Sancho (voice)
Luca follows in his father's footsteps to rescue his mother from evil Ladja. Finding the heavenly hero who wields the Zenithian sword is his only hope.
Vinny (voice)
Гало и спасатели из пожарного департамента сталкиваются с группой мутантов, которые способны контролировать пламя и теперь угрожают всему человечеству.
Vinny (voice)
Небольшая предыстория аниме «Промар», происходящая за день до событий фильма.
Several years later after movie “Mr. Max Man”. Hideo is the younger brother of Masayoshi and he works at the same broadcasting station as a rookie AD. Hideo likes Rina who works as a announcer there. Meanwhile, Hideo becomes a righteous hero and fights for justice.
Shudo Sotokoba
The Security Guard Center sets the stage for this drama that stars Mamoru Shinomiya, a newly-hired emergency responder. Together with his brilliant colleagues, all of whom have colorful personalities, they tackle one emergency after another with flying colors and restore the safety and security of their clients and the public.
Dice (voice)
Компания неразлучных и жадных до наживы приятелей наконец-то находит Гран Тесоро — гигантский корабль развлечений. И, разумеется, сразу же отправляется в казино. Их всех постигает невиданная доселе удача, но, кажется, наши герои стали жертвами хитроумной мошеннической схемы.
Yugi and Kaiba have a special duel that transcends dimensions.
Жизнь знаменитого своей силой и жестокостью наемника Гатса меняется после встречи с Гриффитсом, харизматичным вожаком легендарного отряда Соколов — банды, ни разу не терпевшей поражения в бою. Желая оправдать доверие Гриффитса, Гатс проявляет невиданную доблесть и завоевывает уважение соратников, в том числе Каски, единственной в отряде девушки-мечника. Поддержанные Гатсом успехи Гриффитса преследуют некую цель, однако каких жертв будет стоить достижение этой цели, пока неведомо никому из наших героев.
With the recession still occurring in Japan and the area of Osaka thought to be hit hardest by the economic downtown, Osaka's gubernatorial election occurs. The surprise winner of the election is Sekai no Nabeatsu (Atsumu Watanabe). Three months into his gubernatorial term and with little help from national government, Sekai no Nabeatsu declares Osaka an independent country and takes office as its first President. The Osaka Police then receives a message warning of an impending assassination attempt on the President of Osaka. Police Detectives Hayakawa (Daisuke Miyagawa) and Banba (Kendo Kobayashi) then set out to search for the criminal group. Can the bumbling detectives protect the president? Will there be a future for the country?
Kyoichi Kumada
"GS Wonderland" is about the 1960's Group Sounds bands - A Japanese pop movement inspired by the Beatles and other mid-1960's Brit Pop. Three young men set out to start their own band "The Diamonds" when they are signed to a recording contract during their very first rehearsal. Things turn for the unexpected when their agent brings Mick (Chiaki Kuriyama) into the group as their keyboardist.