Peggy Ann Clifford

Рождение : 1921-03-23, Poole, Dorset, England, UK

Смерть : 1986-05-26


Birth of a Nation
Miss Martlett
A new teacher at a highly problematic comprehensive school feels that corporal punishment may just be inflaming the problems, and so begins to campaign against it.
Убийство по приказу
Lees' Housekeeper
1888 город Лондон. Горожане обращаются к Шерлоку Холмсу и доктору Ватсону с просьбой найти и остановить Джека Потрошителя. По каким-то неизвестным причинам полиция всячески препятствует участию Холмса в расследовании. Улика за уликой, одно убийство за другим нитью выводят Шерлока Холмса к одному из самых влиятельных и богатых представителей британской короны.
Decorators Limited
In hopes of winning a home decoration competition, the overbearing Mrs. Foster employs two men to repaint her flat. The kids volunteer to decorate the neighbouring flat of the elderly sisters. The front door keys are mixed up...
The Medium
After her young son accidentally drowns, a woman has a breakdown and is finally placed in a mental hospital. After her release, her husband takes her for a weekend at a secluded country mansion, hoping to help her recover. However, things at the mansion aren't quite what they seem to be, the couple begin to feel an uneasy and oppressive presence, and the mother starts to see things that may, or may not, be hallucinations.
Sex and the Other Woman
A series of vignettes exposing how women manipulate their men into submission.
Под сенью млечного леса
Bessie Bighead
Экранизация произведений знаменитого английского поэта Дилана Томаса. История о жизни приморской деревушки в Уэллсе и ее жителей, показанная с яркой наблюдательностью и бойким английским юмором.Радиопьеса "Под сенью молочного леса", считается одной из вершин творчества Дилана Томаса, одиного из крупнейших британских поэтов XX века. Можно сказать, что сюжет пьесы - хроника одного дня жизни приморской деревушки, подобной той, в которой жил сам поэт. Но эта хроника далека от сурового реализма, она больше похожа на сказку, рассказанную поэтом, влюбленным в этот край, в этих простых людей с их заботами, привязанностями, слабостями и глупостями. Два незнакомца (а в радиопьесе это просто Первый голос и Второй голос) идут по городу и рассказывают о его жителях. Вот старый, слепой капитан, который по ночам беседует с утонувшими моряками, а утром узнает по голосу каждого ученика соседней школы.
Futtocks End
The Cook
Entirely silent, with a musical score, sound effects and incoherent mutterings, the story revolves around a weekend gathering at the decaying country home of the eccentric and lewd General Futtock (Ronnie Barker) and the series of saucy mishaps between the staff (Michael Hordern plays the lecherous butler) and his guests.
The Cuckoo Patrol
Scout Mistress
Freddie and the Dreamers play part of a Scout troupe that get caught up in a series of misadventures on their way to camp.
Sparrows Can't Sing
Ted's Wife
Charlie returns to the East End after two years at sea to find his house demolished and wife Maggie gone. Everyone else knows she is now shacked up with married bus driver Bert and a toddler, and they all watch with more than a little interest at the trail of mayhem Charlie leaves as he goes about sorting things out.
Grip of the Strangler
A researcher investigating a notorious serial killer who was hanged 20 years earlier seemingly becomes possessed by the long dead strangler.
Тот, кто сбежал
Train Conductor
Фильм основан на реальных событиях. Драматическая история немецкого летчика, обер-лейтенанта Франца фон Верра, взятого в плен и затем неоднократно делавшего попытки побега из различных британских лагерей военнопленных. Фон Верра прославился как единственный немецкий военнопленный, сумевший дважды бежать из плена: английского и канадского и снова встать в строй... Франц фон Верра, командир эскадрильи, погиб в октябре 1941 года на Восточном фронте, одержав перед этим 27 побед. Из-за отказа двигателя его самолёт упал в озеро. Гауптман Франц фон Верра до последнего пытался спасти машину...
Stranger in Town
Mrs. Woodham
A vacationing journalist investigates the mysterious death of a composer and debunks the theory that it was suicide.
Brothers in Law
Mrs. Bristow
Roger Thursby is an overly keen, newly-qualified barrister who rubs his fellow barristers up the wrong way. When he is thrown in at the deep-end, with a particularly hot-tempered judge and tricky case, Thursby learns how to prove himself not only to the judge and fellow barristers but also to the public gallery.
The Secret Place
Mrs. Wilson's Neighbour (uncredited)
British Melodrama and crime thriller that follows a group of jewel robbers after a major heist. The film makes extensive use of bombed out areas of London.
Shopkeeper (Uncredited)
U.S. Embassy employee Lee Cochrane and his wife, Sue, receive a shock when they discover that their 18-month-old son, Simon, has disappeared in London. He was last seen with their nanny, and the couple seemingly have no leads that might help police Detective Craig in his investigation. The media sensationalizes the incident, causing an unnecessary distraction as the couple prepares to confront the culprit face-to-face.
Josephine and Men
The trouble with Josephine is that her ever-loving and over-sympathetic nature leads her to switch from needful men to even more needful men...
Цена денег
Fat Mother (uncredited)
Новоиспечённый владелец складов вторсырья, как и отец, не потратит и пенни лишнего. Однако, поддавшись на уговоры друзей и невесты, он уезжает в Лондон, чтобы развеяться — и встречает блондинку своей мечты. Много ли тут сэкономишь...
The Time of His Life
Mr Pastry's social climbing daughter, president of a society for the rehabilitation for ex-convicts, hides the fact that her father is himself a prisoner. When he is released and arrives at her home, she panics and locks him in the attic until a job can be found for him, preferably abroad!
A Day to Remember
Large Lady in Station Crowd (uncredited)
Based on The Hand and the Flower, a novel by Jerrard Tickell, A Day to Remember stars Stanley Holloway as Charley Porter, captain of London darts team. When the team travels to the French town of Boulogne for the annual darts tournament, a good time is had by all--and more besides. Jim Carver one of the team's members, is reunited with a little French girl he'd befriended during the war, who has now developed into a beautiful young woman. And Fred Collins makes a poignant journey to the hotel where he'd honeymooned with his late wife. The film works best as a low-key comedy-drama; it is least successful when it ventures into O. Henry territory and strains for "surprise" story twists. ~ Hal Erickson, Rovi
Personal Affair
3rd Gossip (uncredited)
A British girl disappears for three days after a frank talk with the wife of a Latin teacher she loves.
The Yellow Balloon
Cafe Owner (uncredited)
A young boy is blackmailed by a crook who saw him unwittingly cause his friend's death.
I Believe in You
Mrs. Tyson (uncredited)
A drama about parole officers to follow the successful Ealing police story of "The Blue Lamp"(1950) . Various sub-plots follow the parole officers and their charges.
Chance of a Lifetime
The workers in a small plough factory take over the firm, but when a large order falls through, the old management come back to help out.
The Chiltern Hundreds
Young Viscount Tony Pym wangles National Service leave on the pretext of standing as a Tory candidate for a local seat held by his family for generations. The request is a ruse to enable Pym to marry his wealthy American fiancee while she's still in England, but his masterplan backfires when he finds himself swept into an election campaign and beaten by Labour's Mr Cleghorn – who is then made a peer. In an attempt to save face, Pym decides to stand again – as a socialist. It all proves too much for the Pyms' loyal, true-blue butler, Mr Beecham...
Добрые сердца и короны
1902-ой год. Несправедливо обвинённый в убийстве дальнего родственника английский пэр Луис Маццини, герцог Шелфонтский, сидит в тюрьме и пишет откровенные мемуары…
Set on Blackpool’s Golden Mile, Jim (Douglass Montgomery), a once promising scientist, sets up in business as a patent medicine man selling hair tonic at the fair with his ex-army colleague Dan (Ronald Shiner). Following a fight with local hoods over pitch spaces, Jim falls for Jane (Hazel Court), the girl on a nearby candy floss stall. The two begin dating but Jim fails to mention he is already married.