Ulrich Burtin


The Caretaker
Director of Photography
Davi Carvalho is a psychology professor who wrote a book about how we project traumas of our past as paranormal events. A student from out of the city, Renata, appears in his life, asking for help for his little sister, Julia. Someone is hurting her and her father believes it is the ghost of a caretaker that lived in the family property years ago. Renata seeking for a rational answer, invites Davi to go to there family's house in order to find the truth behind it.
Os Sonhos de um Sonhador - A História de Frank Aguiar
Elvis & Madona
Elvis & Madona is a romantic comedy that deals with an unusual subject in a delicate and realistic way: a love story between young lesbian Elvis and a transvestite Madona. The story takes place in Copacabana, neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro. The screenplay comprehends a full array of human types and, by following the journey of both protagonists, illustrates the conflicts generated by the evolution of behavior and custom. It is a modern and agile picture, and its soundtrack will follow the latest musical trends. Nevertheless, it is essentially a love story, proving that love can exist in any situation.
Reflections of a Blender
After receiving a patch, a blender gains consciousness and begin to think about life, the human and the lifetime of electronics. When a man disappears, the blender remains the only company of his wife.
Путешествие на край ночи
Director of Photography
Два американца – Россо и его сын Пол зарабатывают на жизнь в Бразилии, заправляя ночным клубом-борделем, но втайне мечтают выбраться из этого дела раз и навсегда. Однажды ночью их мечты оказываются близкими к осуществлению: некий клиент забывает в клубе чемодан…
Red Carpet
Director of Photography
Quinzinho (Matheus Nachtergaele) has a promise to keep: take your child, Neco (Vinicius Miranda), to the city to watch a movie Mazzaropi. They live in a small farm in São Paulo. In this odyssey by the cities of São Paulo, he also leads his wife Zulmira (Gorete Miracles), which part unwillingly, and the donkey Policarpo. On the journey, they find regional peculiarities and undergo magical situations, related to popular belief.
Лисбела и преступник
Director of Photography
Лисбела — молодая женщина, которая любит ходить в кино. Лелеу - мошенник, который путешествует из города в город, продавая всевозможные вещи и выступая в качестве церемониймейстера для некоторых дрянных номеров, таких как женщина, которая превращается в гориллу. Он знакомится с Инаурой, сексуальной красивой женщиной, которая оказывается женой самого устрашающего киллера в этом районе. Наемный убийца узнает об измене жены и преследует Лелеу, который должен срочно уйти. В другом городе он встречает и сразу же влюбляется в Лизбелу, которая помолвлена с Дугласом, деревенщиной, который изо всех сил пытается сойти за космополита из Рио-де-Жанейро.
Hans Staden
On the eve of his return to Europe after an extended involuntary stay in 16th-century Brazil, the German sailor Hans Staden is captured by a hostile cannibal Indian tribe. In order to survive he tries to convince the Indians that he is not Portuguese (their enemies) but a friend of the French (their allies), and that his God would be very angry if they were to eat him.
Das Einhorn
Director of Photography
A copywriter gets famous with his first book. When asked to write a new novel about love for his publisher, he urgently needs tutoring since he doesn't know the first thing about it. His way through the beds leads him to the very young Orli. In her he discovers the true meaning of love, which makes him forget all the wrong paths of the past decades and feel young again.
Camera Operator
"Bambule" is German prison slang for "riot". This 1970 TV movie follows a day in the life of three adolescent borstal girls in Berlin: Irene escapes (but returns after she finds no bearings in the outside world), Monika is caught and transferred against her will to another home run by nuns, Iv (Evelyn) incites her room mates to riot at night.
Jede Stunde verletzt und die letzte tötet
Assistant Camera