Georgi Staykov

Georgi Staykov

Рождение : 1964-08-10, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria


Georgi Staykov is a Bulgarian actor, born in the town of Veliko Tarnovo on the 10th of August 1964. In 1989 he graduates from the Bulgarian Acting Academy, where his mentor is Encho Halachev, and leaves for Sweden. In Swedish movies he often portrays Eastern-European characters, many of them antagonistic, or, as he himself states, "all bad guys who eventually die". His most wide success is the portrayal of Alexander Zalachenko, a former Soviet spy, in the Swedish film trilogy "Millenium", based on the books by Stieg Larsson. In Bulgaria, Staykov is known for his roles in movies like "Vchera" (Yesterday), "Bez draskotina" (No scratch), "Reservat" (Reservate), "Missia London" (Mission London) and "Tilt". He has made appearances in new TV shows such as "Sedem Chasa Razlika" (In seven hours). Staykov is living and teaching in Stockholm, Sweden, and is married to a Swedish opera singer. With her he has a son, Albert Nicholas, born in 2007.


Georgi Staykov


All She Wrote
When Aaron, an ex-fighter, turns to music after years of being knocked around and left with permanent mental disabilities, he falls for Jana, an off-centered Bulgarian immigrant living in New York. While he recognizes that she is as crazy as he is, Jana does not share the same opinion. But her brother, Bobby, an up and coming wannabe fighter, decides to convince her she is that crazy in order to get Aaron in the ring against him.
The story of Omnipresent is centered around Emil, writer and owner of advertising agency who gradually becomes obsessed with spying on his family, friends and employees via hidden spy cameras. What starts as an innocent hobby ends up as a total disaster, as in the process he abuses his new power and eventually comes to realize that some secrets should be left uncovered.
The Quiet Game
Three women inherit a manor from a lady called Dolores whom none of them knows. The women are complete strangers to each other, so they meet up at the neglected mansion. Unexpectedly, the big house is occupied by a 40 year old man who had lived together with Dolores for almost a decade. Christian says he doesn’t know anything about Dolores’ earlier life, and he does everything within his power to show them that the manor is morally his and that it is all a mistake. The women stay on the estate for three days, and while they are getting acquainted conflicts arise. Also, in search of the reason why they have inherited the house, it slowly dawns on one of the women what lies behind the will of Dolores (from official website).
TILT is a love story set against the backdrop of the changing political and social environment in Europe in the late 80's and early 90's. Can this love survive the challenges of emigration, a violent homeland and immoral social atmosphere thanks to a gang of adventurous friends?
Wallander 26 - The Witness
A girl goes missing somewhere in Ystad. It is obvious that she has seen something terrible and that someone wants her silenced. At the same time, a trial of human traffickers begins.
Мисия Лондон
Варадин, недавно назначенный послом Болгарии в Англии, прибывает на новое место работы и обнаруживает, что в посольстве царит настоящий хаос. Варадину поручают устроить так, чтобы концерт в честь вступления Болгарии в Евросоюз посетила сама английская королева. Он обращается за помощью в PR-агентство «Знаменитые связи», не подозревая, что, на самом деле, это агентство эскорт услуг. В это же самое время работающий в посольстве повар помогает бандитам из Сербии спрятать в холодильнике на кухне в посольстве дюжину уток, похищенных из Ричмонд парка — никто из них не догадывается, что Скотланд Ярд уже идет по следу похитителей. Тем временем, Варадин влюбляется в Кати — девушку, ведущую двойную жизнь: днем она работает в посольстве уборщицей, а ночью — стриптизершей.
Отец моих детей
Georgi, un producteur russe
Грегуар Канвель — счастливый человек. Любимая жена, трое очаровательных дочек, любимая профессия. Он кинопродюсер. Однако его престижная продюсерская структура — Мун Фильм — на грани разорения. Не выдержав прессинга кредиторов, Грегуар накладывает на себя руки… Жена и друзья после его смерти пытаются закончить недоснятый фильм и тем самым не дать фирме разориться.
Девушка, которая взрывала воздушные замки
Alexander Zalachenko
Лисбет Саландер находится под неусыпным наблюдением в отделении интенсивной терапии шведской городской больницы. Она борется за жизнь и не только в физическом смысле: когда она почувствует себя достаточно хорошо, ей предстоит предстать перед судом по обвинению в трех убийствах и в покушении еще на одно. С помощью своего друга, журналиста Микаэля Блумквиста, она должна будет доказать свою невиновность и опознать продажных политиканов, из-за злоупотреблений которых страдают простые люди.
Девушка, которая играла с огнём
Alexander Zalachenko
Поздно вечером в своей квартире застрелены журналист и его подруга — люди, изучавшие каналы поставки в Швецию секс-рабынь из Восточной Европы. Среди клиентов малопочтенного бизнеса замечены представители властных структур. Кажется очевидным, каким кругам была выгодна смерть этих двоих. Микаэл Блумквист начинает собственное расследование гибели своих коллег и друзей и вдруг узнает, что в убийстве подозревают его давнюю знакомую Лисбет Саландер, самую странную девушку на свете, склонную играть с огнем — к примеру, заливать его бензином.
Goran just got out of high school and doesn't know what he wants to do with his life. Should he stick with his small time gangster friends and make some cash, or listen to Zeko in the fast food stall who thinks you should go to school forever? Right now he is satisfied drinking beer and hitting on girls. But when his mom gets really sick and has to go to the hospital he has to make a choice. She wants to go back to her homeland Croatia one last time. She has even saved up the money. It's waiting for Goran in a plastic bag under her pillow. It's time to make the decision that will change his life forever.
Девушка с татуировкой дракона
Alexander Zalachenko
Микаэль Блумквист — талантливый журналист, который верой и правдой добивается справедливости в самых скандальных делах — неожиданно терпит фиаско в своей деятельности, в результате чего вынужден отбыть срок лишения свободы.В то же время влиятельный человек Хенрик Вангер поручает ему дело о пропаже его племянницы, которая таинственным образом исчезла из имения Вангеров, и о которой вот уже множество лет нет никаких новостей. А попытки Хенрика разыскать родственницу так же не приводят к положительным результатам.
Night of the Wolf
During a live broadcast of a talk show on a TV channel, a group of armed Chechen terrorists take several hostages. The terrorists demand the hostage drama is transmitted live worldwide. Meanwhile, behind the scene, the police negotiator and a special police unit are working to try to rescue the hostages.
Plantera kyssar
A few couples in love, refreshing their love memories of love at first sight, what is left today and what will happen tomorrow.
The King of Ping Pong
Rille, an ostracized and bullied teenager, who only excels in the ping pong room, descends into a life-and-death struggle with his younger, more popular brother when the truth about their father surfaces during their spring break.
In the sleepy town of Stensfors, the soccer team used to be something to be proud of , playing in the national league 30 years ago. Now the team will be dissolved if it can't win the rest of the games in the local league. Team member Kent goes on a business trip to Liverpool and meet Duncan Miller, the premier league football star of the 1980s who promises to come over to Sweden and play a few games just for fun. Unfortunately, when he arrives it is obvious that their saviour is both an alcoholic and very unfit to play. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Baba's Cars
Jojo is out of money and must work for his stepfather's shady car dealership to pick up a car that belongs to a Russian gangster.
Made in YU
The lives of three brothers who left their small village in Serbia to live in Sweden. The first one escaped from police, while the other two followed his path.
Sandor /slash/ Ida
Ida lives hard and fast with too much drinking and a string of boyfriends, Sandor has very few friends and his mother insists that he practices ballet. They meet in a chat room and despite appearances they discover they have much in common. Sandor and Ida lives in different cities and when Sandor unexpectedly visits her it ends with disaster.
The Babylon Syndrome
Pauline's father
When Maja's boyfriend travels to India for a couple of months, she is left with no place to stay. She begins lodging with Mattias, a young unemployed man with a group of slacker friends and a 'seize the day' attitude to life. At first terrified by their irresponsibility, she soon finds herself drawn into their orbit.
Graveyard Island
Summer 1985. The headlines dominates of the hunt of a foreign submarine in the Stockholm archipelago. A group of young teenage boys makes unexpected discoveries.
The Return of the Dancing Master
Man in Restaurant
Stefan Lindman is a police officer in Boros, Sweden. When his mentor and retired former partner Herbert Molin is brutally murdered in the remote town of Sveg, Lindman travels north to investigate. The more Lindman digs into the mysterious killing, the less he is sure to have known the man he feels so much indebted to...
Seeking Temporary Wife
Fredrik is a happy man; he has a girlfriend he loves, a business running smoothely and he is going to be a father. But his happiness proves false. At a party, his girlfriend declares that she will leave him for her true love. Frederik is distraught. But his biological clock has started ticking, and his desire for a child is overwhelming. At an adoption agency he meets Milla, a woman who has also been treated unfairly by love. Could Milla be the answer to Frederik's dream?
Tabloid journalist Annika Bengtzon is writing about a murder in the port of Stockholm and she suspects that the Yugoslav mafia is involved. However, she also finds links to a foundation that runs a shelter for battered women, Paradiset. Looking for a good story she also meets a welfare official, Thomas, who also thinks that the foundation should be looked into. Written by Mattias Thuresson
Всё о любви
Bookish Interpreter
2021 год. Мир на грани коллапса: летом идет снег, в Уганде не действуют законы гравитации, люди на улицах падают замертво, становясь жертвами загадочной эпидемии. Невзирая на всеобщий хаос, Джон приезжает в Нью-Йорк, чтобы развестись с Эленой, звездой фигурного катания, но внезапно обнаруживает, что его жена стала жертвой таинственного заговора. Вскоре невероятное и страшное открытие убеждает Джона в том, что только бегство поможет им спасти свою жизнь и любовь…
Beck 11 - The Cartel
It's a dark night in Stockholm. A chef is murdered in his own kitchen and Martin Beck gets on the case.
The Berlin Conspiracy
The Swede
As the Berlin Wall crumbles, four canisters containing biological weapons are stolen by European terrorists. The East and West must work together to stop the terrorists from selling the weapons to the highest bidder. It is up to the CIA and an East German agent to overcome their own differences and get the weapons back.
Protected Zone
And Where Do We Go from Here?
During an imaginary actors exam, in order to choose the best, the jury utilizes immoral ways of selection – spying, making conflictd, humiliating the applicants – in short, taking advantage of its power.
On the Roofs at Night
1987 Bulgarian 2-part television feature film (drama) directed by Binka Zhelyazkova
The 1960s was the time of Beatles and Rolling Stones, the time of sexual revolution. These events have their echo in Bulgarian English-learning school. The school order provokes a protest of the students due to the narrow-minded teachers.