical epic of the lives and misfortunes of the Vrhunc family in the former Yugoslavia is divided into the years of 1914, 1924, and 1944. In 1914, the wealthy Vrhunc patriarch owns valuable land and operates a lucrative mine. He is conservative and wants to hold on to the status quo, and so when the region breaks away from Hapsburg rule, he loses out. His wife, in the meantime, is a tragic figure who has an unhappy solution to her stifling existence with her husband and children. In part II, set in 1924, the fascists and communists are fighting for footholds among the population and in the government, and the Vrhunc family is torn apart because their own allegiances are divided between the two opposing extremes. In part III, the family suffers the most, as Nazi collaborators are rounded up and shot by Partisans, and chaos reigns.
The Years of Decision
When Peter comes back from the war, he finds his father changed and alone. Their former maid, Leni, has also left and soon Peter's grandfather also dies. His father begins writing his memoirs of his Partisan years. Peter blames his father for his mother's death, but the final blow comes when he catches his father together with his (Peter's) former girlfriend. He moves in with his brother and accuses Leni of having had an affair with his father. Peter decides to kill his father but cannot carry out the plan. His father tells him in a fit of rage that he isn't his son at all. Feeling desperate and down, he goes to Leni's place for comfort, and finds her dead on the floor. The police arrest Peter for the murder of Leni. Will Peter have to serve a jail sentence on his road to maturity and will political connections have a bearing on the final verdict of the trial? Peter doesn't even know whom he can trust anymore.
Dog's Path
A TV adaptation of the story “Twins” by Prezihov Voranc.
Displaced Person
Peter, whose father was a member of the Home Guard collaboration forces and a political emigrant, returns from Argentina to Slovenia, his father’s homeland. In Slovenia, Peter makes the acquaintance of an architect, but their friendship is fraught with ideological conflicts.
The Esophagus Battle
Based on a novel by Prežihov Voranc, it tells a story about a farmer's family who live in Northern Slovenia before WW2.
Don Pietro
Some years before WWI, art historian and priest Ciril from Ljubljana and his friend Fritz set out on a journey through Italy. Ciril hopes that his doctorate on Italian art would provide him inner peace, thus starting a new life. Emotionally disturbed Fritz, on the other hand, tries to escape everyday life, as well as from commitment he has to his female friend.
The Widowhood of Karolina Žašler
As she tries to cope with the changes in Yugoslav rural life brought about by increasing modernization, the Widow Karolina wishes she had become a mother. As difficult as things are for her, they are nonetheless much more difficult for her more-conservative and less-thoughtful neighbors.
White Grass
When Dane returns from the army, Vera awaits him at the station, ready to live together with him. Yet beneath the veil of enthusiasm lies anxiety for their future. The couple sets off for the mountain village where Vera's parents live, but find life in the harsh alpine conditions too difficult. They decide to move down into the valley, where they meet a discontented couple whose marriage has been marred by an affair. Vera and Dane also encounter difficulties in their relationship, but the tragic example of the other couple helps them realize that their home lies in the place of their birth - beneath the free skies in the mountains.
Painter Albert
The manager of a whorehouse is in love with a young woman who works as a maid, there. He believes that his feelings are reciprocated, but the woman chooses instead to marry a rich man who has also been courting her. Punctuating the story of this romance are a magician's show, and an earthquake.
Spring Wind
A platonic romance between art student and nude model goes through many complications in which they both try to make one another jealous before revealing their true feelings.
Mother Died, Stop
An elderly woman pays visit to her mother who resides in nursing home. Few days later she receives a telegram that the mother died, but it turns out that the address it was sent to was wrong. However the guilt of neglect starts to torment the mourning daughter nonetheless.
The Flight of Dead Bird
A film about three brothers who try to survive in a difficult, hostile and melancholic Slovenian countryside.
The Fugitive
WWII - Slovenia under Italian fascist occupation. Two friends separated by a woman they both loved, and then by war as well: one of them joins partisans, the other Italian occupying forces.
Blossoms in Autumn
Doctor Janez, a somewhat elderly lawyer, tired of urban life, pays a few week's visit to his relative Presecnik, a well-off farmer living in highland village. Farm life holds a great attraction for him, particularly because a deep and secret love develops between himself and Presecnik's daughter Meta. After a few serene and cheerful days spent on the farm, filled with pleasant labor and walks together with Meta in the unspoilt surroundings, he has to return to Ljubljana to resume his office work. But he cannot forget Meta and he makes his mind to buy a property not far from the Presecnik home and and to become a farmer. He does indeed buy a farm and sets out again to the Presecnik home to ask Meta to be his wife.
Death Ship
The holiday romance of Daniel and Marjana is disturbed by a premonition of an imminent fatal event. In this vision, the beloved accompanies her lover on an arduous and wearisome voyage by sea and when the situation seems most desperate, a mysterious ship suddenly appears on the horizon…
The Last Stop
A former partisan Tone, who once believed in the idea of a new, just society, now barely living as a municipal employee. Has an ex-wife and daughter, who live in his apartment, and he lodger. Even his relationship with a waitress, Magda is not without problems.
The Vicar Martin Cedermac
The adaptation of notable work by Slovenian writer France Bevk about catholic priest who maintains national dignity among his villagers, and doesn't fall under fascists' influence during Italian occupation of the area.
Kekec's Tricks
A story of the witty boy Kekec, his friends and their adventures in the mountains of Slovenia during the summer.
On Paper Wings
A love story of a couple who both reconsider the meaning of their former lives, only to come up with decision that they should marry.
Stronghold of Toughs
War orphans rebel against teachers and authority figures in their reform school in this somber social drama. Danny is a teen punk who organizes a breakout, only to become a victim of the code of toughness by which he lives.
On the Run
The feeling of being incapable of controlling your own life and general uselessness make people want to escape the world around them. In spite of the feeling that they possess some creative force, they still feel they waste their time and lives.
Не плачь, Петр
Действие фильма происходит в период оккупации Югославии гитлеровскими захватчиками. Дане и Ловро, минёры Югославской народно-освободительной армии, получают задание переправить троих детей на освобожденную территорию. Среди детей своим особенно беспокойным характером выделяется самый младший из ребят — четырёхлетний Петер. Дане и Ловро недовольны этим поручением, так как мечтают о настоящих серьёзных операциях. Но делать нечего, и минёры вместе с детьми отправляются в опасный путь. В одном из селений Дане и Ловро сталкиваются с девушкой Магдой, которая указывает им на пещеру, где фашисты оборудовали секретный склад боеприпасов. Отважные минёры решают «убить двух зайцев» — взорвать этот склад и доставить детей по назначению...
По роману Прежихова Воранца "Самородки". Батрачка Мета и Ожбей, сын богатого крестьянина, полюбили друг друга и решили пожениться. Но отец Ожбея не мог допустить, чтобы его старший сын, наследник, женился на простой батрачке. Всеми силами старый Карничник старался вырвать из сердца Меты ее любовь. Не брезгуя никакими средствами, он заставлял девушку отречься от своей любви. Но ничто не сломило Мету. Она оставалась такой же гордой, красивой, независимой. У Меты и Ожбея было пятеро детей, пятеро незаконнорожденных. Они росли, и из года в год Мета прививала им веру в свои силы и учила презирать несправедливость.
Ballad About a Trumpet and a Cloud
Temnikar's family prepares for Christmas, but to him, it's the time of dark premonitions and anxiety. In the mountain cave, hidden by snow, the wounded partisans are hiding, and Temnikar suspects the treason. Once the White Guard patrol shows up at Temnikar's doorstep, he finds out about their plan to go and finish off the wounded partisans.
Партизаны готовят дерзкую акцию по освобождению заключенных из тюрьмы словенской столицы. Успех акции им должен обеспечить один из надзирателей, но узники, среди которых большинство составляют антифашисты, ни о чем не догадываются. Более того, многие из них уже впали в отчаяние. Ведь каждую ночь кого-то из их числа отправляют на расстрел, а кого-то забирают на допрос, после которого возвращается уже не человек, а избитое и страдающее от невыносимой боли тело. И в то время, когда по темным улицам города крадутся готовящиеся к налету на тюрьму партизаны, в одной из камер разворачивается драма, в которой сломавшимся духовно и физически людям противостоят те, кто даже смерть готов встретить с открытым лицом…
The Good Sea
A simple fisherman tries to stop wealthy and crooked owner of the seiners and bar.