A jawbone is found in the middle of the forest. When the rest of the body is found, it turns out that it has just recently been moved and belongs to Viktor Eklund, who has been missing for five years.
A jawbone is found in the middle of the forest. When the rest of the body is found, it turns out that it has just recently been moved and belongs to Viktor Eklund, who has been missing for five years.
The unknown, large mafia organization is now showing its true face. The pressure that GSI and John Falk and his family have put on the organization, makes them fight back on all fronts. The rule book is thrown out. But to go after Johan Falk's family and trying to kill his wife could be the biggest mistake the organization has ever made. GSI closes up around Johan's family and the final battle begins ...
GSI follow up a weapon trail that leads right into Kavkaz mafia headquarters on the west coast. GSI member Niklas Saxlid is the one in the group who is specialized in undercover operations, and he has penetrated Kavkaz' activities. But suddenly something happens and Niklas disappears.
Пятеро врываются в квартиру Франка Вагнера, осведомителя Фалька. Пытаясь сбежать от преследователей, Вагнер прибегает к помощи Йохана Фалька. Возможно, кто-то узнал, что Франк работает на полицию из-за утечки информации... Теперь Франк и Йохан знают, что больше никому нет доверия ...
Шведская сага, повествующая о полицейском Фалке, работающим в отделе по борьбе с организованной преступностью, связанной с такими же организациями по всей Европе. Работа идет своим чередом, пока не похищают приемную дочь Фалька, в связи с чем начинается расследование, нити которого ведут к русской преступной группировке, занимающейся торговлей наркотиками и отмывающей деньги через строительную компанию...