Edward Folger


Nanook Taxi
Ningiuksiak, an Inuk who lives in the settlement of Cape Dorset, is on a hunt with his family. On his way back to Cape Dorset, Ningiuksiak's snowmobile breaks down. Since he does not have the money to fix it he decides to leave his family and fly to the town of Frobisher Bay to make some money. Ningiuksiak's cousin in Frobisher Bay, Ashoona, a somewhat urbanized Inuk who makes his living as a construction worker or as a cab driver, has drifted away from hunting and the traditional way of life of the remote settlements. Ashoona takes Ningiuksiak in hand and helps him to get a job driving for the Nanook Taxi Company. Increasingly unhappy and bewildered, Ningiuksiak takes to spending his money on liquor and his time in seedy nightclubs. One night, half-heartedly trying to show that he is having a good time, he looks up and sees his wife. She has come to take him home to Cape Dorset.
Nanook Taxi
Ningiuksiak, an Inuk who lives in the settlement of Cape Dorset, is on a hunt with his family. On his way back to Cape Dorset, Ningiuksiak's snowmobile breaks down. Since he does not have the money to fix it he decides to leave his family and fly to the town of Frobisher Bay to make some money. Ningiuksiak's cousin in Frobisher Bay, Ashoona, a somewhat urbanized Inuk who makes his living as a construction worker or as a cab driver, has drifted away from hunting and the traditional way of life of the remote settlements. Ashoona takes Ningiuksiak in hand and helps him to get a job driving for the Nanook Taxi Company. Increasingly unhappy and bewildered, Ningiuksiak takes to spending his money on liquor and his time in seedy nightclubs. One night, half-heartedly trying to show that he is having a good time, he looks up and sees his wife. She has come to take him home to Cape Dorset.
Nanook Taxi
Ningiuksiak, an Inuk who lives in the settlement of Cape Dorset, is on a hunt with his family. On his way back to Cape Dorset, Ningiuksiak's snowmobile breaks down. Since he does not have the money to fix it he decides to leave his family and fly to the town of Frobisher Bay to make some money. Ningiuksiak's cousin in Frobisher Bay, Ashoona, a somewhat urbanized Inuk who makes his living as a construction worker or as a cab driver, has drifted away from hunting and the traditional way of life of the remote settlements. Ashoona takes Ningiuksiak in hand and helps him to get a job driving for the Nanook Taxi Company. Increasingly unhappy and bewildered, Ningiuksiak takes to spending his money on liquor and his time in seedy nightclubs. One night, half-heartedly trying to show that he is having a good time, he looks up and sees his wife. She has come to take him home to Cape Dorset.
Мики и Ники
First Assistant Director
Ники попадает в беду. Он звонит своему другу Мики и они отправляются куда глаза глядят, попутно навещая чуть ли не все знакомые места в городе.
Безумная вечеринка
First Assistant Director
Голливуд 20-е годы. Звезда немого кино Гримм устраивает дома грандиозную вечеринку. Гримм надеется, что звездная тусовка даст новый толчок его карьере. Но актер напивается и все идет не совсем так как было запланировано. А веселая вечеринка превращается в безумную оргию.
To Find a Man
First Assistant Director
A boarding-school girl asks the boy next door for help getting an abortion.
Галактика ТНХ-1138
В бездуховном обществе будущего люди превратились в живых роботов с атрофированными эмоциями. Все их существование строго регламентировано, любое отклонение от унылой нормы считается болезнью и подавляется. Так что, когда в гражданине под номером THX-1138 вдруг просыпаются человеческие чувства, государственная машина делает все, чтоб «излечить» его. Но чем сильнее давление Системы, тем крепче и сопротивление героя...
Assistant Director
Brooks Wilson is in crisis. He is torn between his wife Selma and two daughters and his mistress Grace, and also between his career as a successful illustrator and his feeling that he might still produce something worthwhile.
Блики в золотом глазу
Assistant Director
Обитатели крохотного военного городка в штате Джорджия конца 1940-х годов, они все напоминают одновременно и смертельно опасных зверей, и загнанную добычу. Их судьбы давно рухнули, а за поддерживающимся из последних сил распорядком дня скрываются вытесненные мании и пороки. Майор Пендерстон еще изображает из себя крутого мачо с увядшими бицепсами, но на деле страшится своего латентного гомосексуализма и давно уже ни в грош не ставящей его жены. Она, в свою очередь, изменяет ему с подполковником, который предпочитает не замечать, как бесповоротно сходит с ума его нежная истеричка-жена, любительница классической музыки. Даже слуга-филиппинец, единственный близкий к ней человек, не может спасти ее от жуткой мазохистской расправы над самой собой. И за всеми наблюдает странный солдат, вуайер, девственник, то ли ангел, способный спасти хоть кого-то, то ли демон, безвозвратно губящий всех.