Lojze Rozman

Lojze Rozman

Рождение : 1930-06-02, Celje, Slovenia, Yugoslavia

Смерть : 1997-05-05


Lojze Rozman


Executioner's Fresco
In a small seaside town, a group of people discover their dark past and repeat their bad habits, even those from the time of inquisition and persecutions of witches. They're ought to repeat these actions as long as they start to experience love and forgiveness in some of the following stages of reincarnation.
Dare's Father
Goran is a literary student who writes erotic stories to support himself is introduced to Carmen, who was born in extramarital relationship of an opera singer. Goran tries to get rid her of drugs and prostitution. Deeply depressed Carmen blames his mother for her own misery, which gets even worse after her death. A sense of guilt because of her mother's death leads Carmen to insanity.
Kmet Hotejec
A world between the dreams and reality, between commonsense pragmatism and madness, between earthly gendarmes, priests, fair organizers on one hand, and children of God, to whom all our smartness is crazy, on the other.
To the Limit and Beyond
A thief commits daring robberies (a la Raffles) in Slovenia during the 1920s. While he romances the ladies a persistent detective tries to hunt him down and bring him to justice.
Someone Else
Damjanov oče
By a twist of fate, Damjan is mistaken for a murderer who was prowling the streets of Ljubljana in the same neighbourhood. Because of his naive, friendly approach and helpfulness, his wife walks out on him and the police have doubts about his sanity. Is Damjan really losing his memory like his father did before him? And does purity of mind and spirit necessarily lead to a person's downfall? Will Damjan, who is mysteriously attracted and connected to the cinema and who finds himself drawn into a case of mistaken identity (just like in the movies) succeed in setting his life in order in spite of the mix-up and in finding the right companion for himself?
Love Is the Ruin of Us All
At the end of the last century hunters who hunted wild roosters, while waiting for prey to show up, were killing time with storytelling. The first story is about Jernac that had a fight with Tomas because of Rezika. Another story tells about Tincek, limp foundling, who spent his youth with the Komar family, where he fell in love with their Lencka. The third is the story of a rich Miholac whose attention was grabbed by poor Polonca, a romance that was opposed by his father. The central theme of all stories is love that eventually everybody die of.
The Merry Wedding
In 1920s Ljubljana, a student of theology decides to leave his studies and dedicate to music.
A Breath of Air
The infant mortality rate in the maternity ward of a hospital increases suspiciously - allegedly due to an unknown pulmonary disease. When Doctor Barbara decides to inform the public of this tragic phenomenon, a number of the doctors, including the hospital management, try to prevent her.
Set in the Tolminsko province of Slovenia in 1713, shortly after the Peasants' Uprising. The Grogovc family are forced to live in exile in a wasteland area of the country, where they suffer from the plague which gradually kills off the colony.
The Secret of Nikola Tesla
Life and times of Nikola Tesla, famous scientist whose inventions were stolen, but whose greatest contribution to mankind remain a mystery to this day.
The Call to Spring
Simonov oče
In 18th century Slovenia ruled by the Habsburg dynasty, a troop of soldiers are ordered to prevent the Shrovetide carnival by force and two youngsters are killed in the fight that ensue.
Anno Domini 1573
Gašpar Alapić
Europe in second half of 16th century was very rough place to live. Peasants of Slovenia and Croatia had even rougher times because of the constant threat of Turk raids and being taxed to death in order to provide defence against the Turks. But, the worst things were arrogant local feudal lords led by Franjo Tahi who were oppresing the common folk. All that led to the great peasant revolt of 1573. The movie is made for the 400th anniversary of the event.
The Invisible Battallon
Mihov oče
A group of children from a small Slovenian town form a battalion to fight against the Nazi enemy.
Stronghold of Toughs
Francijev oče
War orphans rebel against teachers and authority figures in their reform school in this somber social drama. Danny is a teen punk who organizes a breakout, only to become a victim of the code of toughness by which he lives.
On the Run
The feeling of being incapable of controlling your own life and general uselessness make people want to escape the world around them. In spite of the feeling that they possess some creative force, they still feel they waste their time and lives.
Не плачь, Петр
Действие фильма происходит в период оккупации Югославии гитлеровскими захватчиками. Дане и Ловро, минёры Югославской народно-освободительной армии, получают задание переправить троих детей на освобожденную территорию. Среди детей своим особенно беспокойным характером выделяется самый младший из ребят — четырёхлетний Петер. Дане и Ловро недовольны этим поручением, так как мечтают о настоящих серьёзных операциях. Но делать нечего, и минёры вместе с детьми отправляются в опасный путь. В одном из селений Дане и Ловро сталкиваются с девушкой Магдой, которая указывает им на пещеру, где фашисты оборудовали секретный склад боеприпасов. Отважные минёры решают «убить двух зайцев» — взорвать этот склад и доставить детей по назначению...
State Security Administration agent tries to sabotage a critical report filed to the national assembly on the state energy system.
По роману Прежихова Воранца "Самородки". Батрачка Мета и Ожбей, сын богатого крестьянина, полюбили друг друга и решили пожениться. Но отец Ожбея не мог допустить, чтобы его старший сын, наследник, женился на простой батрачке. Всеми силами старый Карничник старался вырвать из сердца Меты ее любовь. Не брезгуя никакими средствами, он заставлял девушку отречься от своей любви. Но ничто не сломило Мету. Она оставалась такой же гордой, красивой, независимой. У Меты и Ожбея было пятеро детей, пятеро незаконнорожденных. Они росли, и из года в год Мета прививала им веру в свои силы и учила презирать несправедливость.
Пятый узел
Бывший участник Сопротивления Кох после восемнадцати лет скитания за границей возвращается в свой родной город Любляну. Здесь Кох узнает, что подпольная организация, в которой он и его товарищи состояли во время оккупации, была тогда кем-то предана и многие ее члены поплатились жизнью. Оставшиеся в живых считали предателем Коха, так как его бегство за границу и совершенное предательство совпали по времени. Кох решает сам найти настоящего предателя. Но его убивают. Тогда за расследование этого дела берется инспектор милиции Малин, которому после тщательных поисков удается разоблачить преступника.
One Fine Day
A story set in a Slovenian village during Italian occupation. Stefuc, a man who has been widowed twice and has four daughters, wants to get married for the third time with Zana, who's already engaged and pregnant with Ludvik. Stefuc tries to separate them away, but realizes that he'll have to marry Hedvika, a nice looking girl who has just returned from Milan. In the meantime, Italian fascist authorities decide to eradicate five Slovenian songs with the help of local traitors.
Ballad About a Trumpet and a Cloud
Temnikar's family prepares for Christmas, but to him, it's the time of dark premonitions and anxiety. In the mountain cave, hidden by snow, the wounded partisans are hiding, and Temnikar suspects the treason. Once the White Guard patrol shows up at Temnikar's doorstep, he finds out about their plan to go and finish off the wounded partisans.
По окончании войны бывший партизан Алеш, потерявший в боях руку, вынужден работать курьером. Мещанская среда, окружающая Алеша, способствует тому, что он становится озлобленным, раздражительным. Однажды в дни праздника, посвящённого освобождению страны, Алеш снова встречается со своими боевыми друзьями и с девушкой, которую когда-то любил. Разговор с ними, а также чуткое отношение некоторых сослуживцев резко меняют судьбу Алеша — он вновь обретает веру в себя, в людей, в жизнь.
Партизаны готовят дерзкую акцию по освобождению заключенных из тюрьмы словенской столицы. Успех акции им должен обеспечить один из надзирателей, но узники, среди которых большинство составляют антифашисты, ни о чем не догадываются. Более того, многие из них уже впали в отчаяние. Ведь каждую ночь кого-то из их числа отправляют на расстрел, а кого-то забирают на допрос, после которого возвращается уже не человек, а избитое и страдающее от невыносимой боли тело. И в то время, когда по темным улицам города крадутся готовящиеся к налету на тюрьму партизаны, в одной из камер разворачивается драма, в которой сломавшимся духовно и физически людям противостоят те, кто даже смерть готов встретить с открытым лицом…
Five Minutes of Paradise
Two concentration camp prisoners are taken by Nazis to disable un exploded bombs in German towns. When they work on the ruins, with their guards safely away, they enjoy a few precious moments of freedom.
Три истории
Three stories connected by the motifs of water and death told in neorealist style.
People of Kajzarje
A post-WW2 story about the village largely involved in wine-making business. The peasants who claimed possessions of lands, woods, and churches after communist party seized the power hold a party where a member of so-called reactionary forces (kulaks, clergy and Axis collaborators) tries to break in and stop it.