R. H. Thomson

R. H. Thomson

Рождение : 1947-09-24, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada


Robert Holmes "R. H." Thomson, CM (born September 24, 1947) is a Canadian television, film and stage actor. Thomson was born in Richmond Hill, Ontario. He studied at the University of Toronto, and the National Theatre School. His own play The Lost Boys was staged at the Great Canadian Theatre Company in March 2000 and at Canadian Stage in February 2002. Thomson has also hosted programming for CBC Radio and CBC Television. In 2010, he was appointed a Member of the Order of Canada. Thomson has portrayed a number of historical figures including Charlie Grant, Samuel Lount, Edsel Ford, Dr. Frederick Banting, Duncan Campbell Scott, Mitchell Sharp, and James Cross. ​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


R. H. Thomson


Set within the fluidity of time, touch, realism and reverie. Some may call this magic realism. Based within Indigenous knowledge and way of life, this story allows two people to heal, through touch, calm, love and patience in a fantastical space that leaves the audience dreamlike and yet it is dangerous and violent, there is love.
Mr. Schmidt
The true story of Charlotte Salomon, a young German-Jewish painter who comes of age in Berlin on the eve of the Second World War. Fiercely imaginative and deeply gifted, she dreams of becoming an artist. Her first love applauds her talent, which emboldens her resolve. When anti-Semitic policies inspire violent mobs, she escapes to the safety of the South of France. There she begins to paint again, and finds new love. But her work is interrupted, this time by a family tragedy that reveals an even darker secret. Believing that only an extraordinary act will save her, she embarks on the monumental adventure of painting her life story.
Dr. John Rickman
Исаака Бруно, профессора астрономии, увольняют с работы за использование университетского оборудования в личных целях. Тем не менее Исаак продолжает свои исследования — поиск обитаемых планет за пределами Солнечной системы. Вскоре к нему присоединяется Клара, новый научный сотрудник, чей духовный взгляд на жизнь контрастирует с явно рациональными научными взглядами Исаака.
Трудности любви
Senator Douglas Townsend
Лиа Таунсенд (Холли Мэри Комбс) кажется должна быть счастлива. У нее есть правильный жених. Ее первая книга, основанная на воспоминаниях о детстве и юности, стала бестселлером и она пишет вторую. В отношениях с родителями царит мир и благодать. Но у этой безмятежности есть цена. Лиа совершенно не способна осмелиться даже просто высказать окружающим свое мнение, не говоря уж о том, чтобы на нем настоять. Обнаружить эту проблему ей помогают занятия на курсах по преодолению конфликтов, на которые героиню, без ее на то согласия, записывает жених...
Кэтрин — врач, Дэвид — профессор, у них прекрасный сын. На первый взгляд, это идеальная семья. Но однажды Дэвид опаздывает на самолет и пропускает семейное торжество, посвященное его дню рождения. С этого момента Кэтрин начинает подозревать мужа в измене. Женщина заключает сделку с Хлоей, которая должна соблазнить Дэвида и предоставить подробный отчет. Но со временем отчеты становятся все более сухими, а встречи двух женщин — все более частыми…
Well Kept Secrets: Athanasia
A young American woman returns to her Greek roots in search of her real father. Accompanied by her stepfather, she shatters the very myths designed to protect her. She uncovers an unlikely relationship between those who raised her, a globe-trotting photojournalist and Athanasia. Athanasia, a girl with no right in life. A choice of nature, but not of her community. Angela finds her father and discovers her mother.
Население 436
Sheriff Calcutt
Все имеет свою цену, но не всегда овчинка стоит выделки. Особенно, когда за что-то приходится платить собственной жизнью. В этом лишний раз убедился простой статистик Стив Кэди, когда он на свою беду обнаружил некую демографическую аномалию. Он заметил, что по многолетним данным в одном городе число жителей не менялось последние 100 лет. Когда бы не проводилась перепись, там всегда жило 436 человек, ни больше, ни меньше! Крайне заинтригованный, Стив отправляется в городок, чтобы понять причины необычной стабильности, еще не предполагая, насколько шокирующей и смертельно опасной окажется разгадка этой на первый взгляд невинной тайны…
Who Loves the Sun
Arthur Bloom
A man (Lukas Haas) encounters a childhood friend (Adam Scott) who had an affair with his wife (Molly Parker) five years earlier.
Full-Court Miracle
Rabbi Lewis
Inspired by the true story of University of Virginia basketball star Lamont Carr, the film centers on a group of young Jewish basketball players who search for a coach to help them out of a slump. The main character Alex Schlotsky is inspired by the true story of Alex Barbag and Chad Korpeck.
The Piano Man's Daughter
Frederick Wyatt
Terrified of passing on the madness that runs in his family, Charlie Kilworth (Christian Campbell) stays away from relationships that could lead to marriage and children. Meanwhile, his grandparents (R.H. Thomson and Wendy Crewson) are debating whether to put his mother (Stockard Channing) into a mental institution. Whoopi Goldberg shares producing credits on this generational drama adapted from the acclaimed novel by Timothy Findley.
Hell on Heels: The  Battle of Mary Kay
Richard Rogers
The film is about two companies who are battling it out for customers, Mary Kay, and one of her workers Lexi Wilcox are fighting it out with Jinger Heath. Who will win? You will have to see.
Mitchell Sharp
This docu-drama spans fifteen turbulent years in the political and personal life of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, one of the most enigmatic and polarizing Prime Ministers in Canadian history. The film explores the many facets of his character and his vision for his country which has both inspired and frustrated Canadians.
The Stork Derby
Huge McLean
The woman who birthed the most children in the City of Toronto within a certain time period would inherit a fortune in the midst of the Great Depression
Шерлок Холмс и доктор Ватсон: Королевский скандал
Mycroft Holmes
Шерлок Холмс получает таинственную записку с очень важным содержанием: ему доверяют дело национальной чести. Вместе со своим другом доктором Ватсоном, Шерлок Холмс должен помочь королю Богемии вернуть фотографию, в которой он запечатлен в компрометирующей ситуации с легендарной оперной звездой Ирен Адлер. Ирен шантажирует короля накануне его свадьбы со Скандинавской принцессой. Но коварной оперной примадонне не нужны деньги или драгоценности, ей нужно сердце короля и обещание жениться только на ней. Наши герои оказываются в довольно щекотливой ситуации и, похоже, Шерлок Холмс нашел себе достойного противника в этой увлекательной истории.
The Universal Clock: The Resistance of Peter Watkins
This feature documentary is a portrait of Peter Watkins, an Oscar®-winning British filmmaker who, for the past 4 decades, has proved that films can be made without compromise. With the proliferation of TV channels, documentaries are enjoying an unprecedented boom fuelled by audiences seeking an alternative to infotainment. But now documentary filmmaking, too, finds itself constrained by the imperatives of television. However, there is a rebel resisting this uniformity of the spirit. Pre-eminent among today's documentary filmmakers concerned about this mind-numbing standardization, Peter Watkins has never strayed from either his principles or the cause.
The Dinosaur Hunter
Reverend Smythe
A 13-year-old girl and her older brother live on a farm where paleontologists search for fossils.
Crime in Connecticut: The Story of Alex Kelly
Ray Marcassi
About a notorious Connecticut convicted rapist.
Собиратель костей
Писатель детективов Уильям Палмер, ранее работавший в полиции патологоанатомом, выпускает в свет новую книгу, основанную на реальных событиях, а рассказывает эта книга о предполагаемой поимке маньяка, вырезавшего кости из живых людей несколько лет назад. Прочитав книгу, реальный маньяк убивает его литературного агента, и Палмер добивается разрешения принять участие в расследовании. Его назначают консультантом к женщине-детективу, и они вдвоем берутся за дело. Подозрение падает на Питера, сына Палмера, недавно назначенного старшим патологоанатомом.
Hollywoodism: Jews, Movies and the American Dream
This film discusses the effect on how major American films in Hollywood were influenced by the Eastern European Jewish culture that most of the major movie moguls who controlled the studios shared. Through clips of various films, the filmmakers illustrate the dominant themes like that of the outsider, the outspoken American patriotism, and rooting for the underdog in society.
Twilight of the Ice Nymphs
Dr. Issac Solti
Peter Glahn is released after years of incarceration as a political prisoner and is now returning to his homeland, the mythical Mandragora where the sun never sets. On board the ship home, he meets the mysterious Juliana Kossel who vanishes after stealing his heart. Once he arrives on the island, he goes to the family ostrich farm run by his sister Amelia. He finds Amelia living with a farmhand named Cain Ball who fears that Peter's return will endanger the agreement he made with Amelia that will see him inherit the farm. Amelia has since fallen for the vain Dr. Isaac Solti who controls the island and has a hold on both Zephyr Eccles, the widow of a local fisherman, and Juliana, Peter's dream girl from the ship. Solti's true obsession is a recently discovered statue of Venus that possesses strange powers. All the characters meet at Solti's lab where the sexual tensions erupt.
Guy Maddin: Waiting for Twilight
Interviews with Guy Maddin and his pals are included in this documentary about the Canadian film-maker's life and movies. Features clips from most of Maddin's films up to Twilight of the Ice Nymphs, including Careful and Archangel.
Silent Cradle
David Greg
A woman has a miscarriage. After her grief becomes bearable, she attempts to adopt a baby, but discovers evidence that her baby might not have been dead when it was removed from her stomach. If so, who took the baby, why and where?
Murder at My Door
Ed McNair
In a quiet neighborhood, a suburban family is shocked when their son is the prime suspect in the brutal murder of a neighbor's daughter.
Net Worth
Milton Mound
The story of the NHL's early years, focusing on the battle between the players, led by Hall of Famer Ted Lindsay, and the owners, over issues of benefits, pensions and the like.
Andy Blake
The Blakes have a rancher in the burbs, 2 kids, a mid-sized American car, a gas barbecue and lawn furniture. Dad works in an office, Mom does something vague and equally meaningless. They are exactly like all the people you see on the freeway every morning. Something happens - their young son gets sick.
My Breast
Dr. Luke
Meredith Baxter plays Joyce Wadler in this heartwarming story of hope, courage and redemption inspired by the New York City journalist's real-life struggle with breast cancer. Stuck in a lackluster relationship with her boyfriend, she's forced to re-examine her life when she receives the troubling diagnosis.
The Lotus Eaters
Hal Kingswood
Set off the West Coast of Canada in 1965, a hip new teacher with a miniskirt and lots of ideas turns a small town upside down. The soft autumn light of Galiano Island is beautifully rendered in writer/producer Peggy Thompson's The Lotus Eaters, and that's not the only elusive element that this film has captured. In revisiting its particular time and place - the Gulf Islands of the early '60s -Thompson obviously draws on her own family experiences there. For those who share Thompson's love of Gulf Islands magic, the elements she has assembled will feel as familiar as their own childhood blanket. But there are problems at the core of this story about a family's loss of innocence.
Bonds of Love
Jake Hobart
A divorced woman falls in love with a mentally-disabled man, but his family objects to their relationship.
Mark Twain and Me
Albert Paine
During the final years of his life, the famous writer Samuel "Mark Twain" Clemens is befriended by a young girl named Dorothy Quick.
The Quarrel
Chaim Kovler
Montreal 1948. On Rosh Hashanah, Chaim (a Yiddish writer) is forced to think of his religion when he's asked to be the tenth in a minyan. As he sits in the park, he suddenly sees an old friend whom he hasn't seen since they quarrelled when they were yeshiva students together. Hersh, a rabbi, survived Auschwitz and his faith was strengthened by his ordeal, while Chaim escaped the Nazis, but had lost his faith long before. The two walk together, reminisce, and argue passionately about themselves, their actions, their lives, their religion, their old quarrel, and their friendship.
Glory Enough For All
Dr Frederick Banting
Glory Enough for All is the 1988 television movie depicting the discovery and isolation of insulin at the University of Toronto by Frederick Banting and Charles Herbert Best. It won the 1989 Gemini award for best miniseries.
Ford: The Man and the Machine
Edsel Ford
Adapted from a book by Robert Lacey, this biographical film chronicles both the private and public life of automobile manufacturer Henry Ford (Cliff Robertson).
Heaven On Earth
Wilf Hawthorne
An armful of destitute orphans transported to the New World at the turn of the century. This is the turbulent and moving story of four British 'bricks for Empire building' - based on the memoirs of some of the 100,000 'home children' who helped build the new Canada.
Stranger in My Bed
Dr. Davidson
A woman gets amnesia after an accident, and doesn't remember her life, including her husband. While she tries to recall, she meets a man and begins a relationship with him.
And Then You Die
Det. Sgt. James McGrath
A drug deal must deal with the mafia, Hells Angels, and police who want to arrest him. -- WorldCat
The Marriage Bed
Dr. Jeff Reilly
Linda Griffiths stars as very pregnant Annie Graham, who's about to give birth to her third child in seven years. Annie looks back via flashbacks at how her own plans for a career got sidetracked and how her marriage suddenly went off the rails on a crazy train. At the same time she's trying to cope with a Christmas season full of inlaws, family and neighbours.. and a husband who's gone awol in order to 'find himself'.
Samuel Lount
Samuel Lount
Back in 1837 in the Northwoods of Canada and beyond, a movement was started among the colonialists to demand the right to own property in the New World. This interesting docudrama follows the tragic outcome of that movement for one of its leaders, the pacifist and nearly beatific Samuel Lount (also the great-great-great uncle of producer Elvira Lount). The orator and journalist William Lyon Mackenzie stoked up the fire among the property-deprived, and a march on Toronto was begun. Lount was convinced to join the rebellion much against his better judgment -- he belonged to the Children of Peace religious sect. Lount's own pacifism meant nothing to the authorities; they executed Lount for treason after crushing the rebellion. R.H. Thomson plays the title role in this low-budget but high-energy effort.
Martin's Day
Threatened with recapture after a prison escape, Martin Stechert grabs a 12-year-old as hostage. He proves to be named Martin, too a quiet "good little boy" always obeying the rules, whom life has given only dismal loneliness and frustration in return. Soon he begins to admire "Stech" for his cheeky pranks against society and his desperate mission to make dreams come true. In a climactic moment, he chooses to stay with the man even though he could run away. Via hijacks and hijinx, they flee to the idyllic peace of the older Martin's childhood home, a cabin on a lake. But the police are close behind, impatient and trigger-happy.
Зрительный поиск
After deciding he needs to do something meaningful with his life, high school wrestler Louden Swain sets out on a mission to drop weight and challenge the area's undefeated champion, which creates problems with his teammates and health. Matters are complicated further when Louden's father takes in an attractive female drifter who's on her way to San Francisco.
Charlie Grant's War
Charlie Grant
A Canadian artist turned diamond merchant in Vienna, Austria risks his life to smuggle Jews out of the Third Reich.
Discussions in Bioethics: A Chronic Problem
One of a series of short, open-ended dramas designed to stimulate discussion of values and ethics in relation to modern medical technology. This film considers the chronic patient's right to quality care, and the acutely ill patient's right to a hospital bed. Jean is suffering from multiple sclerosis and is almost completely paralyzed. It seems that the only ones who care about her are the nurses. With the arrival of a patient in need of an operation, it becomes apparent that chronic patients have little priority.
The Terry Fox Story
Dr. Simon
The true story about the Canadian cancer amputee hero who decided to run across Canada on only one leg to raise money for cancer research.
If You Could See What I Hear
Will Sly
A light comedy/love story based on the life of blind musician Tom Sullivan.
Ticket to Heaven
Linc Strunc
David is a young man seduced by a religious cult that uses starvation, exhaustion, and brainwashing to mold recruits into money hustling disciples of a messiah-like leader. Chronicles David's chilling transformation into a gaunt, mindless shadow of his former self...and his ultimate salvation when friends and family launch a plan to kidnap and deprogram him.
Happy Memories
A woman attempts to resume her place in the family that she abandoned years earlier.
Following her father's puzzling disappearance, Kate and her city-bred companions brave the untamed backwoods in a desperate search for him. However, the harsh environment becomes a dangerous catalyst for their explosive mix of personalities, propelling them into a world of raw emotion and unbridled passion.
Escape From Iran: The Canadian Caper
Lee Schatz
A dramatized account of how the staff of the Canadian Embassy helped a group of American diplomats escape from Iran during the Iranian Revolution.
An American Christmas Carol
In Depression-era New England, a miserly businessman named Benedict Slade receives a long-overdue attitude adjustment one Christmas Eve when he is visited by three ghostly figures who resemble three of the people whose possessions Slade had seized to collect on unpaid loans. Assuming the roles of the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future from Charles Dickens' classic story, the three apparitions force Slade to face the consequences of his skinflint ways, and he becomes a caring, generous, amiable man.
Ромэн Дюпре приезжает в Канаду чтобы опознать убитого сына. Но погибший оказывается ему не знаком. Желая найти отпрыска, давно вступившего не на ту дорожку, Ромэн остается в Канаде... Пожалуй, именно Клод Пиното смог наиболее глубоко раскрыть драматический талант Лино Вентуры как актера. Такая психологическая картина, даже при всей внешности боевика, как «Разгневанный», я лично считаю, входит в свод лучших работ великого актера! Здесь он предстал не самоуверенным громилой или обличенным властью полицейским, а простым обыкновенным человеком с небольшой лишь поправкой на его мускулы и основательную стать.