Alina Levshin

Alina Levshin

Рождение : 1984-09-10, Odessa, Ukrainian


Alina Levshin


Am Abgrund
Valentina Akhmedowa
Gerd Meineke is a committed member of the Bundestag and member of the Parliamentary Assembly in the Council of Europe. And he has a problem: Leyla, the daughter of his partner Alina, was taken into custody as an opposition figure in her country of origin, Azerbaijan. The blogger fights there for democracy and against environmental destruction. Gerd travels to Baku as an election observer for the Council of Europe, where he wants to campaign for the release of Leyla and other political prisoners. Only on site does he realize that the government and the lobbyists of influential companies are using politicians like him to gain credibility for the ruthless, environmentally destructive extraction of critical raw materials. Leyla and her friend Valentina open his eyes to the extent of corruption that does not stop at Western European politicians. Will Gerd, together with Leyla and the help of her friend, be able to make the corruption of politics public?
Katja Schöne
Stand up! Was bleibt, wenn alles weg ist
A Summer in the Vltava
After initially turning down an assignment to investigate whether a child is taken care of by her father, as children are not really her thing, Sophie reconsiders it when she needs an escape after her boyfriend suggests starting a family.
Der Prag-Krimi - Die Wasserleiche
Jitka Müllerova
François is a literary scholar and drinker. His relationships with women are limited to one year, his life is sufficiently happy. Until the day when charismatic Muslim politician Mohamed Ben Abbes becomes president in France, introduces patriarchy and polygamy and loses his job. In his growing loneliness, Rector Rediger's offer to resume his teaching at the Sorbonne reaches him on one condition: he must convert to Islam.
Hinter Glas
Coma patient Maya has her mind uploaded to a camera through neurotransmitters. This way she is still capable to communicate with the world from behind the glass. Her husband Leon puts up a lot of effort to keep her alive and make her virtual existence more or less tolerable, but Maya does not want to be a virtual wife and demands Leon to shut the system down and let her go. Tension between the couple rises. Will Leon dare to end the life of his loved one he has struggled to keep with him for so long?
Das Kloster bleibt im Dorf
While four nuns of a women's monastery in the Eifel begin their day, Bishop Rentschler decides to sell their monastery. The Prioress agrees, Novice Ruth is outraged. Bittner, who runs the village shop, is appalled by the news and worries about former Prioress Philippa, who is suffering from dementia. The bishop receives a protest letter, which is why a mediator is sent to the nuns. It is the psychologist Ulrike Purscheck. Her motivation seminar, however, with the appeal to let go of the old, but with the nuns on closed ears - except for sister Brionie.
Das Dorf der Mörder
Sanela Beara
Meister des Todes
Maria Zierler
Based on explosive investigations, the thriller "Meister des Todes" ("Master of Death") tells of a German arms manufacturer and their questionable weapon exports to Mexiko.
Die Ungehorsame
Anna Gottwald
Alexander Keller is dead in the kitchen. Next to him is his wife Leonie, who called the police and confessed to the crime. Did she kill in cold blood, was it manslaughter or self-defense? Public defender Gottwald gets to the bottom of her client's story.
Lügen und andere Wahrheiten
Six intertwined people struggle with their own sincerity, and, in so doing, unravel their secrets and the lies they live.
Alaska Johansson
Alaska Johansson
Alaska Johansson is the perfect woman and she is the best in her profession as a headhunter. One day she is fired by her boss, a married man who she has an affair with. He also tells her that their relationship has no future. She decides that her best option is to commit suicide with a poison cocktail. She is saved when a child in a Halloween costume enters her apartment demanding sweets. Something is not right about the child. Later her neighbor is going to tell here that there never was a child. Alaska’s world is turning upside down, her perceptions seem to be merely illusions. When her car starts to act on its own and causes a crash, she becomes convinced that someone is conspiring against her. Or is there another, darker secret in Alaska’s life?
Поможем расстаться
Сотрудник профессионального агентства по расставаниям — Пол, пытается решить проблемы, которые появляются вместе с Тото — бойфрендом его заказчика.
The Forgotten
Marion Sippner
Swastikas were scratched into the windows of the University of Stuttgart and have caused considerable property damage. Far-right vandalism? The case is quickly closed, but the young Commissioner Bernau wants to enlighten the mysterious attack. He returns at night back to the crime scene and has an appearance that make his blood freeze! When he turns to the medium Morgana, he lifts the veil on a cruel mystery.
Мариса, 20-летняя немка, которую воспитал дед — солдат вермахта. Мариса ненавидит иностранцев, евреев, полицейских. Она считает их виновным в проблемах своей страны. Она наци. И она провоцирует драки и погромы. Ее новая татуировка будет портрет Адольфа Гитлера. Единственное место, где она чувствует себя как дома это со своей нео-нацистской группой, к которой она принадлежит, где правят ненависть, жестокость и насилие. Когда 14-летняя Свеня присоединяется к группе, Мариса для нее, как образец для подражания. Но убеждения иногда меняются… Мариса случайно знакомится с афганским беженцем. Она начинает понимать, что принципы наци не единственный путь. Сможет ли она выбраться из группы своих бывших сподвижников?
Davon willst du nichts wissen
After un accident that has caused the death of a young man, a man have to struggle with his guilty and some strange threatning messages push him and his wife to the unknow.
Krankheit der Jugend